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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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Also because he is insanely entertaining and has a great stream personality/has always interacted a lot with his chat. I've been sub'd to him basically since he got his button.

That Zarya that Seagull plays with (Lassiz) is fucking hilarious. I could watch that all day. Seagull streams are A+.
Good quickplay games Gaf. It was nice to play against higher tiered players to see the difference in positioning.

That's like the major difference it seems, other than mechanics is positioning is just so much different. Usually I can just go in and wreck shop cause people aren't thinking about positioning, but higher up, they are very considerate of positioning, so I had to kinda just throw up the shield and let u guys work.
Thanks to an Ana nanoboosting me at just the right time, I finally got a quad kill with 76's ult for that damn trophy.

I didn't think I'd say this last May when I originally got the game, but it's actually a conceivable goal for me to Plat this. I'm only six trophies short! Of course the ones left are some of the hardest in the game, but I've managed to get every other trophy naturally through playing without boosting or anything, so we'll see!
Zowie mice are S tier. I use an FK1. Steelseries Rival is my favorite other mouse. The Deathadder Chroma is actually not bad, but I can get not liking the shape. The Logitech G502 is also another favorite.

I think those are the top mice of their respective brands? Again, I like all of what Zowie puts ou tsince they have really nice body designs and sensors across the board.

I use a Zowie Ec2-a and it's a god tier mouse. Taimou also uses it if you need reassurance and he might have the best pure aim in overwatch.

Thanks for the input. :D I think I might go with the Zowie FK2 as I have smaller hands and apparently it's a smaller, lighter mouse than the Deathadder Chroma. Any thoughts on that particular mouse?


Thanks to an Ana nanoboosting me at just the right time, I finally got a quad kill with 76's ult for that damn trophy.

I didn't think I'd say this last May when I originally got the game, but it's actually a conceivable goal for me to Plat this. I'm only six trophies short! Of course the ones left are some of the hardest in the game, but I've managed to get every other trophy naturally through playing without boosting or anything, so we'll see!

Yeah I'm inching closer on Xbox. A lot of the more difficult ones I have done, but a few more remain with characters I rarely play (Bastion, Ana, Sym, etc). I think I need maybe 10-12 more?


How does charge work? Why are people on fire sometimes?

something like a mei, soldier or roadhog self heal will grant ultimate charge.

the "fire" thing is just a point total of your actions. if you deal damage, block damage, get elims, heal, play the objectives ,etc. you'll see +X pop up on your screen. this number decays over time so if you're constantly on fire it means you're constantly doing beneficial actions.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I hope this is canon next
Well this is just great, the camera for everything but first person view is busted. Doesn't matter how kill cam or POTG looks because I can only see the skybox stretched into infinity.
Does anyone else have this problem?


aimbotcalvin came on right when absolutely everyone else currently streaming OW was trash. The man is a hero.

Also, it's hilarious how every single night someone comes in his chat and accuses him of aimbotting. His aim is insane.
Well this is just great, the camera for everything but first person view is busted. Doesn't matter how kill cam or POTG looks because I can only see the skybox stretched into infinity.
Does anyone else have this problem?

Every now and then killcams and POTG will break for me. Restarting the game fixes it on my end.
I have my go to characters in the major roles, Zarya for tank, Ana for support, Soldier for DPS. Other characters like Rein, Tracer, Pharah, Mei, Symmetra, Lucio, Winston, and Hog when need be. I tend to just lock into Zarya first and then see where it goes from there, and switch to Rein if no one else ends up picking him in the meantime.

Trying to make myself a diverse player, I find myself with the least amount of time in DPS this season (like, less than an hour on either 76 or Tracer who are my most used of that group). There's just never a shortage of people who want to fill in those roles, so it's hard to ever look into vying into the slot.

She would kill anything that isn't Reinhardt-built.
And she would go easy on the Reinhardt-built too.

Well this just great, the camera for everything but first person view is busted. Doesn't matter how kill cam or POTG looks because I can only see the skybox stretched into infinity.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Can you take a screenshot of it?


NeoGAF's smiling token!

not sure if this has been posted but thursday night moonmoon got into a 6 stack with seagull and a bunch of pros

i'm like 10 minutes in and it's hilarious so far
I'm trying to give this a chance, but it feels borderline unwatchable between the sub sound, the automated reading of the donation message and the music masking everything occurring in the game. /oldmanyellsatcloud.jpg

edit: it got better


I'm trying to give this a chance, but it feels borderline unwatchable between the sub sound, the automated reading of the donation message and the music masking everything occurring in the game. /oldmanyellsatcloud.jpg

edit: it got better

all six people in the group were streaming. you could go to anyone else's channel to watch


Zarya/Zenyatta it is then

A dumbbell would be more fitting.

I am gonna be so poor.

I saw a Tracer figma banner too.

Okay, it's pretty cool that Tracer and Genji are going to get their own Figma figurines in the near future. Add Pharah to that list, and we basically have a re-creation of Blizzard's[ SPOILER]weird[/SPOILER] promotional marking campaign for the game (a la super large scale figurines of the three that were in different parts of the globe).

And, as I've already said it before, smol Tracer, Mei, and Mercy are adorable. I need my smol froggy DJ and "smol" muscle-bound woman of rapture, though.


Thanks for the input. :D I think I might go with the Zowie FK2 as I have smaller hands and apparently it's a smaller, lighter mouse than the Deathadder Chroma. Any thoughts on that particular mouse?

Like I said, I use a Zowie FK1 and it is my favorite mouse I've ever used. The FK2 is exactly the same but a different size. It's very simple, no LEDs or onboard software, etc. Just a DPI switch and a great mouse.

My GF has smaller hands and she finds the EC2-A is what she prefers. It just depends on what type of grip you wanna use. The EC2 has a slightly higher profile and plays more on the wrist, which kinda drives me crazy cause I slam my mouse around like a madwoman :p

Good quickplay games Gaf. It was nice to play against higher tiered players to see the difference in positioning.

That's like the major difference it seems, other than mechanics is positioning is just so much different. Usually I can just go in and wreck shop cause people aren't thinking about positioning, but higher up, they are very considerate of positioning, so I had to kinda just throw up the shield and let u guys work.

GGs, ye. We played against a few GM teams so it can be a bit of a different experience ;_;
I've gone from Razer Deathadder to Logitech G400 to Zowie FK1 in the last handful of years and I really like the Zowie. The sensor is uniform across the line AFAIK so it's just a matter of form factor preference. My Deathadder kind of crumpled under use, the Logitech's buttons ended up becoming unreliable (which has been my experience from a few Logitech mice), but I've had the FK1 for about a year now and it's been performing solidly.

I think one of the best compliments I can give for it is that the scrollwheel still performs the same as the day I got it, and I find scrollwheels to be about the most consistently faulty thing I'll find on an input device. The coating on the Zowie doesn't feel gross after use unlike the Razer or Logitech either. My Zowie even survived my place getting flooded, unlike my speakers or keyboard. Thing's a beast.
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