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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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Welcome to the Club!

Here's you complimentary muffin basket, *sorry* I ate all the corn muffins, only Bran muffins left

Thank fuck I escaped Platinum Hell
I was getting matched with people that put in no effort at times

Jump into Diamond, theres effort, people "Group Up", "Acknowledge/Understood", " Ultimate Ready"

My god a 500 boost to your SR score changes this game fucking completely, with 1 tier jump

I lost a few games already in Diamond and I'm not mad, they were close losses, teams swapping heroes, new flank positions created to combat defense
In Platinum I would get so angry sometimes at people just aloof to there surroundings
Here in Diamond at least, people pay attention

Going from 2600 to now 3135SR in Diamond I feel better knowing that tiers do fucking matter
I'm amongst like minded players now!

Just had am awesome Dorado game, where our Genji was a Beast, destroying there back line faster than I as Zenyatta could to keep the orb on him, but my discords helped him so much to wreck them
They swapped to counter him to humble him, switches to Winston
They got us dead to rights 2 fights in a row, right bear the payload marker for us to win

4 of us go down, Winston, Rein, Me as Zen, Lucio
Soldier and Anna up top the bridge area

As we respawn, we are fractured 4, then 2 delayed by like 8 seconds
Rather then Rush in as 4, I trigger Group Up, everyone stops, comes back, Soldier/Anna (switched to McCree)

We going for last push, drop orb on Winston, who jumps back line, by flanking
McCree, Soldier, I, Rein, Lucio go up the steps to the bridge
First we kill Hog so fucking quick, he died before his chain hook could retract fully
Lucio speed boost, Discord on there Lucio, who goes down
All of us flush down, I die to a Tree log arrow from Hanzo, but dropped a lasting Discord on him right as Soldier activated his Ultimate
Winston wrecks their Symmetrra
Rein vs Rein, he has Ultimate, I hear Earthshatter go off, we win

Crazy how in Platinum people would just rush in die over and over or swap to Heroes that waste either Ultimate meter
Enjoying DIAMIND tier
Hope to John Master Ranks in Season 4 hopefully!
Diamond has a lot of the same problems you said were in platinum, just maybe less frequent. You might just be lucky that you haven't seen it or it might be because you achieved your goal so you kinda ignore the bad and focus on the good plays. It'


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
...And WTF is this, my team is steamrolling for once, an enemy player leaves match and match gets cancelled, no points or anything???? What. The. Fuck? That never happens when my teammates quit.

If it happens early in the match, game gets cancelled

Also they need too look into certain modes and screwing people over with Reinstancing bullshit that appears when a group bounce out

If we steamrolling you in a non-ranked match, just take the loss, no when 3+ quit, game triggers reinstancing
Payload like 5 Meters from win, game cancelled, no xp/rewards
Seriously, let's us win!


Any advice for me as someone who has his career high at 2599?

Main was Genji but is now Tracer and Winston (since I'm way better with them then with Genji), with Ana on her way as my support hero.

Well I don't think I can tell you anything that isn't already known. What is most important is teamwork and communication. I'm always on team chat and calling out stuff even when my team is silent. I also never blame anybody vocally and just figure out where the issues in the current fight are and how I can improve them. On heroes I always played my best heroes and made sure I complemented my team well. All my heroes picks are also kinda in meta (Soldier, Zarya, Ana). It's important to know your role in the team. Soldier? spam that rifle and try to break the Rein shield. Ana? Heal, heal, heal, sleep dart charging Reins, harass Pharah if possible and boost the correct people at the right time. Zarya? Your front and center, call out you have graviton and melt the enemy team' move in and out of combat depending on your shields.

What helped me too was taking a break from comp for a couple of weeks since I was becoming satly, now I just stay positive and try to have good teams. Although I will admit that sometimes there just isn't anything you can do no matter how well you play and you just have a "bad" team, just accept it and move to the next game. And I will admit today I had some good team mates.

Congrats! Feels like you've been at 2900s for ages.

I reached a high of 2933 at the start of the season before I fell down to 2500 so it took a while to fix that. I reached a new high of 3152 before my win streak came to an end today.


Side note: My Pharah is cheeks and I need to fix this. I know how to do one thing that has won me comp matches but other than that whoo I am bad. Having not played her since patch messes me up so hard too orz
If it happens early in the match, game gets cancelled

Also they need too look into certain modes and screwing people over with Reinstancing bullshit that appears when a group bounce out

If we steamrolling you in a non-ranked match, just take the loss, no when 3+ quit, game triggers reinstancing
Payload like 5 Meters from win, game cancelled, no xp/rewards
Seriously, let's us win!

We basically bust through their defense and capped A in 30 seconds. Sounds like a tactical quit, which is BS.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Diamond has a lot of the same problems you said were in platinum, just maybe less frequent. You might just be lucky that you haven't seen it or it might be because you achieved your goal so you kinda ignore the bad and focus on the good plays. It'

Since I've joined Diamond, my experiences has been way better

It might be a new fresh coat of paint saying, but there's effort here
Will there ehe effortless matches, sure, but so far I'm climbing, even with a few losses

So far so good, *knocks wood*

I don't have the fortunate chance of running with people/friends, so I solo this shit
I mean I've climbed roughly 500SR and 1 Tier by doing everything to get me out of the tier I was in
Took me 2 weeks before season ends to reach it


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
We basically bust through their defense and capped A in 30 seconds. Sounds like a tactical quit, which is BS.

Yeah if it was a group or stack if one of those players bounced, they ate a -50 SR and time ban from competitive
It happens, it sucks

If you took it quickly, that means a steamroll about to happen, someone got triggered/titled and bounced out

I understand the snowballing effect of losing a player very early and still try yo compete 1 man down, but Blizzard and Jeff think the "harsh penalty" is good enough

If it was me, if you left with no intention of returning, should be levied a huge -SR
If you disconnected very early in a match, while opposing team took point, game should recognize that and leaver get hit with a huge -SR
Like -150 to -200 SR and 30 minute ban
Repeaters get multiplied by 2, ending with no comp after say your 5th disconnect

That will teach leavers not to fuck around
If you have internet problems, hopefully game recognizes what part of the match you disconnected and then f you reconnect, no penalty

Shit needs to be harsher


I've been in platinum, diamond, and master. Diamond is easily the worst. So many troll. I saw my share of trolls in master, but diamond has to have the highest concentration of trolls imo.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Ah darn it, I hope Season 3 ends soon. I've dropped into the 1600s range. I guess that's what I deserve for playing Solo queue I suppose.

Remember payout of Rewards is what your Season High is

So if you fall out of a tier, your still reward the Highest you got

I've solo queued most of my Seasons
Season 1 - 60
Season 2 - Platinum (gave up mid season, Destiny + FFXIV took over game play time)
Season 3 - Diamond (doing my best to branch out and cover certain Heroes)

When you solo, your at the mercy of who you get matches up with
Last 2 weeks I've been lucky to get like minded players, which helped get me into the new tier

Now just hoping to net me a few comp wins
I have 1781 gold
You get 1200 gold payout
So I need to win 2 matches, so I have enough for another Gold weapon


There are some bitter vindictive people in the world. I had one person throw the match before it even began because I wanted to go Hanzo on attack Hollywood ranked. And that's only one tale. You just have to take it in stride and move on to the next one.
I was watching a stream yesterday where someone threw just because he got matched up on the same team with a 3-stack. He friend requested one of the guys and then started private messaging them about how he's going to AFK and throw because they queued up in a trio.

He actually played the first 3/4 or so of the match normally (just to give false hope) and in the last round, when it was very much a winnable game, he went Torbjorn and hard threw.

This was Grandmasters.


Finally after 2 seasons worth of playing I reach Master rank.

All done Solo Qued as well, but I didn't reach the top 500 this time even though I did better this season than the last.
This game would be way better if you didn't get games at Master where people have so little human contact that they can't open their mouths while they play the game.

Honestly, if you aren't communicating and coordinating in some form you should probably reconsider why you're even playing the game. Go play QP or something ffs.


This game would be way better if you didn't get games at Master where people have so little human contact that they can't open their mouths while they play the game.

Honestly, if you aren't communicating and coordinating in some form you should probably reconsider why you're even playing the game. Go play QP or something ffs.

Lots of people online are anti-social or too sensitive that they can't handle talking with other people.


Just got my first toxic message on PS4, where I was branded terrible after we failed to get to the castle on Eichenwalde comp. Granted, it wasn't my best game, but eh.

I follow up with a triple kill Dva ult POTG as we manage a full hold on Eichenwalde Defense.

Luckily the person in question seemed to take it in their stride, even sent me a "<3" message after we won.

Still, not gonna lie - I haven't been so satisfied in a very long time on this game.


Just got my first toxic message on PS4, where I was branded terrible after we failed to get to the castle on Eichenwalde comp. Granted, it wasn't my best game, but eh.
Thank fucking God you can't get messaged on PC, unless they send you a friend request and you accept it.


Thank fucking God you can't get messaged on PC, unless they send you a friend request and you accept it.

I think I was more in shock than anything else. Generally my OW experience has been a pleasant one on PS4.

EDIT: Just saw the same guy on the other team. I quit before the match started, ten minute suspension be damned. :lol


I've been noticing a lot more Widowmakers on PS4, even in comp.

Any reason why? Did it take more than half a year for players to finally feel comfortable with her?


Am I the only one who thinks we should be able to break Sombra's translocator, I find really strange it is not the case, pretty much every trap / turret is breakable.


I'm watching some of Chro's videoes, and jesus christ, that is the best damn junkrat I've ever seen.

Is that kind of play even possible on consoles?

I still don't want to play junkrat tho


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I've been noticing a lot more Widowmakers on PS4, even in comp.

Any reason why? Did it take more than half a year for players to finally feel comfortable with her?

Some are decent to downright fucking good
It's just the 99% of Widows that can't even trigger off a shot against Roadhogs hit box that people are against them

I just had one who locked that shit down for like 75% of the match as Widow Attack
Pick after Pick after Pick
We softened them up, bam elimination after elimination on the scoreboard

When teams know their comp, and what role each is suppose to bring it becomes awesome
Sadly a lot of Widows see YouTube montages and try to ape random PoTG or think they can translate those skills into theirs and fail miserably

She can destroy a team, but needs help, needs a Rein/Winston to keep the enemy sights on them
A Soldier or McCree to be her associate in taking down enemies
Either she softens them up for you or you do it for her

I chipped away Mercy and Ana on their side so much, 1 full charge shot just massacred their back lines
We worked backwards, destroy heals, destroy tanks, kill whoever is left


I've been noticing a lot more Widowmakers on PS4, even in comp.

Any reason why? Did it take more than half a year for players to finally feel comfortable with her?

I was noticing that too, and they are actually really good most of the time, specially when they are not on my team.


I was noticing that too, and they are actually really good most of the time, specially when they are not on my team.

I sent some of them messages asking if they use mouse. Most of them said no but they did use a thumbstick extender that allowed them way greater control than a normal one would. Some sent me pics of it. Of course, that's not hard proof and they might still have been using a mouse, but...


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Hanzo is I think is the only one I can say that 99.9% are just fucking horrible
Only that 0.1% is Great to God tier

They're just so overplayed by shitty players, he's become the "Ugh! Anyone but him!"
Most are there to build up there meter so they can just do a Go Fuck yourself Dragon or Wolf and be satiated by it

I've seen crazy Hanzos who shoot their sonic arrows to give you a glimpse of Recon and notify team on where enemies are and what they're up to
Save their scatters for right timing
Same for thei Ultimate

Yet you'll get most Hanzos who spam arrows, don't even know what the fuck the ability of Sonic arrow is there for, use scatter like a deterrence, like yeah you shoot it at the Rein shield, well played GG
Through all the hardships we prevail


this ones for everyone who said we couldn't make it.

i didn't even get to diamond on console now on pc ive made it to masters in the season i started playing on pc


also one match i was playing Ana got like 40+ sr points


Hanzo is I think is the only one I can say that 99.9% are just fucking horrible
Only that 0.1% is Great to God tier

They're just so overplayed by shitty players, he's become the "Ugh! Anyone but him!"
Most are there to build up there meter so they can just do a Go Fuck yourself Dragon or Wolf and be satiated by it

I've seen crazy Hanzos who shoot their sonic arrows to give you a glimpse of Recon and notify team on where enemies are and what they're up to
Save their scatters for right timing
Same for thei Ultimate

Yet you'll get most Hanzos who spam arrows, don't even know what the fuck the ability of Sonic arrow is there for, use scatter like a deterrence, like yeah you shoot it at the Rein shield, well played GG

I'm a God Hanzo in Mystery Heroes, but the same potato Hanjo as everyone else in regular games.


Ugh, I forgot the 50 SR penalty for leaving a comp match - even if it hadn't started.

Now that I've lost a match since, I'm now on a net loss for the night. :lol

Oh well.
ptr bastion might be my favorite hero ever
Getting hype...

I play Mystery Hero as is the only way can find matches not all DPS and snipers.
It's where I go when I'm tired with filling support roles for the day, let the random roulette sort it out.
*random guy gets Lucio during a frenzied battle for a point, jumps off cliff thus leaving you a man down even longer*
Never mind, the guys who never play support still ruin it.

Hanzo is I think is the only one I can say that 99.9% are just fucking horrible
Only that 0.1% is Great to God tier

They're just so overplayed by shitty players...

I had a day last week where I got teabagged three times in separate matches with differing players, the common link was Hanzo.
I like to think that says it all


Do you guys play on different sensitivity for different characters? I've lowered my sensitivity so I can track better (and I can see improvement) but my flick shots are abysmal now.

I'm considering switching all the characters I flick shot with back to my old sensitivity and keeping my low sensitivity for everyone else. It doesn't seems like a big deal but I can see it being potentially harmful playing with two different sensitivities.
Found a good bunch of players in a random solo queue and now I'm Gold. I pulled my weight.

...So...How unlikely is the trophy for destroying 3 of Sym's teleporters in one game? Sym quite rare to see as is.


I don't know what's happening but after the event it seems I can't aim at all, I was able to get decent shots with McRee but now I can't even get a hit with any hero, it's super weird, for PS4 players here whats the sensitivity some of you are using?


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Found a good bunch of players in a random solo queue and now I'm Gold. I pulled my weight.

...So...How unlikely is the trophy for destroying 3 of Sym's teleporters in one game? Sym quite rare to see as is.

It's doable, but you have to search for that shit
Best is like a Tracer, Sombra, Pharah who can scout it out
If the Turret one, Winston hands down


Through all the hardships we prevail


this ones for everyone who said we couldn't make it.

i didn't even get to diamond on console now on pc ive made it to masters in the season i started playing on pc


also one match i was playing Ana got like 40+ sr points

Gratz I saw you were like 3400 for a while there. Good news is once you've done it once it becomes really easy to do on a smurf or 2 aswell. ;)


Through all the hardships we prevail


this ones for everyone who said we couldn't make it.

i didn't even get to diamond on console now on pc ive made it to masters in the season i started playing on pc


also one match i was playing Ana got like 40+ sr points

But console players are bronze level!

Seriously though, congrats. That's some major improvement over a season.


Whats your season high again? Is the mental block pressure to perform or something else?

Got to 3441 twice. First time went on a 7 losing streak second time was a few days ago. Lost a game and went to 3410. Decided to try once more since I'm kinda too busy this week to do a proper comp session and lost that so won't be playing comp anymore this season.

Right now it's more of a fear of having a massive loss streak again so I want to wait till next season and see if there is an initial boost to help get in. Once I get in I'll probably be more relaxed about it. I don't think I perform any worse but I think I might get tilted easier when I get near because it's so close. It didn't happen when I went plat to diamond since I had done it easily on PS4 so no pressure maybe.


Got to 3441 twice. First time went on a 7 losing streak second time was a few days ago. Lost a game and went to 3410. Decided to try once more since I'm kinda too busy this week to do a proper comp session and lost that so won't be playing comp anymore this season.

Right now it's more of a fear of having a massive loss streak again so I want to wait till next season and see if there is an initial boost to help get in. Once I get in I'll probably be more relaxed about it. I don't think I perform any worse but I think I might get tilted easier when I get near because it's so close. It didn't happen when I went plat to diamond since I had done it easily on PS4 so no pressure maybe.

Yeh sounds like you were just unlucky tbh. There is no real difference between 3400 and 3500 except that damn symbol. Sounds weird but as dps I've taken to playing some chill music while I play, kinda loosens me up a bit and makes me play better. Tracer is really amazing right now too so that helps.


Yeh sounds like you were just unlucky tbh. There is no real difference between 3400 and 3500 except that damn symbol. Sounds weird but as dps I've taken to playing some chill music while I play, kinda loosens me up a bit and makes me play better. Tracer is really amazing right now too so that helps.

You reckon you'll be rusty after a month out?
I probably just need a little luck. Play enough and I'm sure I'll eventually get it. I was on a streak the first time and probably needed one more win to get it since I had just got around 50 the last game and our Rein charged out of spawn to defend A on Hanamura by himself when we had lost it so we got rolled that game. He claimed he misheard coms. Just bad luck really.


Well I'm halve way to Masters now when I'm suddenly put into a placement match, we had 3 guys doing their placement on our team on the other team had only one. Close game on Volskaya but we eventually lost.


You reckon you'll be rusty after a month out?
I probably just need a little luck. Play enough and I'm sure I'll eventually get it. I was on a streak the first time and probably needed one more win to get it since I had just got around 50 the last game and our Rein charged out of spawn to defend A on Hanamura by himself when we had lost it so we got rolled that game. He claimed he misheard coms. Just bad luck really.

Yeah I will be rusty. Back when I was at uni and played quake live I used to only play during holidays, so I would have 3 months off and 6 weeks on or whatever. Used to take the entire break to get it all back lol. This won't be as extreme hopefully.

I'm glad placements dont count for much anymore, I have 30 games to play so that should go quite a way towards helping me get the muscle memory back.

Damn, I thought people knew when you have to just let it go by now on 2cp.
Gratz I saw you were like 3400 for a while there. Good news is once you've done it once it becomes really easy to do on a smurf or 2 aswell. ;)

But console players are bronze level!

Seriously though, congrats. That's some major improvement over a season.


fell from 34XX to around 29XX 3 times... 3TIMES!!!
made a slow climb till 32XX then went on a streak yesterday and today.
had some good teammates who would give off meta picks a chance which was nice

ill try a smurf if i ever get top500


Yeah I will be rusty. Back when I was at uni and played quake live I used to only play during holidays, so I would have 3 months off and 6 weeks on or whatever. Used to take the entire break to get it all back lol. This won't be as extreme hopefully.

I'm glad placements dont count for much anymore, I have 30 games to play so that should go quite a way towards helping me get the muscle memory back.

Damn, I thought people knew when you have to just let it go by now on 2cp.

He said he thought genji said he was gonna ult so we went in. We didn't have a genji. Our Pharah said they would change to Genji after they ulted, but said it a split second after the charge so they were most likely making an excuse.
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