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Paradox Grand Strategy - Thread of Fighting WW2 as Bithynia

Thanks for the responses guys!

Would anyone be able to give me some tips on generating a lot of Army/Navy tradition?

I am playing the Ottomans in Death and Taxes and am looking to westernize but can't get my army/navy tradition to 50%/20% respectively through just wars.

My first or second NI is usually the +1 Yearly Army Tradition one. Getting involved in wars early will boost it up high enough to get a decent General, and it's not super hard to sustain 75%+ Army Tradition once you're there. There are also advisors that give you Army Tradition annually. You WILL need wars though, no-matter what. Winning big battles gives big tradition, and storming forts gives tradition too.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Army tradition is always easy enough to accumulate through wars, assuming that you're not merely fighting minor powers. Naval tradition for me was always more difficult. If you're fighting major European nations, then they'll probably have a superior navy, but if you're fighting weaker countries or land-locked ones, then you won't accumulate much tradition. And unlike your land forces, it's hard to simply replace lost ships. So both times I played D&T, Seahawks was kind of essential for fully westernizing.


I downloaded the demo for Crusader Kings 2 and I think I'm hooked. What are my options to buy this? Are there any stores that carry this or is it download only?


Won't stop picking the right nation
Oh no, now I'll have to get CKII. I love Byzantine history, which is filled with so much political intrigue that it's perfect for the game.


I like the blinding mechanic.



The faction stuff sounds awesome. It's much more fun to start small and overthrow people than to actual rule a huge kingdom.


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EU3: Death and Taxes Question:

I seem to lose 100 men in each regiment for each month they are standing in an enemies territory? Is that normal? If I am taking 6-7 months to take a region, they are becoming useless. What am I missing here? Some weird moral effect?


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...

Yeah, I looked it up and that seems to be the problem. But how can you fight bigger countries if you cant leave big stacks of units on enemy territory?


Won't stop picking the right nation
Yeah, I looked it up and that seems to be the problem. But how can you fight bigger countries if you cant leave big stacks of units on enemy territory?
The AI is extremely aggressive and will usually start laying siege to one of your provinces immediately, which results in high attrition for them. If you scorch the earth first, then their large stacks will start melting away, and you can attack them once they're vulnerable. When their forces are finally routed, you can divide your army and lay siege to their provinces.


Yeah, I looked it up and that seems to be the problem. But how can you fight bigger countries if you cant leave big stacks of units on enemy territory?

I break some of my armies up into small sieges with a few bigger stacks in higher supply limit provinces to defend the smaller stacks when doing mass sieges.


Decided to start a Holland game in HttT. Very glad I went for fast NA colonization, as Portugal has taken all of Morocco and Castille leads personal unions with France and Aragon, with both indicating inheritance on monarch death. By 1455 England has taken Britain and Ireland. If Austria manages to become HRE, the entire continent will be a blood bath for a century.


I've been playing some Crusader Kings II and after two false starts in Bosnia and Brittany, I finally found my feet on how to play the game and started an empire in eastern europe. I started as a Gailic duke and soon crowed myself king of Ruthenia. Starting the fourth member of my dynasty now and I got a pretty nice empire that stretches across eastern Europe from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea

I'm devouring Rus as fast as I can fabricate claims and I fear nothing from the other European counties. Everything would be fine except for the Cumanian horde next door. They've consumed all lesser prey and they've starting coming after me. They've already taken some territory as evidence by my ruined neat borders, leaving one of my counties isolated.

I don't know if the game is giving these guys a bonus for being "the horde" or if they're really just that big, but in my scraps with them, they're constantly raising 9k+ sized units. Then they assault all of my castle because they can take the loss. It's brutal. I'm trying to figure out how to counter them. I've started building castles along my border to slow down their advance and so I can raise more units. What else should I be doing?

I've also noticed that once I combine units to about 10k strength, I start loosing guys due to attrition. But the Cumania tool around with 14k units regularly but don't have the little skull icon. What determines the max size for your armies before they start suffering attrition?


Steam has Hearts of Iron 3 with all previous expansions and DLC for €7.49 atm (stand-alone €2.49), until 3rd of October. Thrilled I finally get to play this.



Oh yes.

Mid-1944, Drang nach Osten completed, UK puppeted, Japan has taken their portion of the Chinese coast but lost most of its small islands, they have however taken a decent chunk of Easter Russia
Kabouter, please teach me your ways.

I bought HOI3 and all expansions today, and I have no idea how anything works. I can fumble my way through research, diplomacy etc but beyond conquering Poland (which took > 4 months) I am lost. The combat interface is confusing as all hell, and there is NO COMBAT TUTORIAL. They have tutorials for everything else, why not for combat? WTF paradox.


Kabouter, please teach me your ways.

I bought HOI3 and all expansions today, and I have no idea how anything works. I can fumble my way through research, diplomacy etc but beyond conquering Poland (which took > 4 months) I am lost. The combat interface is confusing as all hell, and there is NO COMBAT TUTORIAL. They have tutorials for everything else, why not for combat? WTF paradox.

If you're new, I'd just let the AI handle combat at the theatre level, which can make naval landings a bit tricky, but it should mostly be fine. As far as other stuff goes, for Germany, many players make the mistake of going full on with building armour, because that's what they think the German army was. In my experience, given the manpower Germany does have, you're much better served by also building lots of infantry divisions as well. There's also nothing wrong with moving troops between East and West. Your line with France is very short, so you can hold with a limited amount of troops.

When you're done with Poland, you've hopefully signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, so the USSR is not a problem, and you can pull forces from there for Fall Gelb. When France has fallen, as a new player you should probably decide to forego trying Sea Lion (which I wasn't able to manage until well into '41, and not able to complete until early '42, when the USSR had already declared war on me). Just keep a small, but strong force in the West (UK and US will try to land, partisans are a bit strong in Their Finest Hour for now, needs patching, so don't underestimate that), and send the rest East.
If you're new, I'd just let the AI handle combat at the theatre level, which can make naval landings a bit tricky, but it should mostly be fine.

How? I see AI options for economics, politics, research etc but not for warfare management. Does theatre level mean that hte AI is handling the small microing and maneuvering, or that it's handling the high level stuff? Because I'd rather the AI handle the former than the latter, at least until I can get to understand it.


How? I see AI options for economics, politics, research etc but not for warfare management. Does theatre level mean that hte AI is handling the small microing and maneuvering, or that it's handling the high level stuff? Because I'd rather the AI handle the former than the latter, at least until I can get to understand it.

If you let the AI handle armies at the theatre level, it handles basically *everything* with regards to combat. You just give it objectives (like, paris), set it to a certain stance (aggressive for instance) and then let it do its thing. Hang on, let me make a screenshot to illustrate stuff, and show you how to turn that on.

In the above screenshot you see the STAVKA theatre HQ selected, it's, as you can see, the HQ that controls all Soviet forces on the Eastern Front with the exception of the Finnish border.

This is the button to turn on automation of units, in this mode, this HQ will be controlled by the AI and all troops below it will be commanded by it to either automatically engage/prepare to engage the enemy according to the parameters you've selected (like the current, default, defensive combination). To make it go after specific targets, you can right click on provinces when you've selected an automated HQ to tell the HQ to prioritize them (either for defence or offence)

You can also turn on AI unit reorganization aside from automization. This lets the AI re-assign units in the unit structure. That is, change the composition of flotillas and air wings, re-assign divisions to different HQs (it won't split up/reorganize divisions themselves though).
HOI3 is about 100x as complex and micro management intensive as CK2. I've been playing paradox games for over a decade and HOI3 can still feel a bit overwhelming.


HOI3 is about 100x as complex and micro management intensive as CK2. I've been playing paradox games for over a decade and HOI3 can still feel a bit overwhelming.

Maybe it's just the greater thematic affinity I have for Hearts of Iron, but I didn't have all that much trouble learning both HoI2 and 3, 3 especially was very easy to get into due to the fact that you can start out leaving lots to the AI and slowly learn from there. CK2 is quite the opposite for me.

Oh, and as far as Their Finest Hour being worth it, I would say for me yes, it's really gotten me back into the game. I don't think it's a revolutionary add-on, which almost no add-ons for Paradox games are, but they've added and changed some stuff that I really like. New intelligence system works well and makes more sense to me than the old one, planning system should be a nice addition for multiplayer (and the historical plans look so cool ;)), new lend-lease system is so much better, custom game mode is great fun (although I'd have liked it more if it didn't just let you edit your own nation, but let you edit everyone to get a really ahistorical thing going), and lastly, it's a lot of subtle interface changes that I love. Things like being able to click the name of a commander in the ledger, and then instantly selecting his division, so you can easily find Zhukov or Konev and promote/re-assign him if you choose.

I do think it could do with a patch fixing one or two things, mainly partisans, but on the whole, I'm having lots of fun with it. As for whether it's worth it for anyone else, depends what problems you felt the game had before I guess.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
HOI3 is about 100x as complex and micro management intensive as CK2. I've been playing paradox games for over a decade and HOI3 can still feel a bit overwhelming.
You can definitely reach a point where you are familiar. I saw a video of some dude playing and he was flipping through menus making adjustments unbelievably fast.
New question, Kabs.

How do I get my newly created London Theater to actually invade Europe? According to the theater map mode, only my own territory is part of the "Theater", and although my HQ is clearly IN LONDON it insists it's out of territory, and I can't use the edit theater map mode to change this. I originally just had my Eastern HQ given London/Paris as objectives, but all they did was mass some divisions in North Ireland and played with their dicks for a while. Germany doesn't appear as a "front" like I hoped it would. This is problematic because I'm relying on my theater HQ automation to do combat.

I don't even know how to properly word the problem I'm having because this game is so fucking obtuse about everything. I either need East HQ to attack Europe, or I need London HQ to accept automation (says it can't automate when it's outside theater territory) and attack Europe. And I don't know how to do either.

Anyone have good starting tips to get my country in Vicky 2 up and going? I am playing as the united states

Try to get some more national focuses through technology. Use them to promote various kinds of industry you need in your most populous states, or encourage craftsmen if you don't have many. At the start of a USA game in '36, you should be teching for whichever tech gives you manifest destiny decision (I think it's nationalism & imperialism? But I might be wrong) and zerg rushing Mexico, whose army is pathetic and easily crushed with minimal military investment on your part. For vanilla V2 (not sure if it still works in AHD?) you should only build "Yankee" soldiers, not "Dixies" ones, so that when the civil war breaks out and all the Dixie troops go to the South and all the Yankee troops go to the north, you can easily crush them. If you want CSA to win, the inverse applies - build all dixies and no yankees, and it'll make your life easier.

Tax efficiency techs are good if you're running low on money. The biggest problem is that USA has elections right from the start and you'll often get stuck with a shitty party that has bullshit economic policies that, at best, let you subsidize industries but not much else. You'll just have to deal with it since there's not much you can do about it.


New question, Kabs.

How do I get my newly created London Theater to actually invade Europe? According to the theater map mode, only my own territory is part of the "Theater", and although my HQ is clearly IN LONDON it insists it's out of territory, and I can't use the edit theater map mode to change this. I originally just had my Eastern HQ given London/Paris as objectives, but all they did was mass some divisions in North Ireland and played with their dicks for a while. Germany doesn't appear as a "front" like I hoped it would. This is problematic because I'm relying on my theater HQ automation to do combat.

I don't even know how to properly word the problem I'm having because this game is so fucking obtuse about everything. I either need East HQ to attack Europe, or I need London HQ to accept automation (says it can't automate when it's outside theater territory) and attack Europe. And I don't know how to do either.
While the AI sometimes does do landings when you give it overseas objectives, most of the time, it's difficult with it. Only HQ AI that does so reliably is the US Pacific AI (although manual is still much faster there). What you can do is remove a fleet with transports/landing ships from an HQ, load up troops manually, land somewhere, and then hand everything to the HQ (in your case that would be your London Theatre). The HQ will then automatically send more troops and do its thing.
While the AI sometimes does do landings when you give it overseas objectives, most of the time, it's difficult with it. Only HQ AI that does so reliably is the US Pacific AI (although manual is still much faster there). What you can do is remove a fleet with transports/landing ships from an HQ, load up troops manually, land somewhere, and then hand everything to the HQ (in your case that would be your London Theatre). The HQ will then automatically send more troops and do its thing.

Ugh, what a fucking pain in the ass. I couldn't be fucked doing that as USA so I restarted as UK, thinking that SURELY the UK theatre AI would redeploy troops to mainland France.

Incorrect! It just fucking sits there doing nothing!

I don't know if I'm going to keep playing this game.


Here is my latest Frankfurt -> Franconia game in MPM 7.2. I just formed Franconia after annexing Anhalt and Dresden for 8 infamy each.

I really like the current diplomatic situation, with all the succesfull countries.


Well, CK2 1.07 and Legacy of Rome have been out for a few days now, anyone played it yet?

I'm still playing some games running on mods, so I haven't patched yet.


Any of you guys been following the EU4 Development Diaries?

Looks like the game is coming along nicely.

Yup, I scroll throught them every once in a while. I can't wait for EU4. Too bad it won't be released that soon, Q3 2013, was it?

Anyone pick up the Aztec DLC for Crusader Kings II?
Not yet, probably will later. It only adds Aztecs as far as I know and its not something I'm interested in atm.
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