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OT | Dutch General Election 2017 | Exit Poll: Major underperformance for Wilders

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Calling Baudet a racist isn't that big of a stretch after these gems:

That was already pointed out in the PenJ talkshow and was taken out of context. I don't believe he is a racist, but even if he was, we should focus on discussing the issues at stake, which is exactly one of his main arguments. The reason the PVV still has 20 seats is because we cannot have this discussion; people are called out for either being racist or being a hippy, which in both cases is not true most of the time. We need to find a balance between acceptable immigration and sustainable integration policies if people really want to make the PVV go away.


Putting aside the fact that the only realistic economic alternative for the Netherlands to being part of the EU and its common market and having a currency that is either the same or linked to Germany's (which we have had for many decades) is literally joining Germany as a Bundesland. The overwhelming majority of EU legislation right now concerns the common market. The EU isn't all that much more than what you describe, and actually, in many ways, a whole lot less, given the limited abilities to provide safety.

Considering how much influence the EU parliament has, I think it does a whole lot more than those things. Then again I also can't remember that times were bad when there was no European Union.
Obviously it works a lot easier this way for the large(r) companies who already have billions in revenue.

And sometimes, although that can also be called my "fear", it seems that they are only there to please those companies in order to get a nice job once they are done with politics.

Considering the CETA and TTIP are highly protested against and being pretty much ignored. As I am not yet finished reading these pacts I cannot form a fair opinion of them myself just yet.

And when it comes to safety then why do we have the NATO/NAVO? I once learned at school that when you declare war on a NATO state, you declare war on them all? Ofcourse safety is not all about preventing war, I know that, but still.

He likes to hunt because one the best things he ever felt was life slowly dissapearing from a rabbit he shot and held in his hands... He also said that woman like to be raped...

EDIT: he hates Europe and asylum seekers and wants back to a 100% white Netherlands behind closed borders

People really have to stop spreading nonsense like this, rofl. "Away with us mentality", such a great way of living...


Meh Rutte the liar who ruined the lives of alot of elderly people or the Trump like Wilders.

Both are bad and both ruin lives of the middle and lower class probably.

Mark is the lesser evil but how he neglected elderly homecare and elderly homes is a damn shame and his biggest blunder imo.
Elderly people are underfed and sometimes can only go to the toilet twice a day wich is really sad so in some cases a jail is even better to life in wich is insane honestly!
Also he ruined home healthcare there are not enough home nurses because of all the savings he made in that front wich is sad same case for the elderly people was also saving on government funding on that wich is why it is heavily neglected now.

He promised to fix it this term but knowing that he is a common liar i have my doubts about that.


Meh Rutte the liar who ruined the lives of alot of elderly people or the Trump like Wilders.

Both are bad and both ruin lives of the middle and lower class probably.

Mark is the lesser evil but how he neglected elderly homecare and elderly homes is a damn shame and his biggest blunder imo.
Elderly people are underfed and sometimes can only go to the toilet twice a day wich is really sad so in some cases a jail is even better to life in wich is insane honestly!
Also he ruined home healthcare there are not enough home nurses because of all the savings he made in that front wich is sad same case for the elderly people was also saving on government funding on that wich is why it is heavily neglected now.

He promised to fix it this term but knowing that he is a common liar i have my doubts about that.

He's forming a coalition, the other parties are there to keep him in check. 50plus is going to be making quite a lot of noise either in his coalition or outside of it.


Considering how much influence the EU parliament has, I think it does a whole lot more than those things. Then again I also can't remember that times were bad when there was no European Union.
Obviously it works a lot easier this way for the large(r) companies who already have billions in revenue.

The European parliament's influence is grossly overstated. All real power rests with the European Council, and thus the member states. As far as your memory, it is unlikely you remember a time when NL wasn't deeply economically linked to Germany. The guilder was tied to the Dmark directly or indirectly for decades because that stability was essential to protect our imports/exports. Ironically, our influence over our own monetary policy effectively grew when we joined the Euro.

And sometimes, although that can also be called my "fear", it seems that they are only there to please those companies in order to get a nice job once they are done with politics.
Considering the fact that the EU is a lot tougher on for instance cartels than individual member states (who tend to want to protect 'their' companies), that seems unlikely. After all, while NL might want to look the other way when DAF is involved in pricing agreements with other truck manufacturers, most member states have no interest in that and would rather not see such things occurring, and will thus ensure there is action.

Similarly, individual member states love to favour their corporations with state support, and are often only prevented from doing so by EU regulations designed to make sure member states don't start a rat race with each other in terms of state support for certain industries.

And when it comes to safety then why do we have the NATO/NAVO? I once learned at school that when you declare war on a NATO state, you declare war on them all? Ofcourse safety is not all about preventing war, I know that, but still.

As you say safety goes beyond just military, it's also border security (which is feasible for the EU as a whole, but not for all member states individually given all the internal borders you're unnecessarily policing and the economic cost associated with doing so), it's cooperation between police and so many other things.

As far as military goes though, yes, NATO has been good for us, but it has also created an unhealthy dependence on the US for our defence. And despite the fact that the EU as a whole spends far more on defence than our Russian neighbours, our fighting strength is not in line with that spending. After all, all these tiny militaries have a ton of redundancy and will not function well together in the event of a conflict, nor do they possess the logistic infrastructure for large scale operations. That is why in any engagement, even limited ones, we have relied on the United States.


It is worrying to read that an alt-right/nazi person got 2 seats in parliament


Also, in general disappointed with the results as it's a right-winged government that's also willing to embrace the same racist policies of the far-right. The center has really moved right these these days.
Many of these things that are supposed to be implemented throughout the EU are not even properly working in any of the member nations. If all the systems of the police forces in a single country are not linked despite many costly attempts to do so how can you expect to make it work across nations ? This is my main problem with plans coming from Groen Links and other ambitious parties, they assume that by making a law or policy decision to do X it will automagically become so despite all the evidence of this not working.

Take the Dutch police whose ICT systems are a huge mess. In the early 2000s a new system was supposed to make all departments work with the same system but of course no one wanted to actually stop the system they were used to. So you got BHV, a Frankenstein monster of interfaces to talk to all different systems using different technologies which ended with the whole police IT department being disbanded around 2010.

And somehow this will work across borders and languages.
Not saying it is easy, but the other posters wants the EU as a thing for safety, so then you need to link the systems together. Which at the moment would mean more EU instead of less.

Bullshit. FvD has issues with economic migrants, not asylum seekers. They are very clear and aware about the distinction, but hey, you probably heard other people calling them racists so it must be true, right?
The guy is literally saying Dutch people will disappear when we mix with other people. I can't really make anything else from that beside him being racist as hell. Couple that with his abhorrent views on women, being a Trump supporter and visiting other alt-right figures, I don't know how we can draw any other conclusion then that he is alt-right himself.


The guy is literally saying Dutch people will disappear when we mix with other people. I can't really make anything else from that beside him being racist as hell. Couple that with his abhorrent views on women, being a Trump supporter and visiting other alt-right figures, I don't know how we can draw any other conclusion then that he is alt-right himself.

He did not say that at all, where are you getting your information from? He said that if we continue to allow mass immigration to run amock, and continue to fail with our integration policies, it will undermine Dutch culture (not race) in the long term. Hence his proposal that everyone, current inhabitants and new, should respect several important aspects in the constitution. He also said everyone is welcome as long as they respect our values in the constitution. Sounds fair to me because it only excludes those with world views that undermine our society, we already have enough issues with those groups.
Calling Baudet a racist isn't that big of a stretch after these gems:

Yup, dude is dangerous.

To be honest, I can understand his frustration when he said that and I'm not a VVD voter, but if anything his party has been pretty good to Turkish people who own their own businesses. I read 34% of the people voted for the VVD in the last minute because of the flag waving the other day. That sentiment was also pretty much visible on this forum. The whole incident with Erdogan changed the dynamic of the elections.

No matter his intentions or frustrations, that kind of language - the kind that lacks any nuance - is dangerous and inexcusable for a supposed statesman. He should be diffusing tensions, not adding to them.


He did not say that at all, where are you getting your information from? He said that if we continue to allow mass immigration to run amock, and continue to fail with our integration policies, it will undermine Dutch culture (not race) in the long term. Hence his proposal that everyone, current inhabitants and new, should respect several important aspects in the constitution. He also said everyone is welcome as long as they respect our values in the constitution. Sounds fair to me because it only excludes those with world views that undermine our society, we already have enough issues with those groups.

Die zelfhaat die we proberen te ontstijgen [..] door de Nederlandse bevolking homeopathisch te verdunnen met alle volkeren van de wereld, zodat er nooit meer een Nederlander zal bestaan. Zodat wie wij zijn, niet meer gestalte kan krijgen.

Yeah, that doesnt sound like a Nazi at all..


Yup, dude is dangerous.

No matter his intentions or frustrations, that kind of language is dangerous and inexcusable for a supposed statesman. He should be diffusing tensions, not adding to them.

I still don't think he was being harsh. Job Cohen unfortunately though a good mayor, never really recovered from being called a "thee drinker" and most saw him as soft. Do I agree with what Rutte said? No, do I understand his frustrations for saying do yes.


Dutch culture (not race).
Dutch culture is just as illusionary a concept as dutch race would be. Culture in general is quite hard to define.

But go ahead and protect what you feel needs protection. I'll do my part to mix it out with foreign influences as good as I'll can :)
He did not say that at all, where are you getting your information from? He said that if we continue to allow mass immigration to run amock, and continue to fail with our integration policies, it will undermine Dutch culture (not race) in the long term. Hence his proposal that everyone, current inhabitants and new, should respect several important aspects in the constitution. He also said everyone is welcome as long as they respect our values in the constitution. Sounds fair to me because it only excludes those with world views that undermine our society, we already have enough issues with those groups.
”Die zelfhaat die we proberen te ontstijgen [..] door de Nederlandse bevolking homeopathisch te verdunnen met alle volkeren van de wereld, zodat er nooit meer een Nederlander zal bestaan. Zodat wie wij zijn, niet meer gestalte kan krijgen."

I mean... what do I need to make off that?

He blamed the fall of the Roman Empire to there not being any ethnic Romans anymore, and that before they were of a more Northern European appearance. So apparently the decay of the Romans was due to them mixing with other races?

He hangs out with Milo Yiannopoulos. He goes around taking pictures with pro-slavery Americans. He has neo-nazi books on his shelf. How much smoke do you need?

I've argued a lot of times on this forum in favor of strict immigration. But this guy clearly has a racist agenda and is not just worrying about whether the current immigration laws and implementation of it is good or bad.


Even funnier is, homeopathy doesnt even work, it's pure placebo. So, in light of that, Baudet's quote is quite hilarious.


It's a very lame excuse. It changes nothing in Baudet's statement, because no one can explain the difference.

I think it is lame to immediately frame people as racists or nazi, that does not help any discussion at all. Yesterday he proposed to make Aboutaleb Minister of Integration. How dare he, what a racist scumbag.


I don't think you know what a nazi actually is. Carefully read my earlier post and try again.

No thanks, I'm fine. But I would suggest you to do some research into the rise of the NSDAP and think about the paralels there are between that and the things Baudet says.


It's a very lame excuse. It changes nothing in Baudet's statement, because no one can explain the difference.
It is not about the difference between race or culture. It is about not positing culture as something that you feel you can define or protect. Culture is far too dynamic and undefined to posit it as a concept of 'Dutch culture' that one can work to protect.


Baudet is one of the most sneaky fascists I've seen in my life, he is already being normalized

I know people that are important inside of FvD and they are all alt-reich people. Do not trust Baudet.


“Die zelfhaat die we proberen te ontstijgen [..] door de Nederlandse bevolking homeopathisch te verdunnen met alle volkeren van de wereld, zodat er nooit meer een Nederlander zal bestaan. Zodat wie wij zijn, niet meer gestalte kan krijgen.”

I mean... what do I need to make off that?

He blamed the fall of the Roman Empire to there not being any ethnic Romans anymore, and that before they were of a more Northern European appearance. So apparently the decay of the Romans was due to them mixing with other races?

He hangs out with Milo Yiannopoulos. He goes around taking pictures with pro-slavery Americans. He has neo-nazi books on his shelf. How much smoke do you need?

I've argued a lot of times on this forum in favor of strict immigration. But this guy clearly has a racist agenda and is not just worrying about whether the current immigration laws and implementation of it is good or bad.

Their party programm is not racist at all. I'd rather see what FvD will do from here on and then draw my conclusions based on their actions instead of proclaiming them as the next nazi party only because SOME of their views are aligned in the right (not even the extreme right).


He did not say that at all, where are you getting your information from? He said that if we continue to allow mass immigration to run amock, and continue to fail with our integration policies, it will undermine Dutch culture (not race) in the long term. Hence his proposal that everyone, current inhabitants and new, should respect several important aspects in the constitution. He also said everyone is welcome as long as they respect our values in the constitution. Sounds fair to me because it only excludes those with world views that undermine our society, we already have enough issues with those groups.

But...if everyone current and new needs to respect our fundamental values...why is he himself still here? His values seem more in line with those of Putin's Russia, and given his foreign policy platform, his allegiance is already with Russia anyway.


No thanks, I'm fine. But I would suggest you to do some research into the rise of the NSDAP and think about the paralels there are between that and the things Baudet says.

You don't have to belittle me, I've studied history and I think you talk non-sense.


But...if everyone current and new needs to respect our fundamental values...why is he himself still here? His values seem more in line with those of Putin's Russia, and given his foreign policy platform, his allegiance is already with Russia anyway.

I don't agree with that, but I also don't support their foreign policy ideas. I think we should stay in the EU, but I do think the EU needs to be reorganized.


I don't agree with that, but I also don't support their foreign policy ideas. I think we should stay in the EU, but I do think the EU needs to be reorganized.

It goes beyond just the EU though. Apart from seeking to weaken Europe, he also seeks to 'normalize' relations with Russia and he cast doubt on our investigation into what happened with MH17. I can't square those things with either our core values or with an allegiance to this country.


Baudet is one of the most sneaky fascists I've seen in my life, he is already being normalized

I know people that are important inside of FvD and they are all alt-reich people. Do not trust Baudet.

Yup and to think that men are already attacking woman on social media because of him..is even more worrisome.
Their party programm is not racist at all. I'd rather see what FvD will do from here on and then draw my conclusions based on their actions instead of proclaiming them as the next nazi party only because SOME of their views are aligned in the right (not even the extreme right).
I also judge someone by the company he keeps and the ideas he has spread before going into politics. And in this case, that is not a good look.

Sure, his program might not be straight up racist. But that doesn't mean the guy running it isn't.

You are sweeping aside a ton of major red flags about this guy and say: we'll see what happens. Why not also look at his previous actions and words then, instead of hoping it will be better in the future?


It is not about the difference between race or culture. It is about not positing culture as something that you feel you can define or protect. Culture is far too dynamic and undefined to posit it as a concept of 'Dutch culture' that one can work to protect.

That's pretty much my point :) If you can't make a precise definition of culture, then what are you getting at?


You don't have to belittle me, I've studied history and I think you talk non-sense.

Well, to me, Baudet's rhetoric sounds a lot like this:

"I didn't say that the Jews are inferior. I didn't even maintain they are a race. I merely saw that the mixture of different cultures didn't work."


It goes beyond just the EU though. Apart from seeking to weaken Europe, he also seeks to 'normalize' relations with Russia and he cast doubt on our investigation into what happened with MH17. I can't square those things with either our core values or with an allegiance to this country.

Nope, his aim is not to weaken Europe, but to strengthen this country. I don't agree with him on his solution, but it is totally subjective to state that because he disagrees with you, his allegiance lays somewhere else.


I also judge someone by the company he keeps and the ideas he has spread before going into politics. And in this case, that is not a good look.

Sure, his program might not be straight up racist. But that doesn't mean the guy running it isn't.

You are sweeping aside a ton of major red flags about this guy and say: we'll see what happens. Why not also look at his previous actions and words then, instead of hoping it will be better in the future?

I am not sweeping anything, I just don't buy the idea that he is a racist.


Nope, his aim is not to weaken Europe, but to strengthen this country. I don't agree with him on his solution, but it is totally subjective to state that because he disagrees with you, his allegiance lays somewhere else.

I was more talking about the latter parts of my post in that regard. I would like to think our core values clash with those of a state that conquers territory, not to mention one that killed hundreds of our countrymen during an illegal invasion of a neighbouring sovereign state.


Well, to me, Baudet's rhetoric sounds a lot like this:

"I didn't say that the Jews are inferior. I didn't even maintain they are a race. I merely saw that the mixture of different cultures didn't work."

Considering the (real) fascist Turks rallying the other day, I think we have issues, yes. But there are also many more Turks that fit in perfectly here. He never said those aren't welcome.
I am not sweeping anything, I just don't buy the idea that he is a racist.
You are ignoring his racist remarks, him meeting with racists, him having racist books and him enjoying support form racists. At what point can we say: well, this guy is probably racist?

That's the problem with types like this. They are just asking questions, or find some ideas interesting, etc, etc. Because they can't come out and clearly state their ideas.

And if he is not racist, then he is pandering towards that group. Which might be just as bad.

Do you think it is a good look for a politician to meet up with alt-right and racist figures, or does that raise any questions about their own ideas?


Their party programm is not racist at all.

Yeah, they're not being racist at all! They just want to keep our culture pure.

They call this dog-whistle politics in the US.

Also that one time he said Aboutaleb was ok. Clearly not racist.

I did get a good laugh about their ideas on direct democracy and their "zakenkabinet". Baudet thinks he's some great intellectual but he's being hilariously naive there. He's a spoiled brat who knows nothing about the world and Hiddema is equally far removed from the rest of society. But I'm sure they will save us from our self-hate.


I was more talking about the latter parts of my post in that regard. I would like to think our core values clash with those of a state that conquers territory, not to mention one that killed hundreds of our countrymen during an illegal invasion of a neighbouring sovereign state.

Ok so we should break with the US too then? They did even worse in the Middle-East. The only difference is that they didn't annex anything.


Ok so we should break with the US too then? They did even worse in the Middle-East. The only difference is that they didn't annex anything.

As much as I disagree with America's intervention in Iraq. That's a pretty big difference there, that shouldn't be dismissed as 'the only difference', that's a colossal difference.
Ok so we should break with the US too then? They did even worse in the Middle-East. The only difference is that they didn't annex anything.
I see the whataboutism has started here.

I missed the part where the US shot down a plane with 200 of our countrymen in the Middle-east also.


You don't have to belittle me, I've studied history and I think you talk non-sense.

Steev, I know you adore the guy, but you also have to be realistic and look at things critically. We get it, you like his program, but you should not tend a blind eye to the hate and some of the people he chills with. That's kind of a red flag don't you think?


I am not sweeping anything, I just don't buy the idea that he is a racist.


Baudet has talked about the ”homeopathic thinning" of the Dutch population with ”other peoples", he's claimed that women enjoy being sexually assaulted, has championed pick-up artist Julien Blanc, said that the Netherlands suffers from an ”auto-immune disease", and is buddies with alt-right champion and Twitter-banned Milo Yiannopoulos, formerly of Breitbart. And that's just the start.

Those moments are telling, like when he told his supporters at a pre-election rally that the Dutch population was being ”homeopathically diluted" by ”other peoples", or when he wrote about the Netherlands suffering from an ”auto-immune disease". At one point, he claimed that the ”ethnic Roman" of the classic Empire has disappeared because of immigration and asked, rhetorically, ”who's the modern-day Roman"?

The most telling moment may have been when an obscure, German eugenics/neo-nazi text published in 2012 showed up on his bookshelf, thanks to some nice closeups from a Dutch TV show that visited his home.

I'm not kidding. That's a recent neo-nazi text arguing that white people are smarter than people of color, and that immigrants are ruining Germany by interbreeding and therefore diluting the intelligence of the native whites. How much more obvious does it get?

nope, not racist at all.


The European parliament's influence is grossly overstated. All real power rests with the European Council, and thus the member states. As far as your memory, it is unlikely you remember a time when NL wasn't deeply economically linked to Germany. The guilder was tied to the Dmark directly or indirectly for decades because that stability was essential to protect our imports/exports. Ironically, our influence over our own monetary policy effectively grew when we joined the Euro.....

Cut your reply quite a bit, because I do not wish to fill half a page yet again with one post.

Anyway, thank you for actually explaining things instead of immediately calling me any names for having a different opinion. Just like some other people here who can actually go more in depth.

Can't post much more as typing on a phone frustrates me. I'll join in once again when I am back home.


You are ignoring his racist remarks, him meeting with racists, him having racist books and him enjoying support form racists. At what point can we say: well, this guy is probably racist?

That's the problem with types like this. They are just asking questions, or find some ideas interesting, etc, etc. Because they can't come out and clearly state their ideas.

And if he is not racist, then he is pandering towards that group. Which might be just as bad.

Do you think it is a good look for a politician to meet up with alt-right and racist figures, or does that raise any questions about their own ideas?

It totally depends on the purpose of the meetings and second if those ideas are actually being defended in public or in their political program. For now this seems like a witch hunt to me. There are many reasons why someone can have certain books, especially if they are historians.

Steev, I know you adore the guy, but you also have to be realistic and look at things critically. We get it, you like his program, but you should not tend a blind eye to the hate and some of the people he chills with. That's kind of a red flag don't you think?

I don't adore him at all, I am just getting tired of leftist rhetoric that everyone who disagrees is a nazi, facist or racist. It is no different than Erdogan.

The guy has a book, oh boy. Everyone who owns Mein Kampf is a nazi now too? Jesus christ guys, settle down.

I have several works of Nietzsche here, and because Nietzsche hated Jews, I am probably anti-Semitic?


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
I hope we can now make a move to institute a dutch identity​ that safeguards citizens and helps ethnic minorities. It is wrong for people born in our country to be called 'allochtoon'- it says to those people they will always be different, it encourages segregation, and it helps oppressors disguise their hatred.

It is inconceivable to ask people to have an allegiance and then not give them full rights in return.
It totally depends on the purpose of the meetings and second if those ideas are actually being defended in public or in their political program. For now this seems like a witch hunt to me. There are many reasons why someone can have certain books, especially if they are historians.
I'd agree with you if these were single incidents. But we are looking at a pattern here. He is a Putin fanboy, anti-EU, says he worries about Dutch culture disappearing, meets with alt-right figures, reads nazi books, holds anti-feminist views, panders to the alt-right. At some point, you just got to say: he is part of the alt-right.


It totally depends on the purpose of the meetings and second if those ideas are actually being defended in public or in their political program. For now this seems like a witch hunt to me. There are many reasons why someone can have certain books, especially if they are historians.

I don't adore him at all, I am just getting tired of leftist rhetoric that everyone who disagrees is a nazi, facist or racist. It is no different than Erdogan.

The guy has a book, oh boy. Everyone who owns Mein Kampf is a nazi now too? Jesus christ guys, settle down.

I have several works of Nietzsche here, and because Nietzsche hated Jews, I am probably anti-Semitic?

You are being purposely obtuse. A guy who speaks on the purety of the Dutch people and has a neo-nazi book on eugenics is a racist. Especially if that guy is known to meet with alt-right figures.


Considering the (real) fascist Turks rallying the other day, I think we have issues, yes. But there are also many more Turks that fit in perfectly here. He never said those aren't welcome.

What has the 'Turkey-incident' to do with the fact that Baudet is flirting with Nazi-ideology?

Anyway; scapegoating a minority isn't the way to handle these kind of problems, it creates fear for the 'other', without merits and or proper cause. Baudet sounds like someone who has a big (unfounded) fear of multiculturism.


As much as I disagree with America's intervention in Iraq. That's a pretty big difference there, that shouldn't be dismissed as 'the only difference', that's a colossal difference.

The thing is that I would like an EU army actually, then we don't have to indefinitely support a country that invades others on false pretenses, while also excluding another that is simply a danger to the free world. To some that may not be in line with our core values either, which is my point.


So not worth it
You are being purposely obtuse. A guy who speaks on the purety of the Dutch people and has a neo-nazi book on eugenics is a racist. Especially if that guy is known to meet with alt-right figures.

There's no question Baudet is of extremely questionable morality. I feel sorry about the people that ended up voting for him unbeknownst to that fact though, I think the political journalists failed on properly reporting on this, though. I know Baudet wasn't a "big fish" this election cycle, but he really shouldn't have been getting any votes.
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