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Orange is the New Black S4 |OT| Welcome to the block - June 17th

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Hoo boy, that finale.
I was surprised they ended it without showing what happened. They didn't even cut to black with a bullet going off. That guard guy was a fucking maniac, so I can't exactly say I would be upset if he got shot. It seemed like every guard outside of Bayley and the female guard were complete scum. I have to admit though I miss the old guards, like O'Neill or Fisher. They were like, terrible at their jobs but good people for the most part.

This was a good season. Poussey's death surprised me because I'd say she was the most liked character. But maybe that was why, to bring to the audience the kind of wrongful and terrible treatment people can face in prison. It still rubbed me the wrong way though, like I wish they could have picked someone else for it.

At the same time, for all the teasing they gave that riot, it all went down the drain soon enough. In a messed up way, the ladies came together. I thought when they cut to Caputo's girlfriend in the bathroom that she might get involved in the wrong situation at the wrong time. I don't think Daya would shoot him, also for her to get the gun came kind of out of nowhere with the barely-there focus she had this season. Maybe that's the point?

Next season should be an insane one.
not sure what episode i am on but it's the one that ends with
piper getting jumped and has the nazi sign burned on her arm.

i'm bingeing the episodes right now because my netflix ends today so need to watch them all before it ends.


Non spoilery.
I felt it was a pretty strong season. Piper was certainly more bearable than she was in Season 3 though I still like her the least out of pretty much every other character. The Neo Nazi's were a fun addition since it deepened the race wars that were usually between Blacks and Latino's. Still I felt the shows pacing with certain subplots was kind of terrible and the last episode was weaker than it could have been in my opinion.
8/10 season for me, compared to the 6 or 7 of last season.

Neo Nazi's were fun but unfortunately didn't feel like real people like the other groups do. They were more hyperbolic than any other group and maybe that's the case with real white power groups in prison but it quickly became less entertaining over time. Seriously every other word was a slur/insult even when it came time for a truce/mourning.

The new guards were good antagonists but I really hoped they'd get what they deserved. Also that Crazy guard with the mouse cup and the fighting kind of came out of nowhere and I didn't like it

Mad respect for the Monobrow chick who's name escapes me. Loved her development and her flashbacks this season.

Kind of sad that the Justice for the trans woman arc never really went anywhere. Eventually she got out and is adjusting back to life now. I wish we got an episode devoted to her and her troubles in the shoe but I guess not.

RIP Pussey. You will be missed.

Caputto's arc was interesting but never really went anywhere just like the Sophia thing.
For episode 6
it would have been neat to see Miss Claudette. She got sent to Max if I am right, which is where Nicky was as we saw, the same for Stella.


I started yesterday and could not stop watching it. It gets super dark and is gripping as hell. This show needs an emmy nod.


Up to episode 4 and I feel more into it than I remember being for season 3. Hope it continues well, I'll watch some more later.
Episode 12: I let tears slip at
Poussey's death. Fucking hell. Especially relevant considering present police issues. It just happened so quickly, this might be the most shocking TV death ever.


Caputo maybe, and I haven't finished the season but in the past the problem with both Healy and Caputo are ultimately sacrificing for others with the expectation they will get rewarded. Few people in the world are actually selfless of course but both are the "nice guy" nightmares that feel like they're owed respect. There was an entire episode last season with Caputo putting himself on the cross despite no one asking him (or even telling him not to do it) and then getting pissed when he felt like others weren't thanking him enough for the self sacrifice. Healy is even more extreme example and he doesn't have the charm or social awareness that Caputo does to soften the assholeness.

Yeah, they're selfish and entitled and throw their temper tantrum when things go poorly. But they still do good deeds and have good intentions where we're short on people in power that actually care. If they're nightmares, I don't know what you call Humphreys.

I just read the spoilers and now I don't even know if I want to watch anymore.


After they killed off my favorite character in GoT I seriously lost the heart to keep watching.

She has a pretty cool and heartfelt back story in the finale.


Someone was asking about Sophia being missing early in the season in the Orphan Black thread - she got moved to Solitary for her own protection in S3- this may have been a scheduling-related plot point since Laverne Cox is in much higher demand right now.
When I got to the Neo Nazi part of the season, my actual first thought was "Piper sucks so much that she accidentally started a white lives matter hate group

Oh and

About Donuts, I found the character kind of interesting. I still side with Boo on this one, but I lean towards the idea that there's some human decency in him, and he is this guy who thinks he's an okay person, actually realizes that he isn't, and wants to stop doing what he is doing, if he can.


Unconfirmed Member
Ep 3:
OMG Morello and her husband.

I really like Soso and Poussey.

"We're going to have to kill her." Good lord, things keep going wrong for Alex.

Don't care about Piper.


Just finished the season. Felt like a mixed bag like the last season, where the creative direction just kind feels like they are going through the motions.

Only flashback sequence I enjoyed was the last episode. They were really the biggest problem this season. Would rather they just ditch them outright or only use them when needed.
Yeah, they're selfish and entitled and throw their temper tantrum when things go poorly. But they still do good deeds and have good intentions where we're short on people in power that actually care. If they're nightmares, I don't know what you call Humphreys.

She has a pretty cool and heartfelt back story in the finale.

I couldn't even enjoy it, kept thinking how she would be thrown in prison in a few days for a bullshit charge

Poussey should have stayed in Europe :(


This was an emotionally rough season to watch but it was my favorite. And despite that, there were so many missteps for me that it can definitely be improved upon in another season. I just don't think that season will be next year.


Just finished and I'm still processing.
It was a bit of a mess and all over the place. Way too many things happening and not just in terms of in the show addressing the influx of people. The tone went from the depths of season 2 but also had the ridiculous nonsense from season 3 and back again. It went some places I didn't expect like Doggett wanting to forgive Coates or Poussey getting killed and dumped shit like Daya's baby storyline which dragged down previous seasons but this has at least three more season locked in? Not sure how this is sustainable with how the last couple of episodes turned things up.

Yeah, they're selfish and entitled and throw their temper tantrum when things go poorly. But they still do good deeds and have good intentions where we're short on people in power that actually care. If they're nightmares, I don't know what you call Humphreys.

Fair enough, nightmares is too strong especially in a show like this where everything is turned up. I did finish the season and they didn't seem as bad as I remembered. It probably helps when Humphreys is an actual sadistic monster to compare other people to in the show.
Just finished the season. Felt like a mixed bag like the last season, where the creative direction just kind feels like they are going through the motions.

Only flashback sequence I enjoyed was the last episode. They were really the biggest problem this season. Would rather they just ditch them outright or only use them when needed.
Definitely if I had one criticism for this season it was that the flashbacks
aside from the one in the finale
felt undercooked.


Yeah, this season's writing put S3's to shame. It's like night and day. I'll be thinking about those last two episodes for a while.


This was an emotionally rough season to watch but it was my favorite. And despite that, there were so many missteps for me that it can definitely be improved upon in another season. I just don't think that season will be next year.

Why not next year?
From watching Oz, right?

Because that show fell off a cliff into a Velveeta hotspring after Season Two.

Wasn't saying it was high art or something. It was just this hard ass prison show with dudes shanking eachother every episode and it was a hard transition. I'm watching it now though.


Homeland Security Fail
Four episodes deep and I'm loving it. Definitely a more darker tone than previous seasons, I feel.
Just finished watching.
Massive spoilers.

Of course they would kill off my (and apparently everybody else's) favorite inmate. Dammit. I'm still losing my shit about this.
Overall it was a terrific season.


I didn't like the past 2 seasons, I think I'm gonna skip on watching season 5 if there ever is one, the show is becoming too goddamn slow for me.


Unconfirmed Member
Finished it.

Over all much better than last season.

Still gutted that Poussey is dead. And I'm a bit annoyed that nothing came out of Sophia being in the shu. Also, the corporate part of it was a bit much at times.

I have no idea where they go from here.


Man I swear to fuck I think some asshole posted a MASSIVE spoiler on a goddamn interview video on Youtube. Fuck the Internet, it was a mistake.
how is this thread not 40 pages long
this was the most vital and essential season of television maybe in the history of the medium

it should literally be screened in schools
how is this thread not 40 pages long
this was the most vital and essential season of television maybe in the history of the medium

it should literally be screened in schools

People are probably still watching and don't want to get spoiled. Not everybody has time to watch 13 hours of TV in a weekend.


I enjoyed this season quite a bit. I should have seen Poussey's death coming especially since she got that job offer. I'm mad that the kid didn't leave because he wasn't a bad guy, but now he fucked up.I think there were a little to many plot lines going on. Diana's character is also really frustrating, I understand why she is rebelling but still. And no way she shoots the guy either. And really can Caputo just quit already? You are to good for this Caputo! Oh and one last thing,I don't know why he defended him the way he did at the press conference, he was totally on his side, he shouldn't have called him a victim and should have said it was an accident and that he was fired.Wair this is actually the he last thing, while I do respect them talking about Black Lives Matter, it just seemed like something they would namedrop occasionally and not really talk about it. I would like them to explore this next season a lot more especially since Poussey's death
Well I am certainly looking forward to next season, but hopefully it comes to an end soon. I just don't want to be over saturated.
Episode 12 and 13 spoilers.

I thought Poussey was going to be okay right and medical quickly appears to resurrects her. I thought she would walk outside surprising everyone that she's alive. Sadly she died. She had quite the journey back in New York when Poussey is trying to meet with her new friends, but went through complications since her phone got stolen. From there, she made new friends and had fun at an unusual party and bike rides with pretend monks to the beach. It was very humanizing of Poussey to see her smiling at the audience (us) before season 4 ends. RIP Poussey, one of the most pure, innocent inmates. :(
Well. I have gripes...

I thought Piper only had 1 year, how is she still in this prison? Has all this happened in under 1 year??Why were the new guards all sadistic fucks?

I'd think Capito would have big enough balls to call bullshit on MCC's treatment of the inmates. Judy King would want the publicity of blowing the lid off the whole thing especially after her friend died, she loves media attention. And they hire a guard but no one has any memory of him even existing? WTF? Then he dies on his first day and no one questions where he went?
I liked Doughnuts, he realizes he fucked up and has done terrible things and that shapes his view of the job he does, wanting redemption and trying to be a better man and guard.
Piper doing stupid shit is always fun, laughed pretty hard as she was accidentally starting a white power gang.

The Lolly flashbacks were great, Lori Petty is the one actress they show younger, who actually looks younger.
Bailey is a sad character who I believe will be entirely truthful and will crusade against MCC with the old warden.

I expect General Washington to bring hell down on MCC and the prison for his daughters death.
Well. I have gripes...

I thought Piper only had 1 year, how is she still in this prison? Has all this happened in under 1 year??Why were the new guards all sadistic fucks?

I'd think Capito would have big enough balls to call bullshit on MCC's treatment of the inmates. Judy King would want the publicity of blowing the lid off the whole thing especially after her friend died, she loves media attention. And they hire a guard but no one has any memory of him even existing? WTF? Then he dies on his first day and no one questions where he went?
I liked Doughnuts, he realizes he fucked up and has done terrible things and that shapes his view of the job he does, wanting redemption and trying to be a better man and guard.
Piper doing stupid shit is always fun, laughed pretty hard as she was accidentally starting a white power gang.

The Lolly flashbacks were great, Lori Petty is the one actress they show younger, who actually looks younger.
Bailey is a sad character who I believe will be entirely truthful and will crusade against MCC with the old warden.

I expect General Washington to bring hell down on MCC and the prison for his daughters death.

In the first scene, that was actually a younger actress doing a fucking AMAZING and perfect Lori Petty.
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