Hearthstone |OT10| Ultimate Infuriation


Wait, I thought it was confirmed you get an extra free ticket if you have an active Arena run going when the event begins? I started a run today and was planning on going until I have 2 losses and then just sitting on it for the free rewards.
Wait, I thought it was confirmed you get an extra free ticket if you have an active Arena run going when the event begins? I started a run today and was planning on going until I have 2 losses and then just sitting on it for the free rewards.

Yes Blizzard will retire your game and award you an extra ticket for the loss.
I've started playing more recently, and I want to pick brains here: I am still a Roadhog main even though he feels awkward, and I often have gold damage and eliminations. Yet the team is losing. My thought is that, because I picked a character that can't protect the DPS, it is partially my fault if the DPS are struggling to output damage. Thus, even if I have gold damage and eliminations, I should probably switch if the team is losing.


draw better?


wrong thread maybe?

edit: in other news, I beat my first nemsy. She was a zoolock and played flame imp while I played alley cat into hyena. After topdecking patches she conceded on turn 2. I really meet a lot of hunters on the ladder and they are all using the eaglehorn bow without any secrets. That is fiery war axe bad.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
TFW you get on a winstreak and queue into a rogue who goes coin prince shadowstep prince shadowstep prince.

Had the captain on 3 so I conceded just seeing the stupid cannon, not beating a 5/5 charging patches.

High roll cards sure are great, blizz. Thanks.


I cut gnomish and loot hoarder and replaced them with thoughsteal and devour minds lmao, in mirror they're so broken. I found my hand was often empty and had to pass turns too against rogue and stuff like that and having minions to play through these is insane. getting slayers or bonemare they don't expect it. It's slow but I think right now it works. Probably one of them is enough. Certainly better than Elise.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Seems like they are doing their typical approach tbh. We might have to wait a month into the next expansion.

I think the raza priest is less interactive than quest rogue was, even if the games are longer.

It's so much more dangerous for the future too. Like the next expansion, ANY priest card, especially cheap ones, just power this more if they're half decent. Once the combo is up it barely matters what they're even playing or if they're just dumping it for hero power fuel anyway.
I cut gnomish and loot hoarder and replaced them with thoughsteal and devour minds lmao, in mirror they're so broken. I found my hand was often empty and had to pass turns too against rogue and stuff like that and having minions to play through these is insane. getting slayers or bonemare they don't expect it. It's slow but I think right now it works. Probably one of them is enough. Certainly better than Elise.

loot hoarder in particular is important imo as it contests the board early on into the game and requiring some sort of response from the opponent is big.

Potion of Madness and silence are the only things making it bad. Also want a certain number of minions in deck against Dirty Rat decks.
Seems like they are doing their typical approach tbh. We might have to wait a month into the next expansion.

I think the raza priest is less interactive than quest rogue was, even if the games are longer.

I'm worried they won't to be honest. Rotation isn't that far off and Blizzard rarely nerfs the cards that they really like, Jade Idol being the perfect example.


loot hoarder in particular is important imo as it contests the board early on into the game and requiring some sort of response from the opponent is big.

Potion of Madness and silence are the only things making it bad. Also want a certain number of minions in deck against Dirty Rat decks.

yeah but just dies to dagger right now in most games. It's very hard for it to get a trade. In mirror thoughtsteal is generally way better, it's like you got two cards from your deck. Against shaman/hunter sure but nobody plays those.
yeah but just dies to dagger right now in most games. It's very hard for it to get a trade. In mirror thoughtsteal is generally way better, it's like you got two cards from your deck. Against shaman/hunter sure but nobody plays those.
that's a 1 mana commitment from rogue and 2 face damage, can be very relevant in this matchup.
Mirror tends to be determined by who draws the combo first, thoughtsteal and devour mind can be the nuts but not in place of raw draw power.


Unconfirmed Member
This game 5 of Monsanto vs Mcbee sure is dumb. Silly when big priest vs razakus both low roll.


I'm terrible at arena

Went 0-3, 3-3, 6-3, 6-3, 1-3, and this current one is still 5-0.

But I got bored and I can't resist the temptation to spend my gold.
They will fix Raza Priest next expansion.

Stalking Geist
6 Mana
Deal 2 damage to the enemy player for each time a hero power was used this match.

I mean Mike Donais straight up said they want that when he reveal the card its not unintended interaction

But did they want to make the entire meta miserable? Because that's the problem, not that Priest has a cool synergy.


Well, I'm done opening packs for this expansion. Too bad I don't have Edwin.



Unconfirmed Member
Glad to see amnesiac kicked out of dreamhack top 16 contention by the same guy that kicked me out of it, Cookiemonst.


Unconfirmed Member
How's your 1st day? Can you share your experience?
It was a lot of fun for sure. There's of course a lot of luck involved, but with best of 5 it's a lot easier to find a crucial mistake that decided the set, and people there don't let you recover from mistakes. Generally felt noticeably more difficult than rank 5 to 1 with fewer bad plays to capitalize on.

Took me a couple sets to get over my jitters but thankfully RNG was on my side in the first set where I won making the most obviously bad trades. I feel bad for how annoying that must have been for him, but I did end up losing a set I felt way more skilled in later to even it out.

Only sponsored player I faced was lfg.snowy, but I think he's sponsored for smash bros. He turn 2 prince shadow stepped me twice while I was still getting settled in.

Ended up 2-4 in sets and 10-14 in games. I wish ladder gave me more practice against decent warlocks.


I think they'll be pretty careful about nerfing priest -- I mean, it's the first time ever I think it has had a T1 deck. I guess maybe Dragon priest was t1? I don't really think it ever truly was, there was just the illusion that it was early on in the set where Drak op was introduced.

I actually don't think Razakus is that bad. I mean, the mirror is pretty f' silly, but it's the same a lot of the time in Hearthstone. If you don't draw your key cards and your opponent does, they happen to win most of the time -- it just isn't as pronounced as it is in Razakus.

I'd take Razakus over jade druid anyday, but I think which meta you prefer comes down to playstyle. Razakus at least gives other control decks a chance to win. With Jade, you couldn't play control because they'd just outvalue you eventually. I really dislike Jade and also very heavy, greedy control decks. But that's just me.

That being said, I did switch to zoo tonight and made it easy to 5 (wild). I imagine the climb to 5 in standard will be similarly easy. If you are looking for a good deck to counter priest in wild Karsticles, you should try Demon Zoo. Most of the time the priest can't even begin to catch up before you kill them -- so many greedy decks in wild that are teched to out value other priests just get wrecked by Zoo.

Edit: Also, I find it, not ironic, but kind of weird that Zoo keeps on getting recycled. NuZoo (or whatever you want to call it) is pretty different from Zoo from about a year ago. True, it's still a small minion value oriented deck but it's nowhere near what I'd normally expect from zoo. Where's my direwolf alphas, or my defenders?


From rank 3 4stars, now I'm down to 4 with 2 stars, around 1-9 sigh. And from around 10 matches, I only got my Anduin on my hand twice.

Do I need to play tempo rogue to reach legend this season? Sigh


Lich King update:
Only Rogue, Warlock and Priest left.
So far the hardest was Mage, it took a lot of tries to get a good starting hand. Most expensive was Paladin because I crafted the DK, but it was worth the cost because I won summoning ponies. Finally, easiest by far was Druid.
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