Guileless said:
Why did the 9/11 hijackers perceive us as occupiers? And you don't think they hate our liberalism? Why not?
Actually, yes, they did. It's been a point underscored by Osama several times, even in his latest tape. The U.S. presence in Saudi Arabia, let alone the entire region, is a major sticking point with him.
Because "we're liberal" is a ridiculous argument simply because as far as the entire western world is concerned, we're
not liberal. By contrast, we're actually the most prude. We can never have a civil, national debate on gay marriage without the entirety of the Republican base having a major hissy fit, the nation was more offended over Janet Jackson's breast being exposed than a President whose entire premise for war was blown out of the water, and we marvel - MARVEL - at the balls of
basic cable when they let a curse slip through.
And forget about ever decriminalizing marijuana. The didactic nuts would have a collective stroke, and the tobacco companies would bitch and moan forever.
No. If being a "liberal" country was the cause of their hate, Europe would be their target, not us.