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ParentGaf OT: Birth, Bib and Beyond


Proud dad moment....

School sent home this letter the other week


My feminist side (father of 3 daughters, it's hard not to be sensitive!) sent me into a rage, was ready to go down the school and have a rant to the head teacher, but my wife talked me down.

Had a chat with my daughter, said she could wear whatever she wanted, it was her choice. So she decided to wear a suit with her sparkly shoes.

Very very proud of her, despite her knowing all her girl friends were wearing dresses, she had the confidence to do what she wanted.


Very very proud of her, despite her knowing all her girl friends were wearing dresses, she had the confidence to do what she wanted.

That is ridiculously awesome. I'm not sure what your political leanings are, and I apologize for making this a little political, but this story cheers me up: With that kind of gumption and take-no-prisoner attitude, maybe your daughter will be the first female President!


That is ridiculously awesome. I'm not sure what your political leanings are, and I apologize for making this a little political, but this story cheers me up: With that kind of gumption and take-no-prisoner attitude, maybe your daughter will be the first female President!

:) Don't blame you for looking for any positives you can at the moment... and despite us being a very left wing family (although I try not to instill my political thinking into my kids too much - Not that Betrys would listen to me even if I did :) ) and going to have to disappoint you and tell you we are from the UK.
Congrats Briareos, I hope in a few years we can be debt free too! Right now, besides the job thing, we are thinking of what to do in her first birthday, I mean, we won't make a party or something, but maybe we can make a cake or something? what did you guys did in the first birthday?

Thanks. My wife is an overachieving baker so IIRC she made chocolate lavender cupcakes and we had a huge spread from our favorite taqueria because fuck it we can get catering for once after surviving a year of raising a kid :p.


Proud dad moment....

School sent home this letter the other week

My feminist side (father of 3 daughters, it's hard not to be sensitive!) sent me into a rage, was ready to go down the school and have a rant to the head teacher, but my wife talked me down.

Had a chat with my daughter, said she could wear whatever she wanted, it was her choice. So she decided to wear a suit with her sparkly shoes.

Very very proud of her, despite her knowing all her girl friends were wearing dresses, she had the confidence to do what she wanted.

That's awesome!

My daughter is about as "girly" as you get, through no fault of my own, and I assume other girls at her daycare. I try to keep things as gender neutral as possible, but whatever she wants, I guess.


That's awesome!

My daughter is about as "girly" as you get, through no fault of my own, and I assume other girls at her daycare. I try to keep things as gender neutral as possible, but whatever she wants, I guess.

Yeah, def, very much this.
My middle one is very very girly, everything needs to be pink, plays with Barbie's etc.
But we've bought them up the same, so I'm not bothered


:) Don't blame you for looking for any positives you can at the moment... and despite us being a very left wing family (although I try not to instill my political thinking into my kids too much - Not that Betrys would listen to me even if I did :) ) and going to have to disappoint you and tell you we are from the UK.

Noooooooo! Well, I still find it very comforting to know there are confident and bold little girls out in the world!
Thanks. My wife is an overachieving baker so IIRC she made chocolate lavender cupcakes and we had a huge spread from our favorite taqueria because fuck it we can get catering for once after surviving a year of raising a kid :p.

Tacos and chocolate. Can I be your son too?


Sounds great, I'm gonna go look recipes of chocolate lavender, great idea
I can't believe it... the boys are 1 today! It's been such a ride this year, from dr visits to fights to late night diaper changes but in the end, my wife and I kept them alive, happy and healthy :D
It's been a while. It took a lot of courage to be able to face you folks again. Last we spoke, my wife and I were 8 (9?) weeks pregnant with our first child. After that, her and I went on vacation to see her parents. While we were in the area, we went for our 12 week ultrasound.
It was then that we discovered that the little one didn't have a heartbeat any longer. The doctor declared it a missed miscarriage. Less than a week later my wife had her D&C done. I had to return to work so I came home early, she's staying with her parents till the end of the month.

It was devastating to both of us. Never thought it would happen to us. However we have pretty much recovered. We've already reconfirmed our desire to have children so we won't let this stop us.

I thank everyone for being so positive in this thread, I've been lurking ever since the loss and it's always been able to cheer me up. For now, I'll duck out again. I'll be back though, you can be sure of it!

Best Regards.


So sorry to hear your sad news, UristMcDwarf. I haven't any words of wisdom but I admire the attitude that you and your wife have coming through the other side of what must've been an enormously upsetting time.

I share your optimism and firmly believe good things will come your way. Though we didn't experience miscarriage, we did have difficulty conceiving. My wife had a little picture in the bedroom with the quote 'Even miracles take a little time'. It might seem a little bit twee to some, but I think it kept us grounded and hopeful when things felt especially tough.

I'll be rooting for you and I can't wait for your good news when it comes.
It's been a while. It took a lot of courage to be able to face you folks again. Last we spoke, my wife and I were 8 (9?) weeks pregnant with our first child. After that, her and I went on vacation to see her parents. While we were in the area, we went for our 12 week ultrasound.
It was then that we discovered that the little one didn't have a heartbeat any longer. The doctor declared it a missed miscarriage. Less than a week later my wife had her D&C done. I had to return to work so I came home early, she's staying with her parents till the end of the month.

It was devastating to both of us. Never thought it would happen to us. However we have pretty much recovered. We've already reconfirmed our desire to have children so we won't let this stop us.

I thank everyone for being so positive in this thread, I've been lurking ever since the loss and it's always been able to cheer me up. For now, I'll duck out again. I'll be back though, you can be sure of it!

Best Regards.
Hang in there man, when you successfully have your first child you'll appreciate him/her that much more.


I thank everyone for being so positive in this thread, I've been lurking ever since the loss and it's always been able to cheer me up. For now, I'll duck out again. I'll be back though, you can be sure of it!

Sorry that you guys had to go through that. My wife and I did too a few years back, and it was at that point where we realized how common it is and yet how little people speak of miscarriage.


It's been a while. It took a lot of courage to be able to face you folks again. Last we spoke, my wife and I were 8 (9?) weeks pregnant with our first child. After that, her and I went on vacation to see her parents. While we were in the area, we went for our 12 week ultrasound.
It was then that we discovered that the little one didn't have a heartbeat any longer. The doctor declared it a missed miscarriage. Less than a week later my wife had her D&C done. I had to return to work so I came home early, she's staying with her parents till the end of the month.

It was devastating to both of us. Never thought it would happen to us. However we have pretty much recovered. We've already reconfirmed our desire to have children so we won't let this stop us.

I thank everyone for being so positive in this thread, I've been lurking ever since the loss and it's always been able to cheer me up. For now, I'll duck out again. I'll be back though, you can be sure of it!

Best Regards.

All the best, man.


There is this documentary series, that seems to be about development of kids on Netflix (at least in my region) called "The Beginning of Life".

HAs anyone here seen it? I started watching episode 1...nothing I didn't really know, but it's kinda neat and fascinating anyway.
so, hand foot mouth disease, not recommended for toddlers, or adults. :(

Damn. I got this over the summer. Doc said that they were seeing a lot more adults come down with it lately. Like it mutated and is affecting more people. It felt like a thousand ants biting my hands and feet for two days, terrible fever, and super painful to swallow. The blisters afterward made me feel like a leper!


Sorry that you guys had to go through that. My wife and I did too a few years back, and it was at that point where we realized how common it is and yet how little people speak of miscarriage.
This is very true. We had two that we are aware of. Miscarriages are very common and a lot of the time people aren't aware that they had them. It is odd how people don't talk about it. Stay strong, UMD.
My son's turing 2 soon. Wondering what would be some good instrumental toys for him.
Get him a guitar. They're never too young to play.

B Toys makes a bunch of nice music toys. You could also go with real instruments if you want. You can find harmonicas, bongos, ukuleles, xylophones, maracas, tamborines and more for under $50 and many often well under.


It's been a while. It took a lot of courage to be able to face you folks again. Last we spoke, my wife and I were 8 (9?) weeks pregnant with our first child. After that, her and I went on vacation to see her parents. While we were in the area, we went for our 12 week ultrasound.
It was then that we discovered that the little one didn't have a heartbeat any longer. The doctor declared it a missed miscarriage. Less than a week later my wife had her D&C done. I had to return to work so I came home early, she's staying with her parents till the end of the month.

It was devastating to both of us. Never thought it would happen to us. However we have pretty much recovered. We've already reconfirmed our desire to have children so we won't let this stop us.

I thank everyone for being so positive in this thread, I've been lurking ever since the loss and it's always been able to cheer me up. For now, I'll duck out again. I'll be back though, you can be sure of it!

Best Regards.

Sorry to hear that, mun.

Not much comfort, I know, but it's not uncommon, happens far more than you realise.

My wife and I tried for 9 or so months, then she fell pregnant and had a miscarriage at 11 weeks. We were surprised that when you told people the story at the number of people who said "yeah, we've been there"

It's shit and you'll probably struggle to see much light at the end of the tunnel at the moment, but that'll pass.
Hope the both of you stay strong
Ugh my 2 year old has ruined his sleep habit. He used to go to bed betwen 7 and 8 and sleep through the night and wake up between 6 and 8 the next day. Now he wakes up at 3 and starts crying. I put him back to sleep and he wakes up at 5, demanding milk. Then he sleeps again and wakes up at 7 or 8. Total ruin.

We tried everything. More milk before bed, less milk before bed, snacks, juice, water, solids, liquids, everything. Changing diet, sleep routine, etc. Cry it out, soothe. Changed diaper vs unchanged. Nothing works 😭


I thank everyone for being so positive in this thread, I've been lurking ever since the loss and it's always been able to cheer me up. For now, I'll duck out again. I'll be back though, you can be sure of it!

I'm sorry for your loss. You and your wife sound like awesome people, and we're pulling for you. Hoping for nothing but the best, and when you're ready, we'll be here.


Ugh my 2 year old has ruined his sleep habit. He used to go to bed betwen 7 and 8 and sleep through the night and wake up between 6 and 8 the next day. Now he wakes up at 3 and starts crying. I put him back to sleep and he wakes up at 5, demanding milk. Then he sleeps again and wakes up at 7 or 8. Total ruin.

We tried everything. More milk before bed, less milk before bed, snacks, juice, water, solids, liquids, everything. Changing diet, sleep routine, etc. Cry it out, soothe. Changed diaper vs unchanged. Nothing works 😭

Ahhhhhh, sleep. Always been a battle with us too. Two and a half year old. Occasionally sleeps through the night from about 8pm until 7am, but more often than not she'll wake up once overnight, summoning us with a "Mooooommiiiiiiiiieeeeeee!" or "Daaaaaaaaaddyyyyyyyy!" from the other room. Usually just wants a little milk and for one of us to rock her back to sleep. That habit is on us though, as she's always had one of us rock her to sleep, instead of us putting her into bed, and letting her fall asleep on her own.

Other parents I've spoken with said they've fallen into that trap as well, and that at a certain age they just didn't want to be rocked anymore. We've tried putting her down into bed on her own a few times, and once it even stuck for awhile until she got sick and just wanted to cuddle, sooooooo...back to the old habit.

I think your child is like ours, in that sometimes they just wake up overnight - especially since they seem to sleep well aside from that one waking. We're actually happy that ours is only waking up once, because for the longest time it was several times overnight, typically for an hour or more each waking. I'll admit I do keep forgetting that she's only two. Sleep training, like everything else takes time.


Ahhhhhh, sleep. Always been a battle with us too. Two and a half year old. Occasionally sleeps through the night from about 8pm until 7am, but more often than not she'll wake up once overnight, summoning us with a "Mooooommiiiiiiiiieeeeeee!" or "Daaaaaaaaaddyyyyyyyy!" from the other room. Usually just wants a little milk and for one of us to rock her back to sleep. That habit is on us though, as she's always had one of us rock her to sleep, instead of us putting her into bed, and letting her fall asleep on her own.

Other parents I've spoken with said they've fallen into that trap as well, and that at a certain age they just didn't want to be rocked anymore. We've tried putting her down into bed on her own a few times, and once it even stuck for awhile until she got sick and just wanted to cuddle, sooooooo...back to the old habit.

I think your child is like ours, in that sometimes they just wake up overnight - especially since they seem to sleep well aside from that one waking. We're actually happy that ours is only waking up once, because for the longest time it was several times overnight, typically for an hour or more each waking. I'll admit I do keep forgetting that she's only two. Sleep training, like everything else takes time.

We did sleep training routines early on (around 10-12 months) and insisted our kid sleep in their own room from 6 months.

First kid was relatively easy to train but used to always get up in the night as she got older. Fortunately it was easier to put her back as part of her routine was to play a particular album of lullaby music.

Second child was looked after a bit by my mum for a period and she insisted on using a baby wrap/carrier and he got used to that to sleep. Training was tougher. We also used milk in the middle of the night to sleep him which is a no-no. But eventually my wife put her foot down regarding the sleep training and while a bit tougher he took to it. It has been months of him never waking at all trough the night.

It's at the point of like if he does wake we don't even know what's we would do. Giving a milk would likely regress his habits and we don't even know what else would work lol

But yeah he's on one nap and usually exhausted by bedtime. Also he's in pitch black - he's got nothing else to do except sleep


Haven't checked in for a while but hi everyone, i know there are a few posters with due dates in january like ours is.

We've now decided on a name (Leo) but we're not telling anyone until he's born as i think it's much easier for people we know to give their unwanted opinion on it before he's actually born, but i can tell you guys :D

We also went to a parenting class last night which the NHS offer for free, it was ok, i'm hoping next week's a little more interesting, did anyone else do any sort of classes? and what do some of you guys wish you'd known before the birth?
We also went to a parenting class last night which the NHS offer for free, it was ok, i'm hoping next week's a little more interesting, did anyone else do any sort of classes? and what do some of you guys wish you'd known before the birth?

We did several weeks of classes but I'm not sure I could identify any one particular fact from them--it's really about the slow acculturation to the environment and expectation of the experience. Ours was a part of the hospital we had selected, so you get to tour the L/D facilities and the post-natal care rooms, etc.

In hindsight everything seems so uniquely specific about the experience I'm not sure there's anything we wish we did differently or had known a priori. Maybe get a bigger house earlier... with soundproofed walls...

Urist, condolences, as you've seen, it's very common, but a private grief that is usually only discussed when sharing your own experience. I'm not sure if that's particularly good or bad, but either way, I hope it's some solace to you that many of us have experienced it. Best of luck to you.


Haven't checked in for a while but hi everyone, i know there are a few posters with due dates in january like ours is.

We've now decided on a name (Leo) but we're not telling anyone until he's born as i think it's much easier for people we know to give their unwanted opinion on it before he's actually born, but i can tell you guys :D

We also went to a parenting class last night which the NHS offer for free, it was ok, i'm hoping next week's a little more interesting, did anyone else do any sort of classes? and what do some of you guys wish you'd known before the birth?

Is it short for Leonard or Leonardo, or will it officially just be "Leo"? Cool name though :)

We did ante-natal classes. I found it helped to give an idea for what was going to happen as much as any thing can actually prepare you. It was mostly about learning what the birth may Be like and informing us of possibilities.

As for actual parenting? Yeah not much can actually prepare you. Every kid is different and every parent is different. I know you will be highly nervous as a first-time parent in the "wtf am I supposed to do? What did I get myself into?!" Way, but rest assured ALL parents think like this beforehand and rapidly become experts on their kid ... because you kind of have to lol.

One of my favourite things is one of those PBF comics that show what you expect as a parents, including smelly nappies, no sleep for days ... and the joke was that it's much worse than that. No sleep for years! But it lends to something that is worthwhile thinking about in that whatever you expect, it's probably a good idea to expect worse and find out it's the so bad! But also realise that it's also amazing at the same time.

PrObably the most important thing to know beforehand is how much your life will change, especially in the short term. Be aware of the sacrifices you will likely make. Don't take what you have now, such as free time, and sleep etc for granted. Enjoy it and remember it! There are other adventures that lie ahead.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Haven't checked in for a while but hi everyone, i know there are a few posters with due dates in january like ours is.

We've now decided on a name (Leo) but we're not telling anyone until he's born as i think it's much easier for people we know to give their unwanted opinion on it before he's actually born, but i can tell you guys :D

We also went to a parenting class last night which the NHS offer for free, it was ok, i'm hoping next week's a little more interesting, did anyone else do any sort of classes? and what do some of you guys wish you'd known before the birth?

It's a long time since I did the parenting classes, but they were absolutely marvellous.

Nothing they could really do to prepare you for parenthood, because it is completely unpreparable for. But everything to do with meeting other people going through the same difficult bit of first-time parenthood. So feel free to ignore everything that passes for tuition and spend all your time befriending everybody else there - they'll all be useful in the months to come (and of course you will be useful to them).

It's been a while. It took a lot of courage to be able to face you folks again.

Best wishes Urist. It never goes away. I'm meeting my 74 year old aunt next week who had a similar experience fifty years back, and it is still right there for her. But, you know, it does kind of fade in perspective. But don't let anyone lead you to expect to just "get over it" - it just works out the way it works out, whatever that is.
Anyone have toddlers/Infants where they 'battle' with your pets?

My daughter who is 15 months LOVES to engage with our Yellow Lab. She brings him toys and then proceeds to try to take it away from him and it is a back and forth. Other times she will walk up to him and take his toy from him..and he would gently go and get it back. Its pretty amusing.


It's been a while. It took a lot of courage to be able to face you folks again. Last we spoke, my wife and I were 8 (9?) weeks pregnant with our first child. After that, her and I went on vacation to see her parents. While we were in the area, we went for our 12 week ultrasound.
It was then that we discovered that the little one didn't have a heartbeat any longer. The doctor declared it a missed miscarriage. Less than a week later my wife had her D&C done. I had to return to work so I came home early, she's staying with her parents till the end of the month.

It was devastating to both of us. Never thought it would happen to us. However we have pretty much recovered. We've already reconfirmed our desire to have children so we won't let this stop us.

I thank everyone for being so positive in this thread, I've been lurking ever since the loss and it's always been able to cheer me up. For now, I'll duck out again. I'll be back though, you can be sure of it!

Best Regards.

I am so, so sorry for your loss. I wish I could more than offer my thoughts and prayers. Love each other, hold that tight, and you'll get through this.


Had a hilariously awkward moment last night that made me install software on my kids phones that locked them after bed time.

My 13 year old sleeps down stairs. My husband and I are upstairs, watching something on history channel in bed at like, midnight, when suddenly, the chrome cast comes on. And starts casting some weird anime video with naked in the title.

It took us exactly two seconds to figure out what happened as we watched videos get frantically switched. Went downstairs and took his phone and said 'Hit the wrong button, did we?'

I just have to laugh about it, but I feel for him, that had to be fucking embarassing.
Had a hilariously awkward moment last night that made me install software on my kids phones that locked them after bed time.

My 13 year old sleeps down stairs. My husband and I are upstairs, watching something on history channel in bed at like, midnight, when suddenly, the chrome cast comes on. And starts casting some weird anime video with naked in the title.

It took us exactly two seconds to figure out what happened as we watched videos get frantically switched. Went downstairs and took his phone and said 'Hit the wrong button, did we?'

I just have to laugh about it, but I feel for him, that had to be fucking embarassing.

Holy shit haha, what have I got to come?

It could have been worse though I guess.


The boys got their first haircut today! Here they are at lunch before their pictures with Santa. Andrew first, Jacob on bottom.

They look great! My SO and I had some disagreement about letting ours get a haircut. We settled on just trimming the most unruly curls. :/

Proud father moment:


Filmed with an iPad, so apologies for quality.

Yup yup yup. Happened more than once with ours (and the same walker -- VTech has a dominant position in the kid's electronic accessory market, although I'd never heard of the company before having a baby).


It's been a while. It took a lot of courage to be able to face you folks again. Last we spoke, my wife and I were 8 (9?) weeks pregnant with our first child. After that, her and I went on vacation to see her parents. While we were in the area, we went for our 12 week ultrasound.
It was then that we discovered that the little one didn't have a heartbeat any longer. The doctor declared it a missed miscarriage. Less than a week later my wife had her D&C done. I had to return to work so I came home early, she's staying with her parents till the end of the month.

It was devastating to both of us. Never thought it would happen to us. However we have pretty much recovered. We've already reconfirmed our desire to have children so we won't let this stop us.

I thank everyone for being so positive in this thread, I've been lurking ever since the loss and it's always been able to cheer me up. For now, I'll duck out again. I'll be back though, you can be sure of it!

Best Regards.

Welcome back and know that although devastating, what you experienced is WAY more common than most people believe. I'm glad to hear you guys are going to try again and just remember to stay positive, the chances of complications the second time around are typically minimized. Best of luck to you both!


For our kids, we only use paracetamol when fever goes above 40 degrees celsius. 38, 39, we let it run its course. Depending on discomfort of the child, of course.


I'm having trouble sleeping. Keep checking his temp. Besides the fever and the moments he seems like he's checked out, nothing is different in his behavior. He doesn't seem to be in pain. I've poked and prodded every spot I could think of but he's not bothered. I hope the doctor is right and it will pass quickly. Man, what a difference a couple of degrees makes. Like you guys said, 101°, even 102°, you notice it but it's easy to file away. You check once or twice to follow up but you don't worry about it. 104° and it's like you can't even think straight.

How old is he?

I remember getting super worried about that kind of thing with our first child when they were really young. It's a good thing to worry.

And we certainly did. But after dozens and dozens of that kind of viral illness, it has become kind of "oh, fever is 39 degrees? eh, she seems ok, let her be."

104 farnehit (40 C) is our limit though, if it hits that we give a small dose of paracetamol. Our son (1.5 years), I don't think has ever even had paracetamol.


16 months.

Well, he's not really a baby so much. I guess you gotta listen to your doctor at some level.

Our daughter always got rashes and fevers. We would call a nurse hotline in the middle of the night. They always asked us if the kid was otherwise alert, drinking, etc. it seemed fine most of the time.

But of course, yeah, you don't want to be blasé that one time it's something more serious. Ultimately, you gotta listen to your parent instincts. You have to do you. If you turn to be over-worrying, better than under-worrying, I suppose.


Haven't checked in for a while but hi everyone, i know there are a few posters with due dates in january like ours is.

We've now decided on a name (Leo) but we're not telling anyone until he's born as i think it's much easier for people we know to give their unwanted opinion on it before he's actually born, but i can tell you guys :D

We also went to a parenting class last night which the NHS offer for free, it was ok, i'm hoping next week's a little more interesting, did anyone else do any sort of classes? and what do some of you guys wish you'd known before the birth?

Hey Joe. Think we're the same due date, right? Good choice of name - it's what we'll have as a middle name if we have a boy!

We're currently doing a private 6 week NCT course, which has been pretty good. 3 weeks in and it's covered the stages of labour, the hospital bag, methods of pain relief and basically everything to do with birth. This week will cover c-sections and then move into post-birth, I.e. the basics of looking after a newborn, which I'm especially interested in!

Aside from the learning, it's been good to be in a group with 6 other couples. It means the women will have a mini friend/support network when they're on mat leave, which I think is as valuable as the course itself. We're also going to do the one day NHS course since it's offered and it doesn't hurt to revise what you've learnt!

As for other matters, I think we're as prepared as we can be. Nursery is done, almost everything is bought and washed and the hospital bag is packed! I mean, I'll never feel ready, but it's good to know we're as prepared as we can be for now.

This is a snippet of the nursery. We're chuffed at how it turned out.



Hey Joe. Think we're the same due date, right? Good choice of name - it's what we'll have as a middle name if we have a boy!

We're currently doing a private 6 week NCT course, which has been pretty good. 3 weeks in and it's covered the stages of labour, the hospital bag, methods of pain relief and basically everything to do with birth. This week will cover c-sections and then move into post-birth, I.e. the basics of looking after a newborn, which I'm especially interested in!

Aside from the learning, it's been good to be in a group with 6 other couples. It means the women will have a mini friend/support network when they're on mat leave, which I think is as valuable as the course itself. We're also going to do the one day NHS course since it's offered and it doesn't hurt to revise what you've learnt!

As for other matters, I think we're as prepared as we can be. Nursery is done, almost everything is bought and washed and the hospital bag is packed! I mean, I'll never feel ready, but it's good to know we're as prepared as we can be for now.

This is a snippet of the nursery. We're chuffed at how it turned out.


Looks great! you're on the home stretch now....to the beginning of a whole new life.


Hey Joe. Think we're the same due date, right? Good choice of name - it's what we'll have as a middle name if we have a boy!

We're currently doing a private 6 week NCT course, which has been pretty good. 3 weeks in and it's covered the stages of labour, the hospital bag, methods of pain relief and basically everything to do with birth. This week will cover c-sections and then move into post-birth, I.e. the basics of looking after a newborn, which I'm especially interested in!

Aside from the learning, it's been good to be in a group with 6 other couples. It means the women will have a mini friend/support network when they're on mat leave, which I think is as valuable as the course itself. We're also going to do the one day NHS course since it's offered and it doesn't hurt to revise what you've learnt!

As for other matters, I think we're as prepared as we can be. Nursery is done, almost everything is bought and washed and the hospital bag is packed! I mean, I'll never feel ready, but it's good to know we're as prepared as we can be for now.

This is a snippet of the nursery. We're chuffed at how it turned out.
Yeah Jan 17th we're due?

That's the same course as we're doing, and i think it's been decent so far, we've only just finished the second one (all about labour and what to expect, pain relief etc.). Met a few nice couples there which is good.

The nursery looks great, and really similar to the type of thing we went for actually!!

The image comes up really big if i tag it for some reason, but here's the link to the imgur thing



Yeah Jan 17th we're due?

That's the same course as we're doing, and i think it's been decent so far, we've only just finished the second one (all about labour and what to expect, pain relief etc.). Met a few nice couples there which is good.

The nursery looks great, and really similar to the type of thing we went for actually!!

The image comes up really big if i tag it for some reason, but here's the link to the imgur thing


17th January, yep. Nursery looks fab, great job.

Wife's just having a check up this morning on some scar tissue on her back. It may mean she can't have an epidural which is daunting in one sense, but also a slight relief to us both if the choice is taken out of our hands - one less thing to think and second guess about.
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