Wicked. Can be used as a reaction gif for ANYTHINGMade this quick and dirty for fellow Helena fans
Wicked. Can be used as a reaction gif for ANYTHINGMade this quick and dirty for fellow Helena fans
I finally caught up on this - binged through 7 episodes on two sick days - and holy shit, this show is fucking awesome.
Doctor Who is proof that inventive writing and inspired acting can not only help Geek TV transcend production values but also render them irrelevant. Even stronger proof is network sibling Orphan Black. There's no better special effect on television right now than Tatiana Maslany playing a variety of clones: Sarah, an English punk who hijacked the identity of another doppelgänger; Beth, a deceased cop; Helena, a Ukrainian assassin; Alison, a mousy American housewife; and Cosima, a saucy college student. Most are working together to solve the mystery of their existence. Early episodes were taut thrillers, while recent episodes have deepened the characters and dialed up the humor without subverting the tension. Slowly, a smartly constructed epic is taking shape. Orphan Black is a show that like that nerdy wonder Game of Thrones defies any genre label, save Really Cool Original Stuff. Which, for me, is the true definition of Geek TV.
Orphan Black: A
I don't mean to sound insensitive or anything....But why is british television so obsessed with suicide? I've been watching quiet a bit of their shows including orphan black and for some reason alot of them tend to have that theme interspersed somewhere during the season. Maybe it's just me tho.
This is a Canadian show. But anyway, I hadn't noticed that.
wha? My bad then. She had an accent and assumed the show was british...I'm barely 5 mintutes in. On the theme, it might be because i've watched alot of skins and some other shows of the sort.
Entangled Bank
Sarah's actions set the Orphans against each other as she plans her next move. Paul tries desperately to hide Sarah's existence. Alison takes vengeance on her suspected monitor.
Yeah, it's a high wire act week after week, so it'll be interesting to see how much they wrap up at the end of S1 and what's left open for S2. At the very least, the writers seem cognizant of the pitfalls (if I'm remembering recent interviews correctly). Only three more episodes this season.I just hope they manage to keep it going. Shadowy organizations can be tough to pull off. I'm guessing all 10 episodes were filmed before the renewal announcement, so that any screwy twists at the end were meant to be there rather than tacked on.
Didn't Gillian Anderson win for the X-Files back in the day? I don't think John Noble was ever nominated for Fringe.When was the last time an actor from a sci-fi show was nominated for an emmy? Besides Lost.
Didn't Gillian Anderson win for the X-Files back in the day? I don't think John Noble was ever nominated for Fringe.
You're expecting someone who no one knows, on the first season of a Canadian show, for BBC America to get recognition?
New episode tonight:
Eh, it's very popular for a BBC America show. Its ratings are so good it got renewed quickly, and BBC proper is bringing it to the UK.I'm still waiting for the episode to go up
People really need to watch this. It's a shame that it's probably not getting the recognition it deserves.
I was away from the Tv set for a moment. What happened at the very end?
Don't read the spoiler!I was away from the Tv set for a moment. What happened at the very end?
That's what we said. I've started recommending the show and it's nice to see others enjoying it as well. This show isn't afraid to kick things up a notch. That's something I really liked about, The Americans.Holy shit
Whoa. That's pretty surprising because for such a wild ride of a program, you may not expect something ordinary like that being a turning point.Helena let Kira go. She saw Sarah across the street, walked into the street, and got hit by a car.
Continuum is pretty good too.
What an episode. Show just keeps getting better and better.
Glad it got renewed already for season 2.