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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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Can use it to get better.
When I see gameplay of a top 500, their mechanical skill makes me feel really bad.

I can win the Genji/Reaper/Ana match ups most of the time but you give them a hit scan and they're destroying me lol. They just AD crouch spam like crazy and hit way more head shots.

In QP I used to be put up against masters/GMs when I was gold and would play silvers in 1v1s but now in QP I'm up against golds/platinums and my 1v1s are mainly against GMs.

Blzizard matchmaking so good.


The "new hero" is being kept under wraps very nicely. Have no idea what to expect, whereas everyone had a general idea of what Sombra was going to be (stopping enemy abilities) months before she was announced.

What did Reaver do besides that thing with Ajax?
The "new hero" is being kept under wraps very nicely. Have no idea what to expect, whereas everyone had a general idea of what Sombra was going to be (stopping enemy abilities) months before she was announced.

I think it's fair to assume the new character will be a tank class.

But yeah, I will miss all the daily topics involving a new theory for the upcoming hero, since they have really left the community completely black out.


I can win the Genji/Reaper/Ana match ups most of the time but you give them a hit scan and they're destroying me lol. They just AD crouch spam like crazy and hit way more head shots.

In QP I used to be put up against masters/GMs when I was gold and would play silvers in 1v1s but now in QP I'm up against golds/platinums and my 1v1s are mainly against GMs.

Blzizard matchmaking so good.

the day after they added 1v1 i decided to try it out, queue popped after like 10 seconds and i was matched with some guy in top 500

it was fucking tragic
Just had a Pharah doing out of map exploit in comp, will Blizzard do anything if I bother to upload video of it?

If they do, where best place to report it?


i played against an aimbotting tracer like a week ago and it was terrifying

she'd one clip every one of the squishy heroes, but she couldnt actually play the game very well and would die to garbage aaaaall the time, which is how we were even able to stand a chance.
i played against an aimbotting tracer like a week ago and it was terrifying

she'd one clip every one of the squishy heroes, but she couldnt actually play the game very well and would die to garbage aaaaall the time, which is how we were even able to stand a chance.

A lot, if not the extreme vast majority of aimbotters are absolutely garbage on the fundamentals. Over reliance on aimbotting for the most part.

Videos of pro's absolutely wrecking cheaters are great to watch.
I think if you look around bnet there's an email you can send stuff to?

Cannot find one, only topics telling console players to use the in game report feature that doesn't exist on console, or link to instructions for...The PC version, which is the in game menu again.

Don't tell me it like Diablo and they just don't give a shit about cheating on console.


If Reaper continues to be the weakest DPS during season 4, do you guys think Reaper might get a soft buff? There's a good suggestion on Reddit that Reaper can cancel wraith but I also feel like him not shouting out his position after a teleport would be very useful. He's just so bad at flanking because of it. Like at the beginning of the game when everyone was bad, it was fine but now that people are getting better and know the cues it's just really clunky to play Reaper atm.

This post may have bias.


If Reaper continues to be the weakest DPS during season 4, do you guys think Reaper might get a soft buff? There's a good suggestion on Reddit that Reaper can cancel wraith but I also feel like him not shouting out his position after a teleport would be very useful. He's just so bad at flanking because of it. Like at the beginning of the game when everyone was bad, it was fine but now that people are getting better and know the cues it's just really clunky to play Reaper atm.

This post may have bias.

i think the biggest thing is that roadhog can oneshot reaper (and mei) now. he's countered too hard by one of the characters he's supposed to counter himself.

honestly i don't really get why they needed to mess with the hook in the first place. it's more consistent now but i never felt like the bullshit hooks happened often enough to get that upset over, and it seemed more balanced in terms of the damage he could do otherwise.


How do some characters get their ultimates so fast? I notice it in competitive play and this mei I just played ult'd in three consecutive encounters.

Yeah Mei's can still build their ult ridiculously fast. Same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago where ever team fight she had a blizzard. Mercy is another one as well.


How do some characters get their ultimates so fast? I notice it in competitive play and this mei I just played ult'd in three consecutive encounters.

It depends on the character in question, but in general when actively either doing damage or healing it off your ult is faster. Some characters are very good at it because of their multiple damage sources (Torb/Sym) or lots of active healing done (Mercy).

I improved a lot on my Mei's right click aim and that's allowed me to charge her ult 2-3 times a match where in the beginning I'd never get more than 1. Just an example.


How do some characters get their ultimates so fast? I notice it in competitive play and this mei I just played ult'd in three consecutive encounters.

Characters don't earn charge at the same rate, both in terms of passively charging and actively doing damage/healing/whatever.


I got Rescue Mei as a new skin to add to the pile.

Not exactly my favourite skin, but I like how Snowball looks like a fire hydrant.

I asked this in the computer thread but since I got ignored there I guess I'll ask in the OT of the game I plan on using it for:

Anyone got any recommendations for good FPS mice? I'm using a Deathadder Chroma right now and as much as I like the shape the mouse buttons feel very "squishy".

Preferably I'd like one with DPI buttons and two big buttons on the side like the Deathadder has. I was looking at Zowie's mice but I dunno if they are any good and the lack of rubber grip on the sides is kind of meh.


? How come?

One is a junkrat main and one is a symm main who never joins team chat. When I say main I mean they literally never switch off, you cant afford to have that kind of player on your team in gm. So yeah, they are hated. Ive seen a lot of streamers get matched with them (im actually eu) and their response is usually 'oh fuck' or 'fuck yes' depending on the team they are on lol.


the holder of the trombone
Ah alright, I thought that if they've reached GM with those characters they must be doing something special but I guess other people don't want to have to deal with it too. :p


I asked this in the computer thread but since I got ignored there I guess I'll ask in the OT of the game I plan on using it for:

Anyone got any recommendations for good FPS mice? I'm using a Deathadder Chroma right now and as much as I like the shape the mouse buttons feel very "squishy".

Preferably I'd like one with DPI buttons and two big buttons on the side like the Deathadder has. I was looking at Zowie's mice but I dunno if they are any good and the lack of rubber grip on the sides is kind of meh.

Zowie mice are S tier. I use an FK1. Steelseries Rival is my favorite other mouse. The Deathadder Chroma is actually not bad, but I can get not liking the shape. The Logitech G502 is also another favorite.

I think those are the top mice of their respective brands? Again, I like all of what Zowie puts ou tsince they have really nice body designs and sensors across the board.

Ah alright, I thought that if they've reached GM with those characters they must be doing something special but I guess other people don't want to have to deal with it too. :p

I mean like, I've played against Chro and yeah he is good, but he's also too stuck on Junkrat. He mutes all chats because he can't handle getting flamed too. It's a real nuisance.


I asked this in the computer thread but since I got ignored there I guess I'll ask in the OT of the game I plan on using it for:

Anyone got any recommendations for good FPS mice? I'm using a Deathadder Chroma right now and as much as I like the shape the mouse buttons feel very "squishy".

Preferably I'd like one with DPI buttons and two big buttons on the side like the Deathadder has. I was looking at Zowie's mice but I dunno if they are any good and the lack of rubber grip on the sides is kind of meh.

I use a Zowie Ec2-a and it's a god tier mouse. Taimou also uses it if you need reassurance and he might have the best pure aim in overwatch.
Ah alright, I thought that if they've reached GM with those characters they must be doing something special but I guess other people don't want to have to deal with it too. :p

I mean they are good but they are still limited to their very limited heroes. It doesn't matter if you are a 5k junkrat I'm still gonna kill you with my pharah.


anyone who mains a single character is a player i don't want to be stuck with, no matter how good they are. you need to be good with 2-3 at the bare minimum.


One is a junkrat main and one is a symm main who never joins team chat. When I say main I mean they literally never switch off, you cant afford to have that kind of player on your team in gm. So yeah, they are hated. Ive seen a lot of streamers get matched with them (im actually eu) and their response is usually 'oh fuck' or 'fuck yes' depending on the team they are on lol.

I've actually seen a lot of sym only people in gm on pc na lmao
anyone who mains a single character is a player i don't want to be stuck with, no matter how good they are. you need to be good with 2-3 at the bare minimum.

Eh, I don't really get how people get good with a really wide array of characters. I play about 6 characters on a regular basis but only have a good W/L with 2


Eh, I don't really get how people get good with a really wide array of characters. I play about 6 characters on a regular basis but only have a good W/L with 2

even 2 is acceptable. if you're a single hero main and never switch you will absolutely get fucked over in avoidable situations and your team will justifiably hate you.

switching to counter enemy comps is the most important part of the metagame. refusing to do that is an enormous disadvantage.
quick play is bordering on unplayable. it's just 'i gotta practice widow bro' and rarely any healers. ever.

And that attitude translates into comp anyways, and team composition rarely means jack, I'm kind of done playing solo in this game for that reason, people just can't talk about what's best for the team as a whole.
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