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Paradox Grand Strategy - Thread of Fighting WW2 as Bithynia

Could someone explain what's happening right now.

Sounds like thats the case. How many of your vassals are eligible to vote and have you cast your vote? (Those eligible are those vassals that are one level bellow you and their title is a dejure title).Elective monarchy can be a bit of a pain to deal with since you need to appease your vassals, they also prefer to vote for adults and males if they are available.
Sounds like thats the case. How many of your vassals are eligible to vote and have you cast your vote? (Those eligible are those vassals that are one level bellow you and their title is a dejure title).Elective monarchy can be a bit of a pain to deal with since you need to appease your vassals, they also prefer to vote for adults and males if they are available.

Yeah, fixed it. Thought elective and the character you played as were different for some reason.

Was waiting for my daughter to grow up to officially nominate her, and now she's my heir.


Hi Almighty, thank you for the update! I appreciate you taking the time to provide answers and tips. I'll have to do some more investigating into what happened with my erstwhile duke; at least I know of some likely theories.

I'm pondering on what to do with the various dukes of England. I'd prefer for dukes to be members of my dynasty to avoid future complications, but I'm sure that revoking the titles of the current English dukes would lead to full-scale rebellion. Would it be better just to marry them into my dynasty? Or should I opt for revoking their titles whenever possible.

As you've stated, my first priority is to change England's succession laws to something other than Gavelkind. I'm prepared to destroy the title of Kingdom of Ireland if things turn sour just in case. I've already made the Kingdom of England my primary title. The end goal is to form the Empire of Britannia. If you have any other advice to offer, I'd appreciate it!

edit: My ruler got killed in combat in a war against the Scots. That's annoying .. Fortunately, the kingdom titles are still intact and I've managed to placate most of my vassals.

edit: so I did more investigation into the duke. The original Duke of Leinster married the Duchess of Albany (it was his first marriage, and her second marriage) The duchess died first of natural causes, then the duke. They had two sons, David of Albany was the eldest, and Eremon of Leinster. It appeared that Eremon usurped the Duchy titles of Albany and Moray from David and had him executed... so it seems to match your first theory that the title passed on to their heir after both parents died and he had swear fealty to Scotland.

edit: It appears that the Duke of York is the strongest vassal in my realm, he has several duchy and county titles under his belt. I'll have to find a way to revoke his titles or forge an alliance.

edit: I've managed to switch the succession laws for Ireland and England to Ultimogeniture. It will have to do until I get High Crown Authority and Primogeniture..


Making all your dukes members of your dynasty has some benefits, but it also has a really big drawback. As it increases the chances that your most powerful vassals have personal claims to your titles and trust me they will try and take them from you. I am not saying don't land members of your dynasty, but keep that in mind when you do.

As for replacing you current dukes with people of your culture that should be one of your long term goals in my opinion mostly because England will probably be your power base for a while(if not the rest of the game) and getting it as stable as possible is a good idea. While getting rid of that foreigner penalty isn't a huge deal sometimes every little bit helps. Though there is usually no reason to force it all at once slowly over time should be the name of the game and it is not unusual for your vassals to give you cause to take their titles with no hit to your other vassals. Though if you have a powerful long reigning ruler who is well liked and only has in your estimate a few years left it might be possible to revoke a few titles all at once and have him take then hit before he dies so his heir starts off in a better position with a clean slate.

Though for the record I personally like to stick to one culture because I like the idea of an Irish dominated Britannia for example, but switching cultures might be the road of least resistance sometimes, if you have that option. I am also a big fan of the unique Irish succession law Tanistry.

The biggest tip I can think of is once you become Emperor/Empress of Britannia destroy your kingdom titles and I mean all of them. As your vassals will plot for your Kingdom titles and your Imperial title separately and that can quickly cause you to be fighting multiple civil wars over separate titles with different groups of vassals at the same time. The penalty hit is more then worth it in the long run to avoid that. Once you become emperor the only reason to create a title is if you plan to hand it out as a landed title or a vice royalty immediately. There are very few compelling reasons if any to hoard titles from what I can tell. Just keep in mind that trying to avoid vassals that can rival you in power should always be on your mind.


Almighty, thank you again for your information! They've proven to be really helpful! I've updated my previous post with further updates.

I'm close to controlling all of Britannia (90%), there are just two counties left in northern Scotland that I need to claim by right. I've earned around 3k prestige and am trying to accumulate enough to fulfill the 8k requirement to create an Empire.

My ruler has just turned 50, so I'm concerned that he might not be able to become Emperor under present circumstances. The Kingdom of Jerusalem is still in Christian hands, and it's my understanding that I can't request Crusades/Holy Wars unless if the Pope is my vassal or I appoint an Anti-Pope, correct?

I understand that participating in wars can quickly build prestige as well. And I already got two Call to Arms from my kinsman, the Holy Roman Emperor, against the King of France. But I'm hesitant to engage in a war on the continent against France. Perhaps a Crusade against infidels would be better.

In order to increase prestige, I've already arranged betrothals for my daughters with the relatives of the Duke of York and the Emperor of Byzantium. I'm also going to create Duchies and am pondering about creating the Kingdom of Wales

I also received a request from The Hansa to raze the trading posts of the Gotland Republic. I looked up information on how to raze trading posts, but the mechanics are still unclear to me. My armies were able to lay siege to trading posts located in my realm, but it did not contribute to the war score. Do I have to destroy trading posts or armies in the target realm? The Gotland Republic was being protected by the Kingdom of Sweden, and I had to agree to a White Peace after the ruler called his allies into the Embargo War.


First ignore that 8k requirement that is to create a titular empire. What you need to create Britannia and any of the normal de jure empires is control 80 percent of its de jure counties, have two kingdom titles, 500ish gold(that value changes depending on your monthly income, but I am not 100 percent sure on that) and have 400 piety. So assuming you meet all them you should be able to form the Empire right now. You should be getting a drop down alert telling you you can form it. If not go the the find title search(one of the icons around the bottom right corner of the screen) and search for Britannia it should bring it up and the tool tip over create will tell you what you are missing.

As for crusades I can't really tell you much as I personally don't bother with them most of the time. As they are usually called for places too far from me to really care about and turn into huge long messes. Unless your kingdom is stable(no vassal factions) and you can win the fight single handedly(can create an army stack in the 40k+ range) they end up being more trouble then they are worth. As your allies AI are unpredictable and your options for governing your realm get limited during war time and crusades can last a long time. Also keep in mind that crusades can involve massive armies so never ever send what you can't afford to potentially lose.

As for ally wars normally I do accept to join the war so I keep the alliance and don't take the prestige hit, but unless I get some tangible long term strategic benefit from it rarely do I actually send troops. The AI doesn't notice if you actually fought or not from what I can tell and unlike say EU4 alliance with other rulers in CK2 are so fleeting it is not worth throwing away the resources to help fight most the their little wars. The only exceptions are generally to keep one ruler from gaining too much power and to keep a dynasty member on his throne. But even then it is never worth risking losing you kingdom via a battle/war gone bad to save an ally.

Unfortunately I can't give you advice on the trade war thing as I can't remember the last time I was in one and I am sure patches have changed a lot since then. That is mostly do to me playing factions that don't really have to deal with merchant republics and when they do they never really bother me and they do give economic benefits to counties that have them. So I take a live and let live approach to merchant republics most of the time.

Keep in mind ultimogenature is arguably one of the worst succession laws in the game so the sooner you get out of it the better. With that said I am happy you were able to keep you titles together and get England out of gavelkind though. My advice is form Britiannia, destroy Ireland/England/any other kingdom title you have(situation willing of course), and move the succession law to Tanistry(assuming you are still Irish) until you can unlock Primogeniture at least. I personally love tanistry as it is like the elective law, but limits it to only your dynasty and I believe it has no crown authority requirement and unlike before you will only have one title and you don't have to worry about titles breaking up.

That is just what I would do I am sure others might have different opinions.

Edit: I almost forgot. You may already know this, but I didn't when i first starting playing and it became a life saver for me when I found out. Anyway on your character panel to the right of you dynastic coat of arms you should see three icons dynasty tree, family tree and realm tree. Click on realm tree and it will bring up a screen that shows your character, click on the plus icon on the bottom and it will show his vassals listed in order of most powerful. The percent number to the right of their portrait shows is the amount of troops they can raise relative to you. That pretty much tells you which vassals you either want to weaken or if the situation calls for it pucker up and kiss some ass to keep happy.


Thanks for the info, Almighty!

Well, I've reached the year 1337 in my current playthrough..

That being said, I have some more questions!

- In regards to warfare, I once captured the King of Scotland in battle, but he was immediately released by the AI once the warscore reached 100%. I was hoping to keep him in dungeon and then ransom him afterwards, or do I automatically get a ransom after the war? What are the chances of killing/capturing a ruler/leader in battles? I've noticed that two rulers from my dynasty were killed in combat, and were never captured.

- In regards to income, I'm currently only taxing Burghers, and not my feudal vassals. I understand that counties that belongs to me provides income, but do the Duchies, Kingdoms, and Empires title provide income as well? Or are they just titles?

- My spouse wants to join a Holy Order, would that simply result in a divorce or will my ruler abdicate the throne to follow him?


Sorry it has taken so long for me to respond frontovik. I was hoping someone would of been able answer your first set of questions better then I could of and then I forgot to check the thread. So I apologize for that.

Anyway while it is probably too late now I will answer what i can.

Capturing the enemy ruler automatically gives you 100 percent war score. With that you can either ransom him and get the gold or end the war, but I don't think you can do both. Because after he meets your demand he is released. So you can think of it as you telling him "give me X and I will release you"

As far as i know they are just titles, but I could be wrong on that.

It has never happens to one of my characters spouses directly, but based on it happening to my vassals he will run off to join that order and your character will keep her titles, but remain married to a person who most of the time becomes celibate. So yeah it is not a good idea to let that happen if you need heirs.

Again I apologize for being so late.


Hey Almighty, no worries! I appreciate your efforts!

Thanks for the answer. I finished my Ireland playthrough awhile ago and earned the Survivor and Empressive achievement (finally!)

I've done another playthrough to reform Rome and reclaim the imperial borders. I started as the Byzantines in the Charlemagne timeframe and have managed to restore the Empire!! Now I just need to work on reclaiming Gaul from the Franks, England from the Anglo-Saxons, and Spain from the Moors.

Afterwards, I plan to do a Charlemagne playthrough to create the Holy Roman Empire.

At this point, my question would be:

- I control all the Pentarch sites with Iconoclast being the official state religion. However, it appears that I'm lacking a bishop of Rome. The game states that he's not following the same faith. I checked the bishoprics in Rome, and they're all Iconoclast. Which makes me wonder if I had to Mend the Great Schism first? Or directly control the Arch-Bishopric of Latium/Duchy of Rome?


Ah, no worries :p thanks for your efforts anyways.

Do you have any experience with vassals limits? I'm close to exceeding the limit, and I'd imagine I'd have to do a great deal of title creation and vassal transfers. What happens if I ignore it? Will the vassals be more likely to revolt/declare independence?

I've heard an option is to create a superduke by transferring all duchy titles to a single duke (or two?) While another option is to create a Kingdom title, and transfer all the de-jure Dukes to the king.

I'd appreciate your thoughts.
"France is the defender of the Catholic faith, and will protect them."



Ah, no worries :p thanks for your efforts anyways.

Do you have any experience with vassals limits? I'm close to exceeding the limit, and I'd imagine I'd have to do a great deal of title creation and vassal transfers. What happens if I ignore it? Will the vassals be more likely to revolt/declare independence?

I've heard an option is to create a superduke by transferring all duchy titles to a single duke (or two?) While another option is to create a Kingdom title, and transfer all the de-jure Dukes to the king.

I'd appreciate your thoughts.

There might be other problems, but the one I heard of is that on your rulers death some of his vassals will automatically become independent.

Anyway yeah once your empire gets big enough you have to start handing out kingdom titles or create super dukes. Personally what i have done recently is create vice royalties with some kingdom level titles and handed those out. Helps you manage that vassal limit and because the title reverts back to you on the death of the viceroy it also gives you more control over who your powerful vassals are.


Well, I just need to reclaim France, Wales, and parts of Hispania, Egypt, and the Levant to reclaim Rome's imperial borders. It's been fun thus far!

The situation got crazy when the Abbasids declared their third Jihad for Armenia, the Reformed Slavic Kingdom of Poland declared a Great Holy War on Burgundy, the hosts of two ambitious Northmen invaded Italy and Greece, and multiple peasant uprisings erupted in Spain and Africa.

The Roman Empire triumphed in the end though!

Just two questions

- I've heard there's a Joan of Arc/The Maid event that can occur in the game. What are the exact conditions/triggers for it to occur?

- Most of my vassal kings were granted viceroyalties, but a few created a kingdom themselves or usurped it after my ruler became incapable. The best way to ursurp/revoke a kingdom title without penalty is to imprison them or fabricate a strong claim, correct?


- Most of my vassal kings were granted viceroyalties, but a few created a kingdom themselves or usurped it after my ruler became incapable. The best way to ursurp/revoke a kingdom title without penalty is to imprison them or fabricate a strong claim, correct?

A strong claim lets you revoke it without the penalty hit to your other vassals. There is also the option to try and get them to rebel and take it from them that way. I also used to grant them their independence as that would give you a claim(or at least I am pretty sure it did) and then take it that way. It is kind of gamey though and since it has been a little while since I really sat down and played the game it is possible they changed that in a patch as I always felt it was an exploit.


Horse Lords released yesterday, anyone tried it yet?

I bought it but only observed for a few minutes. I plan on playing a nomad game one of these days. Looks pretty fun although I don't like the new straits much and I'm not sure if its WAD but Magyars didn't form Hungary after invading Bulgaria, also leaving them with the old provinces in the east. Supposedly they optimized performance too, but I feel like the game is running slower than before.


Well, this is sad.

Artemisia, the Empress of Rome, and Duchess of Thrace and Jerusalem, discovered that her spouse, the Exarch of England, had cheated her by having an affair with a palace maid. It was poor timing as Artemisia was already pregnant with their third child. and she decided to confront the maid directly. The poor girl confessed that the affair was true which caused Artemisia to fall ill and die, and left the throne of the Roman Empire to her cousin, Germanicus II.

On the bright side, I finally restored Rome's imperial borders..


Game runs much much faster for me with the Horse Lords patch. Only downside is that the game of thrones mod isn't compatible yet, meaning I'll have to give up on my Ibbenese conquest of Essos.


Game runs much much faster for me with the Horse Lords patch. Only downside is that the game of thrones mod isn't compatible yet, meaning I'll have to give up on my Ibbenese conquest of Essos.

You can downgrade and continue with your GoT game if you want.
Just want to say, after finally getting a bastard with the quick trait, you should have the option to acknowledge bastards even if the mother's husband thinks it is theirs.

The option should be there, maybe with worse side effects that legitimizing bastards

Horse Lords released yesterday, anyone tried it yet?

I bought it but only observed for a few minutes. I plan on playing a nomad game one of these days. Looks pretty fun although I don't like the new straits much and I'm not sure if its WAD but Magyars didn't form Hungary after invading Bulgaria, also leaving them with the old provinces in the east. Supposedly they optimized performance too, but I feel like the game is running slower than before.

Nomads are crazy.

And before the patch, pillaging was ridiculous. The Mongols and Turks never destroyed that many castles whatsoever.


The fact that the King was in attendance despite being a republic? The Incan advisor?

The latter is explained by my holdings in South America. The former though.. those silly Gunpowder Plotters, trying to kill the King when Cromwell had already done that.
CK2+ is best mod.

Shame it crashes every 5 bloody years. I'm actually getting interesting stuff in this game.

I like the CK2+ feature set, but not so much the map; I generally play East Africa (getting a Jewish Ethiopian empire into EUIV is my end-goal), and the changes they made there make it kinda boring.


I like the CK2+ feature set, but not so much the map; I generally play East Africa (getting a Jewish Ethiopian empire into EUIV is my end-goal), and the changes they made there make it kinda boring.

For me it just feels way more dynamic and fluid than HIP could ever hope to be. Blobs actually break in this game, and not just the ones that are supposed to. A lot of the time I'll run an observe just to see all the crazy shit unfold. The addition of nomads only increases that prospect.

Last time I got involved though, it was to recreate my glorious Empire of the Wends from a previous version. I ended up taking over all of central Europe and launching incursions into Germany where I executed Charlemagne. But by the end the empire had collapsed, every member of my dynasty was dead, Slavic paganism became the largest religion in the world (demolishing both Islam and Catholicism without my help) and the Czechs colonised most of central europe despite formerly being my vassals. This is why i wish this game would let me fail more.


I've had a weird game of EU4 (playing as France) with Genoa getting Constantinople and Gibraltar and holding on to it until the 1560's...

I've never played a Paradox game in multiplayer. Anyone here up for some online CK2/HOI3/Vicky 2/EU4? Please add me (Furoba) on Steam.


All the Augustus hints so far, for those that might have missed them (they're sharing one of these each weekday until the reveal at Gamescom in 9 days):

1) This will be our first new major IP released since the original Crusader Kings over 10 years ago.
2) Seven and Three are important numbers.
3) There will be no stabbing of pigs.
4) Terrain truly matters in this game.
5) Game Director is Henrik Fåhraeus, 15 year industry veteran, lead designer behind the Crusader Kings and Hearts of Iron series. (added July 29th)

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
The Combine subdued Earth on 7 hours. Gorden Freeman must return to save us a third and final time.

Paradox is Gaben and Project Augustus is Half Life 3 confirmed.


So i just bought a laptop and i'm back for good with Paradox games. Man, i fear for my private life now...

I just don't know what i can and will be able to play. My rig is

Intel Core i7-5500U
Radeon M330
4 GB memory

So what will work in a playable state?


So i just bought a laptop and i'm back for good with Paradox games. Man, i fear for my private life now...

I just don't know what i can and will be able to play. My rig is

Intel Core i7-5500U
Radeon M330
4 GB memory

So what will work in a playable state?

There are free demos of Crusader Kings 2 and Europa Universalis 4. Try those.


There are free demos of Crusader Kings 2 and Europa Universalis 4. Try those.


i tried Crusader Kings 2 and it works flawlessly. Now just to try Hearts of Iron 3 (never been a fan of Europa Universalis, it just didn't click with me) and i'm set up for the next half year!


Project Augustus teaser #6: "Elections and Technological Development are important parts of the game."

I wish it were Victoria 3, but they said it's a new IP.
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