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Out of control pit bulls attack man.

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Oh wow, when they said the person in the video wasn't the owner I assumed that it was a dog sitter out walking them or something. Actual story is even worse.

Any reason why this wasn't attempted murder rather than assault? They very easily could have killed him.

Two Words

When you are being attacked by two dogs trained to tear you to pieces, you're probably only better off with a jetpack.
Well yeah, I said two dogs make it a pretty shitty situation no matter what. I just hope that if I ever find myself in a situation of being attacked by a vicious dog, I have my wits about me to just attack the dog back even harder.
Again, the issue is multifactorial.

Pits have a perfect blend here:

-They're used for fighting dogs
-They have the size and strength to do damage
-They have the temperament to be vicious when provoked
-They take up a huge amount of the shelter system due to the first point.

Again, I don't want pits to be banned personally, but I can see the reasoning.

You can't force owners to take dog training/care classes nor neuter pets.

Do you see why banning is easier?

Too bad banning won't do anything and in places where they have been banned hasn't done anything at all. It just makes it worst, ok it's easier


I'm pretty middle ground with pits. I had a neighbor that had a super sweet one. I loved that doggie.

But who do you blame if you have a great owner that happened to rescue a fighting dog? If that dog attacks someone and the owner is a great, loving, and attentive owner, who do you blame?

That's why it's a nuanced issue.

I don't it's as simple as blaming the breed completely or blaming the owners completely.

There are many factors and these attempts to reductive thinking don't allow more sensible solutions.

I blame the assholes who made the dog a fighting dog in the first place. Again, we're talking about an environmental factor influencing the dog to be a certain way, not necessarily a trait of the breed (though I recognize the physical traits make asshats want them for fighting). Give those same owners that same dog as a pup and see how it turns out.

I'm not delusional, I think some dogs who are abused or trained to kill may need to be put down or taken out of the general population. I don't think the breed needs to be banned, however.


Absolutely shocked to find out the woman ordered the dogs to attack. What possible reason is there to go to such extreme measures. Hope the victims are fine.


You can't play Monday Morning Quarterback with this shit. If you watch the video, you see some brave people doing their best to not get mauled as well...and even then you had others end up in the hospital.
I saw several people that nearly got bit and two that actually got bit. I don't think kicking the dog would work unless a soccer player or nfl kicker happened to walk by. That being said I'm fairly sure the kind of person who trains their dogs to attack on command are unfit to own one regardless of the breed. Why can't everyone get cats? Cats are great, and they only disappoint you when you realize they don't actually love you and will eat your corpse before it's done dying.


You can't play Monday Morning Quarterback with this shit. If you watch the video, you see some brave people doing their best to not get mauled as well...and even then you had others end up in the hospital.

Putting down an animal as strong as a Pit Bull would require savagery the average person can't really be expected to muster. Kicks and punches won't dissuade them. A bat (in the video) or knife would do the trick, possibly, but who is really prepared to brutalize a dog with a knife in the heat of the moment?

Bystander effect is a real thing as well.
People who don't want ban on pitbulls must come with a compromise for a powerful breed that is difficult to restrain if it goes out of control.

So you don't want a ban on pitbulls? fine.

But the compromise would be obligatory muzzles for all pitbull breeds, mixes and fighting dog breeds.

If they don't have a muzzle, then you get your ass fined.

If they don't have a collar with owner's address and number, then that dog should go to the pound

fuck pittbulls


They are very loyal and smart dogs. While German Shepherds and Belgian Malinois are most often used for police work, there have been successful pit bull police dogs. A famous one is Popsicle. He was found in a garbage bag in an old fridge during a drug bust. He went on to be a super successful drug dog. Pit bulls have also been used in the military and such.

As for home ownership? Same thing: smart, loyal dogs, and they are incredibly cute. Overall their temperament towards people is usually very positive. They are obsessed with pleasing people. I know there's been tons of anecdotal evidence all over this thread, but I've only known good pit bull owners, and have never -personally- known an aggressive pit. They make good household pets in a lot of the same ways many dogs do. Honestly, the pit bull "smile" melts my damn heart and I can't help but obsess over pit bulls I meet (I'm animal crazy in general).

I've only known nice ones, and when you've only known nice ones, it's easy to see why "well adjusted"(haha) people like them.

Everyone needs to remember all dogs are potentially dangerous. Don't let them run free off their leash (some asshole the other day did this at the pet store and a dog fight almost broke out). Don't leave them alone with children, even "harmless" dogs. Every dog has teeth and nails, and children and babies are small.
OK, I think I understand now a little better why someone would want a pit bull. The most reasonable approach would probably that you have to go through some training etc. before you can own any larger dog.
And yeah, never leave them alone with children no matter what breed.


So much hatred for the woman who caused this. Her actions have injured several people, some severely and her dogs will no doubt be put down because she ordered them to attack someone.

The only reasons your dog should have an attack command is if you compete in Schutzhund/IPO or if they are a properly trained protection dog. If you have the patience, time and money for either you're likely responsible enough to not use commands when they shouldn't be given.
Eh. Easy to hate on pitbulls when they are largely an issue with bad owners. Any of the docile giant dogs that everybody loves could do just as much damage if raised to be aggressive.

I understand that personal experience isn't really questioned but every pitbull I've met raised by somebody who cares (my lab/pit mix included) are the sweetest dogs I've seen. In term my family member's labrador bites extremely fucking hard and plays way too rough with people.


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
My daughter and her husband had a Staffordshire bull terrier for 5 years before he passed from cancer. He was extraordinarily gentle.

They now have a deaf pitbull, who was rescued after someone ran over him with a car. He was fostered for almost a year with weimaraners and female Staffy. That dog is amazing, and scared to death of my Jack Russell terrier.

Arguing that it's the breed is a false narrative. More people get bit by golden retrievers, among others,in a year than by pitbulls. In 10 plus years around bully breeds, I've never seen one iota of aggressive behavior from them...


Any dog raised by a lousy owner will become an aggressive monster. Even GAF forgets that nature and nurture aren't mutually exclusive, Pit Bulls epitomize this quite well. A well trained Pit can be loving and loyal, I myself own a mix. But I'd be lying if I said that his violent snaps weren't WAY worse than any other dogs I've owned. I love him to death but anything less than a well trained pit bull is a complete fucking danger to the general public.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
The fuck is this?

To be fair, most dogs that aren't intended for breeding (meaning, the vast majority of pet dogs) should be spayed/neutered. The whole canine eugenics angle id fucked though, I agree.

To all the silly fuckers who actually believe they should be eliminated outright: what then? Do vile shitheads who want an attack dog just give up and pout? Or do they switch to any of a dozen breeds like rottweilers or mastiffs, and then we have to eliminate them too? It's a completely absurd position with no realistic, attainable end.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
If people want to say that all pitbull-related deaths and assaults are due to poor ownership then the next logical step is background screening for pitbull ownership... because evidently a poorly raised pitbull is much more dangerous than when most other breeds are poorly raised.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Two dogs. Two years, just my opinion. Who the hell does something like this? The guy is 62 and being bleeding out like crazy. She deserves more than a year for setting her dogs on someone.

She'll probably only actually be in prison for a few months. Sucks, because she is a real piece of shit.


Trucker Sexologist
I just want to point out that this is nuture and not nature. I've done a lot of work with the humane Society to get beautiful pitties wonderful homes, and they are gorgeous and silly animals who deserve a lot better than they get. I hate the culture behind owning them and what people assume they are for. Please give them a chance and really speak to your local humane society about the dog that is right for you. As a quick reminder, not all dogs are compatible with your lifestyle, and these pitties and all other animals at the shelter have gone through a process to filter what homes are the best fit for them. But seriously...I love these dogs and think they should be given a proper chance at a happy life with the right family.

It's both. Dogs are animals, not people. You can't predict their behavior with 100% certainty.
If people want to say that all pitbull-related deaths and assaults are due to poor ownership then the next logical step is background screening for pitbull ownership... because evidently a poorly raised pitbull is much more dangerous than when most other breeds are poorly raised.

People should be screened for ownership of any dog.
Wow that was way worse than I imagined it to be. It's hard not to be reactionary after seeing things like that, but it's the owners responsibility and fault.

People should be screened for ownership of any dog.

No. Screening specifically for notoriously dangerous breeds may improve these types of problems though.


Threads like these are why dog lovers have always creeped me out a little. They hold these animals at such a high regard, it's just unsettling.

This article here literally compares dislike towards specific breeds of dogs to racism (I know he's trying to tip-toe around it, but you can tell what he's really getting at). There's a very clear difference between disliking a dog because it has been historically trained for the specific purpose of fighting and maiming, and discriminating against other people and treating them as subhuman for hundreds of years. Seriously, give me a break with this.


aka IMurRIVAL69
My daughter and her husband had a Staffordshire bull terrier for 5 years before he passed from cancer. He was extraordinarily gentle.

They now have a deaf pitbull, who was rescued after someone ran over him with a car. He was fostered for almost a year with weimaraners and female Staffy. That dog is amazing, and scared to death of my Jack Russell terrier.

Arguing that it's the breed is a false narrative. More people get bit by golden retrievers, among others,in a year than by pitbulls. In 10 plus years around bully breeds, I've never seen one iota of aggressive behavior from them...

More people may get bet bit goldens but more than half of all deaths from dog attacks are from pits. They're too strong and dangerous to just let any swinging dick go out and buy one IMO.


hope the dogs aren't put down :(

As a Female Pit owner of 7 years and multiple dog owner since I was a child, I love dogs but I agree with others. People aggression vs Animal aggression are two different things completely. These two showed people aggression. They need to be put to sleep and more than likely since the owner looks to be a pile, she is more than likely why they ended up this way.

Even back in the day when Pits were used for fighting and Bull baiting. They showed aggression to people, they were done.


It comes down to shitty owners. I'm not a pet person at all, but I see people who struggle with their dogs and then others with big dogs who have great control of them.

The owner had complete control of these dogs.

The owner did nothing to stop them.

That's because she ordered the attack.

Fucking awful owners. They are the reason I walk around big dogs when I see one with its owner approaching the street. I've seen it happen twice (though not as awful as what happened in the video) and I've actually been bitten by a dog before (still got the scar on my left thumb) so I prefer not to take my chances around big dogs anymore, you never know who's actually a good owner and who has one just to "look cool".

You're more likely to be bit by a small dog than a large dog (of any breed).

Those two dogs are definitely going to be put down. The owner either raised them horribly wrong or he/she got the short end of the stick twice when it comes to the temperament of these dogs.

I'm in the camp that believes that Pit Bulls as a breed are given an unfair reputation that puts them in a vicious cycle of them being constantly called out by the media, which in turn brings the breed's "reputation" to the attention of idiots, which then leads to more poor handling and breeding, which then leads to more news reports. They also have the double whammy of having their reputation being taught to everyone via word of mouth.

...Something like that. Basically, I believe that the breed is stuck between a rock and a hard place. As long as their reputation exists, the breed will be continuously screwed over.

The owner seems to have raised them to be obedient. These dogs didn't just "snap." They attacked on her command.

Again, the issue is multifactorial.

Pits have a perfect blend here:

-They're used for fighting dogs
-They have the size and strength to do damage
-They have the temperament to be vicious when provoked
-They take up a huge amount of the shelter system due to the first point.

Again, I don't want pits to be banned personally, but I can see the reasoning.

You can't force owners to take dog training/care classes nor neuter pets.

Do you see why banning is easier?

Dogs were obviously trained. They did what they were told to do.

I don't hate dogs, but damn these vicious animals. Owners should carry a means to incapacitate their animal at all times to prevent these kinds of situations, especially the more your breed is known for savagery.

She could have ordered then to stop, just as easily as she ordered them to attack. This isn't on the dogs. They were doing as told. This is no different than if the owner had just pulled out a gun and started shooting at someone she didn't like. You don't blame the gun.


I was actually happy to see strangers jumping in like that and helping. I think I would've been too scared.


It scares me when im out and about with my kids. In france you can carry a knife, and funnily enough there is hardly any knife crime. So i also carry a knife now when we go to park etc. I wouldnt hesitate to start putting holes in any fucking dog.
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