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One year later, face transplant recipient just a normal guy

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Amazing. What an incredible surgical feat and what a lucky guy. I'd think it would be unspeakably creepy for the donor's family to meet him though.


Masha'Allah. In the picture on the right he looks normal, and to think there is still work to be done.

I can't wait to see how he looks in a year, and Insha' Allah the face doesn't get rejected.


from the side he looks like rich evans

in some situations, he looks much better than Rich Evans

How the fuck did he have the will to live with burns that bad? He went without eyelids or a functioning mouth for years. Imagine how amazing it must feel to have them back again. What an incredible person.

I would assume his kids were a big part of how he kept on.


Jesus Christ, amazing job. I can't imagine what it's like going through something like this. I'm so happy the surgery appears to have worked out perfectly.



Notice he appears to be a single father as well. Man has gotten a rough ride. Glad to see things are going better for him.


Unconfirmed Member
How the fuck did he have the will to live with burns that bad? He went without eyelids or a functioning mouth for years. Imagine how amazing it must feel to have them back again. What an incredible person.

It would take some incredible support from my loved ones to avoid killing myself in that kind of condition.

What an amazing transformation.


It's hard to describe how happy I feel this individual. I've seen burn victims before, and it can honestly be hard to look at them. I hate that it has to be this way, but it's just a natural response. It must get so tiring for them to deal with, but for this man he has his life back. It can't be described how valuable that is.

The Lamp

What do you even do if your body ever rejects the face? I'm sure they got rid of his old face. Do you have to find a new face to replace it and hope the new one doesn't reject it either? Gosh.
absolutely incredible. can't imagine what his mental state is having gone through all of this but the fact that he back working shows determination and grit second to none. dude is a bad ass
Is that august 3rd pic meant to be what he looks like now? I'll admit he looks better but certainly not normal. Unless he was just pulling a face for the pic it seems we can still make a lot of improvements.

(Edit) Looking at it again it's really just the eyes. Rest of it is pretty impressive.


Yep. That's pretty incredible. Hope he continues to lead a more normal life. He's certainly earned it and deserves it.
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