This rework would require giving Ana shield. Kinda like a Zen. Her grenade is fine thoSo her only form of self healing is an ult?
This rework would require giving Ana shield. Kinda like a Zen. Her grenade is fine thoSo her only form of self healing is an ult?
Fuck meis, from my experience they don't save the enemy as much as they block me from escaping and getting me killed in the proccess, that or they end up ruining my ulti, so fucking annoying. Please delete blizz everyone hates to play with her or against her, I will buy 10 k loot boxes if you wipe her from existance, k thx.
Alright PS4 boys who's in
Alright PS4 boys who's in
I don't think I conveyed my point well. I'm saying the reason our 6-stacks failed is because we didn't have a consistent team playing consistent heroes on consistent maps. We'd all be taking turns on DPS, tank, and healers, which allowed none of us to specialize.
If we had a consistent group - even a six-stack, I think we could make it work. Like, take ND and Owzers for example. If we could play around them being consistent Pharmercy, that'd be great.
i think most consistent teams stick with a handful of heroes they're great at. so yea, we can try it in QP and see how well we do.
Alright PS4 boys who's in
When two Zarya's are attacking each other with nobody healing or damaging the other does it just come down to the person who bubbles last winning if at similar charge?
Gratz. I couldn't get pass 2599 and now, after being at 22something I'm at 2300.I managed to breach the barrier into diamond!
I think it comes down to bubbling first so you get it a second time before the other Zarya. But it's also important to use AD spamming and having better tracking as well as utilising the bomb before each reload for optimum dps.
I learned I pretty much had to dodge playing Lucio since my winrate with him is like 30 percent or something horrifying. I had to stick with high impact characters that I knew like Hanzo, Call of Duty 1976, and even Sad Rectangle man.
When two Zarya's are attacking each other with nobody healing or damaging the other does it just come down to the person who bubbles last winning if at similar charge?
they probably didnt manage their bubble right. they used it prematurely before their 200 shield hp is used up. the bubble is like there for you to have a breather to regen back some of those 200 shield hp.I was lookinag at a clip where I beat the zarya 1 v 1 and I think they had more charge than me so I was wondering how they lost so hard. They bubbled first and then I bubbled after and didn't give them an oppurtunity to bubble again.
Is it just me or have they tweaked Mercy's face a little bit?
Eh it's just a thing I noticed. Everytime I'm in a zarya vs zayra situation in game (not 1v1 mode) the one that holds their bubble longer wins it. So was so wondering if it was a thing like how hooking second was.theres lot to it tho. managing the shield hp portion along with the bubble and throwing orb finisher to end the ammo clip for more dmg/ammo and also melee once a while??. anyway, theres more too it then just bubbling first.
I'm down for stacking.
But the issue seems deeper than having dedicated heroes, since usually the group losses come from an inability to adapt. People performing well feel like they shouldn't be the one to change and then people feel boxed out.
All of the sudden, it's one minute left and everyone's switching it up, which is never the best time for a total comp swap.
Eh it's just a thing I noticed. Everytime I'm in a zarya vs zayra situation in game (not 1v1 mode) the one that holds their bubble longer wins it. So was so wondering if it was a thing like how hooking second was.
I was lookinag at a clip where I beat the zarya 1 v 1 and I think they had more charge than me so I was wondering how they lost so hard. They bubbled first and then I bubbled after and didn't give them an oppurtunity to bubble again.
Well they had more or similar charge to me. I was 50. They bubbled straight away while I bubbled when they ran out. I was at 200 but there wasn't time for shields to regen since nobody retreated. As soon as I bubbled I attacked and melted them from full. Maybe just poor tracking from them I guess.well in not a 1v1 then bubble being charged by other players comes into play (there will be always that person that charges a zarya bubble >.>) to make that zarya more dmg'ing
as for roadhog hooking first = lose, is really base on the amount of hp left . if you can make sure that after your hook the roadhog is dead, then you hooking first after a long 1v1 blasting battle is not bad too lol
huh...I never noticed this but looking at her now it feels like something is different tho idk what specifically...
Alright PS4 boys who's in
Yea, 2-3 max. If I see more than that I'm totally bailing. Playing against other 4-6 man stacks were some of the worst Comp I ever played. Tilted so hard.
This rework would require giving Ana shield. Kinda like a Zen. Her grenade is fine tho
Antiheal is fine, it just shouldn't do damage and antiheal.
Alright PS4 boys who's in
Up for joining if you guys are still on
You can't push me out of the PS4 group, you need me!
You most likely need me!
At the very least you tolerate me.
I'd say the hook is more balanced and fair now than "fixed", before he might not always get people directly in front of him like he does now but he had the unfair advantage of hooking people through the wall which he doesn't now.I rarely play as Hog but for shits and giggles before the nerfbat hits him slightly in his butt I gave him a few plays today.
Holy shit, he's ridonkulous, it's fascinating to me that he was effectively hidden in plain sight as a menace and it was basically the fix to his hook (that I believe was initially considered something of a nerf) that revealed the true beast within.
With the reliability of actually blasting the cranium clean off the majority of the cast now it just shocks me how much of a difference maker he is.
The generous hook hitbox, and cooldown times combined with the gradual increase in healer potency alongside ult reduction just launched this guy.
I joked that he's like the shotgun sniper before but man he really is, the ease of snaffling someone far away is just mad, I became that guy I always hate.
I know I'm not saying anything that you don't already know, it's just with tanks being my second most used class behind support and Hog being the one I didn't tend to use it's like "man, this is gosh darn easy mode by comparison".
Lmao. I've been flex picking support more than I did at the start of the season and I think I need to stop that.
Fuck being nice to people, I wanna win. Lemme hit things with my hammer and aimbot ult.
Got Tracer Recall trophy without trying. Neat
God damn it we made it so far
Also I never thought I'd have a good game with Pharah
Why do widowmaker players seem to get so much hate?![]()
Why do widowmaker players seem to get so much hate?![]()
Why do widowmaker players seem to get so much hate?![]()
Its usually fine if the Widow player states that they will switch if it doesn't work out. Sometimes you get those annoying players who "main" characters and won't switch no matter what.