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|OT| ArcheAge - Queuing Simulator 2014


Rats, there are Rats on this thread..or something like that.
edit: Oh woops, top of the page troll post.

So something actually topic related:

Hasla farming is over, thank god. Still annoyed there isn't an actual healer weapon available..
Rats, there are Rats on this thread..or something like that.
edit: Oh woops, top of the page troll post.

So something actually topic related:

Hasla farming is over, thank god. Still annoyed there isn't an actual healer weapon available..
Wombats! Get it right noob!

E: Yay I got the e-mail!.... by making a new account and using a gmail address. So if anyone ever has this authentication code problem just use a g-mail address and go to the Promotions tab. Yahoo might not work, didn't for me.


Did you check your spam filter/box? I know its a dumb question.

When I signed up I received my code almosy instantly.

You will lose track of time if you play this game. Fair warning. :)


Rats, there are Rats on this thread..or something like that.
edit: Oh woops, top of the page troll post.

So something actually topic related:

Hasla farming is over, thank god. Still annoyed there isn't an actual healer weapon available..

I read somewhere that there is a healer great club in the game. Not sure where it is though.

/baby wombats are taking over


Hit lvl 41 (almost 42) got the gold for patron, bought 1 apex for 62 gold inthe afternoon then when I got gold for the second one it was 2 am on the server and only 3 (super overpriced 83gold) apex were left on it:(

Can you pay tax on your house for weeks/months in advance?

labor pots are stupidly expensive already on my server, 14g each:\
logs seem worth 10silver each, is that good? I have no idea what to farm tomorrow once I build my farm
Damn what server are you on? APEX cost 49 on average for me. It only takes me one alt run to buy them.
Damn what server are you on? APEX cost 49 on average for me. It only takes me one alt run to buy them.

I'm on Nui (eu)
labor pots are also 14g here:\

this is definitely a rat race and a game of haves and have nots
A friend who did their research before the server went up is getting super rich (making exponentially much more than I do) by staying ahead of the curve.
He had his big farms up at the start of the raw materials boom (people wanting to buy their houses) and managed to stock up on apex and labor pots while they were cheap.
Now that that is over he has his proficiencies up from the gold he made and is selling crafted stuff with large profits.

I have to go through the same path as him to make my gold and up proficiency but it costs me more than twice as much and I earn less than half from it:p
For people behind me it'll be even harder.


I'm on Nui (eu)
labor pots are also 14g here:\

this is definitely a rat race and a game of haves and have nots
A friend who did their research before the server went up is getting super rich (making exponentially much more than I do) by staying ahead of the curve.
He had his big farms up at the start of the raw materials boom (people wanting to buy their houses) and managed to stock up on apex and labor pots while they were cheap.
Now that that is over he has his proficiencies up from the gold he made and is selling crafted stuff with large profits.

I have to go through the same path as him to make my gold and up proficiency but it costs me more than twice as much and I earn less than half from it:p
For people behind me it'll be even harder.
Dang, I'll stick to my lowish populated server.

So I could buy APEX and sell it to people for gold in game?
Yes. You can sell all of the cash shop items on the market I think.


I'm on Nui (eu)
labor pots are also 14g here:\

this is definitely a rat race and a game of haves and have nots
A friend who did their research before the server went up is getting super rich (making exponentially much more than I do) by staying ahead of the curve.
He had his big farms up at the start of the raw materials boom (people wanting to buy their houses) and managed to stock up on apex and labor pots while they were cheap.
Now that that is over he has his proficiencies up from the gold he made and is selling crafted stuff with large profits.

I have to go through the same path as him to make my gold and up proficiency but it costs me more than twice as much and I earn less than half from it:p
For people behind me it'll be even harder.

Ya I realized my mistakes quite quickly, I also didn't start until a week after the game came out. I should of been stocking supplies instead of straight up questing with most of the population. Valuable info I would of gotton in beta. But alas I'm with all the other people trying to level up their crafting behind the big guys.
So you can plant on other people's farms if they're not built yet.
In my sleep depraved daze I just planted 16 trees on some other guy's plot right next to mine without noticing it wasn't mine.

time to set an alarm to get to them in 9 hours before he sees what i've done


Does anyone have any idea what might make someone completely new to the game get banned? I basically don't even play MMORPGs so I have no clue how it might work, but a friend started the game and said the gamemaster disconnected them, and then they got a message about their account being banned.

This was before they could even finish a single quest, and they don't even know how to use chat yet.

I highly doubt they were doing any sort of cheating, they installed this solely to play with a friend. Is there anything they can do to figure out what happened?


Does anyone have any idea what might make someone completely new to the game get banned? I basically don't even play MMORPGs so I have no clue how it might work, but a friend started the game and said the gamemaster disconnected them, and then they got a message about their account being banned.

This was before they could even finish a single quest, and they don't even know how to use chat yet.

I highly doubt they were doing any sort of cheating, they installed this solely to play with a friend. Is there anything they can do to figure out what happened?

In Reddit / Archeage forum it appear that other people get banned for creating a new character. Make a ticket


Wombats! Get it right noob!

Woops, well they look like rats :p I find your avatars wildly fascinating.

I read somewhere that there is a healer great club in the game. Not sure where it is though.

/baby wombats are taking over

You can get clubs and greatclubs from Dungeons and Crafters. Just not from Hasla Farming which I find a bit annoying.

Holy fuck getting ganked while questing is infuriating.

Use Raid proximity invite (from the raid window). It helps also with other people needing the same named miniboss - easier for everyone to get the update. The tagging system is also not straight forward. The person who takes the mob first does get more credit but if the other person out damages you by too much they will still get the loot rights. Or wait until peace time in that particular zone to quest in safety.

Does anyone have any idea what might make someone completely new to the game get banned? I basically don't even play MMORPGs so I have no clue how it might work, but a friend started the game and said the gamemaster disconnected them, and then they got a message about their account being banned.

This was before they could even finish a single quest, and they don't even know how to use chat yet.

I highly doubt they were doing any sort of cheating, they installed this solely to play with a friend. Is there anything they can do to figure out what happened?

I saw a lot of posts like this on the forums. Just have your friend make a ticket. It seems it gets investigated fast and cleared up fast, too if it was indeed a mistake.


What exactly do you farm in Hasla for item drops?

If that was in regards to my Hasla farm post:
You farm for your lvl 50 weapon (which is for many classes one of the best before raiding content and high end crafted ones).

Instead of writing a little novel I just post the link to a good summary :)

As I mentioned, there is no healing weapons (or scepters for that matter) you can however get a Lute, Shield, Sword, 2H Ax and 2H Sword as well as 2h Staff and a bow.


If that was in regards to my Hasla farm post:
You farm for your lvl 50 weapon (which is for many classes one of the best before raiding content and high end crafted ones).

Instead of writing a little novel I just post the link to a good summary :)

As I mentioned, there is no healing weapons (or scepters for that matter) you can however get a Lute, Shield, Sword, 2H Ax and 2H Sword as well as 2h Staff and a bow.
There will be healing weapons today!


There will be healing weapons today!

FFS, I just saw that. They did not mention this before, did they? Because I made several threads in the official forums about this, hoping for an answer.

Now I have to do the whole farm crap again. Screw this -.-


I have a guild that is PVP oriented with gamers that have been doing this since MUDs/EQ/Shadowbane/DAOC. Most can be quite offensive, in the best internet ways.

If that sounds like your cup of tea, and you are on Saphira, lemme know. West faction.


I need to find a guild on my server... not really invested in looking for one seriously unless I hit level cap and think I'll stick around.


Ynystere flipping into peace time was complete madness today. Both factions turing in crazy amount of trade packs. Game came to a crawl.


I am still not sure if Trion's decision to keep gilda stars for trade packs in the game was a good idea and moments like that make me sway to the "nope" side of things. That aspect of the game is in such a weird spot.
Hit 50 n farmed my faded token weapon,150 tokens sucks so much to farm... got really lucky killing 2 elites in the rift event that each dropped 27 and 30 of the right token for me... still took 4 hours of farming despite that, would've been a lot more otherwise , I only had 60 of the lute tokens by the time I was done farming the 150 staff ones.
2 days ago the area was pretty empty on my server, today it was already bustling as everyone is now starting to get to lvl 50, I imagine in a few days the area will be too crowded to properly farm and it'lltake like 10++ hours just to get the weapon.

You really need to understand the market/economy in this game to be able to consistently make any gold... now that I'm starting to understand prices and why people need each material (e.g puree being for a popular traderoute) I'm finally starting to make some proper amounts of gold

Also a tip for anyone still new to the game, focus your labor into 1 or maybe two vocations at most, seriously do not spend labor mining (just buy stones instead even if you have tons of labor at the time or the exp looks desirable) if you're not going to raise your mining proficiency high and be a miner.

You only start to see any meaningful increasing returns in any vocation (including gathering or farming ones like logging//husbandry/mining etc) until you raise proficiency in it a lot, and for that you need all your labor

Random traderun tip:
the songstress movement speed song works on donkeys and you can play it while mounted, massive movement speed increase


Are you certain?

This was the case with everyone in my gaming group, but I'm pretty sure we're all on NVIDIA hardware.

I'm 1000000% certain. I have my framerate displayed on my LCD screen on my keyboard.

It's usually between 70-100+.

Switch back to DX11 and delete your shader cache folder in your Documents/Archeage folder and see if that works.

Edit - FPS is upper right next to the time. I have everything cranked in game and have everything cranked with a custom profile in the Nvidia control panel.



I'm annoyed the armor for my mage from the second dungeon looks like rags I found in a dumpster. All the quested gear I found was worse stat wise than the stuff I got from the first dungeon. Even the stuff I could craft for my level was worse.

I thought crafted armor was supposed to be some of the best?

Even with good latency the game lags in combat sometimes. Sucks worse if you are a melee class.

Yeah, I get constant 1-2 second pauses in combat. It's pretty horrible to be honest.


I'm 1000000% certain. I have my framerate displayed on my LCD screen on my keyboard.

It's usually between 70-100+.

Switch back to DX11 and delete your shader cache folder in your Documents/Archeage folder and see if that works.
Still locked at 60 after trying. With DX9, it's pretty much sticks at 100-144. What the balls.

Also, maiden voyage of the S.S. Murderboner.

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