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Otome Community Thread: Happiness isn't a limited commodity, my love is boundless!


Yo, thank you soooo much for taking the time to write out all this stuff, super helpful. You even included photo refs :'D. I look forward to the rest of your thoughts!
I'm a big fan of images ;)
So going back to this:
What sort of things do you guys and gals look for in an otome? What draws you to it initially? What kinds of stories and characters keep you hooked? What sort of boys are your faves?
I've tried to start answering the next bit of this several times and found it far harder than I expected so it's taken me a while.

Largely it's not the stories that keep me hooked. I've tried to come up with reasons to explain that and I can't.
I honestly don't care whether I'm fighting to save my brother who is trapped in an overly large pit of goo, trying to escape an afterlife dimension, or trying to settle the differences between roving packs of spirits. I mean, all those things are fun, and I'd certainly enjoy reading about them if it was done well, but none of them will be what keeps me playing.

The characters and the settings are far more likely to. I particularly enjoy games that take a normal setting and knock it slightly off kilter, or games with a fantasy or sci-fi bent. I also like historical settings, or ones where for no clear reason there are a load of demons. I like demons *shrugs*
(This is from Cute Demon Crashers. I haven't actually played it yet, but it's free and it advertises itself as a sex-positive game with demons so... yeah, let's just say I intend to. They look pretty hot too!)

When it comes to the characters I guess what I like most is a cast of characters who have their own motivations. It's... perhaps not the best match for a genre where characters' lives end up revolving around a player character, but meh.
I like it when the cast interacts with each other. I like characters who work well together, or who bounce off each other well. They don't have to be romancable for me to like that, either. Some of my favourite parts of Amnesia were the guys talking to each other, or the girly sleepover, or Ukyo saying he (spoilers, I guess)
would miss them all after the stay at the cabin
. Those moments built up the game for me just as much as the plot.

I'll also say that I like being able to call people out on their shit. Being able to do that gets me more invested in the characters.
I don't like being penalised for doing that.
At least not when it's deserved. Yes, it really did irk me that if the heroine told Ikki he was being a colossal jackass regarding the fanclub it was the heroine who was in the wrong. And getting annoyed about that took me out of the moment.
Yes, Orion, it is.

In terms of guys I like confidence and sarcasm. Admittedly, this largely means I end up gravitating towards assholes, but not always!
Just... you know... often.
It's not even just limited to otome games, or games with a female MC, or even games that have friendship or romance options. They're just the type of characters I tend to find myself enjoying.

It is worth saying that if the characters are convincing enough I can certainly end up outside my predilections. As much as I enjoyed Ikki's outrageous flirting and Ukyo's idea of casual conversation I found myself enjoying Kent's route in Amnesia because the heroine was a stronger character there and that won out, even though he wouldn't usually be "my type" :)

But, if the character's aren't strong enough then I'm more likely to put the game down. I still haven't finished Bad Apple Wars. I love the art. I love the side characters... the problem is that I like the side characters far more than I like the main characters and their story is largely "fixed" so I'm a little less invested in playing through it again (even though, actually, playing through my second route I was practically squeeing over seeing part of it from a different perspective). The leads, in comparison, just feel a little wishy-washy.
My favourite, design wise, was Higa.
To me, someone who dresses like that should have confidence. And, I mean, I liked him, he was sweet, but not quite what I expected. In fairness, the fact his route felt pretty underbaked probably didn't help, nor did the fact that the heroine kept ruminating on her blankness in his route because that was irritating, but it really sunk in after playing Alma's route. Basically Alma's route is so clearly the main one that it made Higa's feel retroactively even more like an afterthought. Unfortunately I just didn't really feel any attachment to Alma. He's not bad, just bland, and I needed something more. It's possible when I go back to it some of the other routes might be able to provide what I was missing, but the first two really didn't grab me and unfortunately that was enough for me to put it down and do something else.


The second thing that I need to get me to give it a shot is the actual mechanics itself--an otome with stats is an instant no for me--I know a lot people don't mind them, but for me if I invested hours into a game only to have the wrong stats and then get a bad ending because I've not been sitting there playing the game with a guide.. it's just infuriating to me.
See, I started off ready to counter this by saying I don't mind stats, but when I thought about I do have this kind of intrinsic paranoia that I'll miss something by statting wrong.
I know they're not otome games, but I keep thinking of Persona 3/4 and the Atelier games.
The first playthrough I tend to do clean, and the Persona games had a bit of leeway so I was fine with them. For Totori though I got the lousy end on my first playthrough and even though I'd loved the game until that point (and loved it enough that I've bought the subsequent games) it made me want to go digging for a walkthrough for my second attempt. The problem then became that once I had The Walkthrough I didn't just want to avoid the lousy end anymore, I wanted to get the most out of it by pursuing all the ends at once, and then at some point I didn't have the guide to hand and I got paralyzed by indecision. I still haven't gone back to Totori because I have no idea where I got to with The Walkthrough (especially as the one I was using didn't quite end up matching up to what I was doing so I'd made all these stupid little notes) :|

On the other hand I did enjoy the stats in Long Live the Queen, and the way pursuing different stats opened up different options and resulted in different outcomes each time. I still haven't gotten all the endings but I've definitely had some fun going through it several times :)

I guess maybe for me it depends how strict it is, or how they're implemented.
I also can't stand a brainless heroine, or the ones that are just... not even virginal but just prudes. Like a dude will say something a bit risque (like in Nameless, this happened a lot) that I was totally fine with IRL but the MC would like kick him in the dick for saying it, or she would just be like ?_? "huh? What does that mean?" and the boys all get mad. Give me a girl who knows what sex is and is okay with it for once, please.
"Give me a girl who knows what sex is and is okay with it for once, please."
Word. I'm done with the whole "you don't want me to be in a room alone with you" trope. Fuck, let's be alone in a room if you're giving me a choice, let's make some babies.
I would 100% be completely in favor of a girl who knew what she wanted, or at least didn't freak out at the thought of being alone in a room with a boy. -.-;
I'll fourth this.
At the very least I want the option to flirt back sometimes. And yeah, I'd like a few games with the option to go further. Oh fade to black if you have to for rating's sake, but give me a game that can have some fun being suggestive about it.

It's why, for all Ozmafia sounds a little divisive, I'm kind of looking forward to it. It sounds like the MC is active in her pursuits, at least :)
I adore romance and playing the matchmaker in games, so getting into otome games seemed like a no brainer. Matching a hero with his female love interests is fun, but it's much better to do it with a heroine and her love interests. I guess is just easier to fangirl over guys than girls.
I would actually love a game where I could screw around match-making the cast with each other, and having my matches impact the plot. Especially if it let me make totally inappropriate matches as well as ones that look like they'd work :)


Some otome games are on sale on Steam:

Amnesia: Memories- $2.99
Ozmafia!!- $29.74
Dandelion ~Wishes Brought To You~- $25.49
Hatoful Boyfriend- $2.49
Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star- $3.74
Cinders- $4.99

There are others, those were just the big ones I saw.
MangaGamer doesn't give its titles heavy discounts (25% off is pretty much the max), and Ozmafia has done well for them so I imagine there is little reason to give the game away like IFI is with Amnesia.


The difference in quality and price is equally absurd.

Ah, gotcha. Yeah, the price difference is pretty crazy, considering general opinion of the two games.

Speaking of which, I need to finish Ozmafia. Just need to finish up VLR first.


I'll fourth this.
At the very least I want the option to flirt back sometimes. And yeah, I'd like a few games with the option to go further. Oh fade to black if you have to for rating's sake, but give me a game that can have some fun being suggestive about it.

It's why, for all Ozmafia sounds a little divisive, I'm kind of looking forward to it. It sounds like the MC is active in her pursuits, at least :)

I would actually love a game where I could screw around match-making the cast with each other, and having my matches impact the plot. Especially if it let me make totally inappropriate matches as well as ones that look like they'd work :)

Sadly, uh, Drakengard 3's Zero is probably the most 'knows what she wants' female protagonist ever.



Collar x Malice, Period Cube, Bad Apple Wars and Code:Realize fandisc are all coming west!

Aksys just announced them at AX.


Awesome news! I was interested in CxM but I was somewhat worried it would be a tad too difficult with all the police related terms in Japanese. Code: Realize FD is great too.
Hope they will be out in Europe, or at least in a physical way in the US so I can import if the first option isn't going to happen.


I'll have to go check and see if I can find decent plot blurbs for the games or something when I'm not on mobile. I know nothing about them beyond "nice art".


It kind of sounds like it's a BDSM game or something.

That's how it sounded to me at first, hah. Which would be fine, but not really my type of thing so I'd pass on it.

But after reading the description it seems like a crime/mystery focused story? That could be cool.


Okay, this makes up for my disappointment with the Hadaka license. I'm buying all of them, but I heard that BAW and PC were kinda mediocre. I was also really rooting for Clock Zero and Psychedelica, which are said to be pretty good and plot heavy enough to appeal to the non-otome crowd.

Another con and no DiaLover and utapri.

The collar one seemed the most interesting of the mix.

I think DiaLovers might be a complicated license wise since it's a collab between Otomate and Rejet, but if UtaPri ever comes over it would probably be through NISA.


Okay, this makes up for my disappointment with the Hadaka license. I'm buying all of them, but I heard that BAW and PC were kinda mediocre. I was also really rooting for Clock Zero and Psychedelica, which are said to be pretty good and plot heavy enough to appeal to the non-otome crowd.

I think DiaLovers might be a complicated license wise since it's a collab between Otomate and Rejet, but if UtaPri ever comes over it would probably be through NISA.

Would've liked Psychedelica as well. Heard great things about.

Maybe in the near future? :p


I'm bored so let me do some research for ya all... (yes, !'m open minded, lol)

Collar x Malice


Rated 15+


Due to the occurrences of serial brutal crimes, Shinjuku has become a dangerous town to live in. The protagonist works as a police officer and works hard everyday to keep the town safe.

However, one night, someone attacks her and places a collar around her neck with poison inside of it. Amidst the chaos and right before the protagonist’s eyes are men with suspicious backgrounds. They’re all part of an organisation composed of former police officers and have taken it upon themselves to investigate the brutal cases.

Without knowing whether she should trust these men or not, she suddenly came to hold the key to the massive case. In order to remove the collar that places her at the edge of death and to liberate Shinjuku from the malice that binds it, she cooperates and begins to investigate the incidents with the men.

Who holds her life in their hands?
Will Shinjuku ever return to its former glory?
Source: https://vndb.org/v18160

Period Cube


Rated 15+


A combination drama CD series and Vita game.

With the help of your childhood friend, Hiroya, you decide to play the online RPG game "Arcadia" in order to look for clues as to the whereabouts of your missing older brother.

You are suddenly engulfed by a blinding light and lose conscious. When you wake up, you find that the scenery has changed into that of a video game fantasy world.

As you are overwhelmed by the sudden twist of events, you learn a terrible truth: to escape this deadly world, you must clear the game.

In this cruel world, you were selected to become the key to clearing the game - the holy sword. With this, you are the target of everyone!
Source: https://vndb.org/v17640

Bad Apple Wars


Rated 12+

Congratulations on your DEATH admission!
Welcome to NEVAEH Academy!!

The heroine, who was caught in an accident on the first day that she was to enter high school, suddenly found herself on the premises of an unknown school.

This was NEVAEH Academy, a school for those whose souls were left behind after death.

In this school if you were a good student who followed the rules then, upon GRADUATION, you would be able to return and RESUME YOUR LIFE.

The heroine, having been informed about her death from a suspicious man wearing a RABBIT HEAD and thinking that this was all a dream, followed him to the school entrance ceremony.

Suddenly, a piercing explosion echoed from over there.

What started at the sign of that noise was the school war between those who defy the school's rules, the DELINQUENT TEAM BAD APPLES, and members of the DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE.

In the middle of that battle, the heroine meets a RED-HAIRED young man.

That young man faced her directly and asked a question.

"-- Do you want to live?"
Source: https://vndb.org/v17344


I'm bored so let me do some research for ya all... (yes, !'m open minded, lol)

Thanks! Just what I needed! CxM sounds...interesting. I suppose it could go either way as to how hardcore it gets. Period Cube sounds a little boring, but could have the potential to be decent. BAW sounds interesting enough, though THE random capitalized WORDS MAKE it LOOK WEIRD.

I should have some time after I move into my new apartment to finally get back on Ozmafia and look for romance; I've gotta catch up with my otoge with Norn9 and Code: Realize before these games hit.


"Why do you keep coming here, Ms. Fuka?"
"Because I love you, Mr. Manboy!"
"I like talking to you. That's what it means to love somebody, right?"

I can't wait to see what hit Fuka hard enough to cause this much brain damage.


Okay, finished up brothel route in Ozmafia. My thoughts (general spoilers as well as route ending spoilers):
as with the rest of the game so far, it's a little difficult to summon up any sort of strong response for the route. This one tried the hardest so far, though: Fuuka gets busy quite often, and in one ending actually becomes the owner of the brothel. More often than not, though, I just ended up feeling sorry for Manboy; the later parts of the route are Dorian screwing with him specifically.

I'm working with a possible route order I posted previously (
Oz boys > brothel > Robin Hood > Hamelin > Caeser > Soh, with Scarlet and Pashet scattered around wherever
), and, unless something shows up in Robin Hood's route, the brothel may not need to be played before/after anything specific; I'll note otherwise, though.

Robin Hood next.


You only really need a Vita for Norn9 and Code: Realize, I believe. (Unless you're talking about the new licenses, that is.) Everything else is easily playable on Steam. \o/


You only really need a Vita for Norn9 and Code: Realize, I believe. (Unless you're talking about the new licenses, that is.) Everything else is easily playable on Steam. \o/

Yeah, I'm talking about the new stuff + Norn9 and Code: Realize. I'm just happy to see otome games get translated.


I kinda don't want SSL. I've heard it's repetitive, and it doesn't even have the same artist as the original. I'll probably buy it and I'll probably enjoy it well enough, but I want something new.


I kinda don't want SSL. I've heard it's repetitive, and it doesn't even have the same artist as the original. I'll probably buy it and I'll probably enjoy it well enough, but I want something new.

Yeah, you have to basically treat it as an AU fandisc. Would love some more Hakuouki though!


I thought the con was over already, but we still have NISA's panel to look forward to. Fingers crossed for UtaPri, even though a part of me feels like it's hopeless. Either way, I'm expecting something to make my Vita even more happy.


I thought the con was over already, but we still have NISA's panel to look forward to. Fingers crossed for UtaPri, even though a part of me feels like it's hopeless. Either way, I'm expecting something to make my Vita even more happy.

"Sorry, we don't have any announcements right now. It's too early, but please look forward to our future announcements!"

UtaPri would be lovely, but seeing how the game isn't even out in Japan the chances of NISA already working on it are low.


I thought the con was over already, but we still have NISA's panel to look forward to. Fingers crossed for UtaPri, even though a part of me feels like it's hopeless. Either way, I'm expecting something to make my Vita even more happy.

Bandai Namco RPG panel too.
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