I like Hayter.
I mean, who wasn't amazed by MGS1 in 1998? His VA was top notch in that era. He was Snake, for the gamers in the west anyway. Original MGS has excellent VA overall, likely a franchise best. He doesn't deserve the shitting.
So Hayter in MGS2 still made sense, still Solid Snake and only a few years later. But by MGS3 things got weird. Because Naked Snake isn't Solid Snake. Naked Snake should have been more different, Solid Snake was his worst clone in fact. For MGS4 Hideo murdered Solid Snake by making him old which I didn't like at all. Hayter was the right choice as an old you shouldn't have gotten a completely different voice. But his limited range became apparent, he didn't pull off Old Snake well. Hayter would've worked for MGS:V, but it would've been weird to experience him with so little dialogue. If he ever plays the game, I'm sure he'll be like 'that was it? I got the boot for this? lol'.