I've never masturbated before.
Funny because my I saw my doctor last week and when she asked me if I was sexually active yet, I told her that maybe soon, and she said that I'm going to have to get tested from every check up in the future and to use condoms.
The reason I've never fapped is because I used to go to a Christian church during my early teenage years with my bros that still has its grip engrained into my head. The ideologies the church preached warped our thinking of the world and made us reserved. We were taught that adultery and lust were " not of God." We didn't curse for a period of time; we were the kids who sang church songs and never grinded on girls at patties. Then one day my bros got an issue of Maxim magazine and they started tapping like regular teens. One day we discovered a website ppointmentm called becomeaplayer.com after my oldest brother Googled how to talk to girls. That day my brothers and I were in awe by what we read; it would be the day we changed for good. We eventually left and stopped going to church determined to live our own lives without any religiion dictating our actions.Wow, that really surprises me. Everyone should masturbate. It's part of understanding your sexuality and knowing what you like/dislike. As parents, my wife & I have spoken to our kids about it and said that it's perfectly natural and part of knowing about yourself.
Funny. Never had a doctor ask me that.
Anyway, good luck. Make sure you go down her and get her off. In fact, do it several times before penetration.
The reason I've never fapped is because I used to go to a Christian church during my early teenage years with my bros that still has its grip engrained into my head. The ideologies the church preached warped our thinking of the world and made us reserved. We were taught that adultery and lust were " not of God." We didn't curse for a period of time; we were the kids who sang church songs and never grinded on girls at patties. Then one day my bros got an issue of Maxim magazine and they started tapping like regular teens. One day we discovered a website ppointmentm called becomeaplayer.com after my oldest brother Googled how to talk to girls. That day my brothers and I were in awe by what we read; it would be the day we changed for good. We eventually left and stopped going to church determined to live our own lives without any religiion dictating our actions.
Unfortunately for me, the ideologies of masturbing as a sin/shameful activity stuck with me hence I why I've never fapped. It feels weird. Still need to get it out of my head.
And thanks for the advice/well wishes.
Anyway, good luck. Make sure you go down her and get her off. In fact, do it several times before penetration.
What's with random guys from different countrys contacting me on Facebook. Small talk, making compliment about my look. Then the last one asked me to go in vacation in his country. Of course I told him I can't and he stopped right there.
Are they just desperate or is this some kind of scam?
So last night I started talking with a girl from Tinder, it went on until 1am and she wanted to get some rest and I needed to be up for work at around 5am she initiates the gnight and messages me in the morning(i was still asleep) so I message her in the afternoon with a joke about good morning and she comes back as its almost evening - I found it funny. We chatted a bit and she mentions she is taking her nieces to the movies so I went ahead and sent her my number and told her to enjoy the movie and message me after.. I don't want to be needy, if she does msg me what should be the next step? Coffee/Lunch?
No, not yet. lol
Just remember, you get what you give. You half-ass something, it will show, or you'll get partners that are okay with you half-assing things. (This is up to you whether or not it is important to you.)
Your self-summary is alright, but I would have liked to seen more, especially since you claim to a writer.
Anyhow, your profile is really short. I get that you don't want to ramble, but maybe just a little bit more? From what I read so far, it is funny and has character. A little bit moreeeeee. Please.
Ok, So this isnt Jipan's update, lol, which im still scratching my head on how backed up you are man at 26..
I digress.
This is going pretty good. I Texted her some more last night then we called each other around midnight which went into the late ours. She wants to meet before i go down to Florida this weekend.. I feel like its moving at a good pace she takes my jokes, although at times are crude, which shows she has a great sense of humor. I am avoiding things moving any faster tbh, recently divorced and just got back to dating.. she sets boundaries when working which is awesome because i don't like to be bothered while i'm at work, she plays sports, I'm pretty excited that i'm ignoring others on tinder. Any comments, Ideas ?
You are doing pretty good. Barring any huge catastrophes, continue doing what you're doing right now.
Hell, I wish some of my dating experiences went as yours.
One thing you have to keep in mind is that all of that may change during the first or first few times you meet. That is when the true test of chemistry comes along.
Edit: I'll post my own experiences later in the day. Have to get to the office today and it's my vacation.
Ah, that makes sense, if you're looking at it from your perspective.
But to offer an outside opinion, I really appreciate thorough profiles. There's something to be said for concise brevity, but I think there is a difference between rambling and effort.
I sent about 10 messages out on Saturday, checked today not 1 reply back, but what's weird is not even 1 new visit to my profile. Usually I'll at least get a visit from a person I messaged, this time nothing. conspiracy!
I sent about 10 messages out on Saturday, checked today not 1 reply back, but what's weird is not even 1 new visit to my profile. Usually I'll at least get a visit from a person I messaged, this time nothing. conspiracy!
I find that I typically get less replies during the summer for some reason. Either that, or women get way more messages and hence are more selective about their choices.
Anyhow, the promised post about my experiences and views about online dating:
- Your opening message matters a lot more than your actual profile. Many times it's getting the right mix of interesting and playfulness. And, believe it or not, many people will simply stop replying if a question is not asked, which I find to be wholly incomprehensible in the real world. If you do find a person that can follow a conversation without further questions, that person definitely has potential not only because of their conversational skills but also shows interest on their part.
- Catfishing happens a lot more often than you think. Be prepared for it. Always reverse image search and be skeptical of profiles that are 'too perfect' or 'too good to be true'.
- Don't be offended if you get stood up. Actually, you should be offended but don't act out on it.
- The first date, in my experience, is not a "real date" for both parties. It's more of a sanity/catfish check to see if the other person is the real deal. Of course, if the date is going really well then treat it as a real date, but don't get your expectations up on that first meet.
- To paraphrase Randy Pausch: Pay no attention to what they say, but on what they do. Talk is cheap with online dating. Unless you get a good feel for the other person, treat everything they say with a healthy dose of skepticism. I recently got back into online dating and, to my utter dismay, somehow forgot this one lesson.
- To borrow something from The Upside of Irrationality: meeting people online is the exact reverse of meeting offline, whereby you know about a person first before you know them. Knowing whether he or she likes Italian food or their favorite band matters a lot less than knowing their personality and temperaments.
Oh, and for those of us that use paysites: I found eHarmony's Guided Conversations feature to be absolutely amazing at times. It sounds like a gimmick, but you'd be surprised at how it's a great equalizer when your opening line doesn't matter anymore.
- Your opening message matters a lot more than your actual profile. Many times it's getting the right mix of interesting and playfulness. And, believe it or not, many people will simply stop replying if a question is not asked, which I find to be wholly incomprehensible in the real world. If you do find a person that can follow a conversation without further questions, that person definitely has potential not only because of their conversational skills but also shows interest on their part.
The not asking a question is something to use when someone messages me I'm not that into and don't want to seem rude. I should probably just not worry so much about that.
The not asking a question is something to use when someone messages me I'm not that into and don't want to seem rude. I should probably just not worry so much about that.
So what do I do GAF? Any tips on how to relax? My heart is going to be racing like there's no tomorrow. I'm in shape so I'm not self-conscious about my body thankfully.
You don't want to tell a woman you can fuck like a pornstar when you've never did it. All the porn in the world doesn't prepare you for the real thing. Trust me, porn sex =! Real sex.
So, is the consensus that Tinder is only good for short-term or casual relationships? I'm considering Tinder but I'm not looking for quick hookups...
You put in what you get out of it. A lot of girls I know met a SO on there. You just have to field the mutual results and take it from there.
So, is the consensus that Tinder is only good for short-term or casual relationships? I'm considering Tinder but I'm not looking for quick hookups...
I suppose I'll have to give it a try later tonight. I have to use my FB account right? Does it post anything onto my wall? And does it use my profile pics?
I think its a really solid profile, you're coming across as genuine and interesting throughout which is great. Its factual which is good, but you can sense your personality coming through in your writing. The only thing I would change is the very bottom section as it dampens your profile a little. Always leave the gates open for anybody to message, its the best way.
Oh, and, change your profile picture. You have some good candidates for profile pic, 4th pic down is a good candidate imo. The back of your head isn't a hook for those browsing who might see a face that they half like next to the back of your head. Face I think would win every time.
Solid job tho, its a good read.
It doesn't. No wall posts or notifications. It only uses it for pictures and any mutual friends of matches.
That's the general consensus, yes. OKC or Match.com is probably better for something more significant.
Mutual friends of matches as in...?
It just shows you which friends you have that are mutual between you and the match as a list.
"Oh, sandy knows this random girl"
When swiping through matches you'll see a little orange person light up and it'll tell you if you have any mutual friends between you and them.
Perhaps a conversation starter when sending the first message if you two 'matched' each other.
Alright, might as well ask for help here. Looking for a new profile pic but I really don't think I photograph well. What do you guys think of this? Too creepy?
Alright, might as well ask for help here. Looking for a new profile pic but I really don't think I photograph well. What do you guys think of this? Too creepy?
Don't use the word 'average' and try and get some fun quips in there to show your sense of humour. I get lots of messages complimenting my quirky jokes.
Problem is I have an awesome, engaging, playful photo but the resolution is from a smartphone and its kind of grainy so I'm hesitant to use it. Its decent as a regular profile photo but when you crop it down to my face the graininess is really evident :/Not too creepy, but definitely too dull.
That chart is far from a hard and fast rule, but it at least gives some guidelines -- your profile picture absolutely needs to have something engaging about it. Unfortunately snapshot first impressions are a big part of online dating, especially for women whose attention is pulled in so many directions by the bombardment of messages they get on a daily basis, so standing out right away is a pretty crucial aspect.
I personally like your steely gaze, but I'm also presumably not the crowd you are trying to attract![]()
I like the angle and the lighting. If I'm being honest, the complete absence of emotion on your face is slightly unsettling, but I think it's an okay photo overall. I'd use it.
So the date yesterday was perfect. Too much making out was has. She's pretty much as awesome as I surmised. Second date soon.
I think I'm using Tinder wrong. I'm hitting no to most girls I see lol
"unsettling" and just "okay" are not the hallmarks of a good profile picture.
Technomancer, I think the photo would be fine to use as one of your ten photographs, but it should probably be placed near the end (spot six or downward), to maximize the chances of the viewer having a better context for you when she sees it.
That applies to everybody -- the ordering of your photos is also something that needs to be considered. The first three photos in particular need to be both interesting and synergetic when viewed as a trio (as that is the extent of what most girls who hover over your profile picture will see)
It might seem silly to think about these things, but the deck is so astronomically stacked against guys on dating websites that if you aren't completely maxing every aspect under your control like an RPG character, you are setting yourself up for exponentially more failures. Why would Crono take on Lavos at level 10 when he knows the only way to win in that circumstance is through a divine act of the RNGod?
EDIT: Just saw the second photo you posted. Grainy isn't ideal, but that is still a much better profile picture candidate if your choice is between those two.