My winrate this season with Pharah is 100% through 8 games. I'm becoming what I hate.
As Vault already said, nerfing the healing output when using angelic descent would be a simple solution for this pharmercy problem.
Not a bad suggestion. Its not a huge part of her gameplay to glide and heal (literally the only time you do it is with Phara) at the same time.
Whoah whoah whoah, it's a huge part of my Mercy play, with or without a Pharah. There's always D.Vas or snipers or Junkrats flying around to swoop up to, and the best place to hook up a healing beam to Rein isn't behind him - it's above him, where people aren't looking or shooting.
My survivability on KotH or just defense points - and keeping an entire team alive - is contingent on my ability to zip around, healing as I fly.
The answer to the teamwork of Pharah+Mercy is the same as the answer to the teamwork of Torb+Orisa or Bastion+Rein: teamwork of your own.
I don't know if we are talking about the same thing. Angelic descent is when you press a button to descend slower, and not the one you press to fly to a target.
I'm no mercy expert, but I don't see how can you use this frequently without a pharah. Winston/D.Va maybe, but if you are close to the ground why would you want to use it? It just makes you an easier target.
Ok, as much as I love Mystery Heroes, it should probably be a bit less random. Maybe just don't allow duplicates.
Definitely talking about the same thing. Angelic Descent allows me to stay off the ground longer, which is generally where all those bullets are whizzing around.
A nerf to Mercy in the name of nerfing Pharmercy is a nerf to teamwork itself! Down with the haters!
I got Pharah Beduoin. Got super excited.
Then I found out that she never puts her helmet on in game.
Back to Mechaqueen I go.
Ended up betraying torb and got the golden weapon for hanzo instead on my alt (also 4k credits spent just on him). I'm just having way too much fun with him on mystery heroes, dude is a beast. I love getting the card at the end with the bullshit kills (aka scatter arrows).
Honestly I don't see how you can stay in the air for long periods of time without a Pharah, which is the whole point of this suggestion. Anyway, it's up to blizzard to decide if something has to be done, I just hope they don't see a need to nerf Pharah instead.
I've lost like 6 times in a row so far...
I guess that's the punishment I get for winning 4 comp matches in a row!
Or maybe, I should stop playing on weekends.
How the hell can anyone enjoy Mystery Heroes? It's more random then playing with randoms. Both together and I might as well throw on a blindfold too.
I'm going back to Mayhem. It might have gone to shit. But at leastI feel like I'm doing something.
It's pretty much as I said. The eagle beak helmet she holds in her hand? Unlike her other costumes, she doesn't wear it.
This game is full of stupid cunts.
Awww that is a bit disappointing, and the helmet is pretty nice.
Double XP weekend baby!
Lol at people who leave at the last moment in a defeated match. Should stay for the exp and all.XD
Lol at people who leave at the last moment in a defeated match. Should stay for the exp and all.XD
This game is full of stupid cunts.
did they buff bastion or something ?? he seems to be OP again like at the beginning of season 4, especially with a Bastion X Orisa X Reinhardt X Mercy combo
Lol at people who leave at the last moment in a defeated match. Should stay for the exp and all.XD
Last ditch plan of being Bastion on defense = team being carried by Bastion.