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Paris must of had fun at that sony party

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Disorderly Conduct
Paris and Nick under pressure? Plus, which pregnant star passed out?

by Kat Giantis
MSN Entertainment
July 7, 2004

For those hopeless romantics out there who thought Paris Hilton and Nick Carter spent their days serenading each other with songs from the Backstreet Boys catalog, downing Cristal, and rolling around naked in her millions, you may be in for a nasty surprise. The New York Daily News reports the publicity-dependant reality star and the paunchy popstser were spied squabbling during the holiday weekend as they hit several promotional events in the Hamptons.


click the link for teh full story



Not only has this news effected the gaming world, but it has also seriously changed my priorities & values in life. Thank You!


Banstick Emeritus
Never mind that, here's the real story:
Britney Just Says No to Prenup
You know what makes us sad? When a celebrity becomes so pitiable that we feel guilty being snarky. That's no fun for us, and it's no fun for you. Still, we'd be remiss if we didn't bring you the latest bad decision by Britney Spears, whose dizzying downward spiral may soon require Dramamine. According to the Star (via the New York Post), the pop tartlet, 22, has decided her love for dancer Kevin Federline (and by "dancer," we mean "guy whose beach physique suggests he's been hoofing it to the fridge") is so pure, they don't need no stinkin' prenup.

Given Britney's marital track record, that means a good chunk of her estimated $100 million fortune could one day end up in the pockets of her future hubby's uber-baggy pants -- plenty of dough to keep him in trucker hats and Slim Jims for life. The mag claims Spears' parents have implored her to reconsider her decision, but their pleas have so far fallen on deaf ears. "This is my life, let me live it," Britney reportedly screamed at her mother, Lynne.

The singer, purportedly still recovering from knee surgery, is said to have shelled out $40,000 for the 5-carat engagement ring she shows off in People. As she tells the magazine, "I wake up in the morning, look at that ring and think, 'Very cool.'" In Touch believes the nuptials could take place as early as next month, with Spears leaning towards a traditional white wedding. Insert snark here.


The United States just handed over soverignity in Iraq, there is presidential election this year, Al Qaida is plotting to nuke an American city, Al Greenspan just raised interest rates for the first time in four years, but holy God Mary Kate Olsen is a cokehead and Britney Spears is getting married.
Wolfy said:
The United States just handed over soverignity in Iraq, there is presidential election this year, Al Qaida is plotting to nuke an American city, Al Greenspan just raised interest rates for the first time in four years, but holy God Mary Kate Olsen is a cokehead and Britney Spears is getting married.

And I'm sure there are other threads dealing with those VERY subjects.


Wolfy said:
The United States just handed over soverignity in Iraq, there is presidential election this year, Al Qaida is plotting to nuke an American city, Al Greenspan just raised interest rates for the first time in four years, but holy God Mary Kate Olsen is a cokehead and Britney Spears is getting married.

Where's that old "A nation longs to worry about stupid shit again" picture?
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