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Online Video Game Pre-Ordering in Canada - What's the best?


I'm heading off the University (Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia) ...and it's pretty well "Wal-Mart, Zellers, etc. 10 minutes away" and with no transportation...I don't really think I'd feel too great about having to pay to go on a rabid search for the game, and would rather just have it shipped to me. Mind you, we're probabbly only talking one game (Two if I get my way) as I've basically been yelled at to "Buy Groceries, not Video Games" but screw that idea.

I have no problem paying full price, just wondering about speed of delivery and ability to actually pre-order titles. Any deals, though, would be quite awesome. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it.


Have you tried Futureshop.ca?

Also, does anyone know whether you get a poster if you pre-order DOAU from EB in Canada like you do in the states?


Draff said:
Amazon.ca. And you can always find 5 dollar off coupons.

Looked into Amazon.ca when looking for Pikmin...and it ended up a really good deal, you're right.

But, it won't let me pre-order many games past September, which is kind of annoying. Or, Nintendo titles anyways.

I tried FutureShop, but the same thing; I can't pre-order the games I want. I'd just like to do it as soon as possible...and Future Shop's shipping annoyed the hell out of me. It took far too long, since they don't even use Canada Post. Because of this, a simple little DVD had to come by Courier. Still, it WAS my $16 Simpsons Season One DVDs.


Memles said:
Looked into Amazon.ca when looking for Pikmin...and it ended up a really good deal, you're right.

But, it won't let me pre-order many games past September, which is kind of annoying. Or, Nintendo titles anyways.

I tried FutureShop, but the same thing; I can't pre-order the games I want. I'd just like to do it as soon as possible...and Future Shop's shipping annoyed the hell out of me. It took far too long, since they don't even use Canada Post. Because of this, a simple little DVD had to come by Courier. Still, it WAS my $16 Simpsons Season One DVDs.

Hu? Whatever I order from Futureshop comes in 2 or 3 days through UPS even if it's just a 10$ game


Fularu said:
Hu? Whatever I order from Futureshop comes in 2 or 3 days through UPS even if it's just a 10$ game

Not sure when exactly it shipped, in retrospect...it was on Back Order for like a month.

Anything about pricing, though? Hoping the trend of $60 Nintendo titles continues, although Future Shop didn't do it with Pikmin 2 but did with Donkey Konga. We'll see when their pre-order SKU comes up for PM2/Mario Tennis/Metroid.


Amazon's usually really good about their game selection so if you wait, they should receive it.

Anything I pre-order I usually get on the day of release in the morning. Additionally, they have great customer service.

The one thing that annoys me about FS and their use of UPS is that you have to be there to receive the game whereas Canada Post just brings it to a nearby post office or something provided you aren't home.


Draff said:
Amazon's usually really good about their game selection so if you wait, they should receive it.

Anything I pre-order I usually get on the day of release in the morning. Additionally, they have great customer service.

The one thing that annoys me about FS and their use of UPS is that you have to be there to receive the game whereas Canada Post just brings it to a nearby post office or something provided you aren't home.

Living in a University Dorm, having it delivered to my mail box would be convenient, and if not it gets delivered to the SUB, so it would just be a matter of picking it up.

Plus, Amazon actually did have Pikmin 2 listed as being $60, and with the $5 coupons, it seems like that will be the cheapest option. Are you tallking paid shipping with your day of release, or Free?


I chose the free shipping option. Mind you though that their warehouse is in Toronto and I live in Ottawa. They might have a warehouse in the east coast though.
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