So things have taken a turn for the worse with the girl who was incredible. Saturday she cancelled at the last minute due to a truly terrible day at work (and it was late, so I understood) but at least she called me to tell me. Then Sunday we texted a bit and then I asked her out for yesterday. No reply. I just continued to text as if nothing was wrong (a total of four texts) and tried to chalk it up to another bad day at work (she works weekends). Monday is her day off so I figured she'd get back to me then. At lunch time she still hadn't got in touch, so I called her and accidentally woke her up (11:30am) and she laughed it off. I apologized, she said no big deal, she needed to get up, and I asked about hanging out. She said she didn't know and would let me know later. I asked about Sunday and she said she had a terrible day and didn't feel like talking to anyone. After the call, I texted to apologize for waking her up again and she said, "Haha, no problem, have a great day!" A few hours later I asked about dinner again, and no response. At this point I was getting quite anxious and talked to my friend, who told me to give her space. I of course, like many a gaffer asking for advice, ignored this. I texted her when I was off work and then called closer to dinner time. She didn't pick up. Then I texted to explain that I was just trying to make sure we didn't have dinner plans because I was hungry.The final nail in the coffin was about a half hour later when I texted to see if everything was okay and whether she was avoiding me. Again, as per the usual in the last two days, no reply.
At this point I'm resigned to believe that she's ignoring me and not interested anymore, which is bizarre considering that our last date was out of this world fantastic. It could be that she's just stressed with work and didn't want to talk to anybody Sunday or yesterday, even if it meant ignoring me, but I don't want to get my hopes up. My dad is insistent that I need to give girls more space, which I try to do, but when I like someone I like to communicate. I dunno. I really just wish I hadn't gotten attached to this girl so quickly because then I wouldn't have texted so much. Ugh.
Anybody have any good ideas on how to work through anxiety when someone doesn't respond? I mean this girl never even mentioned that she wanted or needed space, never gave any indication that I was overwhelming her or anything and I just am at a loss.