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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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I need to make a list of heroes people should learn to expand their hero pools. Lots of people that can play multiple heroes but have extremely shit comp coverage. There are also heroes better suited for learning how to play in a role. Short list is:

DPS: Soldier, Tracer, Genji, McCree

Tank: Reinhardt, Zarya, D.Va

Support: Ana, Lucio, Zenyatta

If you can't play at least two heroes from each role I listed you probably shouldn't queue for comp and expect to get very high. I know there are exceptions of one tricks and stuff out there, but those are exceptions for a reason :T
I can play all but Genju. 🙌🏻


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Why on earth would you as a 6 stack team teabag solo players

Like what purpose does it get across, in QP no less

Congrats on being a team and communicating with all your Gold weapons and treating others who are just playing different Heroes for fun

Our team had no tanks, most were trying out Sombra or Junkrat, hell our 2 supports were DPSing not even healing regularly
They just want to go have fun, seriously, 3 left within a minute and a half
Then it just was fillers who kept quitting


True, but you're better off with Zarya or Soldier to try and carry in that situation at the very least. Just speaking from experience and seeing other players fall from not having good heroes to answer common problems.

Oh I can soldier/zarya. Just can't mccree or genji at all. Probably like gold standard mccree/genji. Apparently my zarya should be able to get me into masters but I hardly played her so I'll probably play her next season. I'm inconsistant on reinhardt and tracer but rarely have to play them so its fine. Lucio is good and Ana is what I use the most so I shouldn't be a burden I hope. Basically only play meta heroes I guess.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Attackers: Real Good with Pharah, Great with Soldier, Decent with McCree

Defenders: Mei im really good with, Torb secnd

Tanks: Zarya I'm ok with, D.Va I'm Decent with

Heals : Zenyatta only

I cover most what a group might need, only once did I have to use Anna due to group request, but that was just no good lol
Can we see people's ranks in quick play. I really want to understand why I am getting stomped, is it because the crappy matchmaking put me in an unbalanced game, or am I dragging the team down. Conversely, if I was dominating the game, it'd be helpful to know whether it's because I'm actually good or they're terrible.

Seeing the ranks of everyone would help a lot.


Takes a lot of work, why not just have people's ranks in their badge just like Competitive

It will encourage BM tbh. Just today I had 2 GMs on the other team that was mocking everyone else for being diamond and asking us to move unpredictably so they can practice their shots lol.


i don't like playing genji or dva, but i never see that being a problem

So, I listed D.va and Genji for one specific reason: vertical mobility without too many super hard counters. There's just going to be times when you need to be able to get on top of somebody who has high ground. Your only real alternatives are Winston/Pharah or going for Hanzo/Widowmaker picks, and neither of those are as consistent and are just more situational in general.

Again, there are ways around that and if you can fill in other places to let people use those heroes it's fine, but I prefer having at least some type of good vertical option in my hero pool.


So, I listed D.va and Genji for one specific reason: vertical mobility without too many super hard counters. There's just going to be times when you need to be able to get on top of somebody who has high ground. Your only real alternatives are Winston/Pharah or going for Hanzo/Widowmaker picks, and neither of those are as consistent and are just more situational in general.

Again, there are ways around that and if you can fill in other places to let people use those heroes it's fine, but I prefer having at least some type of good vertical option in my hero pool.

oh, not in terms of them not being key in certain situations. rather in the sense that i never see there being someone else that won't want to play genji or dva


Why on earth would you as a 6 stack team teabag solo players

Like what purpose does it get across, in QP no less

Congrats on being a team and communicating with all your Gold weapons and treating others who are just playing different Heroes for fun

Our team had no tanks, most were trying out Sombra or Junkrat, hell our 2 supports were DPSing not even healing regularly
They just want to go have fun, seriously, 3 left within a minute and a half
Then it just was fillers who kept quitting

it's cringeworthy how serious people take quick play in off season.


The good ol days before Comp existed. People tilted in QP all the time. That's all we had. ^^;

Couldn't escape it back then. Angry all the time because that's the only mode you can do anything

Good ol days

like comp having stackable genjis and other terrible picks



I'm never able to invite or join you because you're always already in a group!
I don't know what it is about my friend list but the second I get on I am in a group. I only ever solo in comp.

If you ever see me in a group, feel free to join. One warning, depending on which group I am in it is either going to be a fun time or you will cry yourself to sleep. lol
Once had a comp game with two mercy mains on my team. Both of them had never played anything else ever.
Luckily the game got cancelled.
Unluckily, they were on my team again anyway.
You should of auto locked Mercy and let fate decide the outcome.


Couldn't escape it back then. Angry all the time because that's the only mode you can do anything

Good ol days

like comp having stackable genjis and other terrible picks


man, fuck stacked heroes. so happy that's gone. i dunno how we survived that.

This is how it should be every night, how can we lose when we post in the overwatch neogaf thread?

had really good synergy tonight. also raising my sensitivity helped a lot. will never go back down.


man, fuck stacked heroes. so happy that's gone. i dunno how we survived that.

had really good synergy tonight. also raising my sensitivity helped a lot. will never go back down.
Do you go 70/70 for every character? I'm a mix of 50/50, 60/60, then 70s for mercy and Winston.


Do you go 70/70 for every character? I'm a mix of 50/50, 60/60, then 70s for mercy and Winston.

yea, decided to just YOLO and do all heroes. didn't feel like fiddling with it. i guess i'll re-adjust any heroes that don't feel right when i play them.


Just at whatever level is acceptable for your skill tier. Like, if you don't have some of those heroes available to your team in a usable capacity you're just at a big disadvantage, and you can't count on others to have them.

If you wanna learn DPS stuff, I highly recommend Soldier to start learning. If you can play Soldier well, you have a good foundation for mos the DPS category if you wanna learn others.

Thanks for the advice. I was going to start with McCree, but definitely see why that might not be the best idea.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
man, fuck stacked heroes. so happy that's gone. i dunno how we survived that.

Torb 6 Stack on Defend on Hanamura before nerf...

Was 5 minutes of pure torture, Molten Cores going off every 30-45 seconds
You literally had to 6 Stack D.VA and gain Ultimates and unleash Nuke after Nuke in succession to get to the point
Was annoying with D.Va dying to her own Ultimate

At least you get revenge by doing the same thing back at them

Was becoming cancerous


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Is it bad that I ssve my Soldier Ult for Pharah? She pisses me off so much.

Save for Combo if Rein or Zarya Ultimate

Hold if D.Va or Roadhog/Rein around

Remember you can chase her away, keep burst firing
Try to lower her health
Unless she's got a good Ana or Pocket Mercy, you will keep her at bay

I main Pharah and my priority is to take out Soldiers first, take them out, air superiority for at least 10-15 sec till Soldier comes back into play

Most Soldiers try to overextend and chase which plays into Pharahs concussion blast or a direct hit sends them reeling

When I play Soldier, I use Sprint like a mad man
You CAN NOT SET CAMP in an area and just pump her with bullets
You have to almost jab her till she retreats or extends and you take her out
Use cover, it destroys her so much, I should know
Smart Soldiers will peek, make Pharah notice them, when she's shooting towards you, keep moving around
Hope your team at least help chips her health
You go in for kill shot

Most Soldiers who use Ultimate to get me, waste it away, cause unless you can grab 2-3 more, you really didn't net yourself or the team any help rather than just delay


It will encourage BM tbh. Just today I had 2 GMs on the other team that was mocking everyone else for being diamond and asking us to move unpredictably so they can practice their shots lol.

Has s4 started yet? Im back on the 1st, I have itchy mouse fingers. My aim is gonna be shit but maybe we can do placements together.


I sometimes love being Ana in QP since i can reliably kill Pharah when my Solider, Widow and Hanzo are being their stereotypical selves and not even bothering to look up.

I sometimes hate being Ana when i find out there is literally no one on my team worth ulting.

With Luico and Zen and Symm i get some benefit. I can even watch all my DPS die again as Mercy as they stand in front of Bastion or stand still for a Meicicle or w/e. But Ana? Nope, no fun.

At least I got my first play of the game ever as Ana for killing a Lucio and then sleeping a Rein who was charging at me off a cliff. He might have chased/hammered me to death four or five times the rest of the match. But I think it was because HE KNEW he's be shamed in my PotG.
Hanzo is a bullshit character and shouldn't consistently be able to kill me at point blank. I hope they nerf him to the point he's fucking not even on the roster anymore.


I usually play QP and love using torbjorn. Where are some good places to put his turret I may not have thought of?

Hanzo is a bullshit character and shouldn't consistently be able to kill me at point blank. I hope they nerf him to the point he's fucking not even on the roster anymore.

I too hate getting one shotted by hanzo.


I need to make a list of heroes people should learn to expand their hero pools. Lots of people that can play multiple heroes but have extremely shit comp coverage. There are also heroes better suited for learning how to play in a role. Short list is:

DPS: Soldier, Tracer, Genji, McCree

Tank: Reinhardt, Zarya, D.Va

Support: Ana, Lucio, Zenyatta

If you can't play at least two heroes from each role I listed you probably shouldn't queue for comp and expect to get very high. I know there are exceptions of one tricks and stuff out there, but those are exceptions for a reason :T

Quite honestly, the only reason why I don't play any of the offence heroes is due to no one picking a Tank/Support Hero. For Season 4, I'm going to focus on playing Mei/Zarya/Reinhardt more, as I've done well with those three and should've stuck with them last season.

I want to play with Zenyatta more, but that didn't go anywhere.

Defence: Mei

Tank: Zarya, Reinhardt

Support: Lucio, Ana, Zenyatta


man, fuck stacked heroes. so happy that's gone. i dunno how we survived that.

had really good synergy tonight. also raising my sensitivity helped a lot. will never go back down.

I tried 80/80 for tracer, way too much. i'm at 50/55 rn.

Ggs, Ultima, I boosted my sens for Ana to 80/80 though and it was perfect. I think regular crosshairs works best for her too but i'll work on my aim and positioning more next time.
Played a match where I was getting focused by a Hanzo and Widow, and our team was largely ignoring them. So I changed to WINston and rolled on them the rest of the round.

They never changed. And I'd shut them down as soon as they got anywhere near the point. It felt so good.

Raising my sensitivity helped a lot. will never go back down.

What's the norm on PC? I usually keep it around 20 and I can track very well with Zarya, and have great aim as Soldier and Mercy (when I need to pull out my gat).
I can't snipe for shit though, and any ability with a slight delay (Sleep Dart, Hogs Hook) I'll miss almost every time, lol. Someone suggested going lower, but I'm not sure that's helping.


Played a match where I was getting focused by a Hanzo and Widow, and our team was largely ignoring them. So I changed to WINston and rolled on them the rest of the round.

They never changed. And I'd shut them down as soon as they got anywhere near the point. It felt so good.

What's the norm on PC? I usually keep it around 20 and I can track very well with Zarya, and have great aim as Soldier and Mercy (when I need to pull out my gat).
I can't snipe for shit though, and any ability with a slight delay (Sleep Dart, Hogs Hook) I'll miss almost every time, lol. Someone suggested going lower, but I'm not sure that's helping.

Everyone has a different mantra when it comes to sensitivity.

I prefer lower sensitivity because it relies less on my wrists and it is way easier to track enemies. Play with what you are comfortable with and remember that when you change the sensitivity you have gain new muscle memory to adjust.

Permanently A

Junior Member
I need to make a list of heroes people should learn to expand their hero pools. Lots of people that can play multiple heroes but have extremely shit comp coverage. There are also heroes better suited for learning how to play in a role. Short list is:

DPS: Soldier, Tracer, Genji, McCree

Tank: Reinhardt, Zarya, D.Va

Support: Ana, Lucio, Zenyatta

If you can't play at least two heroes from each role I listed you probably shouldn't queue for comp and expect to get very high. I know there are exceptions of one tricks and stuff out there, but those are exceptions for a reason :T

This list is good, I would only add Mei to tank and Hog to DPS
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