Hearthstone |OT10| Ultimate Infuriation


Got the skin yesterday. Anduin move over we got a new BM emoter. The hardest part about this was learning about the difference with tavern and regular fireside gatherings.


But Hearthstone is not really working on my phone because it is too old and I have no space. So I need to bring my laptop. And this could be very embarassing. I think I will really go there just to check things out and drink a beer.

if you go to a gathering check out if the people going will have some backup devices to lend. I myself will go with 2 to lend one to another one who has no mobile option to play.
Not hitting face.

So it's triggered by everything, then?

Got the skin yesterday. Anduin move over we got a new BM emoter. The hardest part about this was learning about the difference with tavern and regular fireside gatherings.

I must admit I was a bit disappointed by the Nemsy emotes. I know they're going for the whole creepy/cute/happy vibe with her, but she seems a little too happy. And her taunt is just shit.
Unless I am playing some sort of combo mage, 99% of the time I HAVE to trigger it. The vast majority of decks use minions for damage.

Most decks have burn from hand, including even zoolock with soulfire. And with control decks if you're aiming to fatigue them it is not triggered by fatigue damage. You can avoid giving them 8 health and potentially 16 health in a fatigue match it can make a huge difference in the clock to win.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Most decks have burn from hand, including even zoolock with soulfire.

But usually not enough to kill them at the stage Ice Barrier is often played. And if they have Ice Block up, then you need two or three burn spells if you want to get around Ice Barrier even if you did. Two Soulfires is not getting it done. And you can't play the fatigue game against Freeze Mage or Quest Mage. You're on a clock.
But usually not enough to kill them at the stage Ice Barrier is often played. And if they have Ice Block up, then you need two or three burn spells if you want to get around Ice Barrier even if you did. Two Soulfires is not getting it done. And you can't play the fatigue game against Freeze Mage or Quest Mage. You're on a clock.

Keeping burn to play around ice barrier is a super common strategy against freeze mage, because they can freeze your board several turns in a row even if they don't have ice barrier up.

And if you think about it all these side scenarios just feed into my point that the secret is not guaranteed value. If you need ice barrier to protect your ice block on turn 8, and you pop it with soulfire instead, your opponent will not be able to alexstrasza your face on turn 9 to set up lethal on turn 10 because they'll be afraid of dying on turn 9. It can easily throw everything off it's rails and that is basically what your goal is against freeze mage around those turns.

And yes, you can play fatigue against certain mage decks, such as control mage and freeze mage. There is even the odd situation where you can vs quest mage too if you're running dirty rat and it hits antonidas, for example. Then we also have highlander decks, such as reno, giving them a 8 heal the turn before they reno anyway can push them outside of burn range even if you're a combo deck.

Not really sure what your point is here because originally you were saying the card is not complex and is guaranteed to be a full value trigger. I've pointed out that is not the case and there are a lot of scenarios where you either never trigger it or avoid triggering it at a critical point (such as protecting ice block, preventing them from healing for 8, playing a second ice barrier, etc). I don't see what else there is left to say about this.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Not really sure what your point is here because originally you were saying the card is not complex and is guaranteed to be a full value trigger. I've pointed out that is not the case and there are a lot of scenarios where you either never trigger it or avoid triggering it at a critical point (such as protecting ice block, preventing them from healing for 8, playing a second ice barrier, etc). I don't see what else there is left to say about this.

That's not what I said. I said almost guaranteed. And I never said anything about complexity. Nearly all decks are not going to have 20 hp worth of burn when an Ice Barrier comes down. Some decks don't have any burn at all. There is no good up or down way to play around Ice Barrier in these cases. Which is most cases. Being able to play around Ice Barrier is a luxury. And when Ice Barrier triggers, the Mage gains 8 health. There's no case where an opponent plays around Ice Barrier to give the Mage more or less armor than that. Ice Block and Ice Barrier have a fundamentally different design from all other secrets. They are bad design AS secrets. They should have been something else.



Hosted my first Fireside, and got enough people to upgrade to a tavern!

Pretty cool to find local HS peeps (I honestly didn't expect anyone to show up) and I got to design a sign:


Unconfirmed Member
That's not what I said. I said almost guaranteed. Nearly all decks are not going to have 20 hp worth of burn when an Ice Barrier comes down. Some decks don't have any burn at all. There is no good up or down way to play around Ice Barrier in these cases. Which is most cases. Being able to play around Ice Barrier is a luxury. And when Ice Barrier triggers, the Mage gains 8 health. There's no case where an opponent plays around Ice Barrier to give the Mage more or less armor than that. Ice Block and Ice Barrier have a fundamentally different design from all other secrets. They are bad design AS secrets. They should have been something else.

Making Ice Block or Ice Barrier into a secret that essentially negates a single attack gives you a way to make the secret low-roll. Use a ping and the spell becomes really bad, block a Fireball or Bonemare'd unit and it's great. That would be much more fun design for a secret.

Which ever of the two didn't get changed to that can just get removed entirely. Don't put it in Wild. Wild doesn't need fucking Ice Block forever either. Just remove that shit.


I'm in the innkeeper Discord with the actual blizzard employees who run fireside stuff and yeah, they say to please report the fake ones, the private ones, the unsafe ones.
Can you ask them about the tons of people who are doing GPS spoofing? Unless an area is legitimately unsafe then it seems weird they'd ban one but not care about the other.


I've been thinking: I go for breakfast with my parents every Saturday to the same place. I think I could try to host a legitimate event every week there and use my parents' phone (or two old mobile devices) as extra players. It'd be just in case anyone around my area wants to get the skin.

Seems like tons of effort, but I could meet people in my area who play this.
That's not what I said. I said almost guaranteed. And I never said anything about complexity. Nearly all decks are not going to have 20 hp worth of burn when an Ice Barrier comes down. Some decks don't have any burn at all. There is no good up or down way to play around Ice Barrier in these cases. Which is most cases. Being able to play around Ice Barrier is a luxury. And when Ice Barrier triggers, the Mage gains 8 health. There's no case where an opponent plays around Ice Barrier to give the Mage more or less armor than that. Ice Block and Ice Barrier have a fundamentally different design from all other secrets. They are bad design AS secrets. They should have been something else.

And I am saying it's not guaranteed and there are complex situations where the secrets are nuanced. I think you're just not looking at the situation in a nuanced fashion. Like take darkbomb for example. It always deals 3 damage. It's "guaranteed" to deal 3 damage. But it's not guaranteed to have an impact. The same goes for ice barrier. You want ice barrier to delay your ice block being popped. If it doesn't perform that function, you're not getting this supposed "almost" guaranteed value. If nothing else this conversation shows that the card is well designed, because it creates choices in when and how to interact with it. The card is more than fine as is. 3 mana to heal for 8 is nothing special anyway and because your opponent chooses when to give that value, that is an additional downside whether or not it's "most cases".

Playing around ice barrier is not a luxury, it's dependent on the match up. And they don't always have 20 hp left, don't know why you think that is the only case talking about.

sure but you're not basing your arguments around those constraints.

It doesn't really matter if freeze mage is in the meta or not .

Insufferable ass.



I'm running into a lot of arena players who have wild decks. I guess they're trying to finish those runs before the new event next week.

Did a double take the first time I saw it when my opponent played a goblin auto barber.


I tried to play a little from 6 to 5 with priest. Got 4 games, all 4 were jade druids.... I won 3.

jade druid is hard to beat with priest but I think it's horrible ladder choice overall, priest is closer to 48-52 than like hard counter when you're going to lose 60 percent to almost everything else you're not climbing very smoothly. I'd just play rogue, why bother with jade druid on ladder.


I'm in the innkeeper Discord with the actual blizzard employees who run fireside stuff and yeah, they say to please report the fake ones, the private ones, the unsafe ones.

Can you tell them that the entire promotion is complete garbage? And it should be their job to reject unsafe ones instead of automatically approving them?


I tried to play a little from 6 to 5 with priest. Got 4 games, all 4 were jade druids.... I won 3.

jade druid is hard to beat with priest but I think it's horrible ladder choice overall, priest is closer to 48-52 than like hard counter when you're going to lose 60 percent to almost everything else you're not climbing very smoothly. I'd just play rogue, why bother with jade druid on ladder.
Plenty of people hit top 10 with jade druid in past 2 week

Btw people sure are bad plaýing razakus if its only tier 3 according to data report.. no surprise most people seem very trigger happy with their spell


I’ve been playing arena almost exclusively since open beta and it’s never been worse than in KFT. However my win average in KFT is now between 7-8. Doesn’t feel like it’s due to skill at all though. I’ve just been lucky at always being able to draft a bonemare or cobalt.

In the past I felt that games have come down to skill. Now it seems it’s 90% who got lucky with their draft.
I think raza priest is quickly becoming one of the worst decks in the game history. I'd almost rather play undertaker hunter.

I actually just had a game where I played dirty rat and got nothing. Then he played raza. Next turn he played kazakus. And of course also had anduin on turn 8, despite playing close to zero draw cards.


Plenty of people hit top 10 with jade druid in past 2 week

Btw people sure are bad plaýing razakus if its only tier 3 according to data report.. no surprise most people seem very trigger happy with their spell

Climbing to top 10 is a very different environment than rest of the ladder where you consistently queue into the same players. For rest of ladder it is horrible, it doesn't beat much of anything. The anti aggro variant in particular is hot garbage. I'm just looking at v/s match up chart, it's red against anything relevant except priest. Is that worth it? I don't think so when you can easily lose to priest too.

If you want to play druid, just play big druid, that actually beats these things you want to beat with jade druid every time. Jade druid is so overrated.


Climbing to top 10 is a very different environment than rest of the ladder where you consistently queue into the same players. For rest of ladder it is horrible, it doesn't beat much of anything. The anti aggro variant in particular is hot garbage. I'm just looking at v/s match up chart, it's red against anything relevant except priest. Is that worth it? I don't think so when you can easily lose to priest too.

If you want to play druid, just play big druid, that actually beats these things you want to beat with jade druid every time. Jade druid is so overrated.
I dont know man I see some of these jade druid climb on their stream.. seem spreading plague + lotus and boom opponent aggro lose, seems easy

Btw I agree tempo rogue is the best option for climbing especially with how bad some of these priest player doing or in mirror where some player think coin keleseth and dagger up is good play
Gadgetzan was a mistake its nothing but trash, Most of the problem cards come from that expansion.

-Small Timer Buccaneer(prenerf)
-Patches the little shit still destroying the game because a free 1/1 with charge is prettay damn good.
-Raza enables another super interactive deck where you might as well just concede if turn 5 Raza turn 8 Anduin.
-Jade mechanic who would have thought that infinite value from summoning even larger man was pretty good combine that with a OP 10 mana card and you got yourself a Tier 1 deck that out values any other control deck like Ctrl warrior.


So I just drafted this Arena deck - I think it looks pretty sweet...

Fire Fly
Novice Engineer
Pompous Thespian
Undercity Huckster
Wild Pyromancer
Fan of Knives
Giant Wasp
Imp Master
Plague Scientist
SI:7 Agent
Ancient Brewmaster
Daring Reporter
Dread Corsair
Infested Tauren
Phantom Freebooter
Silvermoon Guardian
Assassin's Blade
Bone Baron
Second-Rate Bruiser
Stampeding Kodo
Sunborne Val'kyr
Thistle Tea
Primordial Drake

EDIT: First game - Thistle Tea into x3 Eviscerate, gg lol.
EDIT 2: Yep, 3-0 so far, absolutely crushing opponents. Fingers crossed I don't get the usual RNG fail and go 3-3.
EDIT 3: 5-0...
EDIT 4: 7-0 lol...


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I think raza priest is quickly becoming one of the worst decks in the game history. I'd almost rather play undertaker hunter.

I actually just had a game where I played dirty rat and got nothing. Then he played raza. Next turn he played kazakus. And of course also had anduin on turn 8, despite playing close to zero draw cards.

The mirror might be some of the least fun matches I've played too. Never seen a game where nothing you do matters at all if you don't rip the two specific cards. Had a game where I had all the draw possible on top of stopping his draw well and got 6 cards deeper in my deck. Anduin was bottom 5, so...lost. On my last turn before dying from around 25 health I did the velen + smite + mind blast combo just for the hell of it and it brought him to 10. Which is lethal if you ever get anduin. That combo goes from 14 to 28 which is just hilariously dumb.

Don't think I've ever lost that matchup and thought anything other than "damn wish I pulled raza/anduin!".


I wish the fireside gatherings had a 'message the organiser' button.
I find a few legitimate around me that I can't attend, but I'd like to be friends with them to know someone irl who plays.

Given that they're reaching out to children with their new videos, I don't think that'll happen.


does anyone have a similar issue as me after the update?

occasionally, the game freezes after i've made an action and i have to close and relaunch it in order to resume my game.
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