Love how many people go sym for attack 2 capture point maps right now.Don't even get a teleport or shield barrier up.
I guess we're just throwing games now
God I schooled the ever living shit out of 1 team who thinks Volskaya Industries is her Domain
I just flank usually left as Pharah
Before even hitting any enemy, I destroyed her 6 turrets
Good luck putting them up again at the same places
Now she retreats, I follow, destroy her replinshed turrets where she lays them
Chases me, which is hilariously in my favor, kill
Now your team 1 man down, can't contribute shit and your fucked cause you can't setup
I've gotten hella good sniffing out Teleporters and Shield Generators
So Symm becomes more of a burden rather than an asset
Love how when they switch off, knowing you put them in place
Smart Symms space there turrets and try to keep shit in check by putting them in areas of most traffic
Example Volskaya, put 3 turrets
On the brick facade or split it as 1 left, 1 right and 1 on the sign
Then put 2 in the garage room
1 on truck just as a Oh shit someone flanked us
Nope Symms will put all 6 clustered near each other
2 rockets later, no turrets to pump her Ultimate, now she needs to really on Alt fire or run away and set up another "car wash"
By that time she's done, no point, cause unless you can shuffle enemies through her setup, its wasted