These downloads speeds are ridiculous. Over an hour ago I was getting almost 600kb/s and now I'm getting like 26kb/s. Stuck at 93%. :/
These downloads speeds are ridiculous. Over an hour ago I was getting almost 600kb/s and now I'm getting like 26kb/s. Stuck at 93%. :/
how are you people still getting the code to work?
It's not working for me at all jeez
I just read about this new method.
- Don't login. Add the game and use the discount.
- Remove the game from the checkout.
- Login.
- Search the game again. Price should be zero.
- Buy the game.
Can't confirm if it works.
Well I got bullet storm, crysis and mirror's edge. Couldn't get sim city in time but oh well.
It was a good run guys.
how are you people still getting the code to work?
It's not working for me at all jeez
Do folks really think adding servers is as easy as the flick of a light switch or something? Like IT people can just activate servers for Origin and then turn them off as soon as this temporary spike in traffic goes away?
Are you logged out when applying it? Where are you located? If you're outside the US, use this link to access the store: are you people still getting the code to work?
It's not working for me at all jeez
I will continue doing this as I really don't give a fuck if I get banned from Origin.
Just so you know, you'll also lose contact with all of your Origin friends. Be sure to get their details just in case.
Origin site, so slow, so slow.
Just so you know, you'll also lose contact with all of your Origin friends. Be sure to get their details just in case.
- Don't login. Add the game and use the discount.
- Remove the game from the checkout.
- Login.
- Search the game again. Price should be zero.
- Buy the game.
Its slow as hell doing it one game at a time but its been working for me
I have like 3 friends on Origin. That's more friends than I have in real life
Are you logged out when applying it? Where are you located? If you're outside the US, use this link to access the store:
In your account settings, change your location to the United States and clear your cookies. If it's still not working, I have no clue.
*I assumed you were trying the latest method.
*Also, we have killed their servers.
What Need For Speed game is the one where you're driving down the road away from the popo?
What Need For Speed game is the one where you're driving down the road away from the popo?
Yes, I did that already. It's a shame I'll miss on some DLC though, but for that price I can't complainFor the last one you can just get the base game then Awakening separately.
This is still working? I assumed it'd be down by last night.
Hot Pursuit. Or Most Wanted. I think they're both basically the same game.
Hot Pursuit
Should Arkham Asylum be working? I'll try a NFS game I guess.
Servers are dead, tried to get Sims 3 through Slickdeals but the price ibkt went to $9.99, tried again with another game, but the servers are DEAD.
Nothing is dead, it's just slow
I still cant believe this is happening. I'm just downloading games which i'll have no time to play, but fuck it, it's free.
Nothing is dead, it's just slow
I've found a way to get it working for those of you getting invalid codes.
While logged out of Origin go here:
Add the game you want to the cart.
Apply the code.
Then delete the game from the cart.
Back on the slickdeals page if you sort by price you should see this:
In a new tab sign into Origin.
Then back on the other tab add the game to the cart.
And now you'll be able to purchase it for free on your account without having to input the code.
Are there certain games that the code works for? I've got one game to discount and another stayed the same.
There's a sale going on as well- a lot of games over $19.99 can be picked up using the slickdeals link for a big discount.hmm.. I was stocking another cart and now everything is much cheaper. Like the $20 games are now $8. Odd.
I was just thinking this earlier; had it not been applied to everything last night I wouldn't have bothered.I'm thinking of getting sims 2 and the expansions but it'll take like 3 hours to get them all![]()
I have like 3 friends on Origin. That's more friends than I have in real life