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Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy - |OT| The truth about 8.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
wait, there were level down abilities? x_x

yeah endgame stuff. but usually people carry around the decoys which prevent that.

you know something might be bad when the shop gives you unlimited quantity of it lol.

its like trap decoys come more in handy end game as the high lv code chip trapscan mess you up.

most of the stuff through the normal story isnt that bad so you dont really need them unless you want to be perfectly safe


yeah endgame stuff. but usually people carry around the decoys which prevent that.

you know something might be bad when the shop gives you unlimited quantity of it lol.

its like trap decoys come more in handy end game as the high lv code chip trapscan mess you up.

heh, I never used the decoys for anything. never bothered.

and my academic basically opened every code/chest flawlessly without me having to think about it.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
heh, I never used the decoys for anything. never bothered.

and my academic basically opened every code/chest flawlessly without me having to think about it.

i only had like one incident with a trap in general but was later in the game just bad luck lol or had trap decoys for when the academic was dead due to whatever reason.

Crovax mentioned getting killed by end game traps in cross blood the other title which can happen usually with the high lv explosion trap.

other time i had issues with traps was when was messing around with stats allocation and made a shitty academic lol since will cause a higher chance of failure.


My academic must have opened hundreds by now and hasn't failed yet.

Lol at opening chests being a co-operative sport. I like the way all my front-line idiots have been wrong every time but still tell me what they 'think' it is :D


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
My academic must have opened hundreds by now and hasn't failed yet.

Lol at opening chests being a co-operative sport. I like the way all my front-line idiots have been wrong every time but still tell me what they 'think' it is :D

Generally unless you did something really wrong with your academic or get fairly unlucky end game for the most part you should not have issues with the traps :)


You need to pay attention to who is telling you about the traps, because your entire party evaluates them, and your entire party are morons.

Step by step:

Awesome. Thanks. Perfect explanation. I have like 15 minutes a day to devote to this right now so trying to suss out stuff like that can be painful. Heck, started playing week 1 and am basically in the first dungeon (first trap). Slow going. But I'll eventually platinum it, one day.


Awesome. Thanks. Perfect explanation. I have like 15 minutes a day to devote to this right now so trying to suss out stuff like that can be painful. Heck, started playing week 1 and am basically in the first dungeon (first trap). Slow going. But I'll eventually platinum it, one day.
You're welcome. Happy to help :)


Can I just say thanks to all of you that are answering questions here, it's a great game but the western manual/translation/user interface leaves a little to be desired!

My team are happily wandering around the second dungeon in part two now, levelling up our new archer pal. Picking up some nice loot too. I might switch on the academic ability to increase the encounter rate to speed things up.
So I've finished the main game and am currently on the final (I think so? I've gotta go
track down Mu'la
) postgame mission. I've really liked the game so far though theres a few things thats been bothering me about it. I'll be better able to vocalize it once i'm done.

Either way, Level 30 seems a bit too low for Babyl C24 so I've got a tiny bit of grinding and re-gearing to do.

Li Kao

Still playing the game (and fuck it I will insist, I so wanted to like it) but I'm afraid for the most part I'm not liking it.
The first issue I have could be seen as really minor, but the lore and characters don't feel credible one second to me, and that hurts my overall appreciation. Not believable and more importantly not interesting. NPC are bland as fuck, lore is badly explained with a good helping of ridiculous techno babble making no sense.
Well, things could change, I just unlocked Babyl and there is definitely a visible will to develop the lore at that point. And oh, a NPC which while not being too original doesn't makes me yawn. We will see.

The other big issue is still the UI. Good god. Thinking about it I suspect it is a case of the dev missing their port from PC UI to Handheld UI. Everything is tiny, screen real estate wasted, lack of useful informations... Fuck, I mean I have to remember my weapon stats in order to see if what I craft is good, really, a comparison screen wouldn't have been a bad thing.
Then the whole trap thing, while charmingly reminiscent to the very first Wizardry, feels so pointless. My academic is always right, stop bothering me every two combat to open a chest with a gazillion menus when my academic is fucking always right.
My major gripe with the UI is the lack of a visual indicator of who is fucking hitting in combat.

And difficulty is for the time being non existent. Just press fast forward and heal once every blue moon.

I come across as really hating here but I'm just letdown and I could see the game picking up soon, at least on the writing front. UI will remain horrible, but hey...

Question -
The trophy list mentions two classes that I can't seem to be able create, normal ?

Edit - Due to pressing matters I can't re-read and correct my usual rusty English, please pardon me.


I come across as really hating here but I'm just letdown and I could see the game picking up soon, at least on the writing front. UI will remain horrible, but hey...

Being near the end of the story content and having a similar list of complaints as you, I can say it doesn't get better. I actually enjoyed story/characters of the first part way more than the second even.

You will however find at least some tougher enemies, namely the wanted variants of the 9-10* category. And from what I gather, post game increases the difficulty a bit more as well.

The 2 classes unlock later on, one from a quest and the other at a certain point in the storyline.


Still playing the game (and fuck it I will insist, I so wanted to like it) but I'm afraid for the most part I'm not liking it.
The first issue I have could be seen as really minor, but the lore and characters don't feel credible one second to me, and that hurts my overall appreciation. Not believable and more importantly not interesting. NPC are bland as fuck, lore is badly explained with a good helping of ridiculous techno babble making no sense.
Well, things could change, I just unlocked Babyl and there is definitely a visible will to develop the lore at that point. And oh, a NPC which while not being too original doesn't makes me yawn. We will see.

The other big issue is still the UI. Good god. Thinking about it I suspect it is a case of the dev missing their port from PC UI to Handheld UI. Everything is tiny, screen real estate wasted, lack of useful informations... Fuck, I mean I have to remember my weapon stats in order to see if what I craft is good, really, a comparison screen wouldn't have been a bad thing.
Then the whole trap thing, while charmingly reminiscent to the very first Wizardry, feels so pointless. My academic is always right, stop bothering me every two combat to open a chest with a gazillion menus when my academic is fucking always right.
My major gripe with the UI is the lack of a visual indicator of who is fucking hitting in combat.

And difficulty is for the time being non existent. Just press fast forward and heal once every blue moon.

I come across as really hating here but I'm just letdown and I could see the game picking up soon, at least on the writing front. UI will remain horrible, but hey...

Question -
The trophy list mentions two classes that I can't seem to be able create, normal ?

Edit - Due to pressing matters I can't re-read and correct my usual rusty English, please pardon me.

You'll unlock them later after doing certain quests.
Well, I'm back after messing around with Conjurers. As I expected, I'm kind of disappointed. I really want to like it (I love debuff/status inflicting classes), but between finding out half of its offensive skills actually use str (unsure if the other half is wis or luck) and that trying to inflict a status on enemies doesn't seem too effective I've decided to cut my losses. If offense is determined by str and luck, then there may be a build for it later down the line, but for right now it just doesn't seem worth my time. Everything dies much too quickly with my normal party, and my academics utility is too nice to give up.


I've been level capped at 15 for almost 10 hours of gameplay now, this is so fucking terrible.

Also, I have no clue where I'm supposed to go now on this WIZ Agency Investigation mission. In the Central sector all 4 doors are shut. There are two switch panels on the ground but it says neither one has power to them so they do nothing. I already beat the (sub?) boss in the Southwest sector and got some kind of key from it... now what? If I check the mission it says to go to the SW (which I did, and got the key) but what do I do in Central to actually use it?


I've been level capped at 15 for almost 10 hours of gameplay now, this is so fucking terrible.

Also, I have no clue where I'm supposed to go now on this WIZ Agency Investigation mission. In the Central sector all 4 doors are shut. There are two switch panels on the ground but it says neither one has power to them so they do nothing. I already beat the (sub?) boss in the Southwest sector and got some kind of key from it... now what? If I check the mission it says to go to the SW (which I did, and got the key) but what do I do in Central to actually use it?

If it's the part I think, you need to activate three switches in a specific order.

X14 Y07, X16 X13, then X10 Y15 (to spell out W I Z)

Edit: Might have to use the power key at X08 Y09 first.


Been making steady progress playing this every morning, but have now hit the same wall omlet posted above. I can't even find the Southwest sector.
Been making steady progress playing this every morning, but have now hit the same wall omlet posted above. I can't even find the Southwest sector.

You get to the SW sector from the second floor. There should be a hidden protal you need to jump into, but I don't remember where exactly.


If it's the part I think, you need to activate three switches in a specific order.

X14 Y07, X16 X13, then X10 Y15 (to spell out W I Z)

Edit: Might have to use the power key at X08 Y09 first.

Thanks! That was what I was missing for the power key.

Been making steady progress playing this every morning, but have now hit the same wall omlet posted above. I can't even find the Southwest sector.

The South sector has a several portals to the above floor which is how you access the SW sector. I think the one you need is at 13,11


I know this is going to sound obvious but when I'm against a wall and it isn't butted up against the edge of the map area, I use the academic's spell to see the complete map for a few squares in every direction. It's flagged up a couple of secret doors I wasn't even looking for at the time.


Finished the main quest at a couple of minutes over 30 hours, level 25.

Final boss was by far the best fight in the game, only time I ever really switched things up a bit and actually had to play defensively to survive. Overall, I'd say the game was average at best, but it was pretty interesting to see the beginnings of Experience Inc. and I mostly enjoyed my time with it. Even major annoyances like the UI, bland dungeons, the worse second story part or mostly auto-pilot battles couldn't really sour my time with it, although that makes me hesitant to really recommend the game to anyone other than big DRPG-fans with a tolerance for older titles in the genre.

Will look into the post-game a bit, don't know if I'll complete it though. Probably won't bother with the Plat, since I haven't even gotten the 1000 battle trophy and grinding to 3000 seems like an unfun thing to do.
you probably over leveled, I hit 15 just before finishing first semester.

I donno, its pretty easy to hit cap early without doing much else. I hit it 2/3rds through the first semester, and I never basically went from quest to quest. Mind you, I rarely ran from a battle and ran into a lot of wanted variants as regular enemies for it, on top of a lot of long chains. This game throws a lot of battles at you in my experience, making exp gain really easy.


you probably over leveled, I hit 15 just before finishing first semester.

I'm just doing the missions as they appear, not going out of my way to grind at all. This just seems really poorly paced.

Or is this just a result of keeping the threat meter at max all the time because the game is a total snore with it anything lower than that? Mind you, I like that mechanic as a built-in difficulty option, but the game is frankly not interesting without keeping that meter at max.


I'm just doing the missions as they appear, not going out of my way to grind at all. This just seems really poorly paced.

Or is this just a result of keeping the threat meter at max all the time because the game is a total snore with it anything lower than that? Mind you, I like that mechanic as a built-in difficulty option, but the game is frankly not interesting without keeping that meter at max.

I had a similar experience as Dorarnae, wasn't level capped for very long at all. Definitely not even close to 10 hours. Shouldn't have anything to do with the encounter gauge either since I was maxed most of the time as well.


10 may be a bit of an exaggeration, but not much. I'm 28 hours on my playtime and still capped at 15 (just beat WIZ Agency Investigation). I hit 15 a few days ago around the 3-star missions, and, like I said, without going out of my way to grind.

I haven't been using guides though so there have been a few times where I was wandering around looking for some event trigger or enemy or something which would have meant some extra encounters, but I've always been dungeoning in pursuit of the mission goals.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
10 may be a bit of an exaggeration, but not much. I'm 28 hours on my playtime and still capped at 15 (just beat WIZ Agency Investigation). I hit 15 a few days ago around the 3-star missions, and, like I said, without going out of my way to grind.

I haven't been using guides though so there have been a few times where I was wandering around looking for some event trigger or enemy or something which would have meant some extra encounters, but I've always been dungeoning in pursuit of the mission goals.

This is more in response to your other post, but the game itself most of the combat is not too difficult outside of when the 1HK enemies start to appear. That and the paranormal ones are more of a pain in the ass just due to needing the specific plugin installed on most non rare weapons.

About the level cap thing, guess since you are pretty familiar with dungeon crawlers from all your experience with EO it helped you pretty much breeze through enemies and whatnots even more so causing you to hit the cap earlier I suppose lol.

Yeah at least just keep with the missions and you should be able to press on to the 2nd half of the game which will remove the cap.


Can someone please explain to me how SO (source data) work.
You can craft source data from most weapons.

You use it to give the properties of one weapon to another. Say, for example, you have a nice sword (item a) that inflicts a cool status effect, but normally it only works for characters with an 'elegant' body type, but you want to give it to your 'muscular' warrior. You render it down to source code in the crafting menu, then take a weapon that the warrior can use (item b) and affix the source code of 'item a' to it.

Takes some experimentation, but play around with the trash you don't need to get your head around it. Basically don't affix source code of a low-level weapon to a high-level weapon as it'll get worse, but if you find good high-level weapons your characters cant use even when they are of the equivelent level, you can turn then into source code and bolt them onto something else to make usable, better weaponry.
You can craft source data from most weapons.

You use it to give the properties of one weapon to another. Say, for example, you have a nice sword (item a) that inflicts a cool status effect, but normally it only works for characters with an 'elegant' body type, but you want to give it to your 'muscular' warrior. You render it down to source code in the crafting menu, then take a weapon that the warrior can use (item b) and affix the source code of 'item a' to it.

Takes some experimentation, but play around with the trash you don't need to get your head around it. Basically don't affix source code of a low-level weapon to a high-level weapon as it'll get worse, but if you find good high-level weapons your characters cant use even when they are of the equivelent level, you can turn then into source code and bolt them onto something else to make usable, better weaponry.

Thank you for your quick reply and great explanation :)

I thought making SO was the way to make your weapons stronger. Where do I get weapon enhancers?


Thank you for your quick reply and great explanation :)

I thought making SO was the way to make your weapons stronger. Where do I get weapon enhancers?
No prob, at least that's how I think it works based on my limited experiments, I'm sure others can correct me!

If you can't buy them from the shop yet, you will be able to in the second term.


yeah endgame stuff. but usually people carry around the decoys which prevent that.

you know something might be bad when the shop gives you unlimited quantity of it lol.

its like trap decoys come more in handy end game as the high lv code chip trapscan mess you up.

most of the stuff through the normal story isnt that bad so you dont really need them unless you want to be perfectly safe
Do they need to have the decoy equipped for that, or do you use it on a character like an item and it lasts until you return home?


Average Babyl Sphere encounter log:

================= Turn 1 =================
Asacchi tried to hide!
However....hiding failed.
================= Turn 2 =================
Asacchi tried to hide!
However....hiding failed.
================= Turn 3 =================
Asacchi tried to hide!
However....hiding failed.
================= Turn 4 =================
Asacchi tried to hide!
Asacchi hid.

Continuous Encounter!
Another Vairant appeared!

================= Turn 1 =================
Asacchi was found.
================= Turn 2 =================
Asacchi tried to hide!
However....hiding failed.
================= Turn 3 =================
Asacchi tried to hide!
However....hiding failed.
================= Turn 4 =================
Asacchi tried to hide!
Asacchi hid.

Continuous Encounter!
Another Vairant appeared!

================= Turn 1 =================
Asacchi was found.
================= Turn 2 =================
Asacchi tried to hide!
However....hiding failed.
================= Turn 3 =================
Asacchi tried to hide!
However....hiding failed.
================= Turn 4 =================
Asacchi tried to hide!
Asacchi hid.

Continuous Encounter!
Another Vairant appeared!

================= Turn 1 =================
Asacchi was found.
================= Turn 2 =================
Asacchi tried to hide!
However....hiding failed.
================= Turn 3 =================
Asacchi tried to hide!
However....hiding failed.
================= Turn 4 =================
Asacchi tried to hide!
Asacchi hid.

Continuous Encounter!
Another Vairant appeared!

================= Turn 1 =================
Asacchi was found.
================= Turn 2 =================
Asacchi tried to hide!
However....hiding failed.
================= Turn 3 =================
Asacchi tried to hide!
However....hiding failed.
================= Turn 4 =================
Munchies is victorious! Everyone is Max Level, no EXP rewarded.



No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Do they need to have the decoy equipped for that, or do you use it on a character like an item and it lasts until you return home?

Yeah as Crovax mentioned as long as they are in your inventory they will be used automatically. So if you know some might have been used its good to check your stock on occasion.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I have her speed and luck both at 28; am I doing something wrong or does this game just hate me? lol

Am not sure since that should work? ( ̄▽ ̄;) Think I had similar issues too lol. Would have to look it up later but yeah wonder why the failure rate is so high? D:


I haven't had as much time to play as I would have liked (needed to finish SMT4 first), but now I am putting more time into it. I had a question about the Option slot and what the Equip Effects do (U-Lock, U-BST, ect...).

The in game manual doesn't seem to cover it. I've ignored it for awhile now, but I don't want to miss out on something that could be useful.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I haven't had as much time to play as I would have liked (needed to finish SMT4 first), but now I am putting more time into it. I had a question about the Option slot and what the Equip Effects do (U-Lock, U-BST, ect...).

The in game manual doesn't seem to cover it. I've ignored it for awhile now, but I don't want to miss out on something that could be useful.

am away from a pc till the evening. but when i get back should be able to help out some.


Can someone explain the crafting system a bit? I'm using all default, starting weapons and am crushing everything in sight.

Some quick thoughts --

I'm still very early in game (exploring floors 27/26/25 in first 'real' mission). It's a cakewalk so far, I've autobattled and autotrapopened everything. During exploration I probably have enough experience to level up a couple times, so I fear it'll be even easier. Does the game ever present a challenge?

Really dislike the 'story'. Things like the teacher barging in and calling us 'terrorists', and the other teacher asking 'is that true', and you answer 'no', and the second teacher reprimands the accusing teacher. What?

Traps are a waste of time, as said. Also, it seems like when you discover a chest then have another connected battle, you can keep getting more chests... but only one counts. Also after like 5 battles I once had the option to 'observe'... which made the monster run away and I never got my chest. What does observe do?


Traps are a waste of time, as said. Also, it seems like when you discover a chest then have another connected battle, you can keep getting more chests... but only one counts. Also after like 5 battles I once had the option to 'observe'... which made the monster run away and I never got my chest. What does observe do?

the fight/observe or leave thing is something with your alignment. Well I don't think it ever change in this one, but usually in wizardry game, evil character should fight monster, good character should leave when they meet friendly monster. and the observe is like a neutral action, it wont change anyone alignment.


Can someone explain the crafting system a bit? I'm using all default, starting weapons and am crushing everything in sight.

Some quick thoughts --

I'm still very early in game (exploring floors 27/26/25 in first 'real' mission). It's a cakewalk so far, I've autobattled and autotrapopened everything. During exploration I probably have enough experience to level up a couple times, so I fear it'll be even easier. Does the game ever present a challenge?

Really dislike the 'story'. Things like the teacher barging in and calling us 'terrorists', and the other teacher asking 'is that true', and you answer 'no', and the second teacher reprimands the accusing teacher. What?

Traps are a waste of time, as said. Also, it seems like when you discover a chest then have another connected battle, you can keep getting more chests... but only one counts. Also after like 5 battles I once had the option to 'observe'... which made the monster run away and I never got my chest. What does observe do?

The normal random encounters never become all that hard, some specific enemies and wanted variants will require spell/skill usage beyond auto-repeating unless you're significantly overgeared/overleveled. Most enemies are meant to be easy to allow for fast grinding should you want experience or items. Traps are similar, if you don't keep your Academic leveled appropriately, you'll start to trigger them more often.

Observe is basically a chance to let the enemy run away without having to battle it, but you don't get the chest from any prior battles. It is annoying that the chests don't "stack" if you do keep battling.

Edit: What Dorarnae said, I've never seen alignment change due to those choices (I think you can do it in the lab but I've never used that option).


The normal random encounters never become all that hard, some specific enemies and wanted variants will require spell/skill usage beyond auto-repeating unless you're significantly overgeared/overleveled. Most enemies are meant to be easy to allow for fast grinding should you want experience or items. Traps are similar, if you don't keep your Academic leveled appropriately, you'll start to trigger them more often.

Observe is basically a chance to let the enemy run away without having to battle it, but you don't get the chest from any prior battles. It is annoying that the chests don't "stack" if you do keep battling.

Edit: What Dorarnae said, I've never seen alignment change due to those choices (I think you can do it in the lab but I've never used that option).

ah, ok. It's been ages since I played a wizardry proper.

And crafting? Are there any items I should not waste ever? I remember reading something about curry, and something about gambling things that I should save for later. Can I just craft everything else as soon as I feel like it?
[i'm a natural borne in game hoarder so I tend to never make/buy things and roll with huge inventories of trash]. there seems to be an in game storage limit so I suppose i'll need to use stuff eventually.


ah, ok. It's been ages since I played a wizardry proper.

And crafting? Are there any items I should not waste ever? I remember reading something about curry, and something about gambling things that I should save for later. Can I just craft everything else as soon as I feel like it?
[i'm a natural borne in game hoarder so I tend to never make/buy things and roll with huge inventories of trash]. there seems to be an in game storage limit so I suppose i'll need to use stuff eventually.

Don't think you have to worry about hitting the limit. You can craft as much as you want as long as you have the materials (metal, fiber, etc) and the right junk item. The curry is for a repeatable quest and gamble codes let you take one weapon or armor and basically "exchange" it for another random item of similar level. Gamble codes aren't super rare but I think you can only start getting them in the 2nd half of the game.

FC Bayern

Just got done with the post game at ~47 hours. Only time I saw the level down feature was in the final post game battle, knight got -5 levels on him.

Just need to get one more stat source plugin and find the lvl 15 muramasa for the platinum.

Where's the best spot for grinding gamble codes? So far i've been using the floor above the heart room and the sewer B2. They don't feel all that special though.
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