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[OT] This Winnie the Pooh Flash Game is Way Too Hard for Its Target Audience

I randomly started playing this game a few months ago and figured out you could fucking upgrade your stats. Got all the way to Christopher Robin without knowing that.

EDIT: Nevermind, looks like I only got to Owl. Oh my


I got to Tigger without ever knowing there were stats you could boost with points from playing...

Pooh moves at the same speed as my cursor now, fuck.

El Sloth

Rabbit ain't shit

Got him pretty easily on my second try. Could have gotten him on my first if I didn't foul the last ball!

Get your fuzzy carrot-eating ass outta here




Screw you, you feathered, physics defying pellet barfing, sack of crap.

I got to Tigger without ever knowing there were stats you could boost with points from playing...

Pooh moves at the same speed as my cursor now, fuck.

whelp, damnit.
Y'all weren't kidding

The key to defeat Owl is to dismiss any hope you have of beating him.

He is a demoniacal avatar that feeds on human hope. As soon as you think you can beat him and see that you need only a couple of home runs, his powers will activate and will proceed to crush you.

Play as if you already lost, never guess how many home runs you need. Forfeit any hope and you will defeat him.

Owl knows... owl knows...
Actually just got 26 on Tigger in my first try, figured him out real well by the end. Beat him on my 2nd, easiest one I've done so far.

El Sloth


That's it, I'll try again tomorrow.


I found the kangaroo far harder than the rabbit, like i pretty much failed four strikes on the rabbit while i had to retry the kangaroo twice.

Decided to stop at owl, he drives me nuts.
I was living a peaceful live and forgot about the pain until this thread got bumped. There is no way in hell I will beat Christopher Robin, but I will do nothing else on my work day tomorrow. Thanks for getting me fired GAF!


After 45 minutes of playing, I think I might give up at Rabbit. Those slow then fast balls are annoying.
This is truly the gift that keeps on giving, the game should be on a NeoGAF top 50/100 essential games to play and this thread should be on a NeoGAF top 50/100 threads to read.


The deed is done. Holy carp do I feel like a moron for not leveling any of my skills until owl.

But it is over now. The addition of skill points has enabled me to smash the feathered freak, smite invisible bullshit Hobbes, and vanquish the corpse god Cristopher Robin.

I have added his broken body atop the pile of the others, upon the ancient altar of a Mayan pyramid, where I consume the hearts of my enemies to take their power.

My transcendence is now complete, my will absolute, my power irresistable.

Face me, and you shall surely perish.
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