I bought this game on a whim, because I'm a Vita fan and also because of this thread. I have read it before playing the game but now I'm doing quests and questions are popping out so I apologize if some of them were mentionned somewhere.
1- Is there a way to escape a dungeon right away instead of going back to the entrance?
2- Do I level up only at Headquarters? It would seem so...
3- Do MPs regenerate somehow? I read that they regenerate while walking but it doesn't seem to be the case.
4- When I Remove Trap on an object, I get this screen and I don't really know what it means. Any clue as of why I should select something specific?
5- During the combat, are the icons at the top of the screen used for anything??? (The ones under the Watermark...)
6- In this screen below, what does the 57 means???? The maximum amount of stuff that I can bring back? I think I read in this thread that this number doesn't "regenerate" so if you go down to 0, you can't return anything.