Cross-posted from DatingAge:
So, I'm making some headway with the online stuff and have some interesting prospects. I've never been in a relationship, or really dated outside of one-offs, so this is all new to me. I feel like an asshole for playing the field, but I know that's generally how it's done by those who are lucky enough to have options.
I've been sending out a lot of messages on different apps and sites.
1) The thirty-five year old who lives nearby is really nice, and we share a lot of interests, but I'm not as attracted to her as I would like and she's quite a bit older than I am which worries me. She's really great, though very self-conscious like myself and I get the feeling that she's put a lot of chips into this and I'd hate to hurt her.
I want to meet her and hang out, but don't want her to get too attached if it doesn't work out. I do not want to hurt this fantastic person - I just don't know if she's my dream girl or soulmate because of circumstances mentioned above. She's also a lot busier than me. Likes cats as much as I do, though.
2) The girl who moved across the country and just settled in my hometown. She laughs a lot while we talk, likes video games and is quite cute. A bigger girl, like the one above, but attractive. I find bigger women attractive a lot of the time, but I don't specifically go for them.
The thing is that it takes her a while to text back, and my shit isn't together like she wants in a prospective match. Nor do I want kids like she does. But she's still young, and so am I, so I'd like to meet her and try dating.
I offered to take her around to show her the area, but there's not a lot to see.
3) There's an awesome 19 year-old who messaged me first on PoF. We've been talking for several days to a week now, and she's really nice. Doesn't mind that I'm nearing 30 myself, or that I'm not perfect.
She'd been texting me all day, telling me she thinks I'm awesome, and called me out of the blue. We talked for a while, and it went really well.
I really want to meet her. She's easygoing, cute and really easy to talk to. Accepting as well.
4) There's a girl who works at my local game store. I've talked to her several times there, and it's felt as if she's been flirting with me from time to time. We shoot the shit about games a bit, and she's really nice to me.
I'd been trying to find her on Facebook, admittedly, but when I went online today she was in a quickmatch section. Her profile made me more interested, and I sent her a message saying she looked awfully familiar and asked if she worked where she does because I wasn't 100% sure. She looked very similar, but her hair was a bit different and another photo made her look different.
She replied and said, "Oooh, you got me

. Yeah that's me. I was nervous about joining, but I see a few boys from work here which makes me feel better." - paraphrased.
I sent her a message back saying I thought it was and that I was glad it was her. Then, my next paragraph was essentially:
"I don't want to make things weird, but I want to be honest: I was nervous about messaging you, but wanted to because I think you're really cute and fun to talk to."
She hasn't replied, and it's been a while.
5) A woman -- who seems somewhat interesting, but isn't as talkative as most -- messaged me back on PoF.
6) There's still that one woman who wants to go out when she gets back from university. But I don't think I could do long distance when she goes back, because I like to be close/spend time together and like to cuddle.
They all seem really interesting, and I'd be happy if one ended up being a good match and turning into a great relationship. I can only dream.