charge jump feels like being Iron Man lol. Some beautiful scenery in this place. Close to finish now, the game was quite hard in some parts but felt right mostly.
These issues must be on PC. I am 5 hours in on Xbox One and have had no bugs at all besides the suspend and resume, which does not affect gameplay and is very minor.
I played the game to completion on PC without a single bug. That led me to believe that the PC version was a very solid product. *shrug*
This is true for almost every part of our development, by the way. We have a multi-iteration approach at Moon. Very rarely does any 'first iteration' ever survive our critical eye - usually artists have to re-paint and polish assets a few times over before it's being approved. Same thing is obviously true for mechanics, designs, etc. Everything goes through a pain-staking process of multiple iterations with numerous feedback-sessions where everyone's involved just to try to reach that pesky perfection level.
PLEASE?!Can you guys go back in time and work on Mass Effect 3's ending?
If you guys want to know more about our Art Process at Moon, you should visit:
Our artists are sharing quite a lot of information on what they did and how they did it over there
Fun Fact: The Ori Logo was hand-painted by Anna Jasinski:
Just look at how many times she had to try it to get it just right!
This is true for almost every part of our development, by the way. We have a multi-iteration approach at Moon. Very rarely does any 'first iteration' ever survive our critical eye - usually artists have to re-paint and polish assets a few times over before it's being approved. Same thing is obviously true for mechanics, designs, etc. Everything goes through a pain-staking process of multiple iterations with numerous feedback-sessions where everyone's involved just to try to reach that pesky perfection level.
Frankly, I think it needs a patch first. There seems to be quite a few game breaking bugs.
This games has lost my saves three times already. I literally save the game, quit to the main menu, and find that the most recent save was from over two hours ago. This shit is fucked and I'm done. The game is awesome, but I'm not going to keep replaying the same sections over and over again because their save system doesn't work properly.
This is true for almost every part of our development, by the way. We have a multi-iteration approach at Moon. Very rarely does any 'first iteration' ever survive our critical eye - usually artists have to re-paint and polish assets a few times over before it's being approved. Same thing is obviously true for mechanics, designs, etc. Everything goes through a pain-staking process of multiple iterations with numerous feedback-sessions where everyone's involved just to try to reach that pesky perfection level.
Guys am I screwed? I am at the very beginning of the second dungeon, and the light vessel is not there. I remember using it last night, but I saved the game and turned it off soon after. I remember putting the vessel down by the entrance to the dungeon, and it's not respawning when I start the game. I really hope I don't have to start over.
EDIT: I'm on PC
The hard work shows in your game. So amazing job! Also, thanks for sharing polycount links.
That light orb follows you around when you move without holding it. So try to walk a bit further and see if it appears? Other than that, try exiting the dungeon, saving outside, reloading the game, and then entering the dungeon again.
That is...... wow.
It saddens me to see people experiencing this. The only time I've encountered any bugs at all was when quitting out and reloading saves very rapidly, which can crash the game. I've never encountered a game-breaking bug or anything like that on XB1. I did notice that if you're speedrunning and going VERY fast, you can sometimes get to areas faster than the game can keep up with and lag it out, which once led me to fall through the world. I just quit out to the main menu and reloaded and went a *little* bit slower lol.
Also, and I HATE to say this, but nearly every game has bugs at launch these days. Ori's are minimal in my opinion, and it's worth $20 even with them. $60 with bugs? Maybe not, but $20? Fuck yeah.
That is...... wow.
It saddens me to see people experiencing this. The only time I've encountered any bugs at all was when quitting out and reloading saves very rapidly, which can crash the game. I've never encountered a game-breaking bug or anything like that on XB1. I did notice that if you're speedrunning and going VERY fast, you can sometimes get to areas faster than the game can keep up with and lag it out, which once led me to fall through the world. I just quit out to the main menu and reloaded and went a *little* bit slower lol.
Also, and I HATE to say this, but nearly every game has bugs at launch these days. Ori's are minimal in my opinion, and it's worth $20 even with them. $60 with bugs? Maybe not, but $20? Fuck yeah.
Guys am I screwed? I am at the very beginning of the second dungeon, and the light vessel is not there. I remember using it last night, but I saved the game and turned it off soon after. I remember putting the vessel down by the entrance to the dungeon, and it's not respawning when I start the game. I really hope I don't have to start over.
EDIT: I'm on PC
Please send a mail to that includes your save file - Our tech team will look into helping you out.
Any chance I can do the same with a video please? Would you like to have a look just in case it helps?
Restarting the Xbox didn't fix the geometry![]()
We can't access save files on Xbox One for now - You'll have to wait for the patch that'll be out soon. I'm super sorry for the inconvenience, these are issues that were never found during testing and CERT...![]()
Please send a mail to that includes your save file - Our tech team will look into helping you out.
That doesn't change my advice of "wait for a patch." Also some of these bugs are effectively save wiping as they persist across reloading your save. Yeah other games may have a bug that halts progress but reloading from a save or resetting the checkpoint usually fixes it in those cases. Here, as it stands now, you are looking at restarting the game.
Well, I disagree.
I'm currently literally incapable of proceeding in the game because the geometry in Wispy Woods, right next to the deadly owl section, is completely bonkers. I've restarted the console and it didn't fix the issue.
I loved the 50% of the game I've played so far, but I haven't seen a truly gamebreaking bug in a videogame like this in a while. It's impossible to proceed. This is after the very first time I played the game having to uninstall and install the whole thing again because it never got past the thunderstorm scene in the intro.
Bad luck on my part? For sure, it doesn't seem to affect the majority of players. But it's there and I'm not the only one, and IMO it's antithetical to what we've heard from the jump regarding this game's design philosophies of polish, polish, polish and precision. I don't think the same user hitting two game-stopping bugs in one playthrough is acceptable. These should be low enough probability events that in the very bad occasion that someone sees one, it never happens again.
I don't want to be too harsh, though: Those first 3 and a half hours (after the redownload) were very, very good and had what I would call minor bugs like framerate and stuttering issues, but hitting a game-stopping bug is not something I would call minor. It's a testament to the game that I still have a great impression of the first half of it despite the issues.
Bugs happen, though. I'm willing to wait for the upcoming patch!
Edit: lol, Wispy Woods. I have Kirby on my mind![]()
The death counter seems to be meant to shame me for the way I play video games. I try to speed through tough platforming sections every time, and I get a lot of deaths very fast. I'm near the end of the game now with right at 300.
I didn't really take care of ori my first run through. Like if I got hit too many times and theres a new area ahead, and have saved within a minute or two. I'll just suicide. Next run through will see if I can keep him/her alive longer.
The death counter seems to be meant to shame me for the way I play video games. I try to speed through tough platforming sections every time, and I get a lot of deaths very fast. I'm near the end of the game now with right at 300.
Great interview. Interesting to know that the Moon "team" is spread out all over the world.Awesome podcast featuring Gareth Coker (composer) here:
Same here. I like to think that death is just a part of games like these. It's more fun to be adventurous.
Finished the game last night. What a ride! Despite there being a few very frustrating parts (looking at you, rock/lava puzzle), I really enjoyed my time with the game. Absolutely one of the best games I've played in a long time.
Awesome podcast featuring Gareth Coker (composer) here:
Also, he safely talks about a sequel near the end...
I've been playing Ori and I just got the first... thing. The game looks fantastic, but it's definitely not clicking with me. I'm probably in a very small minority here, but I'm finding the way Ori moves way too loose. I'm consistently having issues wallclimbing and moving around ledges, as if Ori's movement was 10% more of what I wanted. It just doesn't "feel" as good as, say, Super Meat Boy.
I beat Hotline Miami 2 last week, so my tolerance for rage-inducing situations is pretty low right now. I think I'll leave Ori for the near future... if I do ever get back to it.