I guess now's as good a time as any to post some thoughts on the season, since I finished it last night.
Largely, I felt it was better than last season. I'll tune in again next year.
I'll start with what I hated the most: Piper/Voss literally add nothing to the story once they get past the crack smoking scene, and everything they had happen was invalidated following it. I am wishing for the next plotline to take over whenever they're on screen. What could have been meaningful character arcs for them with real weight and consequence -- murder in self defense and inspiring racial hatred -- that might create something of compelling fiction if followed through upon, are simply swept aside after the characters bond over smoking crack. It was like someone flipped a switch and both characters were pulled out of the fire. They have no place left on this show, but they'll continue shoving them down our throats for whatever reason, even though everyone else is more interesting. I do get that Piper is the "main character", but let's be honest, that's really not been the case for at least two, maybe three seasons. It's an ensemble now, and she's just leftover baggage. Hopefully they continue to dial back on them even more.
That said, I really liked how the new guards came in and were harsher and harder to deal with. It gave the season a real sense of tension and made it feel ever-so-slightly less like they all have detention instead of them being in prison. I did not like how most of them were all reduced by the end to cartoonish villains though -- eat the fly or the mouse! guy in particular, but the murdery military story didn't do that guy any favors either. Piscatella was actually enjoyable as a character, as I enjoyed his general power-trip/awkward moment dichotomy. They really could have gone somewhere interesting with him, but I doubt he'll be back.
Other random musings: I hope the Healy arc is considered "wrapped up" and he doesn't come back; I didn't like Martha Stewart+Paula Dean or any of her plots; I really felt for Lolly after this season; Poussey will be missed and they did a good job setting up the situation involving and surrounding her death to have weight; I appreciate the growth they're giving Pennsatucky; Capputo continues to walk a weird line but still manages to be a "good guy"; Daya was a waste all season and her getting the gun seems tonally incorrect (shoulda been Maria); I hope they go further with MIke Birbiglia's thing next season
Largely, I felt it was better than last season. I'll tune in again next year.
I like the idea. Let's go with thatIt can be both imo.A flashback that thematically works as "paradise" and as a feel-good send off for the character.