They need to give Reaper a serious buff to negate that team comp.
Reaper is very balanced now. Buffing him would throw it off and make him too powerful.
They need to give Reaper a serious buff to negate that team comp.
I don't take it seriously.
I'm not allowed to find that funny?
Would having Bastion, Reaper, Roadhog, and Zen work against 3/3 if you wanted to go 2/2/2? 4 serious tank busters right there.Again it has very little to do with the tanks anyways :v
The tanks are needed for it to work cause health and sustain, but the you add on the ults to see real suffering.
They need to give Reaper a serious buff to negate that team comp.
After this weekend's games I maintain that true Elo hell is continually being matchmade with folks that don't know how to play their heroes properly or have large gaps in their game knowledge. And short of holding an educational seminar during every match it's tough to overcome...
*goes into Lijiang Tower*
*sees 3 Symms*
Just lol
Would having Bastion, Reaper, Roadhog, and Zen work against 3/3 if you wanted to go 2/2/2? 4 serious tank busters right there.
Never.Now lets start this new OT fresh, Mei nerfs when?
Why can't you run Pharmercy against 3/3? Who's gonna kill them?
Awesome post and what a way to do it! I just hit Platinum earlier today too! I somehow managed to win go on a 5 game win streak in solo queue and climb from 2340 to 2521! It was a rush! All of my teammates pulled their weight and then some. Everyone was on point and my healing game was top notch if I may brag about myself.Finally, to the victor go the spoils...
I'm shaking right now lol
Why can't you run Pharmercy against 3/3? Who's gonna kill them?
Why can't you run Pharmercy against 3/3? Who's gonna kill them?
Then just run like a Tracer and Genji to clean up the supports, and Reaper to bust tanks. And round it out with the usual Zarya, Zen and Lucio.Ana still 2 shots a discorded 200 health hero. She can get hooked too.
Bigger problem is she's not gonna kill things fast enough and when a fight starts happening she's not gonna do much besides fly away.
Like you can't hero counter that ult economy and that sustain. You have to think around that stuff or just be better enough than the other team to get picks out of that mess.
I lost by almost six hundred?? I thought it would be pretty close.
I did it! Solo-queue'd from ~2500.
Then just run like a Tracer and Genji to clean up the supports, and Reaper to bust tanks. And round it out with the usual Zarya, Zen and Lucio.
I mean I'm sure they've thought of this stuff. But it doesn't seem like it'd be that hard to counter.
What is a good score now in season 2? Not sure. In season 1 over 60 I would say you are greatI did it! Solo-queue'd from ~2500.
Then just run like a Tracer and Genji to clean up the supports, and Reaper to bust tanks. And round it out with the usual Zarya, Zen and Lucio.
I mean I'm sure they've thought of this stuff. But it doesn't seem like it'd be that hard to counter.
It doesn't matter once it gets rolling. Once 3/3 has ults they just chain them so you never get a fight without them having something.
You're gonna send in Tracer and Genji? Lucio is going to be protecting Ana/Zen and they'll all be healing each other while fighting off others. Zarya/Roadhog turn on your flanker, RIP.
Like, Ana ults Rein and he starts fighting. You make it through that. Once that ends Lucio breaks it down. You make it through that and Earthshatter and maybe even Whole hog. You try to fight and Zen ults. Once that ends Ana probably has ult back. If they aren't forced to use ults, then they just sit on a bunch of combos and blow you up. When this isn't happening they just sustain through shit and build hella charge.
If a team existed that could dump extreme damage at all times and fight through those ults then this wouldn't be an issue. Too bad even the old Cancer Comp had trouble dealing with this. There are ideas out there like Ana/Mercy to fight it but that is also pretty tentative.
In case anyone was wondering this is Jeff Kaplan's career profile.
The game director doesn't even play his own game confirmed.
Because she has 3 burly bodyguards who likes to bully squishy flankers.
They've tried diving the supports but the tanks just bullies them.
The only weakness I've seen so far is that they aren't as strong on maps that are vertically oriented like numbani just because mobility is the comp's major weakness.
What is a good score now in season 2? Not sure. In season 1 over 60 I would say you are great
Just like SR in Comp. we never know.
What is this snowballing ults thing? The other team doesn't have them? Shouldn't the three tanks be feeding ults way more than three squishies? Genji should have Dragonblade 10 times a game against a Zarya, Hog and Rein. Same with pulse bomb. I know Ana charges fast as fuck but I don't see how a Tracer and Genji couldn't get to her if they made it a priority how hard is it to get behind three burly tanks? She can't heal them if she's dead. Or why not run a super unorthodox Ana and Zen combo and put to sleep the nano Rein and charge up Genji yourself.It doesn't matter once it gets rolling. Once 3/3 has ults they just chain them so you never get a fight without them having something.
You're gonna send in Tracer and Genji? Lucio is going to be protecting Ana/Zen and they'll all be healing each other while fighting off others. Zarya/Roadhog turn on your flanker, RIP.
Like, Ana ults Rein and he starts fighting. You make it through that. Once that ends Lucio breaks it down. You make it through that and Earthshatter and maybe even Whole hog. You try to fight and Zen ults. Once that ends Ana probably has ult back. If they aren't forced to use ults, then they just sit on a bunch of combos and blow you up. When this isn't happening they just sustain through shit and build hella charge.
If a team existed that could dump extreme damage at all times and fight through those ults then this wouldn't be an issue. Too bad even the old Cancer Comp had trouble dealing with this. There are ideas out there like Ana/Mercy to fight it but that is also pretty tentative.
Also honestly, most of the dominance I've seen from this comp is on payload and hybrid. I don't think I've seen it on 2cp or koth yet.
What's hybrid? I thought there were only 3 modes?
fake edit: oh is that the one that requires you to capture a point before moving the payload like king's row/numbani etc.?
Nice!I did it! Solo-queue'd from ~2500.
Probably a good idea. I took a chance and lost my next two games and went down a good 40 points. Called it quits for the day there but seeing that nice looking Platinum made it sting less.that's my next goal, but I don't think it's a feasible one lol
I think I'm gonna stick to QP for the rest of the day to make sure I don't have a heart attack
What's hybrid? I thought there were only 3 modes?
fake edit: oh is that the one that requires you to capture a point before moving the payload like king's row/numbani etc.?
In case anyone was wondering this is Jeff Kaplan's career profile.
there has to be some explanation for this, I highly doubt he doesn't play the game at all
Doesn't want the world to know that he's a Mein.Nah i was joking, they definitely play the game, probably can hide his progress.
Just had a terrible comp game at Eichenwald, we defend and our team picks Junkrat, Torb and Hanzo, I can accept these picks but not all 3 at the same time. We asked our Hanzo to switch on attack and he did but he sucked, then I checked his profile. He only has played Hanzo. Level 40 and he only played Hanzo. Enough comp for tonight I guess.
Nah i was joking, they definitely play the game, probably can hide his progress or delete it.