Mr Altaf Husain of the MQM is always very keen to show its solidarity with the Sindhi-speaking people of the province. Once he stood for a separate province, namely, Jinnahpur or Jinnahabad. This proposed bifurcation of Sindh had invited violent reaction from Sindhis which forced the MQM to disown the idea. After many years, now the name Jinnahpur is again in the news according to which all four provinces are to be bifurcated into two or three administrative units. Though the division of the provinces needs an amendment in the Constitution but one is not sure whether the feudal mentality of the political parties will allow them to accept the idea.
Leaving aside this cherished goal of the MQM, Altaf Husain, on the last anniversary of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai tried to be more loyal to the Sindhi cause than the Sindhis, and demanded that the anniversary should be declared as the national holiday. It is already a provincial holiday and Sindhis have never demanded a national holiday because they know that a flood gate will open for national holidays on the anniversaries of Ghalib, Mir, Khwaja Farid, Rahman Baba, Khushal Khan Khatak, Waris Shah, Baba Farid, Bulleh Shah and Shah Husain and others.