I have my go to characters in the major roles, Zarya for tank, Ana for support, Soldier for DPS. Other characters like Rein, Tracer, Pharah, Mei, Symmetra, Lucio, Winston, and Hog when need be. I tend to just lock into Zarya first and then see where it goes from there, and switch to Rein if no one else ends up picking him in the meantime.
Trying to make myself a diverse player, I find myself with the least amount of time in DPS this season (like, less than an hour on either 76 or Tracer who are my most used of that group). There's just never a shortage of people who want to fill in those roles, so it's hard to ever look into vying into the slot.
She would kill anything that isn't Reinhardt-built.
And she would go easy on the Reinhardt-built too.
Well this just great, the camera for everything but first person view is busted. Doesn't matter how kill cam or POTG looks because I can only see the skybox stretched into infinity.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Can you take a screenshot of it?