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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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Thanks but I did it With Ana. 🙃
Since I finished placements with her my win rate with Zarya fell from 100% to 61% and elims per death from 5.6 to 3.5. Too much dive for me to do well with Zarya on sadly.

Are you worried about the damage nerf?
Tell me about it. After I finished my placement games I was being put into games around 3600 but placed 3383 so I think my hidden MMR at that point was low masters probably. Next 4 or so games had people trolling or throwing. Beneficted from it once only :( Well won the next game 3-0 with 100SR below the enemy team so I'm now 35SR away.

Last season I was on a 5 win streak and got to 3441 so next game was pretty much masters for me. Lost the next 7 and went down to 3050.

Edit:7sr away... Rip
Edit 2: From 2-0 down on Oasis to wininng 3-2.



Are you worried about the damage nerf?
I kinda go middle of the road with Ana. Usually more healing than damage unless I know I can finish them. Most of my elims come from nades my team follow up on so I'm more worried about pharah mercy going unchecked with Ana's damage nerf than having to 1 v flanker. I find that games where I have a lucio with me I tend to win since he's pretty good at keeping me alive against flankers just by existing. Zens don't really notice when I'm being attacked by flanker.

Would say Winston is really scary right now but you won't out dps him anyway so that doesn't matter too much but with his shield you have to rely on your team to get rid of it now. You can't just run and wait for it to go since he'll have another ready.


Trio queue with you and drop 102 from initial placement. Get back to initial placement then solo queue from there to masters. Hmmm. Trio queue seems bad for me.
Thanks dad!

my guts feelings says that the only way to get the benefit of those bonus sr boost is from solo. because when duo/trio/quad que you are effectively skewing the avg sr of your team to pit against similar sr opponent. but in solo que, the game can throw you into a higher sr games where you are one of the lower sr which benefit the most from losing less, winning more sr

but during those 10 placement match, duo/trio/etc que doesnt effect to much of a skew to the SR i think. so best just duo/trio for placement, afterward solo que until you find the sr bonus is getting taper, then go back to duo/trio que = profit??? :D


Thanks. Thought I wasn't gonna get it with 7sr left and 2-0 down. Started going too aggressive because I wanted to win...
Jellie and I play all the same heroes. He is the good-at-Overwatch me.
Ana and Zarya? They're pretty popular picks. Strong and fun.
my guts feelings says that the only way to get the benefit of those bonus sr boost is from solo. because when duo/trio/quad que you are effectively skewing the avg sr of your team to pit against similar sr opponent. but in solo que, the game can throw you into a higher sr games where you are one of the lower sr which benefit the most from losing less, winning more sr

but during those 10 placement match, duo/trio/etc que doesnt effect to much of a skew to the SR i think. so best just duo/trio for placement, afterward solo que until you find the sr bonus is getting taper, then go back to duo/trio que = profit??? :D
Yeah skii got 70sr while I got 30sr in one game. Probably was that. Think I used up all my bonus sr in those games.
Took you long enough

I'm so proud, knew you'd do it :D
Now you have to solo to diamond yourself. One game away?


Looking for meaning in GAF
Man, Zarya is so good at lower levels. All it takes is one or two people mindlessly spamming into your shield, and you'll always be at high charge.
Moonmoon's last stream encapsulated why I dislike him so much. It's one thing to do the type of comedy he does on his Twitch channel, a place that you can voluntarily watch or leave depending on your choice, but forcing low Masters/Diamond level players to endure your "xxGODSLAYERxx" shtick is such a dick move. He only picked Genji the entire day regardless of the mode, was being super toxic in team chat and calling everyone "noob idiots", demanding players to pocket heal him and generally just trolling. Almost every single game at least one person would leave the voice channel because of him, and one guy even recognized him as Moonmoon and begged him to stop messing around... it got really awkward after that. People were regularly quitting the games he was in and I don't blame them. He asked one female Mercy player to turn around so he could look at her ass and she just went silent for the rest of the match.

It's like, I get that he thinks he's being all "hehe xDD" and his viewers love it but don't be an obnoxious twat and ruin other people's matches.

For the record, I was only watching because none of the other streamers I watch were on and I figured I could get some entertainment out of his stream for a bit.
Christ. That sounds awful. I saw a stream of him casting one of his tournaments recently and he was just spouting loud bullshit the entire time. I could see how it could get grating over time, but then it was his own tournament so whatever.

Hearing that he straight up harasses random people and ruins games with obnoxious bullshit and trying to pass it off as "lol I'm just trolling xD" is not cool at all.
i just need 60 points to reach 3500 points. someone want to carry me on pc?

i was in QP yesterday and picked ana on oasis. roadhog player got mad because i switched to mccree totally forgot i had ult up LMFAO.


Now you have to solo to diamond yourself. One game away?

Yeah should be able to get it in my next session and then I'm done with the season. Blizzard really fucked it up with the 7 game requirement per week. Completely ruined any chance I had of climbing.


Jellie welcome to the club fam.

Now just wait for that dude who is going to be afk in your spawn.
Had the trolls yesterday. Today had no trolls on any teams today so actually climbed.
At least afk torb isn't feeding ult charge.

Yeah should be able to get it in my next session and then I'm done with the season. Blizzard really fucked it up with the 7 game requirement per week. Completely ruined any chance I had of climbing.
Should see how far you can go. Find your peak. You got diamond last season so set yourself a different goal.


Why are people trolling in Masters? What's the point of wasting everyone's time? Even doing the matchmaking takes time. I'm puzzled.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Hi folks. Jumpin in before the end of thread 18 I guess lol

Looking for PS4 groupups, same username as here. I feel I've climbed about as high as I can go as a pure rando. I play Thursday nights, Saturdays/Sundays various times.

Career high 2460 something but I'm grinding around at the 2000 barrier this season, losing games due to group dynamics, etc., listening to little kids on voice chat fighting with grown men, I dunno...

I been cranking out some highlight reels with ShareFactory if you want to see my high points. Thanks!


Jesus F Christ. I just had some of the worse comp games of my life, all because people would not help me focus mercy, it's like everyone on my team has just given her carte blanche to give unlimited rez's and feed Bastion on payload.

And I think I just played with the worst Ana player in my life.
I hate 2cp maps. It always seems to be the same boring defense.

Mercy, Torb, Symm, Rein, Zarya, Bastion with mei and junk sprinkled in.

This is on console mind you, but its frustrating to see your team stand in a choke being ult batteries while not accomplishing anything.

Full on turtle comps suck and aren't fun.


Should see how far you can go. Find your peak. You got diamond last season so set yourself a different goal.

I want to find my peak but in a week or two I'm going to have to fully dedicate my life to revision for exams in May so I'm only really going to be mentally able to play some QP in the evening with everyone.

Oh well season 5 I guess :/
I went from one game away from 2800 back down to 2765 and then back to 2700 last night lol.

Don't play after a couple losses. Tilt city.

I took a break and worked out for a couple hours then came back, picked Roadhog and shut down the PharMercy combo I hate so much now.


Just played gengu on control point.

68 eliminations.

25k damage

I don't remember anything from that match. It's like I was tripping. Everyone was moving so fast I didn't have any time to think.


Yeah, I remember getting 80 eliminations with Genji. Which was something like 60% kill participation.

I will never be able to pull that off again.


Our lucio got on mic, switch to Mei, and walled us off in spawn because they never got on point on round 1 and he died over and over rushing in. Most of the team left for koth round 2. He said "I enjoy making y'all lose". This was in qp mind you. People just go from 0-100 so fast in the game


Christ. That sounds awful. I saw a stream of him casting one of his tournaments recently and he was just spouting loud bullshit the entire time. I could see how it could get grating over time, but then it was his own tournament so whatever.

Hearing that he straight up harasses random people and ruins games with obnoxious bullshit and trying to pass it off as "lol I'm just trolling xD" is not cool at all.

The whole xXGODSLAYERXx is a troll roleplay thing he started doing as of very recently, in which he is literally roelplaying a dickbag, so it'd be no surprise he's acting like a dickbag. Even then, he's climbing through the ranks with his bullshit just fine. It's pretty far from his normal persona and not something I'd personally judge him for. It's also entertaining so whatevs.


Our lucio got on mic, switch to Mei, and walled us off in spawn because they never got on point on round 1 and he died over and over rushing in. Most of the team left for koth round 2. He said "I enjoy making y'all lose". This was in qp mind you. People just go from 0-100 so fast in the game

that guy has issues. i would quit since it was QP.
The whole xXGODSLAYERXx is a troll roleplay thing he started doing as of very recently, in which he is literally roelplaying a dickbag, so it'd be no surprise he's acting like a dickbag. Even then, he's climbing through the ranks with his bullshit just fine. It's pretty far from his normal persona and not something I'd personally judge him for. It's also entertaining so whatevs.

He hit GM today with it today.

When he doesn't get Genji, though, he goes Torb... like right now on a control map.


He hit GM today with it today.

When he doesn't get Genji, though, he goes Torb... like right now on a control map.

Yah. I'll say this isn't my favorite thing moon has done..I don't find it very funny, but as long as its temporary and he goes back to his usual stuff sooner rather than later, its w/e. It's just incorrect to characterize his usual stuff based on this, as they're nothing alike.


Moon's Genji is actually really good. Did he just pick him up for this smurf account? He knows most of the Genji tricks which is pretty impressive considering he's probably the hardest hero to get good at.


Moon's Genji is actually really good. Did he just pick him up for this smurf account? He knows most of the Genji tricks which is pretty impressive considering he's probably the hardest hero to get good at.

He started playing more DPS for S4 so he's been on Genji here and there, but he just started "maining" Genji for xXGODSLAYERXx. I wouldn't be surprised if he has practiced Genji a bit during his weekend downtime.


I want to find my peak but in a week or two I'm going to have to fully dedicate my life to revision for exams in May so I'm only really going to be mentally able to play some QP in the evening with everyone.

Oh well season 5 I guess :/
I bought overwatch during my revision week. Dew it.

He started playing more DPS for S4 so he's been on Genji here and there, but he just started "maining" Genji for xXGODSLAYERXx. I wouldn't be surprised if he has practiced Genji a bit during his weekend downtime.
With a name like that he should main reaper instead. Would be more impressive to get To GM with too
Yah. I'll say this isn't my favorite thing moon has done..I don't find it very funny, but as long as its temporary and he goes back to his usual stuff sooner rather than later, its w/e. It's just incorrect to characterize his usual stuff based on this, as they're nothing alike.

Maybe I shouldn't judge his previous streams on this, but I can definitely judge him as a person. It's just complete douchebaggery.


I don't think its role-playing. Him acting as a douchebag makes him a douchebag, imo.

Fuck the entertainment for the lulz.

Except if you watched his streams at any point in the last 10 months and not just this week, you'd know he acts nothing like this as himself.

Also, he's still winning matches and climbing just fine, so it's not like he's ruining anyone else's games. There are tons of other streamers who actually act like dicks on stream and tilt WITHOUT being obvious parodies -- see Sinatraa and Pokelawls.


I bought overwatch during my revision week. Dew it.

Lol you're crazy. Playing 7 games a week whilst revising just isn't doable or if I do it, my rank will just tank because I'm not really doing it because I want to but because I have to.


You are what you do. All I'm saying.
You're free to have that opinion, but moon does tons of great things for his community -- interacts and cares about his viewers (even as his stream has grown exponentially), promotes and donates to charity via charity streams, does subscriber tournaments with cash rewards and brings in community casters, pays all his producers/artists/other stream staff well (not a given, lots of streamers do not pay their artists under the guise of giving them "exposure"), and gives his mods bonuses.

Moon is a pretty stand-up guy. You're free not to like him, or not find him entertaining, but he does well by his community, IMO. This xXGODSLAYERXx thing might be annoying but it doesn't even come close to canceling out all the good things to have come out of moon's stream.


Mercy is a very obvious and easy to learn hero, but I want to know how to fully utilize her skill set in a high skilled masters+ game (on console) I still feel like I'm lacking and I need to master her more, I need to learn to stay away from my team and not eat every alt thrown at my team.

Any tips or good gameplay videos to watch?

Funny enough, watching the best Mercies will actually teach you to stay with your team more, not stay away. Not as obvious as most people expect.

Azoor already linked you EeveeA's "Master Mercy" video (and he's working on another Mercy guide for Skyline's channel), but LittleMenace is also pretty much equally the best Mercy: https://www.twitch.tv/little_menace

The main difference between Eevee and LittleMenace is that LM uses the pistol and goes Battle Mercy more than Eevee, but they both play a very high mobility style that lets them play with the team and still be safe to rez the big Ult wipes.
You're free to have that opinion, but moon does tons of great things for his community -- interacts and cares about his viewers (even as his stream has grown exponentially), promotes and donates to charity via charity streams, does subscriber tournaments with cash rewards and brings in community casters, pays all his producers/artists/other stream staff well (not a given, lots of streamers do not pay their artists under the guise of giving them "exposure"), and gives his mods bonuses.

Moon is a pretty stand-up guy. You're free not to like him, or not find him entertaining, but he does well by his community, IMO. This xXGODSLAYERXx thing might be annoying but it doesn't even come close to canceling out all the good things to have come out of moon's stream.

That's all well and good if true. I just have a complete disconnect with most "humor" and meme culture stuff.

Just a grumpy gus i suppose.


Lol you're crazy. Playing 7 games a week whilst revising just isn't doable or if I do it, my rank will just tank because I'm not really doing it because I want to but because I have to.
Start revising early. You can't do revision all day and it's only undergrad...
He has a Reaper player icon, close enough.
Not for me
I dunno who this Moon guy is but he sounds like a bad man.
All I've seen is him is him on roadhog having an intimate moment when enemy mercy ages ago. Was pretty funny though.
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