I like some of what she said. She's right about La La Land. It's another film that is a Hollywood jerk off. It will win and be slightly remembered better than The Artist due to being more of an American film. While, I'll actually agree. I think Hell or High Water is a finely made film that will be appreciated more as time goes on. It's the best film nominated I feel from top to bottom. Other films do bits and pieces better, but this is the only one I felt with the full package.
She is also right for Viola Davis on supporting Actress. Bit of a stupid protest vote, but she sure as fuck ain't wrong about studios using it to push an act in something easily deserving the Lead Nom, for an easier win elsewhere.
Now where I feel she was wrong is Nocturnal Animals and her hate boner for Arrival. I get she hated Arrival, but it shouldn't disqualify it from cinematography. And with NA, his entire point in the role is to be hated. I'll be honest, Aaron was fucking scary as all hell in that. Same with Elle where her "This has to happen this way or it's wrong".
There's a very good chance Sculli is an Academy Member and just writes in "Avatar made a shit-ton of money" for every category.
Can a man write in Avatar in 2018?