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ParentGaf OT: Birth, Bib and Beyond

Quick story, my 6 month old plays with my Apple Watch on my wrist. He likes to take his chubby finger and flick the screen and make stuff move. Well my cousin was holding him yesterday, she has a normal watch on, he was flicking her watch with his finger and getting frustrated it didn't do anything. What have I done? lol
My one year old will do the same with phones and tablets. He actually managed to unlock my phone once and started moving my icons all over the place; I don't know how he pulled that one off.


My daughter just hit 18 months and she is able to turn on our battleworn kindle fire and launch the Daniel Tiger app then get to the section that lets her draw. Im pretty sure I couldn't do anything like that at 18 months myself. Not saying she's a genius or anything but how intuitive UI design and touch screens are is crazy.

Not sure if anyone else is having this go around their area but we've had waves of sickness hitting our daycare and based on how busy my daughter's doctor's office has been maybe the region. My daughter has been sick for almost two weeks, multiple urgent care visits, multiple doctors visits and multiple non-conclusive tests. Its pretty rough but our doctor said she should turn the corner by Friday.

I remember when I used to wish I had the time chamber from dragon ball to play games, now I just want it to sleep...
Mia passed the one year mark the other day, and I was just marveling how much they change from the tiny red grubs they are when they came out. We haven't had pics in a while, so how about everyone's "Then --> Now" ?


My daughter just hit 18 months and she is able to turn on our battleworn kindle fire and launch the Daniel Tiger app then get to the section that lets her draw. Im pretty sure I couldn't do anything like that at 18 months myself. Not saying she's a genius or anything but how intuitive UI design and touch screens are is crazy.

I had the exact same impression with my first child. Taking our iPad and opening apps or swiping through family pictures.
We had our first call from the school counselor yesterday. I suppose it was just a matter of time.

My 12 year old was apparently drawing things that "alarmed" another student. So we had to have a discussion about what things are okay to draw or talk about in school, even though I absolutely acknowledge the absurdity of it.


We had our first call from the school counselor yesterday. I suppose it was just a matter of time.

My 12 year old was apparently drawing things that "alarmed" another student. So we had to have a discussion about what things are okay to draw or talk about in school, even though I absolutely acknowledge the absurdity of it.

What was the drawing of? That was me as a kid. I'd "invent" futuristic weapons and stuff. Harmless kid stuff.
We had our first call from the school counselor yesterday. I suppose it was just a matter of time.

My 12 year old was apparently drawing things that "alarmed" another student. So we had to have a discussion about what things are okay to draw or talk about in school, even though I absolutely acknowledge the absurdity of it.

'Alarmed' another student? So weird. I had no idea they monitored such stuff. As I kid I drew all kinds of questionable stuff. I was really into skulls and weapons at one point, I recall. I'd just chalk it up to a good imagination. Unless it's Sonic fanart. :)

One year later.


Taken during that Asian tradition where you lay it a bunch of stuff and see what they grab.

See you on GAF in 12 years, son.

D'aww. I love how properly he just sits there. Definitely a future Gaffer. Question is, will he have good taste and play Suikoden?
What was the drawing of? That was me as a kid. I'd "invent" futuristic weapons and stuff. Harmless kid stuff.

I think someone was being beheaded. My daughter does draw and think about a lot of morbid stuff, but she's just that kind of person. She's got a very imaginative mind, and an increasingly strong talent for expressing it visually.

Like, she did this a few weeks back:

I'm 100% willing to go to bat for her when this kind of thing happens, but we did have a talk about content appropriate for school and all that. So we'll see.
His old man didn't make it a PlayStation controller for nothing! =)


Our community had their annual Easter Egg Hunt today, we arrived less than ten minutes late and they were already done. Our daughter was so excited for it and it was over. She was able to get her picture taken with the Easter Bunny they had and was finding eggs in a little area they had set aside for smaller kids and refilled just for her when a bunch of five and six year olds showed up and found them all before she could. Should six year olds even be allowed to Easter egg hunt? Can't they get a job and buy their own damn eggs? I'm kidding...kind of
Am I the only one that doesn't like anyone else's kids? I mean seriously I can count on like one hand the kids I like that aren't mine or related to me. God forbid another child does anything against mine, I've had to consciously stop talking about a kid at our daughters preschool that I dislike around her because in my eyes she snubbed my daughter. I realize, it sounds crazy, but damnit my daughter is fucking awesome that other little girl needs to get over herself.

It's not just you. I don't dislike other people's kids, exactly, but I never know what to do with them. They just don't hold any interest for me. The parents, on the other hand... I'm always trying to give them the 'nod', like we've fought in the same war together or something. Great pic, btw. Love that they're both wearing the same devious smile.

two hours

twenty months

Nice. Really cool shots. Your boy can seriously rock a hat. You can see the evolution way more than I see in Mia's. And did you take those pics, Red? They look really professional.

14 hours

16 months

D'aww. All snugged up and then free and loving the rain. His 14 hours vs. 16 months really follows, but I see some changes too. Definitely one of the coolest things about this is seeing how they fill out and develop, huh?


Has anyone here adopted before? My wife and I are currently going through the process of adopting in the foster care system. Adopting a new born is insanely expensive so we passed on that. We tried to conceive naturally for 5 years but it wouldn't work, and we also tried medications and two UIU's but nothing worked. So the only thing after that is IVF, which is over $15K and not a guarantee. So we decided to adopt instead.

We are adopting a 9 year old boy from the state of Texas, we are in Florida. This process for us started in March 2016 when we took the adoption courses which I believe took 6 weeks to complete. After that it was 8 months of background work before we were approved to be eligible to adopt a child. After that we could began to inquire about children eligible for adoption. We inquired about dozens of children all over the country and ended up getting matched with a few kids. We then had to decide which kid we thought would be best for us and then moved ahead. We now have received all of his paperwork, basically his life story, and have the intent to adopt form. The shit this kid went through and the train wreck parents that he had (meth, alcohol, physical, and mental abuse) is just heart breaking. Once we sign the intent to adopt form, his therapist will then start talking about being adopted (he has no idea yet). They will then introduce us to him with a photo album that they asked us to make and slowly we can start communicating with him. If all goes as planned, we can fly over and June for a visit and then he would move here in July.

If anyone's ever adopted before or has gone through this process, any piece of advice would be extremely helpful. Thanks parent-gaf!


I don't know if I have posted in this thread before, but my daughter turned 3 back at the end of February. Here's her with my brother's new puppy:


She's great, obviously. We sometimes struggle with the fact that she is very advanced developmentally (especially in terms of language and problem solving), but a regular 3 year old emotionally. You want to treat her like she's older, but then you get the toddler fits and stubbornness.
Ok, I don't usually post in here, but my family and I are currently on our first trip "without help" (no nana or grandparents). And I wanted to post some of our trials and tribulations as we navigate a road trip with 3 under 5 ( 4yr old, 2 yr old, and 8 month old all boys)

Well, our trip started with an entire day in the car, before kids the wife and I could make it overnight in 13 hrs. We would stop only for bathroom and eating and really get through it. Kids stopped all that, from the inevitable "I need to go potty" as we are passing by an exit, to just having to call it a night south of atlanta (wife was afraid I would fall asleep at the wheel, and I wasn't about to argue). Lots of stops, and it literally took an entire day, we left at 6pm local time and got in at 6pm local time the next day.

The first day was the beach, and it drastically changed our expectations of our trip. I never expected our oldest to be so afraid of the ocean and uninterested the sand, especially since he loves digging at the local sand pits at home. Our middle child loves the ocean to splash up on him and the sand. Of course at the pool it's completely the opposite, my oldest is like a fish and we can't hardly get him out (with the sole exception of him being very good about no potty in the pool). My middle child does not like the pool he can't stand in, but tolerates the kiddy pool since he can stand in it. My youngest is kind of along for the ride, but at 8 months One can't expect anything different. Sea breeze and sun has been good for his cradle cap though.

On Tuesday we did Legoland, and our oldest had a blast! He went on his first rollercoaster and had so much fun building, riding and playing (though he definitely let us know that "next time lets not ride on the Soaking water boat ride". We were kind of surprised at how little our middle child could do "on his own". Since it was billed as a "younger child" park, we figured there was a lot of stuff he could do, and there is, but every ride his older brother could ride that he couldn't just caused problems. Very glad kids under 3 are free, even happier that McDonald's gave away free legoland children tickets when the lego batman movie came out.

Everyone is having a ton of fun so far, here are some photos!https://imgur.com/gallery/2R4tp
Going through a rough time and it may...No, IS...Selfish but it is what it is.

Wife and I found out in February that we are having our third child. We were shocked. My wife , I think, snapped out of it and I'm still drowning in depression over it. I didn't want a third child, hell I barely qualify for the two daughters I have. Two days ago we found out it will be a boy. Nothing. Been angry all day. Snapping at the wife and girls. The floor of comments on Facebook with the bullshit "OH CONGRATS ! GROOVY MUST BE HAPPY HE FINALLY HAS HIS BOY". Fuck people and their Neanderthal traditions.

I hope I snap out of it because things were looking up for me on a number of fronts . Still are but...I don't want to even excuse how I feel but I'm just not happy at all.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Going through a rough time and it may...No, IS...Selfish but it is what it is.

Wife and I found out in February that we are having our third child. We were shocked. My wife , I think, snapped out of it and I'm still drowning in depression over it. I didn't want a third child, hell I barely qualify for the two daughters I have. Two days ago we found out it will be a boy. Nothing. Been angry all day. Snapping at the wife and girls. The floor of comments on Facebook with the bullshit "OH CONGRATS ! GROOVY MUST BE HAPPY HE FINALLY HAS HIS BOY". Fuck people and their Neanderthal traditions.

I hope I snap out of it because things were looking up for me on a number of fronts . Still are but...I don't want to even excuse how I feel but I'm just not happy at all.

We went through exactly the same thing after having two daughters. The day we found out the third was a boy we both sat in quiet tears, at opposite ends of the house - each not wanting to show the other how upset we were. I really don't know what it was triggered it, for me perhaps it was *fear* of bringing up a boy - worried me sick.

Twenty-something years on and our son is maybe the nicest, most fun, most chilled-out person I've ever met and I'm so proud of him.

I still feel a bit ashamed of my initial reaction way back then, and wish I could understand it better.

EDIT: We didn't really snap out of it until the moment he was born. At that point he wasn't "a boy" but an individual - than everything was fine.


Going through a rough time and it may...No, IS...Selfish but it is what it is.

Wife and I found out in February that we are having our third child. We were shocked. My wife , I think, snapped out of it and I'm still drowning in depression over it. I didn't want a third child, hell I barely qualify for the two daughters I have. Two days ago we found out it will be a boy. Nothing. Been angry all day. Snapping at the wife and girls. The floor of comments on Facebook with the bullshit "OH CONGRATS ! GROOVY MUST BE HAPPY HE FINALLY HAS HIS BOY". Fuck people and their Neanderthal traditions.

I hope I snap out of it because things were looking up for me on a number of fronts . Still are but...I don't want to even excuse how I feel but I'm just not happy at all.

I think a lot of people get that, just you never hear about it because its "wrong" to have that feeling. You'll also then be reminded of the guilt forever in your own head, which again seems to just be part of the job.

My wife and I had specifically been trying to get pregnant and managed it in very quick fashion, but for the first 3-4 weeks after finding out she just wasn't right. I just did what I could to get her through it.
Thank you, both. My problems are miniscule compared to the struggle others here have posted about but I'm glad to know one is never alone in a challenge. Phisheep, I do not doubt the joy that will be felt once the little man arrives.

Thanks again to you both. Will drop in with updates


Just caught my 18 month old son with both arms in the toilet after my 4 year old daughter peed in it and didn't flush. Instant bath time for him.

Also time to get a toilet seat lock.
Going through a rough time and it may...No, IS...Selfish but it is what it is.

Wife and I found out in February that we are having our third child. We were shocked. My wife , I think, snapped out of it and I'm still drowning in depression over it. I didn't want a third child, hell I barely qualify for the two daughters I have. Two days ago we found out it will be a boy. Nothing. Been angry all day. Snapping at the wife and girls. The floor of comments on Facebook with the bullshit "OH CONGRATS ! GROOVY MUST BE HAPPY HE FINALLY HAS HIS BOY". Fuck people and their Neanderthal traditions.

I hope I snap out of it because things were looking up for me on a number of fronts . Still are but...I don't want to even excuse how I feel but I'm just not happy at all.

my wife and I were completely surprised when we found out we were pregnant with our third, shocked was an understatement. I passed out at the news. The anger came and went, off and on until the day my third got here. Stay strong! You can do this!


I don't have any relevant anecdotes, but I hope your sister, her baby, and your family (yourself included) get through this okay.
Update: When she got to the hospital her blood pressure was higher than 200/100 they gave her something to stabilize it and since she was fully dilated said they would let her deliver naturally but my mom called me ten minutes ago and said that they're doing a C-section. That my sister is awake and somewhat coherent she just kept asking them to help her.
Hope all goes well, c-sec is super quick so it should be over soon.
Red> I sure hope you're a photographer by trade, then, or else your talent is wasted. Great pics.

1 week (he has more hair then than now:

13 months (frog for size reference):

Another one who rocks the hats. :) Mine always tries to tear them off. Love the frog reference idea. Another friend is doing that too. Wish I'd made more effort for stuff like that. Really cute.

I don't know if I have posted in this thread before, but my daughter turned 3 back at the end of February. Here's her with my brother's new puppy:


She's great, obviously. We sometimes struggle with the fact that she is very advanced developmentally (especially in terms of language and problem solving), but a regular 3 year old emotionally. You want to treat her like she's older, but then you get the toddler fits and stubbornness.

Welcome, and she does have a devious, precocious look about her. :)

Leo at one month

3 months

He's so great <3

Leo's looking great, Joe. Seems super chill~

Going through a rough time and it may...No, IS...Selfish but it is what it is.

Wife and I found out in February that we are having our third child. We were shocked. My wife , I think, snapped out of it and I'm still drowning in depression over it. I didn't want a third child, hell I barely qualify for the two daughters I have. Two days ago we found out it will be a boy. Nothing. Been angry all day. Snapping at the wife and girls. The floor of comments on Facebook with the bullshit "OH CONGRATS ! GROOVY MUST BE HAPPY HE FINALLY HAS HIS BOY". Fuck people and their Neanderthal traditions.

I hope I snap out of it because things were looking up for me on a number of fronts . Still are but...I don't want to even excuse how I feel but I'm just not happy at all.

I know a couple of people that kind of went through the same thing. You're definitely not alone there. It must be a helluva shock, and while I know it'll pass eventually, what you're feeling isn't wrong. It's scary and not what you guys wanted at all. You don't have to try and force yourself to be happy because it's what you're 'supposed' to feel. You guys'll adapt and you'll love him when he comes, but don't tie yourselves in knots about the early feelings. Just deep breath and try and cut each other some slack, do some things that you both enjoy, etc.

Soulfire> Sorry to hear about everything. Sending good thoughts your family's way.


Last Update (I promise): My sister had her third CT scan today and they're moving her from the ICU down to the high risk maternity area. The brain bleed was smaller than it was yesterday and they've taken her off the super powerful pain drugs and down to Percocet. Because they did a contrast CT scan she had to take something and wasn't able to breastfeed so she's been pumping, so far her milk hasn't come in which is normal considering everything that's going on. I've been able to provide breastmilk though so I'm pretty happy about that, getting to be useful. I got to see her last night and she was really out of it, the drugs and she was exhausted, it was shocking at first but once I got use to it, she didn't seem as bad as I had imagined.
I'm concerned how she's going to cope emotionally once she's actually able to think again. She really wanted a home birth and everything she didn't want to happen did, if her milk continues to be an issue it might make things worse. She's normally pretty logical but she's hormonal so I don't know how she's going to react. No one in the family is going to bring up the fact that none of this would have happened if she'd gone to a doctor, we'll probably give her a few months/years before we let her know how terrified we all were.
The 15th was easily the worst day of my life, which only says good things about my life, but I feel like I've aged ten years. I want to be home with my husband, but I don't want to leave until she's at home, also not looking forward to another 12 hour car ride.


Our daughter has been going back to crying at night. She's 22 months at this point and had not cried before bed since she was maybe 6 months old...Not sure what the reason is. Has this happened to anyone else?

Also, her vocabulary has exploded and her desire to eat sweets is insane. She's had maybe 5 small bites of chocolate in her life but it's all she talks about!



I can't believe my son turned 6 last year. Looking at all the baby pictures on this page, it's hard to believe he was ever that small.

Breaks my heart that I don't get to see him as much as I'd like (he lives in a different state). I'm going to have him for the summer and he's looking forward to playing Breath of the Wild with me.

Enjoy the time when they're babies, it goes by way, way to fast. Next thing you know, your kid will be telling you on April Fool's Day that your not his dad (my son is a bit of a smart ass).


Logan has like no sense of self preservation. Every day is a struggle to prevent whatever self-harm he seeks next. We still have to cut his food into tiny pieces because he shoves so much into his mouth at once. Multiple times now he's swallowed so much he's stopped breathing, and I've had to forcibly remove whatever was stuck in his throat. He routinely gags himself with anything he can stick down the back of his throat. Crayons, markers, forks, spoons, straws. He's done this since the first time he was able to grab something and pull it toward his face. What's the appeal? We converted his crib to a toddler bed two weeks ago, and he spent the whole first night doing bellyflops onto the ground. He spontaneously falls backwards like it's some kind of game, on hardwood, blacktop, concrete... it's exhausting just trying to keep him alive.

He still intentionally hits his head against objects. Walls, floors, the corners of tables and chairs. I wonder if he is seeking pain, like he has to explore what each thing feels like when he slams his forehead into it. It's still so hard to get anything done at home, because he can't be trusted on his own. I mean I can't even vaccuum a 10x10 block of kitchen before he's smacking himself into the oven or trying to pull knives off the countertop. I love him but his behavior is ridiculous. I know it is developmentally appropriate for toddlers to explore, and that they can't be expected to have the skill or coordination to always safely navigate their environment. But he's purposefully seeking ways to hurt himself. It seems like this goes beyond normal toddler recklessness.

A lot of our child proofing is already obsolete. He knows how to unlock the magnetic drawer latches—and if he can't reach the magnet, he just grabs a handle and falls backwards so the thing opens anyway. He's broken two locks this way already. Our stair gates claimed to work for children up to 3 years. One of them he can open on his own, and another he can climb halfway over already.

Anyone else struggle with this? He's 21 months now. How long does it keep up?

I have a son who is similar age to Logan. He's also a bit of a handful in regards to just getting into trouble, but probably not as bad. He will touch and play with everything.

UNlike his older sister at the same age, who learnt to navigate staircases by going backwards for safety, he just steps off steps and hopes to land safely on the next one down, no matter the height. Obviously he needs to learn that falling hurts but yeah, not gonna let him step off a 3 foot drop at a playground, so he constantly needs (and i mean like 100%) attention when he's free roaming. He runs around and has already hurt himself a bunch.

I don't know if there's a rule to when that stops - every kid is different. Some kids sort of never really get out of that self-preservation safety thing for a while I hear. Part of it is just them being kids - my 5 year old is really good but will sometimes lose attention and be unaware of things around her.


That sounds awful man I'm sorry. My daughter has started in tantrems hard(18 months) but no deception or intentional hurting of herself as of yet.

Hopefully it's just a phase but if you're worried you may want to talk to a doctor or search for more information.


Our first is due on July 16. This has been a long, hard, road for us after the miscarraige at the end of 20015 and start of 2016. The bills from that, the emotions, struggle to finally get pregnant again, all of it. But now, here we are, my wife is now at 29 weeks and our baby girl is absolutely perfect. We had our final HD/4D ultrasound that we paid extra for and it just blew us away. I can't even imagine how perfect everything is now, it's amazing. We can't wait.



4D ultrasounds are amazing. Our technician squealed at ours because it was the clearest one she had ever taken. The clinic even asked us if they could use it in their promotional material.



Our pediatric practice had such a blase attitude towards dental care (just give a few swipes with a training toothbrush or finger with a dallop of non-flouride toothpaste; dentist visits unnecessary until age 3) that we never gave it much thought.

However, a couple weeks ago I noticed plaque and decay near our almost-two-year-old's upper front teeth's gumline and made an appointment with the dentist . Given our LO's age (and inability to sit still), the dentist was unable to conduct a thorough investigation, but stated that caries/cavities were present; treatment could be range from fillings/bonding to root canals/pulpotomies to extraction, depending on the extent of the damage. In any case, the work would have to be done under full anesthesia at a local hospital. We were initially scheduled for a first opening in July (!), but thanks to a cancellation, we were able to reschedule for last Thursday.

Anesthesia is always scary, but the procedure went pretty smoothly and we were fortunate that the decay was treatable with the least intensive option (bondings/fillings). We don't have real dental insurance (our health insurance covers checkups/cleanings only), so we're paying several thousand out of pocket (in addition to the days lost and trauma to our child).

The moral of the story, if there is one, is to take care of your infant's teeth. Use toothpaste WITH flouride and don't let your child nurse to sleep once teeth come in (if you must, make sure to thoroughly clean all the way up through the gums immediately after). Also, schedule a dental visit early.

Of course, our kid still hates brushing, especially by the top front gumline. :/
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