Glad you guys are enjoying it! Again, we got the bug reports and a fix is on the way. Comparatively, most people are totally fine, but it obviously sucks if you actually run into the game breaking issue.
Awesome to read all your impressions here

Thomas I've discovered what seems like perhaps a memory leak that is pretty major.
If you're doing the whole "two save files, making a backup every few minutes" for the no deaths run, if you quite out to the main menu then reload a save too quickly, the game hangs, freezes, then actually REBOOTS the Xbox One.
I've never had a game force a reboot of my console before so this seems pretty significant. Perhaps some sort of memory leak is hard-crashing the console and forcing it to reboot or something??
I don't know if the latest dashboard update has anything to do with it. I had zero crashes before the update, but then again I wasn't doing the 'two save file' thing and quitting to the main menu and reloading a save rapidly like I am now.
It's more stable if I hesitate for a second at the pause screen before quitting, then hesitate again at the menu for a few seconds, but it still crashes occassionally. Doesn't ever seem to happen during normal gameplay, only in quitting/reloading scenarios.
The achievement? I'm not responsible for developers being stupid about their achievements. Come up with a stupid achievement? I'll try come up with a stupid solution.
It's not really a stupid achievement but I also don't fault you for your method (I'm doing it too for my FIRST no deaths run, but fully intend on doing a single-segment start to finish no deaths run too eventually, probably as part of a speed run). Don't mind the other guy. That elitist attitude is always going to crop up in forums and whatnot.