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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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I have to be the luckiest person on the planet when it comes to comp q. I've never gone lower than 200SR under my season high(minus decay), I never have leavers, tilters are pretty rare, etc.

All these stories of people tanking SR are super scary.


I have to be the luckiest person on the planet when it comes to comp q. I've never gone lower than 200SR under my season high(minus decay), I never have leavers, tilters are pretty rare, etc.

All these stories of people tanking SR are super scary.

Both times it happened to me were at the end of the season so still hope for you yet. I went 3250->2700 in season 2 and 3441->3045 before I climbed back up. Season 1 on console I was pretty consistant. 65 was my lowest rank I think, once I had climbed from my initial placement to 70. Finished at 68 I think.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
imagine if the other healers could throw themselves a massive burst heal instead of a hot while having the best cc in the game and the best single target heals in the game

fuck you grandma


48 elims. 39 obj elims. 18k dmg. One quad kill. All as Zarya with countless shields thrown on healers and DPS.

Match ends in draw. 😔
Nothing scares me more as tracer than pharah

Roadhog you can play around as tracer due to her mobility... move unpredictably, bait the hook, only go within range when you know it's out

But pharah is just 💀💀💀 for me

Shes usually just outside my comfortable range and a direct hit is devastating to tracer due to her health pool


Nothing scares me more as tracer than pharah

Roadhog you can play around as tracer due to her mobility... move unpredictably, bait the hook, only go within range when you know it's out

But pharah is just 💀💀💀 for me

Shes usually just outside my comfortable range and a direct hit is devastating to tracer due to her health pool

My favorite character to hack when playing Sombra is Tracer. People have no idea what to do when it happens (mainly because there's not a lot that can be done lol).


sparkle this bitch

If DVa comes after you as soldier it's just lol ok

You outrange her hugely, you have sprint and heal station, and she can't even chase you while shooting. Don't think DVa is ever an issue for me as Soldier.

It's a pure stand still match.

Soldier out ranges her.
DVa can block soldier's attacks.

Neither can really chase the other either.

But the issue with a good DVa is the one that sits back and protects, specifically eating the shit that is meant to disturb since it removes all projectiles.

Got up to 2500 now in Comp. Well 2499, doing better, which is nice. I'm not particularly good at anything I feel, but I seem to be alright at a variety and either pick what we are lacking or something to counter what they have. Doesn't always go well, but my wins are outgunning my loses.

I'm really enjoying Pharah more. Not for a damage dealer, but she is really good at just breaking up groups for your team to pick off. Also, I'm understanding Tracer more now that I found out she recovers health
why do ppl never release that when u are defending you need to stall the payload

Like... they're 2M away from checkpoint winning why are you backing off?

We just lost a game cus this zarya wouldn't stall for like 5s and then his friend who was in a party with him sent me hate mail. Delete your acc tbh


Is Weekend Overwatch just a weekly "Lets stick Veelk in the worst teamcomps imaginable against competent ones" holiday? Because it often feels like it.


yeah you can 1v1 dva with soldier ez.
you can just stand there with heal station and shoot away
Before the nerfs it was 50/50 now you can forget about ever challenging a soldier that can aim. He basically does double damage vs dva. Sombra, tracer and window can also burn down the mech too.


lost 32 points depsite the fact that three of my teammates where under level 30 and we were up agasint a group as solo quers. How is that even fair?

Also had a losing streak because of these dps who cant kill anything (one couldnt even kill a fucking turrent). At least im closer to diamond so it was worth it i guess


Been enjoying Zen lately, especially when our team's defending and struggling. Giving out harmony/discord orbs when it's really chaotic gets pretty exciting and frantic. When I first tried him I found it a bit boring but it's starting to click now.


Can someone just PM me and start a group? I cannot play with children who are screaming into their mics and making references to memes that are older than them, people who purposely throw the match, and assholes who want better team comps but won't switch off of Torb on Attack.
Holy jones, I decided on a whim to finish up my season 3 placements today, was at one loss to two wins.
Having now done the rest of them it starts with one red X and then nine glorious green ticks of success.
Slammed in at around 3340 SR, a new best.

While Compeitive is hardly without its own many hurdles I completely forgot how different it feels after 2-3 months of quick play and arcade only.
People playing the objective!
People watching each others backs! (I nearly teared up when a Genji tried to dive on my Zen and our Lucio turned around speed boosting in to back me up, us healers gotta stick together)

I'd taken a break from the mode after Season 2 drained me getting to Diamond and also funnily enough because the few folks who complain about people who play the mode without being in team chat (yep that's me, sorry but not that sorry).
It was a wonderful evening of Winston and Zen goodness, the next rank up looms just ahead but ehhhh, I don't think I deserve to go up to that level and gunning for it that may just open up another stint of madness like Season 2 did.

Basically I thought I'd make a positive post today, huzzah!


played pharah with my mccree sensitivity by accident



Love how many people go sym for attack 2 capture point maps right now.Don't even get a teleport or shield barrier up.

I guess we're just throwing games now


Competitive today was a shit show. Not only was it a nightmare to go solo, but no one wanted to join me for comp.

I'm fuming right now. So angry.


wow this mei ran from the Anubis spawned, ulted, walked past all of my teammates unscathed to freeze and kill me, as zen. Teammates did not turn around to deal with her and she just ignored them to see who was frozen(no one). wow. we lost the point because of that. I hate getting grouped with groups ugh

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Love how many people go sym for attack 2 capture point maps right now.Don't even get a teleport or shield barrier up.

I guess we're just throwing games now

There is no main more stubborn than Symmetra mains. Because it worked htis one time, they think it will always work.

Symmetra mains are more stubborn than Genji mains, Junkrat mains and Widowmaker mains.


I had the weirdest killcam against a Widowmaker just a few mins ago, she was barely aiming at me yet as soon as the gauge hit 100% it would move super fast into my sprite and kill me, not sure how much of killcam is actual / real gameplay but I am just here scratching my head.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Love how many people go sym for attack 2 capture point maps right now.Don't even get a teleport or shield barrier up.

I guess we're just throwing games now

God I schooled the ever living shit out of 1 team who thinks Volskaya Industries is her Domain

I just flank usually left as Pharah
Before even hitting any enemy, I destroyed her 6 turrets
Good luck putting them up again at the same places

Now she retreats, I follow, destroy her replinshed turrets where she lays them
Chases me, which is hilariously in my favor, kill

Now your team 1 man down, can't contribute shit and your fucked cause you can't setup

I've gotten hella good sniffing out Teleporters and Shield Generators
So Symm becomes more of a burden rather than an asset

Love how when they switch off, knowing you put them in place

Smart Symms space there turrets and try to keep shit in check by putting them in areas of most traffic
Example Volskaya, put 3 turrets
On the brick facade or split it as 1 left, 1 right and 1 on the sign
Then put 2 in the garage room
1 on truck just as a Oh shit someone flanked us
Nope Symms will put all 6 clustered near each other
2 rockets later, no turrets to pump her Ultimate, now she needs to really on Alt fire or run away and set up another "car wash"
By that time she's done, no point, cause unless you can shuffle enemies through her setup, its wasted


God I schooled the ever living shit out of 1 team who thinks Volskaya Industries is her Domain

I just flank usually left as Pharah
Before even hitting any enemy, I destroyed her 6 turrets
Good luck putting them up again at the same places

Now she retreats, I follow, destroy her replinshed turrets where she lays them
Chases me, which is hilariously in my favor, kill

Now your team 1 man down, can't contribute shit and your fucked cause you can't setup

I've gotten hella good sniffing out Teleporters and Shield Generators
So Symm becomes more of a burden rather than an asset

Love how when they switch off, knowing you put them in place
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