I got outplayed so hard by a Pharah a few weeks ago in Eichenwalde. I was playing soldier and I knew that the enemy team had one Pharah, so I was looking for her to come from my right since I wasn't seeing her in the middle. 30s in and no Pharah to be seen anywhere, then she appears right above me from behind and kill me immediately with two rockets.
When I came back from the spawn my team was already wiped since we had no direct counter to her besides me. "Our soldier sucks" the team said... feels bad man ;_;
All this to say that in Eichenwalde you can also easily flank going right as Pharah instead of the usual left, flying above the houses and using your blast to get all the way behind them without being seen. If only I knew this at the time...
Yeah Pharah is really strong for all of Eichenwalde except the final stretch. There's so many flanking routes and great cover for her to manipulate. Recently I played against a Pharmercy that completely carried their team on Eichenwalde.