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Otogi 2 & level destruction


Man, I can't believe I thought this game was "so-so" when I first played it. With 19 hours logged -- and still a few levels left in the main campaign (as well as like a dozen 100%'s to get) and several Havocs left unbeaten -- I'm having an awesome time destroying shit. Maybe a little too awesome a time since my Suetake (who I use for destruction since he kicks so much ass at it) is way better than everyone else in my crew by now.

Anyway. I've noticed that sometimes, seemingly at random, you get VIT/INT increases during stages. At first, I thought this was for level destruction rates. Whenever you reached a new "level" of destruction (A, B, C, etc) you'd get VIT/INT increases, but I've tried to check it while playing now and I could've sworn I got an increase once when I was already at A. Anyone have any idea?

Kinda wondering since I want to review it and I'd like to know, since if the increases happen with level destruction that's an added incentive on top of the hidden Orbs you may also find. Didn't get assigned to review it but this game needs to be showered with 9's from as many sources as possible! Maybe even a 10, since I can't find anything to complain about here. Go buy it!
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