Okay, I think I am going to quit the game until orisa comes out. I just had a game with a really coordinated bastion and, while I know this is old news for most people, the brokenness really defies belief. I genuinely don't understand how Blizzard thought THAT was okay. Jesus.
Edit: After rising to a prestigious 2400, I now dropped to 2100, the lowest I think I've ever gone. yeah, I definitely quit.
I love everyhting about this game except actually playing it. I don't know why, but for some reason, a couple weeks back, the game just decided to hate me. Over the last few weeks, the majority of my matches have been with teammates that can't coordinate against teams that can. I mean, I know that's the typical explanation here. But whats the alternative explanation? That I just randomly started sucking ass at the game when I spent the majority of my time in the precious seasons in high platinum/low diamond? Just out of nowhere, I became a tangibly worse player to the point that I drag entire teams down hard enough to lose over and over and over and over?
Part of it is that Bastion is just OP and Blizzard obviously gives no fucks about consoles so we're stuck with a bastion that can't die. But when my team uses Bastion we don't get the same result. We get annihilated. I've had a few good games, so it's not like I don't have any fun with the game at all. And I don't mean to say those are games I won, because I know how to enjoy a match that I lose if my team is working together well enough.
But just....I just want to know what happened. And I just need to take a break. I just flat out resent the game at this point. Orisa should be fun and maybe I can get a break once the patches come through for Bastion. But it makes me sad that what I viewed as the greatest MP game I've ever played just seems to have turned hostile toward me. And I know this is entire post is just one long whine, I'm sorry for that. But I'm beyond tilted right now and upset about it.