Try a speed / no death run - it's the most thrilling experience you'll have - Finishing the last section as fast as possible while trying to not take any damage... woof!
I will get there eventually. My first game, if I remember right, I had a little upward of 300 deaths. On my second game, I reached the end with 140 deaths. The third time, I made it with 103 deaths.
I didn't try to train or anything, I was playing the same reckless way, but because I had a better sense of the game, I was doing better.
I made sure to keep a save file before every parts that gave me problems, so that I can practice until I excel at them (and because they're so damn fun!).
So a no death run will come soon enough. I have 3 achievements missing:
Supersonic, Immortal, and Elite.
Right now, the one I'm trying to tackle is Elite.
I am keeping the most excruciating one (Immortal) for when I'm really good at the game. And I think a no Ability Point spent run will help me achieve that.
Side note: It's a shame that some people cheated to get the fast time they got. Cheating the game to jump over animated sequences really shouldn't be doable.