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One year later, face transplant recipient just a normal guy

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If you saw Patrick Hardison walking down the street, you probably wouldn’t give him a second glance. That’s a big change from his life just over a year ago.

Back in 2001, when he was working as a firefighter, Hardison received horrific burns that severely deformed his face. Strangers would stare, and children would react with fear, he says. But that all changed in August 2015 when Hardison received the most extensive face transplant ever done. Now, a year after the transplant, the 42-year-old Mississippi native is able to live a more normal life than he ever thought possible. That could mean greater success for others with injuries similar to Hardison’s down the line.

“I guess you all want to know how I”m doing. Well I’m happy to tell you I’m doing great. I like to tell people I’m the same old Pat,” Hardison said Wednesday in a press conference at NYU Langone Medical Center, where the procedure was conducted last August.

In the years after the injury and before the transplant, there were lots of normal functions he couldn’t do on his own. Since he had trouble inhaling through his nose and mouth, he needed a breathing tube in his trachea; he couldn’t open his mouth to eat, so he used a feeding tube. His ears had burned off so prosthetics helped him hear. Without eyelids to close his eyes or blink, Hardison’s vision was quickly deteriorating, and he had trouble sleeping. So while Hardison’s life wasn’t in danger once the burns had healed, the transplant would greatly improve the quality of his life.


Pat Hardison driving his truck in Mississippi in July 2016. The surgery provided him with eyelids, which enabled him to blink and retain his vision.

Hardison is one of about 40 people that have received facial transplants since the first one was done in 2005. Most of the patients referred to facial transplant centers can receive reconstructive surgery, Eduardo Rodriguez, the chair of the plastic surgery department at NYU Langone Medical Center who coordinated Hardison’s transplant, said at the press conference, presumably because their injuries are not as severe as those patients who need full-blown transplants. Facial transplants are also rare because they are not easy to do; for Hardison’s surgery, more than 100 surgeons coordinated two side-by-side procedures—the removal of the donor’s skin, scalp, and small bits of bone on the chin, nose, and cheeks, and then draping and attaching them to Hardison’s face. The operations took a total of 26 hours, and the NYU team practiced for a year to get it right, according to Reuters.

Hardison has been “busy living” this year, he says. The eyelids have improved his vision so that now he is more independent, doing things like driving his own truck and working out several times per week. Closing his eyes has allowed him to sleep better at night. This year, he took his five kids on vacation to Disney World, and went swimming with them for the first time in 15 years. He can eat on his own again—he’s gained about 30 pounds, he says. He looks forward to rejoining the work force, maybe even as a motivational speaker to help others with injuries like his. This fall he plans to meet the family of his donor, David Rodebaugh, who was 26 when he died during a bike accident.
To doctors like Rodriguez, Hardison’s success shows that similar procedures are possible for other patients with severe facial injuries. That could have a big effect, since facial injuries in particular can have huge psychological repercussions, often resulting in anxiety and depression and putting them at high risk for suicide. Though the procedures are still prohibitively expensive for most people, the Department of Defense and some transplant centers are coordinating with insurance companies to make facial transplants more economically feasible, according to an NYU press release.

Hardison may still have a rejection episode—Rodriguez is “always” worried about that, he says, though the risk of rejection is much lower after the first year. Hardison may have a few more small surgeries to tweak his face as he gains more function, but not for the next 12 months. And Hardison will have to continue to adapt psychologically to his new face. “This is not an on-off switch, this is an adaptive process,” Rodriguez says.
Saw this on the news today. Incredible story. Lots of crazy stuff being done in medicine. Life changing for him and hopefully more in the future


Wow. I'm so glad he can live with some sense of normalcy now. Dude's a hero and he got rewarded for that finally. Props to him!


listen to the mad man
As of the picture on the right, absolutely nothing about his appearance would make you notice him in a public setting. Which is precisely the point.
As of the picture on the right, absolutely nothing about his appearance would make you notice him in a public setting. Which is precisely the point.
When talking he looks like he's had a stroke (like not all the muscles act normal) but yeah. Still pictures make him look pretty normal unless you stare


Be interesting to find out how he's doing in a few years. From what I've read most of them are being rejected.
It's fascinating

Shows how much skull structure determines how we look because he looks exactly like a mix of his old face and what his donor looked like before he died


This is incredible. Medicine has come a really long way. Good for him and hopefully all others who need something similar.

Ric Flair

He must have barely escaped the fire with his life judging by the pre-op pics, I can't even imagine what it was like for him. Post-op looks pretty damn close to what he used to look like all things considered, amazing work.


Good for him.
Gotta be weird meeting his donors family though.

It would be an honor, imo. From the perspective of both parties. Were one of my family members dead and donated their face to massively improving this guy's life, I'd be thrilled to meet him and see how my family member's legacy turned out.

People should really become donors.


It would be an honor, imo. From the perspective of both parties. Were one of my family members dead and donated their face to massively improving this guy's life, I'd be thrilled to meet him and see how my family member's legacy turned out.

People should really become donors.


NY is one of the worst states in terms of organ donation. The whole northeast actually.
This is incredible. Outside of his eyes being a little odd he looks completely normal now. That picture with the sunglasses looks like any other picture of a guy sitting in a truck.
My god, the face on the very left. Not only did he suffer such absolutely horrendous injuries and scarring, but he had to live with it for almost 15 years before he could finally live a truly normal life again.

the post-surgery part of the story is feel-good, but I feel so sorry for what happened to him regardless.



I'm not sure what's more amazing; the transformation and quality of life he's been able to have again, or the fact that he survived the initial accident.

How the fuck do you burn off your ears and eyelids and make it through? Astonishing.


for Hardison’s surgery, more than 100 surgeons coordinated two side-by-side procedures—the removal of the donor’s skin, scalp, and small bits of bone on the chin, nose, and cheeks, and then draping and attaching them to Hardison’s face. The operations took a total of 26 hours, and the NYU team practiced for a year to get it right, according to Reuters.

Science is fucking amazing.

Glad he's happy, hope his new face never rejects him.
It blows my mind science has come this far. But on the other hand, I wouldn't be as strong as him. I think I'd look in the mirror every day and cry that it's not me looking back, or I'd have nightmares every night because I'd slowly slip into a reality where I'm not myself.

But yeah, science rocks man.

Funky Papa

Was curious what he looked like before the accident


Docs did a fairly good job picking a relatively similar face. It probably eases the trauma a lot, not to mention social interactions with friends and relatives.

Edit: Unless much of his current face is shaped by her bone structure, which would also make sense.


May the face never reject him, I hope he lives the rest of his life free of any more large injuries. He's definitely had way more than enough to fill a lifetime.

What an amazing feat.


How the fuck did he have the will to live with burns that bad? He went without eyelids or a functioning mouth for years. Imagine how amazing it must feel to have them back again. What an incredible person.

Funky Papa

For those who can't watch the video, this was the donor:


So most of the current shape of his face is due to the patient's structure. Pretty amazing stuff.
This is incredible. He looks like nothing ever happened.
It's amazing that medicine has come this far in the last few decades.
I always have my donor card with me. I'm just happy to know that any part of my dead body is able to save the life of another person.


How do you live without being able to blink (after having been able to blink for decades)? I can't even imagine. It seems like such a trivial thing but it is almost involuntary. I guess the body adapts, but still...

and now, with the new face, he has to remember to blink again.
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