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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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What does everyone think of moonmoon? I tune in from time to time because his show can be funny, but I sometimes see haters (though that shouldnt surprise me, as everything has haters these days). I don't pay super hard attention to him, sometimes hes got some good music on and sometimes he memes way too hard and I have to turn it off.


What does everyone think of moonmoon? I tune in from time to time because his show can be funny, but I sometimes see haters (though that shouldnt surprise me, as everything has haters these days). I don't pay super hard attention to him, sometimes hes got some good music on and sometimes he memes way too hard and I have to turn it off.

Moonmoon is the reason I watch Twitch and I've been a sub of his for 10 months (basically since right after he got his sub button). He's just an awesomely hilarious, down-to-earth guy who is extremely entertaining and interacts extensively with his chat. He's pretty no-nonsense, and doesn't/won't cater to people's irrational sensitivities. I honestly don't have any desire to speak or otherwise interact with anyone who hates on him.
i have decided to just lock zarya immediately unless i really feel like playing rein
I pretty much do the same. I pick Zarya first then see what happens from there if I need to change. Sometimes that means going a different tank (usually Rein), sometimes support, but it basically means never going DPS (go figure).

What does everyone think of moonmoon? I tune in from time to time because his show can be funny, but I sometimes see haters (though that shouldnt surprise me, as everything has haters these days). I don't pay super hard attention to him, sometimes hes got some good music on and sometimes he memes way too hard and I have to turn it off.
I watched him months ago and couldn't really stand it because it was just memes: the stream, which I know is instant popularity on the internet but it's not something for me. The chat was also perhaps the worst I had ever seen. Now that Twitch in general regardless of what channel you end up on has become some apocalypse of moon emotes as well is pretty annoying.
Moonmoon comes off as a massive prick to me. I've seen him "troll" in games, as well as shittalk others, often enough. I don't find him funny either, because I don't really like memes, and he constantly spouts them. Doesn't help that his chat is one of the worst chats on Twitch, and he only encourages that behaviour.
That said, if you like him, good for you - tastes are different, after all.

Honestly, Ster is probably the most entertaining streamer to me. He's genuine, he has a similar type of humour to mine, and doesn't come out with a barrage of memes.
Hey guys I'm trying to play with Pharah a little more to increase my hero pool and I was wondering what would be a great way to practice her accuracy and movement? I play on PS4, so should I just go into training mode and start shooting the moving robots?


Moonmoon comes off as a massive prick to me. I've seen him "troll" in games, as well as shittalk others, often enough. I don't find him funny either, because I don't really like memes, and he constantly spouts them. Doesn't help that his chat is one of the worst chats on Twitch, and he only encourages that behaviour.
That said, if you like him, good for you - tastes are different, after all.

Honestly, Ster is probably the most entertaining streamer to me. He's genuine, he has a similar type of humour to mine, and doesn't come out with a barrage of memes.

Interesting, I find Ster insanely monotonous and lackluster. He's one of those people I only watch if absolutely nobody else is streaming.


the holder of the trombone
Also all the US streamers stream at really bad times for me.

Part of why I like apex is because the schedule works for me.
Interesting, I find Ster insanely monotonous and lackluster. He's one of those people I only watch if absolutely nobody else is streaming.

Different tastes as said. If I would consider anyone insanely monotonous, it would be particularly Moonmoon cause he's just a constant stream of memes.


Moonmoon is the reason I watch Twitch and I've been a sub of his for 10 months (basically since right after he got his sub button). He's just an awesomely hilarious, down-to-earth guy who is extremely entertaining and interacts extensively with his chat. He's pretty no-nonsense, and doesn't/won't cater to people's irrational sensitivities. I honestly don't have any desire to speak or otherwise interact with anyone who hates on him.

What about Tim? He consistently gets twice as many viewers as moonmoon, and I think its because he memes a little less than moonmoon, and I think his humor is a little less pewdiepie and more chris farley/SNL, which is probably more entertaining to more age groups.


What about Tim? He consistently gets twice as many viewers as moonmoon, and I think its because he memes a little less than moonmoon, and I think his humor is a little less pewdiepie and more chris farley/SNL, which is probably more entertaining to more age groups.

I despise Tim. I find him obnoxious and he does the whole "yelling and making really stupid remarks" because it appeals to the average age of his viewers, which must be roughly 9 years old. I honestly find Tim far more "pewdiepie"-ish BECAUSE of his unnecessary yelling. He's also the weakest link at actual skill in OW between him - Lassiz - Moon. He only gets to stay where he is in ranked because he's constantly getting carried.

Also, Lassiz is pretty awesome, probably the most level-headed and humble of the bunch, IMO.
Lassiz is a cool guy, as loud as he is. I'd watched him since his early Smite days. Haven't really been recently cause his chat's become obnoxious, but he himself is a good guy.


Okay, I think I am going to quit the game until orisa comes out. I just had a game with a really coordinated bastion and, while I know this is old news for most people, the brokenness really defies belief. I genuinely don't understand how Blizzard thought THAT was okay. Jesus.

Edit: After rising to a prestigious 2400, I now dropped to 2100, the lowest I think I've ever gone. yeah, I definitely quit.

I love everyhting about this game except actually playing it. I don't know why, but for some reason, a couple weeks back, the game just decided to hate me. Over the last few weeks, the majority of my matches have been with teammates that can't coordinate against teams that can. I mean, I know that's the typical explanation here. But whats the alternative explanation? That I just randomly started sucking ass at the game when I spent the majority of my time in the precious seasons in high platinum/low diamond? Just out of nowhere, I became a tangibly worse player to the point that I drag entire teams down hard enough to lose over and over and over and over?

Part of it is that Bastion is just OP and Blizzard obviously gives no fucks about consoles so we're stuck with a bastion that can't die. But when my team uses Bastion we don't get the same result. We get annihilated. I've had a few good games, so it's not like I don't have any fun with the game at all. And I don't mean to say those are games I won, because I know how to enjoy a match that I lose if my team is working together well enough.

But just....I just want to know what happened. And I just need to take a break. I just flat out resent the game at this point. Orisa should be fun and maybe I can get a break once the patches come through for Bastion. But it makes me sad that what I viewed as the greatest MP game I've ever played just seems to have turned hostile toward me. And I know this is entire post is just one long whine, I'm sorry for that. But I'm beyond tilted right now and upset about it.


Mercy is a very obvious and easy to learn hero, but I want to know how to fully utilize her skill set in a high skilled masters+ game (on console) I still feel like I'm lacking and I need to master her more, I need to learn to stay away from my team and not eat every alt thrown at my team.

Any tips or good gameplay videos to watch?


Mercy is a very obvious and easy to learn hero, but I want to know how to fully utilize her skill set in a high skilled masters+ game (on console) I still feel like I'm lacking and I need to master her more, I need to learn to stay away from my team and not eat every alt thrown at my team.

Any tips or good gameplay videos to watch?

This is a great one



So I'm watching Complexity vs. Team Liquid and I'm noticing that Team Liquid has Rapha and DaHang, two (former?) Quake pros. I don't really follow pro Overwatch much but I do follow a lot of Quake and it's great to see these guys cross over.

Anyone know how they're doing? Those two are basically the best Quake Live players ever.

Rapha yes, dahang no. Played ql for 5 yrs myself



EDIT: To be fair, he's climbed from Diamond to 3 points off GM in one day, as only Genji... and attack Torbjorn.

Moonmoon is good at the game, hangs in gm while talking to chat and memeing for 6 hrs. Alot better than most people give him credit for.


Neo Member
Mercy is a very obvious and easy to learn hero, but I want to know how to fully utilize her skill set in a high skilled masters+ game (on console) I still feel like I'm lacking and I need to master her more, I need to learn to stay away from my team and not eat every alt thrown at my team.

Any tips or good gameplay videos to watch?

Here's my tips from a while back! Reaper is less relevant these days though, it's usually Roadhog and his hook that you want to keep a constant watch on this season.

Basic stuff: Stop using her gun! Even if no one's hurt you could be damage boosting a Junkrat or pre-healing a frontline Zarya who's about to take damage. Try to keep track of your entire team's health, don't get tunnel vision and focus only on healing one teammate for too long. Position yourself so that you've always got at least 2 faraway teammates you can Guardian Angel to and preferably a wall you can peek out from. Watch out for flankers at all times and always be aware of Reaper's position/ult status if possible.

More advanced: If an enemy comes after you and cuts in between you and your beam target, walk AWAY from your teammate until you reach the edge of Guardian Angel range and then fly back, you're much more likely to survive this way and if your teammate's not oblivious they can easily shoot the enemy in the back while they chase you. Start cancelling Guardian Angel dashes midflight by hitting the button again, to stop yourself from overextending and getting gunned down. Keep an eye out for Zarya and build up an awareness of when she's got an ult ready so you can back off.

Rezzing: Don't wait too long to rez! You'll get it again, so use it if 2+ players are dead and the fighting seems to have died down. It can also be worth it sometimes to revive just one teammate if they're a decent tank/healer, or if you're about to die in the next couple seconds anyways.


Moonmoon is good at the game, hangs in gm while talking to chat and memeing for 6 hrs. Alot better than most people give him credit for.

I mean Moonmoon actually knows the game better and can hang more than some pros out there. People don't give him enough credit skillwise.

Zen Aku

The only streamer I watch is Muselk. Actually I'm not sure if he actually stream anything. I just go on YouTube from time to time and see that he released a new Overwatch gameplay commentary video.

He's always fun to watch, great personality.


The only streamer I watch is Muselk. Actually I'm not sure if he actually stream anything. I just go on YouTube from time to time and see that he released a new Overwatch gameplay commentary video.

He's always fun to watch, great personality.
More like Pooselk, amirite?

Bazza & Tyrodin are way better. They brought us hits such as "Greatest Mei Joke", "Sausage Roll For You, Dad", "Jack's Ass", "Peer Pressure Or How I Got A Torb Golden Gun", "How To Trigger Muselk" and "Role Playing".


I mean Moonmoon actually knows the game better and can hang more than some pros out there. People don't give him enough credit skillwise.
Thats why he only plays reindheart though. Not much skill or attention required, so he can freely talk to his chat.
Moonmoon's last stream encapsulated why I dislike him so much. It's one thing to do the type of comedy he does on his Twitch channel, a place that you can voluntarily watch or leave depending on your choice, but forcing low Masters/Diamond level players to endure your "xxGODSLAYERxx" shtick is such a dick move. He only picked Genji the entire day regardless of the mode, was being super toxic in team chat and calling everyone "noob idiots", demanding players to pocket heal him and generally just trolling. Almost every single game at least one person would leave the voice channel because of him, and one guy even recognized him as Moonmoon and begged him to stop messing around... it got really awkward after that. People were regularly quitting the games he was in and I don't blame them. He asked one female Mercy player to turn around so he could look at her ass and she just went silent for the rest of the match.

It's like, I get that he thinks he's being all "hehe xDD" and his viewers love it but don't be an obnoxious twat and ruin other people's matches.

For the record, I was only watching because none of the other streamers I watch were on and I figured I could get some entertainment out of his stream for a bit.


For the record, I was only watching because none of the other streamers I watch were on and I figured I could get some entertainment out of his stream for a bit.
Fair reason to support a pos by watching his stream!
/jk, one more streamer on the avoid list, thanks for the heads up :p


I can't! This is too cute:


Lol lost. Pharah wouldn't change when against hog ana mccree and soldier lol
Brutal. You'll get it though. You're probably getting a lot of Masters on your team at this point so eventually you'll get more good ones than bad.

That said, I've noticed that the bridge between two divisions is always the hardest to cross. I guess it's because of all the people in the higher division dropping into the lowest part of that division/dropping into the lower division and they've become tilted off of the face of the earth. Platinum to Diamond range was so toxic when I was ranking up.


Brutal. You'll get it though. You're probably getting a lot of Masters on your team at this point so eventually you'll get more good ones than bad.

That said, I've noticed that the bridge between two divisions is always the hardest to cross. I guess it's because of all the people in the higher division dropping into the lowest part of that division/dropping into the lower division and they've become tilted off of the face of the earth. Platinum to Diamond range was so toxic when I was ranking up.
Tell me about it. After I finished my placement games I was being put into games around 3600 but placed 3383 so I think my hidden MMR at that point was low masters probably. Next 4 or so games had people trolling or throwing. Beneficted from it once only :( Well won the next game 3-0 with 100SR below the enemy team so I'm now 35SR away.
I dropped down 150 sr when i was 50sr away aswell this season GANBARE!

Last season I was on a 5 win streak and got to 3441 so next game was pretty much masters for me. Lost the next 7 and went down to 3050.

Edit:7sr away... Rip
Edit 2: From 2-0 down on Oasis to wininng 3-2.


Hey guys I'm trying to play with Pharah a little more to increase my hero pool and I was wondering what would be a great way to practice her accuracy and movement? I play on PS4, so should I just go into training mode and start shooting the moving robots?
watch valkia's youtube videos on pharah. its gonna be tough to do his advance movement on console but it gives you an idea how to play a good pharah.
Tell me about it. After I finished my placement games I was being put into games around 3600 but placed 3383 so I think my hidden MMR at that point was low masters probably. Next 4 or so games had people trolling or throwing. Beneficted from it once only :( Well won the next game 3-0 with 100SR below the enemy team so I'm now 35SR away.

Last season I was on a 5 win streak and got to 3441 so next game was pretty much masters for me. Lost the next 7 and went down to 3050.

Edit:7sr away... Rip
Edit 2: From 2-0 down on Oasis to wininng 3-2.


Neo Member
Thank you this is incredible, especially the toggle and the guardian angel beam target stuff, extremely helpful.

Yeah that Mercy video has some good info in there for sure. One thing that never seems to get mentioned in "Guardian Angel prefers beam target" discussions, though, is that keeping that option on allows you to face one direction and maintain an escape route to the side of or behind you. And because you can quickly drop that backwards beam at any time and Guardian Angel to an ally in front of you, keeping beam target preference turned on effectively grants you two separate Guardian Angel routes that you can use at any time without rotating the camera. So I'd argue that toggling "Guardian Angel prefers beam target" is more of a tradeoff between beam uptime and escape route flexibility, rather than a straight upgrade like the dude from that video claims.


Hanging out in mid-Diamond for now, let's group up sometime! Solo-queueing as a support and tank main is getting pretty old.

I'm up for it. Been waiting for some Gaffers to do placements with their main accounts for Comp but it seems the Bastion meta has kept them away and I can't wait any longer. I'm also in Diamond but I haven't played any Comp for 7 days so I dropped to 3000, lol
Learning a new character properly is literally impossible right now at my current quick play MMR. No one wants to pick proper team comps, and I run into teams with no healers and no tanks. Everyone insta-locks the fucking weeb bros, the stupid DPS and "fun" characters.

I just want real, proper practice, not fucking wacky teams on both sides where running into such stupidity is unlikely in comp. You still need a group to avoid the stupidity of solo queue QP and benefit from it. I don't even know how can they have fun in a team-based game with no communication and proper team comps.


Neo Member
I'm up for it. Been waiting for some Gaffers to do placements with their main accounts for Comp but it seems the Bastion meta has kept them away and I can't wait any longer. I'm also in Diamond but I haven't played any Comp for 7 days so I dropped to 3000, lol

Nice, looking forward to people doubting your Junkrat and then eating their words at the victory screen.


Tell me about it. After I finished my placement games I was being put into games around 3600 but placed 3383 so I think my hidden MMR at that point was low masters probably. Next 4 or so games had people trolling or throwing. Beneficted from it once only :( Well won the next game 3-0 with 100SR below the enemy team so I'm now 35SR away.

Last season I was on a 5 win streak and got to 3441 so next game was pretty much masters for me. Lost the next 7 and went down to 3050.

Edit:7sr away... Rip
Edit 2: From 2-0 down on Oasis to wininng 3-2.

im so proud of my son ;_;


Nice, looking forward to people doubting your Junkrat and then eating their words at the victory screen.

I've branched out quite a bit. I'm a mean Soldier and Zen now and I can hold my own as Lucio if supports are needed. I can play 14 heroes comfortably now depending on the team comp. Altho, yea, I still pull out my Junk to mess up the enemy teams when things get sweaty. But I'm quite flexible now. We should be able to climb if the randos on our team can pull their weight. ^^


Tell me about it. After I finished my placement games I was being put into games around 3600 but placed 3383 so I think my hidden MMR at that point was low masters probably. Next 4 or so games had people trolling or throwing. Beneficted from it once only :( Well won the next game 3-0 with 100SR below the enemy team so I'm now 35SR away.

Last season I was on a 5 win streak and got to 3441 so next game was pretty much masters for me. Lost the next 7 and went down to 3050.

Edit:7sr away... Rip
Edit 2: From 2-0 down on Oasis to wininng 3-2.

Congrats! I told you that you're Zarya was good enough to easily hit masters.
That said, I've noticed that the bridge between two divisions is always the hardest to cross. I guess it's because of all the people in the higher division dropping into the lowest part of that division/dropping into the lower division and they've become tilted off of the face of the earth. Platinum to Diamond range was so toxic when I was ranking up.
Yeah, where I am now, I'm starting to run into the tilted former-Diamonds. The guys whose current SR is 400 below their season high of 3200. And they are pissed. And they are locking McCree or attack Widow, and it is bad.


Congrats! I told you that you're Zarya was good enough to easily hit masters.
Thanks but I did it With Ana. 🙃
Since I finished placements with her my win rate with Zarya fell from 100% to 61% and elims per death from 5.6 to 3.5. Too much dive for me to do well with Zarya on sadly.
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