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Paper Mario 2 - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


"If you've enjoyed any of Mario's past appearances, you really ought to give Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door a try. For that matter, you should try it even if you haven't. The game is clearly a labor of love, but it's a lot more than that--this is the product of some incredible talent in game design. It's difficult to imagine how someone could not be quickly pulled into Paper Mario's whimsical world if they give the game so much as half a chance to do its thing."


this is the product of some incredible talent in game design. It's difficult to imagine how someone could not be quickly pulled into Paper Mario's whimsical world if they give the game so much as half a chance to do its thing."

But please, only if you're under 10.


It's difficult to imagine how someone could not be quickly pulled into Paper Mario's whimsical world if they give the game so much as half a chance to do its thing."

cheap shot at GI?
I'm not being facetious when I say that Paper Mario 2 is the best game this fall. I absolutely loved it to death, and I can't wait to replay it again in english (and get more of the jokes).



"If you've enjoyed any of Mario's past appearances, you really ought to give Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door a try."


The game's absolutely hilarious. The first time you turn into a paper airplane to go over a hole or some shit will have you giggling like a schoolgirl...and I mean GIGGLING.


Awesome, I can't wait!

"It's practically overflowing with wonderful, funny characters, memorable subplots, inventive gameplay, and beautiful visuals, and it's lengthy and quite challenging to boot."


Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is quite a long game, weighing in at 30 to 40 hours from start to finish. It's chock-full of optional side quests and secret areas, and also invites you to continue your adventures in and around Rogueport even after the main storyline reaches its satisfying conclusion.

Paper Mario's outstanding presentation has a lot to do with how terrific of a game it is overall. It exhibits a level of visual artistry and technical prowess matched or exceeded by few other GameCube games, and, much like in last year's The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, the unique graphical style on display throughout the game is constantly a joy to behold. The smoothly animated, hand-drawn characters who populate the game's world look far more like something you'd expect to see in a cartoon than something you'd expect to see in a video game.

Very nice stuff.


How similar is Paper Mario 2 to Mario & Luigi on GBA? I didn't finish M&L, i got bored with it and never returned to it.


Seriously... what about gaming isn't... in some way shape or form... kiddy?

The reason I game, today, is because of that fateful day I picked up the rectangular controller (and yes, it did hurt) to play a game of Mach Rider.

Not matter the rating of a game... taking time out of your life to *play* is in some way kiddy.

So... who gives a shit if this particular game happens to be a tad MORE kiddy?! If it's fucking good... mother fucker... I'll play that shit till I bleed.

Christ. Haven't you guys played Monkey Ball?! Wanna be cool? Play it drunk.

(NB: I'm quasi-venting at no one in particular... good score... the game looks well made)


Borg Artiste
Jagernaut said:
How similar is Paper Mario 2 to Mario & Luigi on GBA? I didn't finish M&L, i got bored with it and never returned to it.

i just played mario and luigi too, paper mario is infinitly better and more fun


Ugh sounds awesome... this is on my to-buy list for early next year. I got way too much stuff to play right now.

Too... many... good... games

wallet / time / girlfriend OWNED


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
so if GI thinks that the majority of the public will agree with their 6.75 score, who is GS' review targetting?

must be the 10 year olds.
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