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Overwatch |OT| My Onlywatch Has Ended

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Well I finally caved and bought 5 boxes. I got my second legendary out of them, but of course, it was for a hero I almost never play as. :(
Getting seriously pissed off with team composition now that I'm deep into this game. Control point games are now just full of Hanzo's and Widowmakers now, I'm usually a support or tank class and I have to push the point on my lonesome whilst people on the other team who are actually making smart team choices are shutting me down. Meanwhile a bunch of pricks are hanging back sniping and most of them can't even hit their mark. You know there's a problem with a team layout when a sole Zenyatta of all people has to push the point! Another thing is people STILL don't know that they should push when Zenyatta activates his ult. Fuck me!

I need a team to play with on PC it seems.
I do love when a Widowmaker (or sniper in any game) scolds the team for being bad and not capturing / defending the objective. Really, guy?
Our group of four played a king of the hill game where the two randoms picked Hanzo and Widowmaker. After we lost the first round, we politely (very politely!) suggested one of them switch. The Hanzo said "I do work as Hanzo. You do your jobs."

We did our jobs and lost. He did not do work. :(
I found out that enemy Reinhardt's say "Hammer down" when ulting and not "Live or die".

My life is a lie.

Also my Mercy winrate is low despite playing a great Mercy.

I can only carry you so hard!
Got my first play of the game as a Mercy. YAY.

It was actually a genuine play though, revived a Winston and D.Va who were crucial to our push with an ult and immediately flew over to a hanzo and kept him alive so that he could throw a game-changing ult.


It would be cool if the game showed you a diamond coin or something if you have the highest stat out of both teams. So you would have Gold coin for best on team but Diamond for best in the game. It's always nice to hit tab and see all those gold medals.
You can't even see her while playing, get over it.

Also how does the tattoo of her weight lifting record not mesh well?

I think I'll continue to not play her, thanks. I'm not telling anyone else not to, it's my business.

Didn't even realize her tattoo was something other than random lines though. Thanks for pointing that out.
I love playing Tracer on attack on Anubis. You can get on both control points so quick and really distract the other team from the choke points by darting in and out.


Got my first play of the game as a Mercy. YAY.

It was actually a genuine play though, revived a Winston and D.Va who were crucial to our push with an ult and immediately flew over to a hanzo and kept him alive so that he could throw a game-changing ult.
Cool. Nice to know that POTG is sometimes the actual play of the game and not just whichever player got the most kills in succession. Hopefully they'll be able to improve it so plays like yours are awarded more consistently.

Torbjorn POTG I saw last night: a few seconds of them spectating from death, then running back to the point after respawning.


There really needs to be another way to get loot boxes. Like in game or something. Is it just me or is getting a "loot" box without doing any looting at all and just leveling up kind of dumb?

Maybe they can add in-game ways to get them once they add in more items. So they can balance out the real money stuff of course. Gotta have that real money.

Sou Da

I think I'll continue to not play her, thanks. I'm not telling anyone else not to, it's my business.

Didn't even realize her tattoo was something other than random lines though. Thanks for pointing that out.

It's just weird to me. I understand not liking her hair color and the fact that no skin changes it to something better, but it's not like you can ever see that.

It's a bit hard to tell at first glance but yeah it says '512' there.
His charge is a huge game changer but yeah, need to know when and where to use it.

One of the absolute best plays I've seen in this game happened with that move.

A roadhog hooked a Pharah. Pharah got shielded by her Zarya so she wasn't gonna die to Roadhog's burst so she just activated her ult.

Some insanely good Reinhardt just freaking charged at the pharah, stopped her ult and killed her.
I found out that enemy Reinhardt's say "Hammer down" when ulting and not "Live or die".

My life is a lie.

Also my Mercy winrate is low despite playing a great Mercy.

I can only carry you so hard!

There are two versions of voice line for each ult, enemy heroes will always yell the main one, including all the non-English shoutouts, and your teammates will always use the alternative one, which are always localized to your language of choice for clarification.


Cool. Nice to know that POTG is sometimes the actual play of the game and not just whichever player got the most kills in succession. Hopefully they'll be able to improve it so plays like yours are awarded more consistently.

Torbjorn POTG I saw last night: a few seconds of them spectating from death, then running back to the point after respawning.

I can't fathom how difficult it would be to algorithmically establish the best play without player input.
There are two versions of voice line for each ult, enemy heroes will always yell the main one, including all the non-English shoutouts, and your teammates will always use the alternative one, which are always localized to your language of choice for clarification.

I'm aware of this but I think Reinhardt is one of the few that says the same thing on both teams.


I can't fathom how difficult it would be to algorithmically establish the best play without player input.
Honesty, it sounds like an impossible task. I have seen some very inventive plays highlighted in POTG so, even with a lot of Bastion/Reaper domination, I'm kind of surprised it's as good as it currently is.

But occasionally you get some real blunders (Mercy on the losing team reviving two people, dying, and a lingering shot of her corpse),
The biggest problem with POTG, which is nearly impossible to fix in a reasonable way, is the plays that happen because of teamwork. Like sure Tracer, nice POTG, but you wouldn't have gotten that Mei's Ult.


The biggest problem with POTG, which is nearly impossible to fix in a reasonable way, is the plays that happen because of teamwork. Like sure Tracer, nice POTG, but you wouldn't have gotten that Mei's Ult.

there is no problem with POTG because it really doesn't matter


Playing with randoms is seriously hampering my enjoyment of the game.

How bad was my team?
It was "I had to kill bastion by myself 2 times as Mercy" bad. It helped bastion was in a position were he could not see anyone sneaking from behind until I was right on top of him but still. I didnt even fly towards someone trying to kill him, I had to sneak around by myself

Also, "Heroes never die".. oh I guess those guys were on facebook or something


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Alright all 4 of the McCree skins are 2 fab 2 pass up I think.... I was pretty dead set on getting wolf Hanzo but now I'm 2nd guessing myself. I play more McCree than all the defense heroes combined.

Now to just figure out which one. Those gambler skins are really good...
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