Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater | Preview Thread

The remake will feature Calorie Mate and Eva's character model was revealed:
Eva is looking great!


Hey Metal Gear fans... not to hijack the thread or anything, but what is my best bet for experiencing Metal Gear for the first time?

I've only played a little bit of the original Metal Gear as a Blockbuster rental for my NES ca. 1990, and maybe tried playing Metal Gear Solid (PSX) two or three times lasting maybe one to two hours each time. I feel like I am missing out on a big chunk of gaming culture as it were.

I still have a PSX MGS copy and a CRT. I have a PS2. I have a PS3 which may or may not work as it's been sitting in a bin on a weird angle upside down for about 11 years. But I do have this still shrink-wrapped:

Own a PS4/Pro but no PS5. Have all the major Xboxes. Prefer PC in general, not opposed to emulation,.

I think I'll try MGS on the PSX/CRT combo but after that? I don't think 3D games have that much charm going the CRT route. How many hours will the whole saga take me start to finish?

I put in like 100 hours into Hades the last 3 weeks so I'm feeling ambitious that I can reconcile this missing piece of my video gaming life.

I'd say play them in release order. MGS1 is best emulated on PC, though if it's too dated The Twin Snakes looks pretty good on Dolphin with a HD texture patch.
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I'd say play them in chronological order. MGS1 is best emulated on PC, though if it's too dated The Twin Snakes looks pretty good on Dolphin with a HD texture patch.
I don't think chronological order is good. Starting with MGS3 is fine but Peace Walker and MGSV don't sound good. 1, 2 and 3 are the best ones.


Modern controls & graphics while maintaining the soul of the original?

Perfect as far as I'm concerned.
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