Can you still get loot box once you reach max lvl ?
It doesn't deal much, but I've accidentally killed people with itHow good is using D.Va's dash to ram enemies? Just read that it actually deals contact damage.
Only 10% of them will actually hand out packs. Most will just camp the nest. Putting a scrap requirement on turret rebuilding actually makes these bad players semi useful because they need to go out and kill something themselves to earn their nest back.
You go in a public server and ask for armour and the player usually wont care and just keep hammering his full health sentry all game.
Soldier is not a healer. He has a heal skill, but that hardly makes him a healer.
Godammit, support can be more than healing.
Can you still get loot box once you reach max lvl ?
Can you still get loot box once you reach max lvl ?
Can you still get loot box once you reach max lvl ?
My thoughts are:
1. McCree needs another nerf
2. Hanzo's hitboxes need to be adjusted
3. Sentry building should have a higher cooldown, no real reward for downing a turret because it just comes back 3 seconds later. Maybe a scrap requirement.
4. Shields should be 35 rather than 25. Kind of useless currently.
5. More entrances for attackers on the Japanese map with the giant door chokepoints, way too easy for defense.
Only 10% of them will actually hand out packs. Most will just camp the nest. Putting a scrap requirement on turret rebuilding actually makes these bad players semi useful because they need to go out and kill something themselves to earn their nest back.
You go in a public server and ask for armour and the player usually wont care and just keep hammering his full health sentry all game.
Non-healer 'support' seems mostly a tank or defense thing.
King's Row is no fun at all as an attacker. It's way too narrow and everyone is cooped up near the bus or the theater. Even with a good team you have to constantly bulldoze your way into that first checkpoint.
youre asking for nerfs based on low mlvl pub games. yeah...
maybe this is old , but mei remind me of Big heroes 6 movie
Symmetra says hi.
I think Blizzard should start introducing some support characters that can debuff enemies.
Add Hanamura and Temple of Anubis to the list of maps that are frustrating to play when Attacking.
Route 66 is pretty painful as well.
Route 66 is pretty painful as well.
Route 66 is pretty painful as well.
Symmetra says hi.
I think Blizzard should start introducing some support characters that can debuff enemies.
Symmetra says hi.
I think Blizzard should start introducing some support characters that can debuff enemies.
Fuck, I forgot about her. Good point.
I think the next support should be a debuff/healer hybrid. Sort of like Lucio.
My thoughts are:
1. McCree needs another nerf
2. Hanzo's hitboxes need to be adjusted
3. Sentry building should have a higher cooldown, no real reward for downing a turret because it just comes back 3 seconds later. Maybe a scrap requirement.
4. Shields should be 35 rather than 25. Kind of useless currently.
5. More entrances for attackers on the Japanese map with the giant door chokepoints, way too easy for defense.
Whichever team has 2 widows wins in Route 66. Hate that map.
Route 66 is pretty painful as well.
Symmetra is my goto support, but they could probably reclassify her as defense. She's basically support by default because of the teleporter. Maybe if they fix the shield buff to make it percentage based...
Isn't that literally Zenyatta?
Yeah. I talked about it yesterday, but I've played multiple games on Route 66 where the Attacking team steamrolls through the first two checkpoints, only to lose during the final stretch.
Yeah. I talked about it yesterday, but I've played multiple games on Route 66 where the Attacking team steamrolls through the first two checkpoints, only to lose during the final stretch.
Hanamura is fine. The second point is tricky to attack, but that's how it should be. It's probably my favorite map.
Hanamura is fine. The second point is tricky to attack, but that's how it should be. It's probably my favorite map.
Pick Genji if you're running into thatIt's impossible to take the final checkpoint if the enemy team is all bastions in turret mode guarding every path you can take to get the jump on them.
I think I would like a mode where you can't choose the same character. Just wanna play a mode where we don't see stacked teams.
That checkpoint is where I rack up all my sym turrets kill too.
That's the thing with pub matches. Everyone scatters around at the start so the beginning is easy but when it becomes more concentrated they actually work on defending the objective.
Genji is a good counter against Tracer. I was surprised how I was able to kill Tracers much more easily with him. Speed vs Blink.
Pick Genji if you're running into that
Nah both points favour turrets and robots drastically.
Get or tracer to take them out. Winston for sym
I feel the complete opposite. You can easily evade everyone else but whenever Tracer is on the map I get nervous. Getting hits with Genji is already difficult enough, against Tracer it gets even harder (on consoles)