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Out of control pit bulls attack man.

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You can't play Monday Morning Quarterback with this shit. If you watch the video, you see some brave people doing their best to not get mauled as well...and even then you had others end up in the hospital.
Yeah, man. You'd have to go thumbs deep into both eye sockets to get them to let go..then you'd have to fucking run.
What pisses me off the most (aside from the asshole owner of the pits) is those guys that just stood there and watched the victim bleed. Fucking put pressure on that shit other people were fending off the dogs. Do something besides gawk!


my buddy was walking his dog, chocolate lab, when he came around the corner to see a woman with her pit bull off the leash. the pit bull charged my buddies dog and chomped down right on the neck and would not let go. the lady was screaming and my buddy was kicking the dog but nothing helped.
the pit bull finally let go when he shoved his thumb into the dogs eye socket. he felt like shit afterwards, but only move he could make to save his dogs life.

i know a lot pf pit bull owners with dogs that are perfectly normal and nice. i dont know what i would do if attacked by a pit bull, but i try to assume the best when i see one.


Give the brave samaritan a fucking medal. Jumping in and try to fight two dogs to protect a life. He didn't manage to take them down, but he maybe bought valuable time that saved the victims life.
Give the brave samaritan a fucking medal. Jumping in and try to fight two dogs to protect a life. He didn't manage to take them down, but he maybe bought valuable time that saved the victims life.

Yeah that one guy who was fighting like a boss needs recognition. No hesitation. All of them need recognition for being awesome.
Yeah, I disagree with the few people in here saying that no one did anything to help. I saw a lot of people trying to help get those dogs away from the guy. Maybe they didn't do it in the most efficient, coordinated way but given how scared everyone understandably was I think they all put in a solid effort. In a situation like that, I definitely don't know how I'd react to be honest.

I met someone at a dog park once who owned a big, sweet pit bull. He seemed to know his shit and love dogs deeply but mentioned how when pit bulls lock on they don't let go. He seemed to know that even though he had taken the effort to raise his dog correctly, that the breed was what it was.

I remember him telling me how if a dog ever locks onto another, you should stick a finger up its ass. It'll supposedly jolt it enough to at least momentarily let go.
No, but a poorly raised beagle versus a poorly raised pit bull will have wildly different results.
Yeah and sky is blue. Your comment doesn't really answer to my question and maybe it went over your head. And I think actually I understood his meaning wrongly in first place.


And you're more likely to die from a pit bull attack than a chihuahua attack.

Seriously, is that supposed to be a defense for the pits?

The dogs in question did exactly what they were ordered to do.

The owner never lost control.

The dogs don't know if the person they've been ordered to attack is innocent or not. They just know what their owner commanded.

This isn't a case of untrained dogs going wild. This is a case of trained dogs following commands to the letter.

Do you really think that well trained dogs are just going to attack at random?


hope the dogs aren't put down :(

I LOVE dogs..but nope in this occassion it's not much of a choice. It needs to be done.

on a different note the first guy in the video is NOT the owner? The dude went from an ahole owner to a damn hero just with that bit of info. What a champ. Glad people stepped up. Hope the owner of the dogs rot in jail.

Edit: LMFAO Asked a friend in NY if she saw the news about the pitbull attack and her first response was: "No...you mean the dogs or the rapper?"

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not sure it's the right way to read "% of total dog population", as it's unlikely there's more Pittbulls than German Shepherds anywhere, be it in US or the world. Maybe it means "percentage of dogs that attacked compared to total population of this precise breed" but it's not clear. What's the source ?

It's probably because the "pit bull" designation for that study is actually a bunch of different breeds and mixes that get lumped together. I took the image from the last thread on pit bulls, but a reverse Google Image search should pull up the source.

I'd really like to see the criteria used for Pit Bull when making this. In my experience, everything that resembles a certain look gets thrown into the "Pit Bull" category, regardless of what the dog actually is. A neighbor's dog bit me once, my parents thought it was a Pit Bull but it was actually a Mastiff.

In my experience, Pits are actually a pretty chill breed, they're just strong as fuck. On leash, there's no way my 70 pound German Shepherd could pull my 230 pound ass or otherwise get out of control. But if you've got two poorly trained, aggressive, 120 pound pieces of meat trying to pull you down the street, good luck. A lot of times these larger pits are crossbred too.

Yeah I agree with you. I don't have any issue with pit bulls, I think they make great dogs with good owners.
But they're the nicest and sweetest dog breed evar!!1 mine would never hurt anyone
But I wasn't even defending pit bulls, so your condescending shitpost isn't needed here.

I freakin love dogs, but I think most breeds are way over breeded and they are mockery of nature. Full of genetic problems, just for sake of human vanity. Some of course are breeded for certain need, but often it has gone too far. I prefer more "natural" dogs, I don't want to be part of breeding industry.
Horrible video. I've a relative who owned a pit. That dog was the chillest canine I've ever known, so it makes me sad to see yet another incident with aggressive pit bulls. Kudos to the other people for stepping in.

hope the dogs aren't put down :(

These dogs are definitely getting put to sleep.


Are the good pit bulls worth the cost of pit bull victims though?
Of course. Dogs aren't guns, they're living beings. I can't understand the hatred of people who want to exterminate a whole race because said race was mistreated and misued for centuries and has to fight with the predjustice. The reason for shitty pit bulls are shitty pit bull owners. Go for the fucking humans that mistreat a pet, not for the dogs. Especially in this case the owners ordered the dogs to attack. Why is their whole race at fault for that?


The ignorance in this thread: locked jaws, super strength, kicking the shit out of them.. smh

Those of you who think you're doing God's work by taking home abused pits from shelters, especially if you have small children or other pets at home, please stop.

If you aren't educated enough about the breed or lack optimal living environment, it's better to let them be put down.

i am unagi

Neo Member
I had a friend who had a pit and never trained it to fight. They also didn't take the steps to train out the natural aggression the dog had.

Dog ended up attacking a neighbors horse. Had to be put down.

The difference between any other breeds and the "aggressive" breeds like, German Shepards, Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, any terrier really, is that owners have to usually take EXTRA precautions and do EXTRA training to get rid of the natural aggression. Unfortunately, few owners are equipped do this.

I had two Rotts once. One naturally had the sweetest demeanor and came from a sweet home. He took very little training. The other came from a home where the bitch was extremely aggressive. The owners didn't train her that way or anything, she was just unusually protective and aggressive. Guess what? Pup was the same way.

She never attacked anyone, but my mom had to spend a ton of extra time with this dog to make sure she didn't. If idiot dog owners don't do that, it is a risk. My mom was a dog trainer. If this dog had ended up in anyone else's hands, it probably would have ended badly.


Not going to watch the video, but from the quoted article it seems that these dogs weren't "out of control" at all. Rather, it's yet another case of a terrible human being who trained them to be a weapon.

There really needs to be a stricter process to obtaining/keeping pets. Poor dogs were never given a chance to live a happy life because they sadly won't be rehabilitated after an incident like this.

Fuck people.


I just want to point out that this is nuture and not nature. I've done a lot of work with the humane Society to get beautiful pitties wonderful homes, and they are gorgeous and silly animals who deserve a lot better than they get. I hate the culture behind owning them and what people assume they are for. Please give them a chance and really speak to your local humane society about the dog that is right for you. As a quick reminder, not all dogs are compatible with your lifestyle, and these pitties and all other animals at the shelter have gone through a process to filter what homes are the best fit for them. But seriously...I love these dogs and think they should be given a proper chance at a happy life with the right family.


Folks, it's not hard to find info and studies on this


Yes, pit bulls are implicated in ~45%!of dog attacks, but there are too many variables for that to be a reliable stat:

- identifying pit bull breed variations isn't easy
- not all bites can be easily attributable to a specific breed
- most of those pit bull attacks were by UNOWNED AND FREE ROAMING dogs, and many were unneutered male dogs
- Rottweilers and German shepards are also implicated as some of the most frequent biters/attackers

There was an article we used to read and discuss with our students about a city in Canada that was trying to ban the breed outright, and a study showed that one dog owner that had been in trouble for his animals biting people was just an idiot owner that didn't understand the breed:

Left unattended all day long, tied to a post in the front yard, not fed or watered regularly, etc etc.

Yes, these dogs were bred to be hunters and fighters, but that only makes it that much more important that owners are properly educated on how to care for them. It's not uncommon to see some tough guy meathead with a wife beater, using a chain link and padlock from the hardware store as a collar, and their dog isn't neutered.

I don't own a pit but I do appreciate posts like these.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, I disagree with the few people in here saying that no one did anything to help. I saw a lot of people trying to help get those dogs away from the guy. Maybe they didn't do it in the most efficient, coordinated way but given how scared everyone understandably was I think they all put in a solid effort. In a situation like that, I definitely don't know how I'd react to be honest.

I met someone at a dog park once who owned a big, sweet pit bull. He seemed to know his shit and love dogs deeply but mentioned how when pit bulls lock on they don't let go. He seemed to know that even though he had taken the effort to raise his dog correctly, that the breed was what it was.

I remember him telling me how if a dog ever locks onto another, you should stick a finger up its ass. It'll supposedly jolt it enough to at least momentarily let go.

I think we can say that they saved that man's life.


The dogs were ordered to attack by the owner. I don't think this is a pit bull problem, but a piece of shit of an owner problem.
It does put it in a bit of different light. I suppose technically they weren't out of control since they did as ordered. The question is what would have happened if the owner tried to stop them, but that asshole apparently was happy with the outcome.
muzzles is the compromise

You love your pittbull? Fine, muzzle it in public

You fear pitbulls? If they are muzzled, the fear goes away

problem sovled.

All fight dog breeds should be muzzled in public, period.


muzzles is the compromise

You love your pittbull? Fine, muzzle it in public

You fear pitbulls? If they are muzzled, the fear goes away

problem sovled.

All fight dog breeds should be muzzled in public, period.
Good idea! Protect owners, other people and the dogs themselves.
I went to the humane society to adopt a dog and they are really all pitbulls. Pitbulls of every size, age, color, and disposition. It seems the owners do not keep them long. That or they breed a lot.

Same here. Went to 2 shelters in different counties over the last week. 9/10 were pits.
About 10 years ago I was at a park once with my brother in law and this pit got off his leash and was attacking this kid on his skateboard. The owner attempted to get control and couldn't deter the dog so my brother in law grabbed his collar behind his neck and adrenaline pumping lifted the dog up and over his head in an arc motion slamming the dog to the ground. My brother in law is massive and the dog acted like it had been thrown into a water bed. He angled closer to the cement and slammed the dog twice on the curb breaking his back legs. Owner is losing her mind screaming at my brother. Even with both legs out of commission the fury contained in that animal was unreal

muzzles is the compromise

You love your pittbull? Fine, muzzle it in public

You fear pitbulls? If they are muzzled, the fear goes away

problem sovled.

All fight dog breeds should be muzzled in public, period.

Good compromise


The woman who ordered the dogs to do this is a sick human being and should get 5 years or more in prison. Anyone who can easily order dogs to maul someone, possibly to death, is a psychopath. I have to wonder if this is the first time the lady has done this. I can imagine she has does this before and not gotten caught.
I can't wait for the day where having a dog that could put on a fight with a fucking wolf is something unacceptable. What is even the point of having a pitbull or a rottweiler over a retriever or a husky? There's literally no reason other than to look cooler and pretend to be respected just because you posses an animal that can potentally shred to pieces a human in a matter of seconds.

Thankfully some common sense has already arrived in this regard to most places in Europe and other parts of the world. Still not enough tho, I don't care about a leash or a muzzle, just stop allowing the breeding of an animal that was designed to viciously fight other animals already.

Yea loyal, except a pitbull's loyalty can mean killing another person to defend his owner, and there's no proof whatsoever that these kind of dogs are more "loyal" than any other breed.

Agreed here. Considering how strong they are and how dangerous they can potentially be, this shouldn't be a race handled by common people.
The owner had complete control of these dogs.

That's because she ordered the attack.

You're more likely to be bit by a small dog than a large dog (of any breed).

The owner seems to have raised them to be obedient. These dogs didn't just "snap." They attacked on her command.

Dogs were obviously trained. They did what they were told to do.

She could have ordered then to stop, just as easily as she ordered them to attack. This isn't on the dogs. They were doing as told. This is no different than if the owner had just pulled out a gun and started shooting at someone she didn't like. You don't blame the gun.
Am I missing something? I didn't see anyone order an attack. Where is this coming from?


Am I missing something? I didn't see anyone order an attack. Where is this coming from?

It's in the article. Video starts mid-attack, so a lot of us were assuming the owner was the guy trying to get the dogs off. I don't believe the owner was in the frame.


Fucking sickening. Lucky to not be dead. Thank Jeebus for those good neighbours looking out. Owner is a piece of fucking garbage.
I'm a bit surprised she couldn't get charges for attempted murder. This man could still struggle with infections that are so common with dog bites.


The people trying to pretend pit bulls are as docile a breed as any are delusional. It's wild reading people say it's basically all coincidental bad owners and not the breed. People leave all sorts of breeds tied up or as strays, but only pit bulls are responsible for 62% of fatalities by dogs for a reason. The breed itself is more likely to get triggered and more difficult to stop. They are infamous for locking on and ignoring any average attempt to make them drop their chosen object.

You can say it is bad owners all you want but the truth is that they clearly aren't a good pet in this country. There's just too many incidents with one specific breed.

It's also pretty bizarre seeing people act like it's easy to stop them when they are attacking someone. They ignore punches and kicks frequently and often easily snap right onto the new attacker. They are faster than you and they are all muscle. You're not going to just hit them over and over without them getting you to flinch.


Looking at the video, the guy in black was trying to get in control of them. Why was he arrested if the owner was said to be a woman?
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