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ParentGaf OT: Birth, Bib and Beyond


Nah man, it's totally cool to figure out how the car seat base latches into the car. Oh man, did you see that thing snap in?!

What have I become.


What have I become.

A responsible parent. And don't worry, that is a good thing.

The "nesting" bug really never hit me as we just happened to move from an apartment to our current house when my wife was around 6 months pregnant. Needless to say, most of the moving was done by me. Once we were finally all moved in and the bug hit my wife, I was pretty much burnt out moving and setting stuff up. I'll admit it took a bit of "liquid motivation" to get my daughters nursery set up. Specifically, I think the crib took 3 beverages, the changing table 2, the dresser another 3, the slider only one, and the random assortment of decorations, and pictures just a couple.

Note that I didn't do all this on the same day. I would have been dead, or at the least, very, very drunk.
My nesting experience was kind of selfish. I had to move the office out of the second bedroom to the basement, because the second bedroom was becoming the nursery.

Sure, I assembled the nursery furniture and helped decorate the nursery, but most of my time and creative energy was spent absolutely pimping out my new basement office.


My nesting experience was kind of selfish. I had to move the office out of the second bedroom to the basement, because the second bedroom was becoming the nursery.

Sure, I assembled the nursery furniture and helped decorate the nursery, but most of my time and creative energy was spent absolutely pimping out my new basement office.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I did that as well. Even bought myself a shiny new TV for the mancave. However, the nursery was completed before I started pimping out the mancave. Which still needs quite a bit of work, actually.
parentGaf. Recommend me a swing.

I have like $500 in babiesrus money from our baby shower, and I think a nice rocker/swing type thing might be a good use of the money.

This looks nice but seems to rock left and right. Others rock front and back. Have any of you had good experience with any specific one? Let me know. I'll take your answer off the air.

I would just make sure which ever one you decide on that it can go side to side and front to back. Every baby is different.


Continuation from last week. My 6 month old son is at the allergist now with mom. Predictably, they tried to persuade her into getting a full barrage of tests for allergens. My wife stuck to her guns and said cows milk only as that's what our doc said.

I don't want to find out my child technically is allergic to something and have us worry over something that isn't that serious. Some parents here would probably want to know but there's not really a history of allergies in either of our families.


Cows milk allergy came back negative, but they want to try again in 3 months. Come on...starting to feel like this is a money grab.


I've felt that way about probably 70% of all the tests my son has had.

I hope I'm not coming off as a parent who's not willing to do what it takes to make sure his kid has the best of care, but I also feel that parents (for the most part) know their children and family history better than doctors do so they shouldn't feel guilted into making decisions.
Getting my 4 year-old to stay in bed is driving me CRAZY. Every night, somewhere between 12am and 3am, she's in waking me up. Never anything major, just "can you come put my sheets back on?"

She knows how to do it. She's done it before. But instead, my sleep gets fucked.

Sticker chart isn't working either. Sigh.
I hope I'm not coming off as a parent who's not willing to do what it takes to make sure his kid has the best of care, but I also feel that parents (for the most part) know their children and family history better than doctors do so they shouldn't feel guilted into making decisions.
I dunno, my niece is the only one in my entire extended family going back generations with a nut allergy. In terms of being guilted in to something, only you can allow that to happen. Stick to your guns with what you want for your child.


We just had our first visit to the doctor, first ultrasound, and we saw our baby for the first time. It's little heartbeat flickered in it's chest.

Holy shit, it's real. I'm going to be a father.


My son was born on 3/4. He is our first. Surreal experience but my wife was great. I definitely have a new respect for women after going through our pregnancy.

I just double checked, it's a $9,000 deductible and $12,900 out of pocket max.

holy crap

my deductible is $300 person / $600 family. Out of pocket max is $3000 / person and $6000 / family. We're still going to appointments and what not at the moment. My son hates to be changed or bathed. I find it hilarious the fit he throws

We just had our first visit to the doctor, first ultrasound, and we saw our baby for the first time. It's little heartbeat flickered in it's chest.

Holy shit, it's real. I'm going to be a father.

I remember that moment when I first heard the heart beat. It's a weird feeling, and it hits you that you're going to be a dad very soon :). Congrats man. Enjoy it and be there as much as you can for SO.
We just had our first visit to the doctor, first ultrasound, and we saw our baby for the first time. It's little heartbeat flickered in it's chest.

Holy shit, it's real. I'm going to be a father.


Did you get a chance to hear the heartbeat? I don't think I'll ever forget the sound of my baby's heart beat for the first time.

We just had our first visit to the doctor, first ultrasound, and we saw our baby for the first time. It's little heartbeat flickered in it's chest.

Holy shit, it's real. I'm going to be a father.

Yep! My wife and I just found out we're having a girl on Monday. It's our first.

I see the book recommendations in the OP cover the toddler/baby years, but are there any good parenting books out there for the years beyond that?
For those on formula what are you all using? We've been on enfamil gentlease and it turns his poops dark green (iron) and extremely loose. We tried the target brand of Similac sensitive and it constipated him pretty hardcore. Giving the gentlease a few more days and then considering trying Similac advance and work our way down to maybe the sensitive or total comfort. I don't want him on the sensitive versions with all the broken down proteins and stuff unless he needs it.

It's been a pain and trial and error. It's crazy how so much is the same in the formulas but the littlest changes in amounts of ingredients effects them.


For those on formula what are you all using? We've been on enfamil gentlease and it turns his poops dark green (iron) and extremely loose. We tried the target brand of Similac sensitive and it constipated him pretty hardcore. Giving the gentlease a few more days and then considering trying Similac advance and work our way down to maybe the sensitive or total comfort. I don't want him on the sensitive versions with all the broken down proteins and stuff unless he needs it.

It's been a pain and trial and error. It's crazy how so much is the same in the formulas but the littlest changes in amounts of ingredients effects them.

We started with Walmart brand similac, then real similac, now we're on similac sensitive. He's finally doing good but it is very expensive. When he switches to milk it's going to feel like we got a pay raise.

Keep in mind this is the biggest size and it's a powder that you mix 1 scoop per 2oz of water but this is the actual price.

Also our kid is a big eater (and a big kid) so he eats a ton of the stuff.

I know your pain. How long are you letting your baby be on one before switching it out?
We started with Walmart brand similac, then real similac, now we're on similac sensitive. He's finally doing good but it is very expensive. When he switches to milk it's going to feel like we got a pay raise.

Keep in mind this is the biggest size and it's a powder that you mix 1 scoop per 2oz of water but this is the actual price.

Also our kid is a big eater (and a big kid) so he eats a ton of the stuff.

I know your pain. How long are you letting your baby be on one before switching it out?
He has been on the enfamil pretty much consistently since he was born (6weeks old now). He got some really runny poops with some that looks like mucus that were hunter green and took him in and had him checked for a virus. They said they weren't sure but to go on soy for a few days to harden his poops which it worked and then to put him back on the enfamil. Sure enough green runny poops again. We then researched and had a sample of Similac sensitive and tried it, was on it a few days, hardened his poop some and then ran out since it was a small container. Then we figured we'd try the target equivalent since it was nearly identical and way cheaper but also the constipation came quick. We were on that for probably 4-5 days maybe. Pediatrician recommended stop the target brand and go back on the gentlease to see if the poops return to runny and green and give it a week and then we can eliminate that. Well it didn't take long. Poops came back green and runny. After looking online for gentlease and poop at images apparently that's the norm for some. Although now he seems to be spitting up more than normal too on it. So we are thinking on Monday or so going to Similac Advance and go from there. I read Similac doesn't use Palm olein which has been known to cause constipation. I'm curious to see how he does on a "normal" formula instead of all the broken down sensitive versions. I'm not even sure why they recommended a sensitive one right off the bat.

It's maddening to say the least. Just want the little guy to be getting the right balance. Every baby is different when it comes to that stuff.


He has been on the enfamil pretty much consistently since he was born (6weeks old now). He got some really runny poops with some that looks like mucus that were hunter green and took him in and had him checked for a virus. They said they weren't sure but to go on soy for a few days to harden his poops which it worked and then to put him back on the enfamil. Sure enough green runny poops again. We then researched and had a sample of Similac sensitive and tried it, was on it a few days, hardened his poop some and then ran out since it was a small container. Then we figured we'd try the target equivalent since it was nearly identical and way cheaper but also the constipation came quick. We were on that for probably 4-5 days maybe. Pediatrician recommended stop the target brand and go back on the gentlease to see if the poops return to runny and green and give it a week and then we can eliminate that. Well it didn't take long. Poops came back green and runny. After looking online for gentlease and poop at images apparently that's the norm for some. Although now he seems to be spitting up more than normal too on it. So we are thinking on Monday or so going to Similac Advance and go from there. I read Similac doesn't use Palm olein which has been known to cause constipation. I'm curious to see how he does on a "normal" formula instead of all the broken down sensitive versions. I'm not even sure why they recommended a sensitive one right off the bat.

It's maddening to say the least. Just want the little guy to be getting the right balance. Every baby is different when it comes to that stuff.
I feel you. You'll get it and he'll be feeling better. "This too shall pass" and all that good stuff. We also got the two sample cans from Similac. Good move on their part. The money's on the come back. I need to see if there are coupons.
For those on formula what are you all using?.

We used the Walmart sensitive formula for my daughter, and we've been using the Walmart gentle formula for my 11 week old son. No problems for either one and no constipation so far either. The longest my son has gone without pooping was almost two days, but thankfully he's been pretty regular. He usually poops once a day.
Pete is 4 weeks old today. Can't believe. Here he is enjoying a manicure.

3 week mark today~ I feel like I'm sleep-walking through life right now, but it's not so bad (yet). Almost cried today when I lost out on my 1 hour morning snooze window, though, when I woke up to the baby's tiny cry because the cat was relentlessly licking her head...

He was 6 pounds 15 oz when he was born and 20 inches long. He's got huge hands and feet but otherwise he's tiny.

Oh, close to Mia's size/weight. 6 lbs 7 oz, 20 inches. I thank all that's holy for a 6 lb-er baby. \[-_-]/

Pete is 4 weeks old today. Can't believe. Here he is enjoying a manicure.


I really need to do this again with mine. Those little nails are like razor blades...


He has been on the enfamil pretty much consistently since he was born (6weeks old now). He got some really runny poops with some that looks like mucus that were hunter green and took him in and had him checked for a virus. They said they weren't sure but to go on soy for a few days to harden his poops which it worked and then to put him back on the enfamil. Sure enough green runny poops again. We then researched and had a sample of Similac sensitive and tried it, was on it a few days, hardened his poop some and then ran out since it was a small container. Then we figured we'd try the target equivalent since it was nearly identical and way cheaper but also the constipation came quick. We were on that for probably 4-5 days maybe. Pediatrician recommended stop the target brand and go back on the gentlease to see if the poops return to runny and green and give it a week and then we can eliminate that. Well it didn't take long. Poops came back green and runny. After looking online for gentlease and poop at images apparently that's the norm for some. Although now he seems to be spitting up more than normal too on it. So we are thinking on Monday or so going to Similac Advance and go from there. I read Similac doesn't use Palm olein which has been known to cause constipation. I'm curious to see how he does on a "normal" formula instead of all the broken down sensitive versions. I'm not even sure why they recommended a sensitive one right off the bat.

It's maddening to say the least. Just want the little guy to be getting the right balance. Every baby is different when it comes to that stuff.

We went on to a low-lactose formula from breastfeeding this week. 9 week old and multiple runny turds a day has turned into one or two solids immediately. Ask your pediatrician about it?
Almost three, and so much more of a handful than her brother ever has been at any age. My god. I feel like I spend all day playing real-life Who's Your Daddy. But she's also so fun and funny (when I'm not tearing my hair out).



For those on formula what are you all using? We've been on enfamil gentlease and it turns his poops dark green (iron) and extremely loose. We tried the target brand of Similac sensitive and it constipated him pretty hardcore. Giving the gentlease a few more days and then considering trying Similac advance and work our way down to maybe the sensitive or total comfort. I don't want him on the sensitive versions with all the broken down proteins and stuff unless he needs it.

It's been a pain and trial and error. It's crazy how so much is the same in the formulas but the littlest changes in amounts of ingredients effects them.

Going through this now. We started with Similac Advance from the hospital, but that made him constipated. We went to Similac sensitive, but that wasn't too much better. Then we went to soy the last few days and it was clearly upsetting his stomach, and his diapers were runny. We then went to Nutramigen today after a recommendation. He may be soy and lactose sensitive. So far his diapers are a lot better and he's not nearly as squirmy. Hopefully this works.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Talking over some math puzzles with my boy last night:

"Dad, suppose you had five things and four of them were two oranges ..."

He's been coming out with gems like this since he was about two. Pro-tip for parents, keep a notebook to record the wit and wisdom of your youngsters - I wish I had.

Here's another one:

"Dad, what was it like in the olden days when you were alive?"

Mind you, he's 23 now and still doing it.


Almost three, and so much more of a handful than her brother ever has been at any age. My god. I feel like I spend all day playing real-life Who's Your Daddy. But she's also so fun and funny (when I'm not tearing my hair out).

Great pic - and I am in the same boat with my eldest. A definite personality developing, and some proper boundary-testing going on too, accentuated by a little jealously of the new'un.

My daughter was born on Saturday early am. She is my little angel.

2 days old

Aww congrats.

Already losing it. A second 2016 hospital trip is on the cards today.

:-( I hope you get the support and answers you need, and the love too.

Hello. I'm in the hospital with my wife right now. It's been about 16 hours of labor now.

Keep on going! Sweet rest and sleep awaits
hahahahahahaha no it doesn't :)


Kids come out with the craziest things yet they're often the smartest little nuggets and gems, too. I remember walking with my daughter up town, who was five at the time, and we saw a gay couple kissing. She looked at them, then me, then said how beautiful they are. Seriously. A five-year old coming out with that. Melted my heart.
My youngest is turning 10 on Sunday. It feels pretty weird to be in my early 30s and have my youngest child hitting a decade old when most people I know either don't have kids yet, or they're all under 5.

These next few years as my girls move into being teenagers should be...fun?

I'm hoping my almost 12 year old's promise that she will "not be a terrible teenager" holds.
Talking over some math puzzles with my boy last night:

"Dad, suppose you had five things and four of them were two oranges ..."

He's been coming out with gems like this since he was about two. Pro-tip for parents, keep a notebook to record the wit and wisdom of your youngsters - I wish I had.

Here's another one:

"Dad, what was it like in the olden days when you were alive?"

Mind you, he's 23 now and still doing it.

We've been documenting "Annie-isms" for a while now.

"I KNOW mom didn't go to the moon. She's not an astronaut. She's part mom, part lady. And part human. And part person."

"Does your hair hang low? Does it wobble like a fro?"

"Dada, what day is it?"
"It's Tuesday."
"When will it be Threesday?"
We've been documenting "Annie-isms" for a while now.

"I KNOW mom didn't go to the moon. She's not an astronaut. She's part mom, part lady. And part human. And part person."

"Does your hair hang low? Does it wobble like a fro?"

"Dada, what day is it?"
"It's Tuesday."
"When will it be Threesday?"
Last one sounds like something out of Dr. Seuss
I almost forgot there is a thread where I am free to turn into a silly dopey parent without anyone judging me! ^^

Last week was Hayato's 2nd birthday, so we got him a racetrack set for all of his toy cars.

On Sunday, my wife went to a friend's wedding so it was one of the rare instances where I had him to myself the whole day.
I decided to take him to the new Kyoto Pokemon Center to buy him some late birthday presents just from me and to hopefully have him meet one of the Pikachu mascots they trot out on occassion.

It was hard to get good videos since the store was so packed, but I did manage to get one good video showing his face light up as he pets Pikachu.

I let him pick some toys off the shelf at the store, and the lil guy is already proving he has good taste in Pokemans!

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