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|OT| ArcheAge - Queuing Simulator 2014


Apparently people are hacking labor pots or something? Went from 13g to 5g on my server. Wonder what's going to happen. Probably the aspect I hate the most about this game.


Apparently people are hacking labor pots or something? Went from 13g to 5g on my server. Wonder what's going to happen. Probably the aspect I hate the most about this game.

I've noticed labor pots have gone down, yeah. It's strange, you would think the demand is huge. Perhaps it is and the bots are farming it (also people needing them less by just AFK attacking the Test dummies)


Apparently people are hacking labor pots or something? Went from 13g to 5g on my server. Wonder what's going to happen. Probably the aspect I hate the most about this game.
I was under the impression that it's due to most folks hitting 50.


Alright, whew.

Fiance out of town for the weekend. No work to catch up on. Dog with her mother.

Time to load up on the caffeine and dig into this game.


I was under the impression that it's due to most folks hitting 50.

I thought at first it was because they let new players on servers again, but Trion is investigating (no idea what's the latest update). So there is something fishy going on.
Been hearing a lot about this. Installing now. How much of an "action" build can I make? I'm not much of a traditional cool down, tab MMO guy. I like movement and execution oriented gameplay. Not expecting Dark/Demon Souls shit, but just curious.


Been hearing a lot about this. Installing now. How much of an "action" build can I make? I'm not much of a traditional cool down, tab MMO guy. I like movement and execution oriented gameplay. Not expecting Dark/Demon Souls shit, but just curious.

Do you like the idea of charging at an enemy off horseback? You can do that.


Level 8 right now and everything seems very, very standard. Will keep going.
It's not the core gameplay. It's the systems and emergent gameplay that arise out of a player-driven world.

The actual combat is very WoW-esque, albeit more action oriented with some cool things like mount abilities.


Well, I discovered farming, and while it's super stupid, it's also super addicting.

I think I like this game.

My fiancee can't get enough. It's just deep enough to be like "okay, plant one more row of X" and then be later like "OMG PLANT MOAR"

Ploid 3.0

I've noticed labor pots have gone down, yeah. It's strange, you would think the demand is huge. Perhaps it is and the bots are farming it (also people needing them less by just AFK attacking the Test dummies)

I knew something was going on with people attacking those things. I only recently realized that I was spending labor points opening the annoying stacks of merchant pouches that I got from mobs while looking up a way to open them all at once.

Is there a website that show off the armors you get for quests? The stats and what they look like? I find that I just rush to the next armor upgrade and my latest one (leather) had far less agi than my old set, but it had a lot of other stats which I suppose could be nice.


BTW, general tip for people who have an eventual eye towards PVP.

Plate is not an option. Plate is great for main tanking the PvE stuff, but is absolutely garbage in PvP. You'll get shredded from the lack of magic defense.

Leather or cloth only.


BTW, general tip for people who have an eventual eye towards PVP.

Plate is not an option. Plate is great for main tanking the PvE stuff, but is absolutely garbage in PvP. You'll get shredded from the lack of magic defense.

Leather or cloth only.



Those skills don't come close to what is necessary. Those are great to stack on top of the magic D you get from leather/cloth. Generally, as a tank in PvP, you're going to be wearing cloth and using a shield. Keep a set of plate for running dungeons.

For ranged/melee DPS, leather all the way in every situation.

You can make up for the lower physical defense from cloth with skills and a shield. There is no way to make up for the lack of magical defense on plate.


There will be "you are totally wrong watch me own this guy"

NOPE NOPE Still need plate (skin fusion)

alembics cost money
If I'm gonna be a Blighter, I may as well need 2 sets. One for Magic defense and other for physical defense. At the moment though, ALL PLATE.

Also I wish npc sold potions.


There will be "you are totally wrong watch me own this guy"

NOPE NOPE Still need plate (skin fusion)

alembics cost money

If only you could wear leather but transmog plate. I hope one day an MMO lets you do that, some plate gear just looks too badass in AA to give up for stat benefits.


If only you could wear leather but transmog plate. I hope one day an MMO lets you do that, some plate gear just looks too badass in AA to give up for stat benefits.

You can! You can transmute any look onto any gear.

I'm going to go for a cloth + plate look.
Falcorth run is done on my server it seems.
Pkers/assholes all day and it drops as low as 80 percent a lot of the time. There goes my daily 100-150g income :(
I'm kind of hoping it's just the weekend rush and that after the weekend I'll be able to find a few times where I can do a bunch of 125+percent runs.

Got 10k fishing today and built a clipper (full labor dump + 120gold on bait) and planted 42 junipers yesterday (due tomorrow) praying for thunderstruck (as if I ever win that lottery)
I'm hoping fishing will be my new income source, because if it's not I'm pretty lost on how to make money reliable anymore.
The market collapsed down on pretty much all my money making schemes:p

Got 130g left, 2 days worth of labor pots/tp stones so I have 2 days to figure something out.

150/250gilda stars towards a fishing boat or 150/350 towards a merchant ship, depends on how the fishing pans out
Does anyone have any crafting advice? Got to 10k tailoring, made some blue bracers (lvl 25 ocean sleeve), regraded once (should I have?) and it succeeded n it's purple, then tried two more regraded (once with and once without charm) and both failed.

What should I do?

edit: found an imbalance in the market prices for a certain recipe on my server^^
Decent demand item, trickling supply for mats but dirt cheap, already made 100g for 500 labor in an hour time, oh please let this last (if noone else notices it will)
It's not gona work on your server, it didn't work on mine till today prices are an anomaly and noone seems to realise:p

It's just about finding an item where the mats are so much cheaper than the crafted item (and there is enough demand of the crafted item, but none for the materials) that you can make a lot of gold.


When I hear 'theme park' and 'sandbox' I immediately think of Star Wars Galaxies. For those that have played that game and this, are there any similarities between the two especially with how SWG had a very robust player-driven economy and all the visible housing out in the world that everyone could see?


When I hear 'theme park' and 'sandbox' I immediately think of Star Wars Galaxies. For those that have played that game and this, are there any similarities between the two especially with how SWG had a very robust player-driven economy and all the visible housing out in the world that everyone could see?

This is exactly what is in the game.


This is exactly what is in the game.
Downloading has begun. How the hell did I completely miss this game?? If I get even a small feeling of how SWG was in this game, I'll dump in a recurring sub for it. Can't wait to check it out!


Downloading has begun. How the hell did I completely miss this game?? If I get even a small feeling of how SWG was in this game, I'll dump in a recurring sub for it. Can't wait to check it out!

I played SWG heavily back in the day even pre cu, this feels like it has the beginnings of it. I don't think it will be as good as SWG in terms of community. Hope you enjoy, I have been.
Sandbox economiesare exciting, so many opportunities :D

Scheming hard with some friends to make it big.

edit: scheming almost backfired had to be political.
Will update with details once it's over:p


Hmmm my fiancee and I helped someone not get ganked today. Felt amazing. She drew their fire, then I kept up with the guy and we owned him. He was level 46 too! We were level 40.


I am absolutely loving this game. Is there a GAF guild/whatever yet? I'm currently only lv. 12 so I'm very new but I really like everything I've seen so far, with the focus on farming, crafting and trading.

I couldn't plant flowers or turmeric in the farm that they introduce you to, so I just planted them in the wild (near some houses..), why couldn't I plant them in the farm? They can get stolen in the wild, right?

I have so many questions about this game. ;w;


I am absolutely loving this game. Is there a GAF guild/whatever yet? I'm currently only lv. 12 so I'm very new but I really like everything I've seen so far, with the focus on farming, crafting and trading.

I couldn't plant flowers or turmeric in the farm that they introduce you to, so I just planted them in the wild (near some houses..), why couldn't I plant them in the farm? They can get stolen in the wild, right?

I have so many questions about this game. ;w;

If you mean the public farm, there is a sign at the entrance that tells you what is allowed in it.

You need to find a spot and set up the scarecrow garden the NPC gave you for this stuff.


If you mean the public farm, there is a sign at the entrance that tells you what is allowed in it.

You need to find a spot and set up the scarecrow garden the NPC gave you for this stuff.

Thanks - I didn't see it in my inventory. D'oh. I guess you learn.. :c
Got 3 thunderstruck trees in the last 24 hours:p (thats over 2100gold on my server)
Gave one to a friend and am about to make a fishing boat tomorrow^^

Me n 2 friends planted a massive (530 pines) tree farm in hellswamp , we got a thunderstruck there when they changed to young (saw the lightning flash happen):p
3-4 people discovered the location, 3 kept quiet, one opened his stupid mouth to others, a day later when it was almost time to log them half the server knew.

We got my guild involved and crushed some reds and another guild there, gave all the (7000+) logs to guildmates in exchange for guarding it and letting me have the ts procs.

This afternoon I go check on my house farms (2 16x16 farms with 9 pines each) and what do I find? a thunderstruck procced on each farm :D

The alliance on our server is getting bigger and bigger too, now involving 5 different guilds (2 of the biggest ones) and the russians wanting in and the sea pking guild wanting a truce (because we wreck their shit if they stumble in front of our galleons)
There was one griefer/green pking guild that was big 2 weeks ago and is now almost dead, they managed to alienate the entire faction and they get fucked/killed on sight/their farms taken by everyone and get excluded from everything else.
Its nice to see that sandbox games still enable self policing communities.

I managed to befriend several other guilds by fishin/traderunning with their members ,tomorrow with the fishing boat even more people will like me after letting them use the radar:p
By now 70 percent of the east side is friendly to me or the guild I'm in, which means I'll get to fish in peace most of the time.

sandbox 101: make everyone know and like you and you'll have an easy time to do your thing.

Speaking of fishing, went 0-34k proficiency in 4 days:p aiming for 60 k before the end of the weekend. Fishing REALLY pays off once you have people to go with you (share costs for chum) and once you get 30+k proficiency
With the fishing boat it's going to be ridiculous, at least 8g per 100 labor and up to 60g, an easy 500+gold a day from fishing for a few hours.

Convinced some friends and the guild to put down massive tree farms in the area I put my farm in so we can have full control of the area , there will be disgusting amounts of gold being made by them and me in the coming few weeks.

If all goes to plan me and the two others will have each have our fishing boats+tradeships +mats for farm wagon + 10k raw stone+ a few extra thunderstrucks to sell when auroria hits, as well as maxed out fishing and very high crafting (tailoring for me) before auroria hits.
With our alliance pretty much guaranteed to control at least one castle out of 4 on auroria this is going to be the best start to the new continent that I could have hoped for.

Still loving the game itself, just the sandbox nature and free economy almost everything you do is an adventure.


Does anyone have any crafting advice? Got to 10k tailoring, made some blue bracers (lvl 25 ocean sleeve), regraded once (should I have?) and it succeeded n it's purple, then tried two more regraded (once with and once without charm) and both failed.

What should I do?

edit: found an imbalance in the market prices for a certain recipe on my server^^
Decent demand item, trickling supply for mats but dirt cheap, already made 100g for 500 labor in an hour time, oh please let this last (if noone else notices it will)
Make the 1 Archeum Dust recipe until you're high enough to start making sealed sets. You can DE them to get the Archeum Dust back, so the only investment is the cheap Fabric and Blue Salt Wedges.

I made this handy spreadsheet to co over everything required to make cloth/leather/weapons (because what kind of idiot would use plate amirite) up to Illustrious: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/165uxHC4z2z7FE4BZBX_944CRoJXmzAZ-J4f-ShHiUGw/edit?usp=sharing
Warning, pc game screenshot thread fans may want to close their eyes, I'm playing on low (so my potato can maintain a good framerate) and in windowed mode at a lower res (because I like to play this game in windowed mode) so the quality of the screenshot may offend you:p

Is this screenshot super dark on your screen? Idk why it looks so dark, ingame it's fine for me.(as in ingame it's not dark like in the screenshot)

ANYHOW, fishing boat get;D
I took screenshots of the docks as I was building it but they are even darker


Just started playing this the other day and It's a ton of fun. Just reading the trial chat while I'm doing stuff tends to always crack me up. Just need a day off work so I can get some more time into it.


At lv47 running a Blighter(Battle/Defense/Shadowplay) with my BF whose running an Outrider(Battle/Archery/Shadowplay), the conflict zones are so incredibly fun running stealth from Shadowplay. Lots of close calls and interesting PvP fights.

One particular one today at Rookborne Basin; we were taking the Luka River rapids to get to the next zone quicker and he wanted to take his clipper over the waterfalls. We approach the falls and a hostile player drops from a glider onto our boat as we start going over the waterfall. I target and managed to get off lasso on him while we fell and stunned him at the bottom while my BF de-summons his boat. The hostile and I end up flowing farther down the river than my BF whose trying to catch up. I fought with him for about 15-20 seconds while dealing with the river current carrying us and managed to take him down. Some movie stuff right there.

I haven't gone into crafting or any professions but fishing seems like a fun group thing to do. The open world PvP with how different the area geography can be at times is interesting. Rookborne and Sanddeep being my favorite areas to go for PvP conflict.
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